《Gentle Turbulence - Uchiha Madara Love Story》Chapter 8 - Whisked away


Mi Ho pov:

"C'mon! That's not fair!! I'm not as fast as you Tobirama!" I whined as he held one of my shoes in the air and mocked me with a teasing smile.

I grumbled as I stepped out of the pond and wrung the excess water out of my hair. Tobirama chuckled at my state and I pouted at him. He was so mean!

It has been two weeks since I came to this world. Two weeks since I started living with the Senjus and about 10 days since my dance performance in front of the Senjus and the Uzumakis. After my dance performance and a few questions as interrogation, the people here began to trust me. They stopped thinking that I was a spy and they let me move around freely within the Senju compound. Besides, I had even apologized for yelling at them for their protectiveness towards their clan so they were at ease around me now.

Well, freely in the sense that I was allowed to walk around and meet Raito, Tobirama, Hashirama and Butsuma san when I had questions or requests. When I asked them questions about ninjas ans specific clans whose names were mentioned I books I read, the usually kept me in the dark. Looks like they didn't want me knowing too much either.

I had become well acquainted with everyone here. I was allowed to call everyone by their first names and I spent quite a lot of time with Tobirama. He was a really nice guy once you got to know him. Besides, he was the one who had to watch over me and help me learn a little bit of self defense. Of course, since I had trained for the CIA exam, my skills were pretty good to begin with. But I had to learn to match up with ninja speed and ninja intelligence....which didn't seem to come to me easily at all. And that's why it was so easy for Tobirama to push me into the pond and have a nice laugh as I climbed out soaked to the bone.

Besides that, the Senjus and Uzumakis have been using my abilities for fighting the war against the Uchihas. It has been quite effective, so to say. I usually tell them who is in danger and possible where they are bound to get hurt and they take necessary measures to make sure the person doesn't get wounded seriously. Well, its not like you can avoid it completely. But because of my warning, they have been able to reduce the seriousness of the wounds inflicted on the one in danger.

"Give me back my shoe!" I ran behind Tobirama as he jumped away from me, easily dodging me everytime I tried to take my shoe. After a few minutes I gave up and frowned. "Ish....bongchongi [dummy]." I muttered and crossed my arms as I turned my back to him. I squeaked as he appeared right in front of me the next second with his face a few inches from mine. I stumbled backwards and he chuckled. "I didn't understand what you just said." Tobirama said and I stuck out my tongue. "I called you a dummy!"

"Bad idea." He said and smirked. My eyes went wide and I took off running as fast as I could. But obviously, he caught up with me easily and I was knocked to the ground. I didn't want to fall so I grabbed Tobirama's sleeve and ended up pulling him down with me. I fell on my back and I shut my eyes expecting to get squished under Tobirama but thankfully, he supported himself on his arms as he fell. But he was still heavy and the wind was knocked out of my lungs.


"Uff! He-heavy!" I yelped and Tobirama moved off me to give my lungs the much needed air. I coughed and laughed. It was funny and Tobirama chuckled as well. But I stiffened and stopped laughing when I realized our position. He was hovering over me and my hands were on his chest. We were too close to comfort and we didn't break eye contact.

We didn't move and my heart jolted as Tobirama began to lean down. My eyes went wide as his eyes closed and his lips met mine in a soft kiss. I couldn't believe what was happening and he tilted his head slightly to deepen the kiss a little. I was frozen in shock but I didn't dislike the feeling. I had become close to Tobirama and perhaps I did return his feelings but.....

I pushed on his chest and he pulled away. He seemed to realize what he had just done and his eyes went wide. He immediately pushed off me and scooted back to put some distance between us. I sat up and bit my bottom lip as I looked to the side. "I-I'm sorry....I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. My behaviour was uncalled for." He said but my face felt hot to the point where I felt like I was sweating. I was feeling cold just a few minutes ago because I had fallen into the pond but now I felt hot.

Actually speaking, this was my first kiss. I had always been so busy with my schedule as a singer ans a dancer that I never really had the time to have a boyfriend or go out on dates or do things that girls of my age do. I had always wanted to go our with someone I liked.....so this was a little embarrassing, all the more because it felt kinda nice.

"Mio?" He asked hesitantly and I stood up. He stood up as well and I walked away from him. "I'm sorry....but I don't think this is a good idea. I-I mean, I barely know you." I said and heard a sigh. "Does that matter? I have been training you since the past two weeks.....and I enjoy the time I spend with you. So what is wrong in this?" He was right in a way and I did like him to some extent.....but I couldn't bring myself to accept this seriously. I turned around and faced him with an apologetic look.

"I'm not from this world Tobirama. I'm sure there will be a time when I'll have to return. And this just doesn't feel right." He frowned. "I see....I'm sorry I made you uncomfortable. I hope we can still be friends....perhaps you'll change your mind." I laughed as he smiled. I shook my head helplessly but I nodded.

"You should change before you catch a cold." He said and I nodded. "By the way, Tobirama....do you know where I can get some herbs to remove my hair color? Its turning black at the scalp and its starting to look weird." Tobirama laughed. "What herbs do you need?" I put a finger to my chin and thought. It had been a very long time since I had used any natural methods to remove hair coloring....well, I had colored my hair only once before this but I had seen my sisters do it. I just had to remember what they used to use.

"If I remember correctly, I will need lemon juice and vinegar." I said and he nodded. I'll have a maid bring it to you." I nodded and headed back to my room.


[a/n: Please do not try this.....I don't even know if this works....I'm making it up!!]

I made it back to my room and I walked into the bathroom. I took off my soaked clothes, putting them in the washing clothes bin and I got into a tub of warm water. A few minutes later, there was a knock on my door. When I gave permission, a maid walked in with two bowls containing the ingredients I had asked for. I thanked her and she left after that.

I took my time soaking in the tub and soaking my hair in vinegar and lemon juice. I stayed like that for almost fifteen minutes so that the dye would come off fully. Then I rinsed my hair with lots if water.

I got put of the tub, wrapping a towel over my wey hair and I got into another fresh kimono. I exited the bathroom and went to my mirror. When I took off my towel, I smiled seeing my original black hair complimenting my face. Looks like I was right. The vinegar and lemon juice had done a good job in removing the dye. And my hair was back to its smooth silky texture.

I dried off my hair a little with the towel and the I decided to show my original self Tobirama, Hashirama and Butsuma san. As I walked through the hallways, people gawked at me. They didn't seem to recognize me fully, but they did seem to have doubts about who I was. Either way, they didn't stop me and I headed to the usual office room. I stopped outside the door and knocked. I heard Butsuma san give permission to enter and I walked in.

Tobirama san was there and Butsuma san narrowed their eyes at me. "I see your hair colour is different." Butsuma san said. I rolled my eyes and sat down next to Tobirama. "Yeah, I already told you. My natural hair color is black. Thanks to the vinegar and lemon juice I was able to get the dye out of my hair." He just nodded and after a few moments, Hashirama walked into the room. He blinked slightly confused when he saw me but I giggled and he shook his head with a smile. "Its nice to see that you're as energetic as always." He said and I bowed. "Good to see you too Hashirama."

"Your hair color is different." He commented. "Yup! It was starting to look weird because the color was fading. I had to take it off before I ended up like a joker." Hashirama laughed and sat down next to Butsuma san. "How is Mito san?" I asked and I coughed out a laugh as he turned slightly red. "She is doing fine...." He mumbled and this time I giggled.

"Enough small talk. I was about to send for you, Mio. We have something important to discuss with you." I nodded and he closed his eyes for a moment before speaking again. "As you know, we are in the middle of a war." I nodded again. "The three of us will be leaving for a few days to a neighboring clan for a meeting. You will be watched by few of the men here and you are to restrict yourself to the room as much as possible. You must be inconspicuous and must not attract any attention. I will not have any of my men accidentally letting the Uchihas know of your existence."

I took a deep breath and sighed through my mouth. "You know, I think its about time you told me about these Uchihas. I'm getting really tired about how you guys keep saying that their bad and all....." I deadpanned and Butsuma san glared. I crossed my arms over my chest, lifted my chin up high and looked back at him dead in the eye. When he realized I wasn't going to back down, he sighed in defeat.

He looked at one of the men standing in the room and he nodded. One of them left the room and returned a few minutes later with a book. It was given to me and I looked at Butsuma san curiously. "What is this?" "This book has brief records of the Uchiha clan. Their abilities, their fighting strategies and their kekkei genkai." I looked at the book, flipping the first few pages. It was filled with lots of text; no pictures. "Kekkei genkai?" I asked not understanding. Even though I had read basic information about ninjas, I hadn't heard of this term before.

"Kekkei genkai is a bloodline limit passed on in every clan. The kekkei genkai of the Uchihas is called the sharingan. A visual ability that gives them the power to cast genjutsus on their opponent. There are a few more details that are in that book. It's not in detail, but enough for basic knowledge." I nodded. "Okay. Thanks."

"Stay indoors as much as you can." Butsuma san said as we all stood up. Butsuma san and Hashirama left the room, but Tobirama walked to me and placed a hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry about earlier." I shook my head with a smile. "No, I'm sorry too. It was partially my fault." He smiled and parted my shoulder once before leaving along with the other. I sighed and ran a hand through my moist hair. I walked back to my room and bowed at the four people who had been assigned to guard me while the others were away.

I walked into my room and sat down near the window where there was enough light. I opened the first page of the book and began to read about the Uchihas.

I was able to understand that the Uchihas are one of the noble clans that existed in this world. They are one of the strongest clans that have been at war with the Senjus for several years. Their kekkei genkai, the sharingan gives them amazing physical and ninja strength. It increases their ability to read attacks and counter them before they get hit by it. It also gives them the power to copy other jutsus besides other bloodline limits.

The sharingan itself is a characteristic feature of the Uchihas that they could activated as and when they wanted. Their eyes would become red with three black commas and if they were at an advanced level, it could take particular patterns. Besides that, the sharingan being their bloodline limit gave them some special techniques as well. Tsukiyomi, amatarasu, kamui and susanoo.....although, I had no clue what any of those were.

There wasn't much information besides this. Well, I was hoping to find out about the clan leader, their looks, etc. But there wasn't anything about that. Then again, Butsuma san had said that the book had just enough information that I needed to know about the Uchihas. I mean, he was totally against giving me any information, but because I had pestered him till he got annoyed, so he had finally given me some information. Oh well, at least I got some details.

I closed the book and looked up when my door was slid open and one of the guards walked in with a plate of food. I smiled at him as he placed it on the table and I moved away from the window so I could eat. "I didn't get your name." I smiled at the guard. "My name is Iwase." "Nice to meet you, Iwase." He smiled and bowed. So, other than guarding me, what do you do in the clan?" I asked him. He leaned against the door frame and crossed his arms. "I'm usually sent to fight the Uchihas. I'm not that strong, but I can fight against the lower ranked Uchihas."

"I see. Sounds tough. So how often do you fight them?" I asked and looked at him. I got a bad vibe from him....like I usually did when someone was in danger. But we were inside the compound right? So nothing could happen. But if he went out, I would have to warn him to be alert. He would probably get attacked on his back.

He opened his mouth to speak, but he froze and his eyes went wide. I blinked in confusion at his change in behavior but my eyes went wide too as he fell forward and I saw a ninja knife stuck in his back. Blood stained his shirt and began to pool around him and I dropped my chopsticks and ran to kneel beside him. "Oi! Iwase san! Oi!" I called but he didn't move. He was....dead. "Sh**!" I cursed and stood up. I exited my room and my eyes went even wider seeing all four of the people guarding me dead. "Mwo ya....[what is this...]" I looked on either side but I didn't see anyone.

What was going on? How did this happen?! This wasn't good....it meant that the Senju were under attack right? I had to find someone and warn them! The clan leaders weren't there, but I'm sure some higher officers would be around and I had to find them. Thinking so, I began to run to the office.

Madara pov:

So this is the girl.

I had noticed the Senju had become,more cautious while fighting. Especially when we pinpointed an attack on one of them, its like they knew of the attack even before we used it. They were getting better at avoiding our attacks and killing my clan members. And this had to come to an end.

Izuna had overheard one of the men saying something about a girl. He said that the girl could predict danger and that was how he had slipped out of Izuna's hands. And if such a person did exist, it was a chance that we couldn't let go of. If we were able to harness the power of this person for the clan, qe could be unbeatable. We could use every bit of her ability to become the strongest clan and the clan to rule the shinobi world.

But I was rather disappointed by the looks of this person. Her chakra was unique; very different from any kind of chakra I had felt before. The chakra was strong, but the girl looked weak. She was probably going to cry and try to run away after she saw the people killed.

She was talking to one of the Senjus and I scoffed at their small talk. "I see. Sounds tough. So how often do you fight them?" She asked and I took the chance to throw a kunai into the Senju's back. He was weak and he hadn't even sensed me. He stiffened and fell forward and I hid to see the girl's reaction. She widened her eyes and ran to kneel next to him. "Oi! Iwase san! Oi!" When he didn't respond she stood up and cursed.

She didn't seem to panic and she ran out of the room, probably to look for someone. But I wasn't going to ley her get away. My men followed me and I stopped at a corner. She ran backwards, looking around for people. She collided into me and turned around with a gasp. She faced me with a hand on her chest as I could hear her heart beating fast. "Omo kapchagi.....jinccha nullosso! [oh my gosh....you really surprised me!]" She yelled with a frown and I narrowed my eyes since I didn't understand what she said.

"Jeez, popping out of nowhere." She muttered and shook her head. "You have to help! The people guarding me were just killed! I didn't see anyone around, but we might be in danger. I was able to tell something was going on with him, but I couldn't warn him in time." I smirked amused by her behavior. She furrowed her brows at me. "Hello! I'm talking to you! Aren't you the least bit worried about what I said?!" She yelled and I chuckled. "And why should I be worried about the enemy? Let alone when I myself killed them?" I asked amused.

"Wait....so you're not a Senju?" She pointed to me and my men chuckled. "You are quite a disappointment. Not being able to differentiate the enemy from your clan." She rolled her eyes at me. "Well sorry for not being a genius. I've been here barely two weeks ok? How am I supposed to be able to differentiate clans when I've never met anyone besides the Senjus? Some help you are...."

I narrowed my eyes. I didn't like the uptight attitude she had. She was not only insulting me, bus as a woman she didn't know how to keep her head low in front of a man.

"It doesn't matter right now. You will be coming with us." I said sternly and she sighed. "Yeah yeah....I'm like the ball in the pass the ball game. I'm not going to fight you and risk my body with injuries. So give me a minute, I'll just get my stuff." She said and began to walk away from us. "Wise choice." I said as my men and I followed her. She grimaced as she stepped over the bodies of her guards and walked into the room. She walked to the cupboard,pulled out a bag and put a few books into is. She closed it with a strange closing device [aka zip :P] and she put it over her shoulder.

"Okay, I'm ready." I scoffed and walked to her. I picked her up, throwing her over my shoulder and she winced. "Ow! That hurts my stomach! I can walk you know?!" She struggled and I jerked my shoulder to give her stomach a hard nudge. She gasped and held the back of my shirt tightly. I turned to my men and nodded and we began to jump out of the Senju compound and back to ours.

The girl was surprisingly light and she didn't move or make a sound as we headed back. She seemed to be in slight pain for reasons I couldn't figure out but it didn't matter. We had her and her ability in our hands now. Hashirama would be in for a surprise when he returned and I was waiting to see the look of shock and anger when he figured out that we were going to crush them in the war.

This was going to be an exciting and thrilling fight!


Yay! Madara is finally here!!


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