《Going Back to You (A Madara Uchiha fanfiction)》Chapter 8- Feelings


~~~~~Chapter 8- Feelings~~~~~

Madara's POV

I opened my eyes as I watched her walk to the bathroom, and I sighed while placing a hand on my forehead. Why can't I be honest with her? Pathetic! I, Madara Uchiha, can't even make one woman be mine?! I guess that's why she's so different. She doesn't fear me. She didn't even know me before our meeting. I want her. I want to crush every man that dared to even take a look at her! I want to make her mine...

I was awake that time, that time when I pulled her down to me and kissed her. I wanted to do it again. I woke up before she even did. I couldn't sleep, seeing her so close to me like that. She looked so innocent and so fragile like a feather, and yet she's not. She's stronger than how she looks like. Maybe that is what attracted me to her.

Sighing, I went out of the room to find Izuna standing there with a panicked look. "Nii-san, I'm sorry to interrupt your moment with Nao-san, but it seems that we're under attack!" he said.

My eyes widened, and I got my battle armor and usual outfit on immediately. He began explaining the situation as we went into the courtyard where the fighting was taking place. Tch! I made a fireball and wiped out a row of 10 enemies who were caught off-guard instantly.

Nao's POV

I got snapped out of my thoughts as I heard a large explosion from the courtyard. I immediately got out my usual ninja outfit and some weapons and ran to the fighting scene. My eyes widened as a shinobi was about to stab Madara's back since he was busy fighting another guy.

I got out a kunai and threw it, deflecting the guy's sword as I rushed in and kicked him in the face, knocking him out. I looked at Madara and saw a surprised look on his face. I smirked. "You shouldn't be caught off guard, Madara-kun!" I mocked as we fought back to back, supporting each other.

"Stop calling me that!" he said as he punched an enemy while kicking another one. "I could've defended myself from that weakling."

Multi-tasking, I see. "C'mon, give me the spotlight for a second." I made an earth style jutsu, and it pierced multiple enemy ninjas.

"I thought they didn't have any earth style ninjas!" the leader, I presume, glared at his comrade.

"But leader-sama!" he protested.

I smirked. "It seems your information is outdated," I said while preparing for another jutsu.

But suddenly, Madara attacked the remaining enemies so gracefully, he looked as if he's dancing! I sweatdropped at him and groaned while pointing at him as if accusing him of doing a crime.


"Madara! I was supposed to beat them!"

"You were slow," he said bluntly.

I popped an anime vein then Izuna appeared beside him.

"Lovers' quarrel, I see." I pouted as he continued. "And just a while ago, the two of you were making out so intimately in bed."

I blushed deeply as he said that. "We were not!" I denied while popping another anime vein at Madara who smirked. "I knew he was only playing with me," I muttered under my breath,careful not to let him hear me. "I'm going back," I let them know. I still had not finished what I was doing in the bathroom, after all.

I was on my way to the dinner table when I stopped to see Madara talking to a woman I've never seen before from afar. I frowned. I could clearly see that she was attracted to him, but I don't know what he's feeling. This frustrated me, so I kept on walking to the dinner table without looking at either of them even though I had to pass by them to go where I was going to.

I passed by Izuna and waved at him as I took a last look at Madara before walking away. I saw him have an....angry look? I don't know. I can never read him, after all.

We were in the middle of having dinner when Madara and the woman from before walked in the room. The elders had a disapproving look, since they were late but kept silent anyway.

"Nao, this is Kōto Lanae," he said while gesturing to the woman beside him. "Kōto, this is Uchiha Nao," he said while pointing at me.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Nao-san," she said while holding out a hand.

"It's nice to meet you too, Kōto-san," I said with a fake smile while shaking her hand.

While we were shaking hands though, she tightened her grip, almost crushing my hand. Even though it was unnoticeable, I certainly felt it.

She sat beside Madara who usually sat alone. I looked at her for a moment. The nerve of this b*tch. She wasn't that pretty. I could say that my sister is prettier, considering she's the most beautiful of our clan. She batted her eyelashes at him flirtatiously, and I could almost see Madara getting irked although he kept his cool.

Throughout the whole dinner, she kept mindlessly flirting with him, and I looked over to Izuna who kept fidgeting uncomfortably in his seat.

"Are you okay, Izuna-san?" I asked him in a whisper.

"Umm, yes, Nao-san. I am. Thank you. It's just...I don't like her. She's a merchant from another village, and the only reason why we're letting her in here is because she's selling something we want. Although I'm trying to keep myself from beating her up, she isn't someone important," he explained, also in a whisper.


I giggled quietly, seeing that there's someone here who can relate with me. "You're totally right. I don't like her too. I feel as if she's hiding something," I warned him.

"I feel so too. Don't worry, Nao-san. I'm sure my brother is being careful," he said. "He won't fall for someone so easily," he said with a wink as I slightly blushed.

"It's not like that!" I said, glaring at him while nudging him at the side. "I-I don't like him..."

"Stop denying it, Nao-san. I can clearly see right through you," he said while all of us finished our dinner. We stood up and continued our conversation outside. At least I can take my mind off Madara and that woman. "I know you love him, and I will be cheering you on."

I smiled, hearing that. It made me relieved for a moment. "Thank you, Izuna-san. I'll make sure that that woman won't be your sister-in-law."

He cringed. "Don't even say that!" he said as we burst out laughing.

Madara's POV

I felt a tinge of jealousy as I noticed Nao ignored me but waved at Izuna. It could just have been that she didn't notice me, but she ignored me the whole dinner as well while she talked to Izuna. They seemed to be having fun while I was stuck with a woman who annoys me so much. This is one of the times when I don't want to be the clan leader. I scowled, seeing them leave the room. She looked happier with him than when she's with me.

I looked to my right and then to my left, only to find out that Kōto-san was nowhere to be found. I sighed deeply, feeling more annoyed by the second. Damn that woman!

I walked down the hallway, and I saw her talking to Nao. I could clearly see what she was doing, so I grabbed her arm while activating my sharingan, glaring at her at the same time.

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked with venom in my tone.

"Madara-sama, she attacked me!" Kōto said.

I narrowed my eyes at her and smirked widely. "I've heard your entire conversation though," I said.

I saw her blush in embarrassment, but she still pointed accusingly at Nao. "I only told her to know her place!"

"Know her place?" I mocked. "She's my wife," I confirmed while I kissed Nao on the lips. I turned to Kōto and sent her one of my most intimidating glares, and it sent her running. It's a good thing that she knows how to value her life...

Nao's POV

After I parted with Izuna, Kōto-san suddenly confronted me with a slap.

I glared at her for a moment before speaking. "What is your problem?"

"Stay away from Madara!" she said.

I raised an eyebrow at her. "What do you mean?"

"Can't you see? He's clearly in love with me," she said with confidence.

She clearly doesn't know Madara too well. She slapped me again. I was about to attack her when Madara suddenly appeared beside me, grabbing her arm.

"What do you think you're doing?" he said to her.

"Madara-sama, she attacked me!" she said while pointing a finger at me. How I wanted to break that finger...

"I heard your entire conversation though," he said with a smirk.

She blushed. She must be feeling embarrassed. "I only told her to know her place!"

"Know her place?" he said. I don't know what he's thinking. Right now, he's unpredictable...not like he isn't all the time though. "She's my wife."

I blushed, not expecting him to say that. My blush deepened when he kissed me again for this day. I saw Kōto-san run away from the corner of my eye, but I couldn't care less. I didn't know how to feel in this situation with Madara, and I didn't even notice that tears were falling from my eyes.

His eyes widened and I finally noticed the tears. "N-Nao? What's wrong?"

I glared at him. "How can you do that?" I asked him. "How can you play with me like that? Is it fun to watch me be flustered while you just smirk like that? Do you find amusement in doing that?"

I clutched his shirt tightly as I continued to cry, and I felt his arms hold me tight while he pinned me to the wall. He kissed me again, but this time, it was rough and a bit rushed. It was not like the gentle one from earlier.

"How can you--!" I was cut off when he spoke.

"You say that as if I'm the bad guy," he said and paused for a second. "How can you not realize my feelings for you, Nao?"

"What do you mean, Madara?" I said while narrowing my eyes at him.

"I'm saying that I love you," he said as my gaze softened, and he smiled. It didn't disappear that quickly this time, and it also wasn't a smirk. It was actually a smile.

My tears continued to flow as I hugged him tightly. "I love you too, Madara..."

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