《Just My Type》Chapter 12- I've Seen More Clothes On A Hooker
Chapter 12- I’ve Seen More Clothes On A Hooker
“Hey, wanna come over to mine tonight after the dance?” I asked Grace during art.
It was Friday, and I had no plans. It was much better than spending the weekend alone.
“Sure, I guess I could. Are you coming to my brother’s party tonight?” she asked.
And it get’s awkward. We weren’t speaking about Deacon as much these days due to fact it was weird for me. I harbored slight feelings for my best friend’s brother and I felt guilty. It was wrong and I knew it, but since I couldn’t fix it, I elected to act like he didn’t exist. I knew it would work until I had to see him again. Like the party for example.
“I don’t know. Like I said, my mom would flip if she ever found out about it and I’m not ready to be grounded.”
“Come on, please?” she begged.
She was relentless. This had to be the hundredth time she’d asked me since she announced crashing it a few days ago.
I sighed knowing that I wasn’t going to get out of this one as easily as I had the other times. I had nothing to distract her with. I already tried the candy bit. It worked until she ate it all and then she came right back later that day. I also tried the “I think that guy is staring at you” lie and took my leave, but she eventually found me and she wasn’t happy. Then there was the brief distraction when I asked her what she was wearing to the dance. Now, I was just out of options.
“Alright, I’ll think about it,” I relented. “But only if you promise not to ask me again.”
Her face lit up like a firework on the fourth of July and she leapt forward and grabbed me in a suffocating hug.
“Grace…can’t breathe.”
She giggled and moved back releasing me. “Sorry.”
I pulled my purse straps back up on my shoulder that fell from the sudden impact of my best friend and reached for my phone to check a message I had just received when Grace grabbed me again, but in a much gentler hug.
“You don’t know how happy I am that you decided to come with me! For some reason Megan bailed on me and I really don’t want to go alone.”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, I said I would think about it,” I corrected her as she released me.
“Same diff,” she shrugged.
Yep. There was no doubt that I would definitely be attending this college party.
Once I pulled my phone from my purse, I was able to see who the text was from and sent him a smile from across the table after reading it.
Jonah: Get me out of 3rd period and I’ll get you out of the party. :)
Me: Not that your proposal doesn’t sound appealing, but Grace would kill me. And why do you think I can get you out of 3rd?
I raise my eyebrow at him as he received the text.
He smiled at me and shrugged then typed out his message and sent it.
Jonah: You’re the bad girl here. I’m just making the deals. ;)
My mouth fell agape after reading his message and I immediately responded.
Me: Bad Girl!!! What are you talking about? I’m never bad!
This time it was his turn to raise an eyebrow.
Jonah: Says the girl who’s ended up in the principals’ office twice this month, back talked a teacher and gained a detention. Wait…who are you again?
I rolled my eyes.
Me: What are you a stalker now? And I am not bad. It’s my company that’s bad! I’m the innocent victim here. And as for whom I am, I’m the same person I’ve always been. :)
Jonah: Careful Pinocchio. Your nose is growing! And FYI the office staff talks.
“Who are you two texting?” Grace asked.
I nearly jumped at the sound of her voice causing Jonah to laugh. I sent him a glare.
“Oh, just an irritating human being,” I replied while still staring in Jonah’s direction.
“Am I missing something here?” Grace asked looking between us.
I shook my head at her and sighed. “No. Not much. Just Jonah trying to be funny.”
Grace and I sat in front of my bathroom mirror curling our hair for the big dance. She had hers in a side sweep ponytail at her neck letting the small ringlets trail down her back while my short style was wavy curls just reaching below my ears. Though I had to force myself to even get ready for this thing, I felt we both looked nice.
“What do you think? Red lipstick?” she asked as she unplugged the curling wand.
“Well, it will definitely match the dress.”
I gave my hair one last spritz of hairspray and ran my fingers through it evenly creating the soft waves look.
“You look great,” Grace smiled.
“Thanks, so do you.”
Though I was very unenthusiastic about having to be the cleanup committee at the dance with Thomas I tried to remain positive. Maybe I’ll find a hot, decent guy there that’s not my best friend’s brother or a bad boy.
I could hope anyway.
“Okay, what about this dress?” Megan asked entering the bathroom with a very exposed chest area.
“Honestly?” I asked.
She nodded eagerly.
“I think it makes you look a little too easy,” I said honestly. “Besides I don’t think they’ll let in wearing that.”
Where did she even get a dress like that? I’ve seen more clothes on Julia Roberts when she was a hooker in Pretty Woman than this.
“Yeah, but it’ll be fun trying,” she giggled before turning and leaving the room.
Grace and I shared the same look of concern.
“Should we be worried?” she asked me.
I was apprehensive to answer. “Well…this is Megan we’re talking about so I think worry is what we have to do. She’s always been bold.”
“Yeah,” she agreed. “But this is still too much even for her. Who’s she trying to impress anyway?”
I shrugged. “Beats me.”
The evening ticked by and we were finally all ready to go and on the road to the dace. Grace elected to drive everyone except me, who had to stay over and clean up the gym after everyone was done trashing it so I took my own car.
Thomas offered to drive me, but after our fight earlier in the week I wasn’t speaking to him yet. He still owed me an apology for his behavior and I wasn’t giving in until I got one.
An hour into the dance I had high hopes the clean up would be easy. No one had spiked the punch therefore no one was puking in the bathrooms. Though, that should have been the least of my worries after Thomas arrived with bike, leather jacket and league of bad boys. Wait…when did he get a bike?
Now is not the time Olivia!!! I berated myself.
The noise died down when they pulled up outside and switched off their motorcycles and even the teachers were silent as they stood at the entrance of the gym.
My blood boiled as soon as they got off the bikes with their girls in tow. It was unhealthy at how many ways I thought of to kill Thomas for bring her. Whoever her is.
As I tried to rationalize my thoughts and breathe in the fresh air I stepped out for the girl pulled off her helmet and shook out her long blonde hair and pulled down her short red dress that was almost exactly like Megan’s only a different color.
Who the hell rides a bike in a dress that short? Well, I mean, I know who…sluts. But why was she on his bike? Well, I know the answer to that too. Okay, for lack of a better question, why do I even care? Yeah, sure he’s hot, built and has a smile to die for, but take away all of that and what do you really have? A jerk on a motorcycle, that’s what.
“Excuse me,” Brody’s date said rather rudely as she pushed by me. I frowned. I hadn’t even realized I was in the way. I politely moved to allow the others room to enter while still taken off guard by the tall blond in the red dress.
Thomas smirked at me when he entered. “Glad to see you made it blonde. I can’t have you getting me in trouble or anything.”
I rolled my eyes. Like he’s the one that needs to worry. He’s the one who damaging my rep.
Unconsciously I followed him inside where everyone was dancing only to have him further fuel my anger. He joined the dancers on the floor and pulled his date into his arms and against his body roughly. She giggled at him briefly before winding her arms around his neck and crashing her lips down on his.
I immediately felt nauseous while mentally cursing at them to get a room when the thoughts of Thomas and I doing the exact same thing as they were entered my mind. I was just another girl to him. That’s all. I wasn’t any different than these whores he parades around in front of everyone. Well except that I wasn’t actually a whore. At lease I don’t think so anyway.
Although it does cause me to question my actions since meeting the bad boy. Maybe Jonah’s question was right on earlier today. Who was I exactly? I didn’t go around kissing guys that I barely new at restaurants or movie theaters and then go to their houses. I also didn’t get detention, require therapy or spend time in the vice principal’s office I wasn’t even on the principal’s radar until meeting Thomas.
So again that same question comes into play. Who am I, because I sure as hell didn’t know?
I moved from my view of the couple eating each other’s facing off and decided to find my friends. Only they could take my mind of my troubles for while.
Farrah and Blake both greeted me with smiles as I joined them on the floor. The fast paced song made the feeling of intrusion vanish as I swayed with the song.
“Where have you been?” Farrah asked.
“Checking for littering people,” I lied. “I’ve gotta keep this place clean so I can get out of here early.”
I turned around when I felt a hand land on my shoulder behind me, but smiled when I saw who it belonged to.
“Hey, Jonah. You came.”
He shrugged. “Well, if I’m being forced to spend the next two days with my relatives I should have fun while I can.”
“True,” I agreed.
“Yeah, and some seem to be having more fun than others,” Farrah noted.
I followed her stare to the guys gathered around in a circle laughing and causing a scene only to see what I had dreading most tonight. Drinking.
Thomas, Brody and the rest of the four were taking sips from a flask, which only could have came from their parents, while the teachers remained oblivious from it.
“Well, this evening is sure to get more entertaining,” Blake chuckled.
I squeezed my hands into fists trying to hold in my anger unsure when I would blow. He was going to get wasted and leave me here to clean up the mess by myself. That was his plan all along. Ugh! I should have known he wasn’t going to help. What an ass.
Through the next two songs I watched him draw more and more attention to himself until a couple of teachers finally caught on to what was happening and took them all outside including their escorts.
“They always have to cause a scene,” Farrah said with the roll of her eyes. “I honestly don’t know who would date them. Their trouble makers.”
I pushed down my returning nausea again tried to regain myself. “Yeah, me either.”
Eventually the song closed and a slow one came on. Farrah and Blake connected leaving me and Jonah standing awkwardly together.
He cleared his throat. “Uh…care to um…to um…dance?”
Again I felt like a bad person knowing exactly what I was going to say. I could accept without fear of leading him on. I could do that.
“I don’t know, Jonah. Is that really such a good idea?”
“Just as friends,” he offered.
He held out his arm already inviting me to dance and I didn’t have to heart to reject him so I accepted. I was just too nice sometimes.
To my relief he did keep it friendly as I’d hoped, but the swaying to a turn for the worst when my stomach started tumbling again. It puzzled my as to why seeing as the cause of my nausea was now gone.
“Whoa. Are you okay?” Jonah asked concerned. “You don’t look so good.”
I shook my head and removed my arms from him. “I’m fine. I think I just need to sit down.”
He nodded and immediately helped to a seat. “I’ll go get you something to drink.”
I offered a weak smile. “Thank you.”
As soon as he disappeared Grace was immediately at my side. “Oh my gosh, Liv, what’s wrong?”
“Just a little nauseous, I’ll be fine though. Where have you been?” I asked her.
“Me and Megan were dancing over there with those guys.” She pointed to the specific area and rolled her eyes. “Megan’s still over there with them. She doesn’t give up.”
I managed a weak smile. “No, she doesn’t.”
When another wave of nausea hit me I clenched my stomach and groaned. Grace’s face mirrored concern.
“Maybe you should go home. You don’t look so good. Vampires have better color than you.” She patted my back in a comforting manner when Jonah showed back up with my drink.
“It’s sprite. It’ll help your stomach,” he said holding out the can in front of me.
I gladly took it from him even though I wasn’t thirsty in the slightest. However, as long as it helped me, I’d drink it.
Jonah sat next to me on the bench watching me with a worried expression that closely matched Grace’s. I felt like a watched pot. It was like they were expecting me throw up any minute. I sincerely hoped that wouldn’t happen. I hate throwing up. At least I never have to worry about becoming bulimic.
“Do you want me to drive you home? I can bring you back tomorrow to get your car,” Grace offered.
“No, I think I’ll be fine,” I said after taking a sip of my soda. “I just need a minute. Besides I have to clean up after everyone leaves.”
“Then we’ll help,” Jonah said looking to Grace.
She nodded in confirmation. “We will. You’re not in the best of shape after all and you’ll be here all night.”
I wouldn’t be if Thomas actually helped like he was supposed to. He was probably long gone by now. Though I hoped he found a designated driver to take him home since it was obvious he’d been drinking tonight. I was still angry at him but I didn’t want him to put his life in danger.
To my relief I was able to make it through the dance without a very unpleasant trip the bathroom. And thanks to my amazing friends, I didn’t have to spend longer than an hour cleaning up the after party. Everything seemed to remain intact throughout the dance and I was overjoyed despite my unsettled stomach.
I was okay to drive home despite Grace, Farrah, and Jonah’s objections and through my insistence they finally allowed me to go. I noted as soon as I left the school that Thomas’s bike was still in the lot and felt relieved. At least he wasn’t on the road.
Jonah was kind enough to follow back home as he was worried I wouldn’t make it. He promised he’d call and check on me tomorrow before he left my house. He really was a sweet guy.
My mom and dad were up with the twins when I got home. Since it was the weekend they were able stay up later and normally I would to, but more than anything I just wanted to go to bed.
“Hey sweetheart. Did you have fun at the dance?”Dad asked me as I reached the stairs.
I turned to face him before going up. “Yeah, but I’m tired. I think I’m going to call it a night.”
“You look tired. Are you okay?”
He lifted his hand to touch my forehead though I backed up before he could touch t. If he thought I was sick he wouldn’t let me go to Grace’s tomorrow and I promised her I’d go to the party. After all her help tonight I wouldn’t let her down even though I knew she’d understand.
“Dad, I’m fine,” I insisted. “Like I said, I’m just tired.”
“Okay,” he said hesitantly. “If you’re sure.”
“I am and now I’m going to bed. I’ll see you in the morning.” I turned and began to climb the stairs when he called out after me.
“I have an early shift tomorrow and I’ll be working late so you might not see me until Sunday. If you need me though I can stay home.”
“No. That’s okay. I’m thinking of staying at Grace’s tomorrow anyway. I’ll see you Sunday.”
I didn’t wait for his reply and made my way to my room. As soon as my bed was in sight I crashed without even changing my clothes. I was much too tired and just needed to rest my eyes a while. I’d do it tomorrow if I woke up.
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Picture to the side is what I picture Olivia looking like at the dance >>>>>>>>
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