《Just My Type》Chapter 24- Throw Skittles at Your Window All Night
Chapter 24- I thought I Was Going to Have to Throw Skittles at Your Window All Night
“I think that’s him. It says you have fifteen mutual friends.” Sarah said pointing to the laptop screen.
Grace, Sarah, Farrah and I had been sitting at Farrah’s house for the past hour cyber stalking people, namely Travis Milton, while Brody, Thomas and the rest of the guys left to “take care of a problem”. I didn’t even want to know what that meant. The less I knew about Thomas’ extra curriculars the better.
Farrah clicked on his profile picture, instantly taking us to his page. It was definitely the same guy Thomas pummeled earlier in the lot.
“That’s him. That’s the guy that was involved in the set up with Blake,” Sarah gasped. Then a look of pure loathing crossed her features as she recalled some far away memory.
Set up? What set up?
“Who’s she?” Farrah asked, pointing to one of the many photos in online album. It was Travis Milton with his arm thrown around some girl. I didn’t recognize her.
Sarah tensed and shifted her body slightly towards Farrah and stared at her with a look of worry.
“What?” Farrah asked her.
“That would be Kristen.”
So that’s the mysterious girl’s name. She was very pretty and looked like she could do much better than Travis.
I took a moment to ponder why she might be with him while Sarah took control of the computer and proceeded to check out the rest of his page.
“Look it’s her,” I said, quickly indentifying a picture of the girl on Travis’ friend’s list. Curiosity got the better of me.“Let’s check out her page.”
When the page loaded we got a better peak at the life of this Kristen. From what I could tell of her news feed I could see that she liked to play a lot of Hay Day and Candy Crush Saga. Then beyond the app posts, I saw her last status post which was updated a little over three hours ago.
Moving back to Riverdale Tuesday!
Crap. From what I gathered and by the look on Farrah’s face, this wasn’t good news. My guess is it had something to do with Brody.
“Are you ok?” I asked her.
“U-uh yeah, I-I’m fine. Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Don’t worry. What she and Brody had was a long time ago. Don’t let it get to you. Besides, he has you now,” Farrah assured her.
Suddenly all the pieces were coming together now. She was one of Brody’s exes. Probably someone that had meant something to him; more than just a fling.
“I’m sure you have nothing to worry about.” Grace adds.
Despite the reassurance from her friends, Farrah just didn’t seem to be altogether right now. She looked…devastated.
“You know what? Let’s do something else. I’m getting board with this.” Sarah said closing the laptop.
I gave her an appreciative smile before she began digging through her bag of stuff, which looked like an awfully lot for just a sleepover.
I wrapped my arm around Farrah in a sideways hug and tried to comfort her in the best way I could. I don’t really know the protocol for when your boyfriend’s ex shows back up at of the blue.
Sarah plastered a huge grin on her face when she found whatever she was digging for in that bag of hers and held it behind her back out of our sight. “So, who wants to have a little fun?”
Just then she pulled a clear bottle out into the open and shakes it a little. “It’s an open bar and mic night girls!”
I gaped at Sarah. I didn’t know what she was up to, but it was obvious a quiet calm night was nowhere on her agenda. And from what I’d heard, the party never stops in Sarah land. We were in for a long night.
I guess it was up to me to decide the part I’d be playing in it. To drink or not to drink, that was the question.
Long story short, the night was a little much for me. Sarah’s idea of a sleepover was much different than mine. She’s a wild one. I bet she kept Thomas entertained while they were together. I stilled don’t understand why they haven’t reunited yet.
It was only a matter of time. They were too much alike. And nothing like me.
I was surprised when he showed up at Farrah’s at seven o’clock this morning with Brody. I figured Brody would come to check on Farrah but it was puzzling as to why he offered to take me and Grace home.
We didn’t say much on the ride to my house. It was a comfortable silence and he wasn’t up for very much talking. He seemed to have a lot on his mind.
With the simple parting words, “See you tomorrow,” he pulled out of my driveway and headed down the road. My head was spinning from all of his mixed signals. He was more confusing than algebra. Getting an idea while still standing in my driveway, I found the perfect ringtone for him and set it.
I sent Thomas a quick text to call me and when he did the ringtone played through my phone’s speaker.
Cause you're hot then you're cold
You're yes then you're no
You're in then you're out
You're up then you're down
“Need something?” he asked when I answered.
“Nope, I’m good. Thanks!” I said, hanging up the phone before he could get a word in. I heard him loud and clear this time.
I pulled my jacket off and laid it on the couch as I entered my house and I passed through the living room. The house was still quiet considering no one was up yet and I slowly climbed the stairs to my room.
Grabbing a pair of clean clothes, I headed to the bathroom for a much needed shower. Once I got in, the hot water hit me so wonderfully I couldn’t bring myself to get out anytime soon.
“Did you have fun?” Anita inquired as soon she woke up and brought the kids to the kitchen. I had elected to order breakfast since neither of us felt much like cooking and before I we were even finished she started questioning me about list night.
I didn’t know if she should hear the whole story or not, since she might freak, so I gave her the dulled down, boring version of my night. It consisted of waiting in line for concert tickets, hanging out with my friends and going to sleep. However, I might have let it sleep about the drinking, which Anita was surprisingly cool with.
“So that’s it? Nothing else happened.” She dipped her head and lowered her voice. “No hanky panky?”
I giggled. “Hanky panky? No. Not at all.”
She looked surprised. “Really? When I was your age I couldn’t wait to get out of the house. That was usually the first thing I did.” She grinned. “If you knew some of the things I did, you’d…”
I nearly spit my coffee all of the counter as she began. “Whoa. Hold the details.” I nodded my head toward my brother and sister who were setting at the table a few feet away from us listening intently.”
“What’s hanky panky?” Cynthia asked curiously.
I was quick to speak up. My parents would kill me if she ever learned what that really meant. “It means eating chocolate in bed.”
She narrowed her eyes at me. “I’m eleven, I’m not stupid. What does it really mean?”
“It means you’ll find out when you’re older,” Anita smiled sweetly and turned back to me. “Seriously though, nothing happened? You’d tell me right?”
I nodded. She’d be the only person in my family I would tell.
“I just don’t get Thomas sometimes, you know? Guys can be so…complicated. I mean one minute he’s all over me and the next he’s pulling back and distant. I don’t get it.”
“So he’s a head messer then,” she said.
“You could definitely say that.”
She leaned over the counter across from me and rested her chin on her hand. “Well, how do you feel about him. Does he know?”
I don’t know. Did he? I never voiced it but…
“I may have told him I wasn’t interested a few times.”
“But your actions speak otherwise?” she guessed.
Shamefully I admitted it. “I like him, but I can’t. He’s all the things I hate and yet I can’t get him out of my head. I’m tormented.”
Suddenly she leaned up and grinned. “Then there’s only one solution to this problem.” She grabbed a pin and note pad off the counter and scribbled something down and ripped off the top sheet. “Just what the doctor ordered.”
Taking the sheet of paper from her I read it slowly and gasped. “This? You can’t be serious. What kind of advice is that? Mom would freak.”
“It’s a good thing she’s not here then isn’t it?”
“I want to read it!” Cynthia said. Thankfully she was the only one still following our conversation. Cody had already finished his breakfast and was playing his PSP again. He was virtually clueless.
“Don’t you have someone you should be tormenting right now; like your friends?” I asked. “We’re trying to have an adult conversation here.”
She started to whine. “But I want to-”
“Go!” I ordered her. “Leave now and I’ll give you ten bucks. Stay and you get nothing.”
She suddenly perked up. “You know, I just remembered, I need to call Amy.” She stood from her seat and bounced into the living room without another word.
Never underestimate the power of money.
“Now, what were we talking about again? Oh, this note!” I held it up in front of her and stared at her in disbelief. “I can’t do this. This would have serious consequences.”
“Not is you do it right,” she protested. “You’ve taken sex Ed right? You know how a condom works? Anyway that’s not what I meant. The note merely said to get him out of your system. After that you should be able to move on.”
“And how exactly am I supposed to do that?” I challenged.
“You have to figure that one out on your own. Date him, make out with him or whatever will do it.”
Yeah, because making out with him worked out so well for me in the past. Bad idea.
“…or you could just tell him you like him,” she finished.
“Okay, and when I do, you can take me to New Mexico with you so I can go to school there.” I wouldn’t dare go back to mine after such an embarrassing confession.
She smiled and patted my cheek. “You can’t run from your problems, Olivia. They always catch up with you sooner or later.”
I sighed, exasperated. “Well maybe I’ll just hit them with a two ton truck instead. Better dead than in my head.” I finished the last of my coffee and placed the cup the counter. “I have a free day and I’m going back to bed. If you need me you can find me in my room with a copy Pride and Prejudice. Maybe Jane Austen can help me. Mrs. White assigned it to us for a reason.”
I made my way to my room. Sitting on my bed I opened my book to pick up where I left off. Nothing could soothe the soul like a Jane Austen novel.
When they were gone, Elizabeth, as if intending to exasperate herself as much as possible against Mr. Darcy, chose for her employment the examination of all the letters which Jane had written her since her being in Kent. They contained no actual complaint, nor was there any revival of past occurrences, or any communication of present suffering…
I wasn’t sure at what point I drifted to sleep, but when I woke up, it was dark out. The down stairs was mute so I knew either my family was out or they were in the bed asleep. Looking at the alarm clock I was willing to bet on the later. 12:30 AM. I yawned and stretched and forced myself out of the bed.
My books was still lying next to me with the pages all mixed in together. I can’t even remember where I left off. I’m pretty sure I got through most of it though. I’ll have to figure that out later.
To my surprise, I was feeling quite awake for the middle of the night. I picked up my phone from the night stand and checked it for missed calls or texts. I only had one of each. My mom called at nine and Grace texted at eight. Well, at least I know I was asleep before then.
I made my way downstairs, floating on a thirst cloud to the kitchen. I wasn’t exactly sure what I wanted so I rummaged around in the fridge and cabinets until something struck my fancy. Two minutes later it just happened to be coffee and a pack of Oreos.
I was halfway down my mug when a rap at the door gave me a start and shrieked. I grabbed at my chest to make sure my heart was still beating then looked around my kitchen for a weapon. Only a lunatic would be knocking on someone’s door at this time of night. Or thugs. Neither of those were welcomed here.
Another rap at the door sent my heart speeding again. I squinted my eyes at the door, trying to peer into the darkness when a familiar face came into view. I immediately released the breath I’d been holding pushed myself away from the counter.
I pushed the door open and stared at a very exhausted Thomas. His hair was run through and his shirt and jeans were wrinkled and his eyes were tired. And even through all of that, he still managed to look amazing as always. I was jealous.
“Hey,” I managed to say.
He ran a hand through his hair, shoved his hands in his pockets and sighed. “Can I come in?”
I nodded without a word and let him pass and locked the door after him.
“Everyone asleep?” he asked.
“Seems to be. I just woke up myself. No one was up.”
I contemplated asking him why he was at my door at midnight, but I got the feeling he didn’t want to talk about it so I let it go.
“I was just having a snack. I’ve got Oreos and coffee, you hungry?”
“Make it milk and Oreos and I’m in.”
He followed me to the kitchen and I poured him a glass of milk and sat it on the counter next to me. He picked up an Oreo from the bag and dunked it. He did this a few times before he willed himself to speak to me again.
“I’m surprised you woke up. You sleep like the dead you know.”
I raised an eyebrow. “Excuse me?”
He offered a light grin that barely tugged on the corners of his mouth. “I thought I was going to have to throw skittles at your window all night.”
I was thoroughly confused now. “Come again.”
This time he let a laugh slip between his lips. “You didn’t think you were up at this hour randomly, did you? You owe me for that.”
“So you threw skittles at my window?”
He shrugged. “I didn’t have rocks. So sue me.”
Actually it was probably better it wasn’t rocks or else it might have woken Anita up. Normally she’d understand, but interrupting her beauty sleep brought out a whole other side of her. A very scary side.
“Where did you get them?” I wanted to know.
“Got them at the handy mart at the end of your road.”
I gave a short laugh. “Did you buy them solely to wake me up?”
He shook his head. “Hell no. I bought them because I wanted them. Too bad I had to waste them on you.”
I laughed again and picked up an Oreo. “Good thing I’m sharing my food then.”
We sat in silence and finished off our pack of Oreos and cleaned up the kitchen as quietly as we could. Aunt Anita or the twins didn’t flinch. If they had, I’m sure they would have found us by now.
Thomas crashed onto my couch, threw his hands behind his head and sighed.
“You look tired,” I finally said.
“I am.”
His eyes stayed trained to the blank TV and I quickly realized that was the only response I was going to get out of him.
I flipped on the set and almost muted the volume and handed to remote to him. “The TV’s yours. Just make sure you don’t wake my Aunt. We’d both be dead then.”
“And here I though she like me.”
I nodded. “Oh, she does. She just hates to be woken up.”
He gave me a look of understanding and flipped through the channels. After repeating this three times he handed me the remote and threw and arm over his eyes to block out the light emitting from the flat screen.
I nudged him with my foot as I stood next to him. “Hey, you can’t sleep here. If Cody or Cynthia find you here in the morning they’ll tell my parents and I’ll be dead.”
“Well, we wouldn’t want that,” he mumbled from under his arm.
“Come on. You can sleep in my room. I have a sleeping bag in my closet.”
I wasn't sure why I invited him into my room so easily. I t wasn't like me. I imagine it must have had something to do with his look of desperation when I first opened the door to him. He just seemed like he needed somewhere to go and he came to me. He trusted me to that extent at least.
He removed his arm and grinned up at me. “Sleeping bag. You go camping?”
“It was once and it was only because my parents were trying out this whole “family bonding” thing. Don’t ask.”
He grinned at my air quotes and rose from the couch. His arm was around my shoulders and he was dragging me along with him to my room. At least he remembered where it was.
Silence settled in my room as I dug through my closet for the red bag. Thomas decided to crash on my bed until I found it. When I finally found it and laid it out for him, he was already asleep in the same spot on my bed he’d taken up the last time he stayed.
I sighed and wondered over to him. Yep, he was out. Snoring softly and everything.
I kicked off my bedroom slippers and found myself at my drawers trying to find a pair of PJ’s since I had fallen asleep in my clothes earlier. I slipped on my favorite pair of New England Patriot ones and climbed into bed next to Thomas. Seeing as she was so tired, I didn’t feel like I had to worry about him copping a feel or anything so I turned out my lamp, set my alarm clock and rested my eyes.
“Thank you,” came a mumble beside me.
My eyes shot open. “What?”
“You didn’t ask. I appreciate that. Thank you.”
I settled back down and blew out a breath. “You’re welcome.”
“And Liv?”
“Nice underwear. I have a new appreciation for the color purple.”
I sucked in a sharp breath and my body froze.
Oh crap. He saw me after all.
And then I laughed softly. I suppose that was a compliment of some sort.
Some readers have been having trouble viewing chapter 25. If this is you try deleting the story from your library and re adding it.
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