《Going Back to You (A Madara Uchiha fanfiction)》Chapter 7- The First Real Kiss



Really, all of you made me smile like crazy. I probably looked like a lunatic who escaped from a mental hospital while reading those comments, but whatever. XD Thank you, seriously. :D

@GrizzlyXAkatsuki @TvonUchiha @Easternsunrise @JamesZoo @Darkening-Skies @Emeraldblade @XxItachixX

Did I miss anyone?

Anyway, thank you~!

So did anyone notice that Lady Chiyoko's granddaughter and Nao's new Sarutobi friend have the same name? Haha! I knew I didn't. Coincidentally, I made the two of them have the same name which is 'Sena'.

It's a coincidence. Sorry,,I just noticed it,,,

Anyway, on with the story!

~~~~~Chapter 7- The First Real Kiss~~~~~

Izuna's POV

I thought about what nii-san said earlier, and I couldn't believe it. But seeing how he acted for the past few days, he seems like a different person. He treated her gently, and he smiles at her like how he smiles when he's with me. Could nii-san...actually like her? I wanted to find out, so I went to spy on them while they were in the interrogation room, although I could only hear parts of their conversation.

"I'm just worried," he said.


"You're my wife. If people saw that, what would they think I'm doing to you?"

"Is that so...?" I heard her say with a hint of disappointment in her voice. I smirked. This confirmed it. I didn't even need to activate my sharingan to know that nii-san is genuinely worried for her. I glanced at the unconscious man who was caught in a genjutsu and caught a gist of the situation. Nii-san needs to learn to be more honest with his feelings or else someday, someone else might take her away. I wouldn't want that though. I wish for their happiness together, nii-san and Nao-san.

Nii-san's wife is really smart, but is actually dense in terms of love, I guess, considering she still hasn't notice my brother's feelings for her. Nii-san too...


Nao's POV

"Have you eaten dinner?" he asked.

I nodded. "Have you?"

"Yes. What did you eat?"

"Dango," I said simply. "How about you?"

"Inarizushi, my favorite," he said. I looked at him as his eyes sparkled for a moment before quickly disappearing. His favorite huh...I can totally see that.

"Do you want me to make some for you someday? I'm quite skilled in cooking," I said with a grin, holding my fist up.

"I'd like to try your cooking." I slightly blushed as he said that, and he smirked. "Anyway, it's quire late, so let's go to bed."

"Even though it's only 9:30?" I asked him.

"He's too eager to cuddle up with you," Izuna interrupted all of a sudden. I blushed deeper, playing with a few strands of my hair in an attempt to cover my blush and keep Madara from seeing it.

Madara glared at him, which is the first time I saw him do that. "Shut up," he hissed with a slight blush. Wait...a blush?! ...I must be imagining things...


I woke up the next morning and found myself leaning closer to him again. I sighed deeply as I blushed again. Why do I keep on doing this, I wonder? Is this becoming a habit?

I was about to stand up when I felt a strong tug, and I fell down on Madara's chest. My blush grew deeper as I saw his arm around me. I looked at him, and he was still fast asleep! How can he sleep like this? His sleeping face looked really peaceful, and my eyes made their way to his lips. T-they look so...kissable? I mentally slapped myself for thinking that. Sure, we are husband and wife right now, but it was an arranged-marriage!



I turned to him again. One of his eyes was open, and one of them was closed. He had a smirk on his lips.

"Don't leave just yet. It's still early," he said. Was I hearing right? He then sat up, and with a strong force, I was pinned to the futon.

"M-Madara?!" I exclaimed, alarmed. He's not acting like himself.

"Yes, Nao?"

"What are you--" I was cut off when his lips touched mine in a gentle and sweet kiss. It wasn't rushed this time, like the wedding. It was long, and it felt like eternity.

I pushed him off after a while and saw that he was sleeping again.

What the heck?! I-is he playing with me? I slowly got up from the futon and walked to the bathroom. When I went in, my legs immediately gave out.

We kissed.

I still couldn't believe it. A strong wave of happiness passed through me, but it was also filled with doubt.

"Why would he do that?"


A/N again:

=w= Fangirling to Madara while writing this chapter xD

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