《Just My Type》Chapter 11- Love Makes You Do Crazy Things
I'm bored," Grace stated while gnawing on the middle of her pencil.
This was the third time in the past twenty minutes she's told me and I was at my wits end.
I sighed and massaged my temples. “You’re not supposed to be bored. You're supposed to be drawing something that makes you happy."
"I already did," she smiled brightly holding up her sketch pad in front of her. "Niall from One Direction."
I stared at the profile in shock. "Wow. Remarkable resemblance."
"I know." She closed the pad but kept on smiling. "I've spent a lot of time studying pictures of him."
Well, I guess we know who he celebrity crush is now. She's got it bad.
"How much longer until we can bail?" she asked. "I want lunch."
And I wanted peace, but it didn't look like that would be happening anytime soon. I pulled out my phone and checked the time.
"Twenty more minutes."
She frowned. "That's like an hour in Snoresville. I can't take it any longer."
Me either, but for a different reason. Grace was driving me extra crazy today! I didn't know how much more I could handle. Certainly not twenty minutes. If only I were Thomas, I could get myself out of here. He certainly had no problem getting out of classes from what I've heard.
"Now how long?" she asked.
I let out a loud cry of frustration. "Grace!"
"What? I'm bored and hungry."
For the briefest moment I almost considered sending Thomas a cry for help but thankfully I came to my senses before doing so. The last thing I wanted was to owe him anything else. I didn't even want to know what the price would be for a bailout of class. Probably more than I was willing to pay.
My eyes wondered around the room over the students until one in particular caught my eye, Jonah. He seemed to be very occupied by his assignment to even notice my stare. I missed him. I really did. I wonder if he missed me too? If only I could talk to him and explain things to him. Was he only back from speaking to me out of fear of Thomas or did he honestly not want to talk to me anymore? The thought of the latter one hurt. I hope that wasn't the case.
“He’s looking over here again,” Grace mumbled looking across the room in Jonah’s direction. “I just don’t get it. You two used to be close.”
“Yeah,” I agreed. “We did.”
I allowed myself a glance in his direction and sure enough he was still staring. I sighed. I had to get this problem between us worked out soon and erase all this awkwardness.
When the bell finally rang at the end of class Grace was the first one out of her seat. I quickly followed behind her trying to keep pace until we reached the lockers. She placed her books inside hers before I even got mine open.
“I have to use the bathroom,” she said shutting her locker door. “I’ll meet you, Farrah and Megan in the cafeteria.”
I nodded as she walked off toward the bathroom. After putting my things away I turned to leave, but successfully ran into another person. It didn’t take me long to realize who it was.
“Jonah,” I said. “I’m so sorry. I wasn’t paying attention to my surroundings.”
I shrugged and offered a faint smile. “It’s alright. I tend to be invisible sometimes.”
He finished stuffing his books inside the locker and closed it. With the busy hallway clearing out I didn’t want to lose the opportunity to talk to him so I tried to keep the conversation up.
“So, did you enjoy your ice cream?” I asked. I was grasping at straws.
He nodded. “Yeah, it was good.” He grasped the strap of his backpack and pulled it up further on his shoulder while looking around me uncomfortably. It seemed as if something was bothering him.
“Are you okay?”
His eyes snapped by to mine from the now empty hallway. The nervous shifting only worsened. “Y-yeah. W-why do you ask?”
I raise an eyebrow at him and laughed. “Well, mostly because you keep fidgeting like your hiding something.”
“O-oh,” he stuttered. “I’m just…it’s…I’m late for class.”
I shook my head. I knew better.
“Jonah, we have the same lunch. You don’t have class right now.”
He knew he had been caught and it showed. He sighed and leaned himself up against the lockers in defeat. “I just don’t want to cause any problems for you. Or give your boyfriend another reason to kill me.”
I crunched my eyebrows up at him in confusion. “Boyfriend?”
“Thomas,” he answered. “I saw him his morning.”
Oh, Thomas! Of course. I keep forgetting he thinks we’re together.
“So, what’s wrong?” I asked.
He suddenly became nervous again and started to fidget. “Well…I-I saw your boyfriend making out w-with another girl in the lot. And he looked like he was enjoying it.”
As I tried to push back my annoyance with this new information I replied to him. “Thomas and I aren’t together anymore. That’s over.”
I suppose I could have came out with and admitted that our supposed dating was all a rouse to make Jonah believe I had a date to the dance, but I just couldn’t do that to him. I didn’t want to hurt his feelings. He was just too nice.
He was surprise, but quickly composed himself and smiled. “Oh. Well that’s great. At least he didn’t cheat on you.”
“Yeah,” I agreed.
He was definitely delighted with the news of mine and Thomas’s split and it showed. If I was smart I would just have accepted his offer to the dance and become his girlfriend. I know he would be good a great boyfriend, but we were lacking the most essential thing that every relationship should have. Chemistry. That I needed to have a lot of.
Unfortunately, it just had to be with the person I despised the most. Thomas Cavanaugh. Oh why couldn’t life just be simple sometimes? I wish I could like Jonah like that. However, it just wasn’t possible.
“Want to walk to lunch together?” he asked hopeful.
He now seemed like the friend I was used to again and I had missed him. I hope that he doesn’t try asking me out again or I really would have to let him down and make us both feel bad.
“Sure,” I agreed. “I’m pretty hungry.”
Jonah and I entered the lunchroom the same time as Grace. Confusion swept across her face when she was us standing in the lunch line together with our arms interlinked like we used to do.
“Hey,” she said to him. “Are you joining us for lunch today?”
He smiled enthusiastically. “If you’ll have me.”
Grace grinned at his sunny disposition that we had all missed. “Of course. Anytime.”
Farrah and Megan were already at our table with their trays when we arrived. Grace and I took our usual spots with Jonah sitting next to me. Farrah briefly acknowledged us before going back to a heavy make out session with her boyfriend while Megan looked to be in physical pain. Maybe she was just as annoyed with not having a boy friend as we were.
“I think my brother’s having a party this weekend,” Grace announced.
She popped a fry into her mouth and smiled.
“I think we should crash it,” she added.
“Are you sure that’s a good idea? It’ll be a college party meaning college guys,” I said.
Although a party at Deacon’s sounded thrilling, I’d heard stories about how wild college parties could get and my mom would never let me attend. Not that she’d have to know, but she’d eventually find out and when that day came I’d be grounded for life.
She knew Graces parents well and they were exactly opposed to their son’s parties. They were very laid back and fun parents, something my mom did not approve of. Word was sure to get around. After all they both went to the same hair salon and everybody talks.
“We can’t go,” Farrah said. “We have the dance Friday and Saturday Blake and I have dinner with our parents.”
Megan rolled her eyes then piped up. “I’ll go! I happen to like college guys.”
“I can’t go either. My mom would flip if she ever found out and I don’t want to be grounded until I graduate college,” I said.
She looked disappointed, but looked at Megan and grinned. “Well at least I won’t be alone.”
“I’d go, but my grandma is coming into town this weekend and my parents are making me spend it with her,” Jonah said.
“Well, it looks like it’s just me and Megan. Suit yourselves,” she shrugged.
A bunch of people were gathered around the hallway shouting at someone who wasn’t visible to me as we exited the cafeteria. Farrah, Grace, Jonah and Megan went their separate ways while I stayed behind to see what all the fuss was about. I couldn’t see over the mass of students to see who they were shouting at, but from what I could hear someone was fighting.
Through the chanting I heard a familiar voice call out to someone over the crowd. I froze when I recognized it.
Thomas. Of course it’s him. He the reason for most of the fight’s in this school. What make this one any different?
“Excuse me. Excuse me,” I said as I pushed my way through the crowd. It wasn’t easy considering no one wanted to move. By the time I reached the front of the crowd I was in full view of the aftermath of what happened.
James Boone was on the ground holding his bloody nose staring up a Thomas and horror at what he had done. The pretty dark haired girl I saw him laughing with in the hallway the other day was pulling on his arm to get out of there, but he didn’t want to budge.
“Thomas, come on or you’ll get in trouble again. One more detention this month and you’ll be expelled,” she said.
“So what else is new? He deserved it.”
She ran a hand through her long raven black hair and shook her head. “Thomas, I’m serious. Let’s go. You already taught him a lesson, now leave it. He knows better than to say anything to anyone about this.”
He stared at the guy on the ground for a moment longer before nodding and hesitantly going with her. They pushed their way past the crowd and disappeared down the hallway between the people. His friends soon followed after him after threatening James not to speak.
I stared after them in disbelief.
When everyone dispersed James tried to climb to his feet, but stumbled backwards and hit the wall. Feeling bad for him I rushed to his side and grabbed his arm to help him up.
“Thanks,” he said appreciatively as he sustained his balance and leaned against the walk for support.
“Are you okay?” I asked examining his already blackened eye. He didn’t look so good. “Do you want me to take you to the nurse?”
He kept his sleeved arm held in place under his nose and shook his head. “No. I’m fine. It’ll just lead to questions. I’ll take care of it.”
“So what did you do to piss him off?”
He chuckled with the absence of humor and looked toward the direction Thomas disappeared before glancing back at me. “I jumped him.”
I blinked back my surprise at his confession. “Why would you do that? Do you have a death wish or something?”
He laughed. “I could ask you the same thing. Thomas doesn’t take kindly to anyone helping out his victims. You’ll paint a target on yourself.”
I rolled my eyes at him. “Thanks for the concern, but I can handle Thomas. He doesn’t scare me.”
Well that was a lie. After seeing him standing over James in a predatory way I was a little freaked out, but I’d never show it.
“So why did jump him?” I asked.
His face hardened at my question and he pushed himself off the wall. “Because he hooked up with my girlfriend.”
I gasped. “He did? How do you know?”
“She told me when she broke up with me this morning. I was so mad that I lost it. I didn’t even think about it when I found him in the hall. I just acted on impulse. A lot of good that did me, huh?”
“Well. I can’t say I blame you for your anger, but that wasn’t the smartest thing you could have done. Thomas is notorious for this kind of thing. You’re lucky that you only walked away with a bloody nose and a black eye. He usually doesn’t go so easy on people.”
He chuckled at my word choice. “Yeah, lucky. That’s what I am.”
“Well at least you still have your sarcasm,” I joked.
“At least there’s that,” he agreed.
He removed his arm from his nose and my eyes widened at the amount of dried blood on his face. Thomas didn’t take any prisoners. He could be so despicable sometimes.
“The bleeding has stopped,” he stated looking at his bloodied sleeve.
“Good. Let me at least help you get cleaned up. I keep a first aid kit in my car.”
“Won’t you be late for class?”
I shrugged. “Sometimes it’s healthy to miss.”
He smiled. “In that case I’d be happy to accept your offer.”
By the time I had gotten James cleaned up I had missed nearly all of Food 1 so I didn’t bother going back. Instead James and I decided to hang out in my car and listen to music.
“You know, you’re lucky I drove today. You’d still have a bloody nose if it wasn’t for my handy first aid kit,” I smiled.
“Yeah. Thanks again for that.”
“It’s really no problem. My mom’s a nurse so I know a thing or two. Hence the first aid kit. How many people do you know that happens to carry one around with them everywhere they go?”
“Not many. You’re very organized,” he noted
“Thank you.” I took that as a compliment.
He looked at the clock on the radio and placed his hand on the door. “At least I only have to endure one more class period looking like this.”
“At least you’re not wearing white,” I said. “Roll up your sleeves and it won’t look so bad.”
“I’ll do that,” he smiled. “Thanks.”
He pulled on the door handle and got off of the car. I soon followed after him and locked the doors after my exit. When I rounded the car to meet him I shrieked in surprise when someone jerked him back and slammed his body against the car.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” I yelled when I faced the culprit. I ran to them and thried to pry Thomas hands of James.
He had crazy eyes again and I flinched at the sight of him. He was definitely mad.
“Olivia, go to class,” he seethed.
Again I flinched but this time by his harsh tone. Once I over came it I mustered back up the courage I normally held around him.
“No. Leave him alone. Don’t you think he’s already undergone enough damage for one day?” I spat.
His eyes flashed from James’ to mine. At that moment I wished a whole would just open up and swallow me completely. Thomas could be very intimidating when he wanted to. Even to me.
“He’s the one who jumped me. Did he tell you that?”
“Yes and you hooked up with his girlfriend,” I stated. “I think you’re even.”
His face hardened. “Well I didn’t ask you, did I?”
Ouch. His words hurt more than I thought they would.
“I told you you should have left me there,” James said to me.
Thomas’ hands tightened around his collar and he shook him hard. “Don’t talk to her.”
He then turned his attention back to me. “I didn’t know she had a girlfriend or I wouldn’t have even gone there.”
So the bad boy had some morals. Who would have thought?
“Then the two of you should be pissed at this girl rather than each other, don’t you think?” I suggested furiously.
It made sense to me. And they were both acting ridiculous.
“The fact is he jumped me and I’m not easy to forgive. I’m not finished with him yet.”
I tightened my hold on Thomas’s arm and tried to pull him off again. “Yes, you are. You’ve made your point now please let him go.”
“Why should I?” he asked.
“Because he’s learned his lesson. He’ll stay out of your way if you stay out of his.”
How I had graduated from a nobody to peacemaker was a shock to me. I'd never expected myself to be bargaining with a bad boy.
I hadn’t even noticed the bell ring until the parking lot became filled with students. A crowed had started to gather again and stares were falling on us.
I turned my attention back to James. “Tell him,” I urged James.
He nodded hastily. “Yeah, it’s true. I will.”
Thomas hesitated for a moment until I sent him a pleading look with my eyes and finally he relaxed. He released James shirt and gave him on last shove toward the school before allowing him to walk away.
And James didn’t just walk, he jugged away from us, probably in case Thomas changed his mind about the free pass.
Love makes people do stupid things and James knew it from personal experience. I hoped that whoever his girlfriend was got what she deserved.
“Thank you,” I said sincerely to Thomas. “You did the right thing.”
“I know. It leaves a bitter taste in my mouth,” he said turning away from the departing crowed and facing me. “I don’t like it.”
“At least you learned there are other alternatives than violence.”
“I like violence. It’s more effective than talking. It gets the point across quicker,” he stated.
I rolled my eyes at him. Of course. He’ll never change. He’s Thomas Cavanaugh after all. He does what he wants.
A hand caught my arm as I began to walk away and without even looking, I knew who it was. Thomas was standing beside me willing me to look at him.
“Getting involved in my business isn’t a good idea. Neither is making friends with my enemies.”
“So I’ve been told.”
His grip on me tightened becoming quickly uncomfortable. “I’d advise against it. I’m giving you a polite warning. It won’t happen again. Stay away from James.”
Anger coursed through me as I turned to face him. “Or what? Are you going to threaten me too?”
“I don't need to. I’ll just have to find him myself and offer him a polite warning."
The underlining in his voice told me that was threat to James and I didn’t want to be the cause of him getting hurt again.
Nothing Thomas did was ever "polite."
Besides it wasn’t like James and I were best friends now anyway. I could stay away from him if it kept Thomas away from him. It just angered me that Thomas had to resort to threats to get what he wanted. All he had to do was ask.
“Whatever. I’m late for P.E. Can I go?” I glanced down at my arm and waited patiently for him to remove his hand.
He released me from his grip and continued to stare at me as if he had more to say. I didn’t stay around to find out. Without a second look at him, I walked away from him and back into the building willing myself not to cry.
Thomas and his stupid pride was the only reason he didn’t want me to be friends with James. If I was smart I’d cut all ties with Thomas and never speak to him again. But there was a part of me that didn’t want to let go so easily even if I knew I should.
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Awesamponk fluff shots
Pls quit reading this 😭Started: 3/14/21Ended: 8/10/21
8 157