《Just My Type》Chapter 8- Lips Don't Lie
Chapter 8- Lips Don’t Lie
By the time school had finished I was still in panic mode after what happened at the diner today. Thankfully Thomas ditched third period and I didn’t have to face him or the awkward moment we shared earlier. I’m sure class would have been more than uncomfortable if he’d showed. Is it possible that he ditched for that exact reason?
Sadly I couldn’t say the same for Thomas’s next conquest, Julia. She was very much a part of our cooking group today and it made me feel weird being so close to her knowing I just made out with the guy she would be “dating” tonight. And I use that term very loosely. As Thomas had stated before, he doesn’t do dates. I knew exactly what would happen tonight between them and it bothered me. Again for reason I didn’t care to look to closely at. It’s all part of being afraid of what I might find.
Grace and I rode in my car alone today due to it being Friday and everyone having plans but us. It was quite sad really. I had no prospects of a boyfriend or even a date. I was completely hopeless.
Something sparked in me when I pulled into Grace’s drive and saw Deacon’s car sitting outside the house. I knew at that moment it wasn’t a good thing what I was feeling. No, it was very, very bad. Grace is one of my best friends. I really shouldn’t be feeling anything towards her brother. It just wasn’t appropriate.
“What do you want to do tonight?” she asked.
I shrugged. “I don’t know. I guess the same thing we do every weekend. Grey’s Anatomy reruns?”
“I’d rather do something else. No offense, to Dr. Mcdreamy or anything, but I just don’t feel like staying in tonight.”
I nodded my head. “Yeah, me either.”
Grace ginned and pulled out her phone. “Okay, so how about we catch a movie in town and go out somewhere to eat?”
While Grace was busy scrolling through the movies on her app a light knock sounded on her closed door. Seeing as she was occupied with movie choices I got up from the chair opened it. Deacon smiled at me as soon as I laid eyes on him and of course I blushed.
“Busy?” he asked.
“No. Just picking out a movie for tonight,” I mumbled pointing back at Grace.
He invited himself into her room and plopped down in the chair I was previously occupying. I didn’t mind though. It was Deacon.
“So you’re going out?” he asked hopeful.
I nodded at him, but Grace didn’t even look up from her phone. She had yet to even acknowledge his existence. I assume that was on purpose.
“Good. I’m bored. What are we seeing?”
“We aren’t seeing anything,” Grace finally spoke. “Olivia and I are.”
Deacon just smiled at her and crossed his arms over his chest. “Really? Well, I’ll just tell, Mom and memorial weekend then.”
She gasped and leapt off the bed to stand in front of her brother. “You nark. It was your alcohol and your party. If you tell, then I’m telling.”
He shook his head smirking looking completely non intimidated. “Sis. I’m no longer a minor. What’s the worst they could do to me? You, however, are still seventeen. Need I say more?”
“No,” she replied sullen.
She knew he had beaten her and she had no choice, but to let him come along. She did not look happy with that fact.
“Fine, you can come along. Though I don’t understand why you want to hang out with on a Friday night. Don’t you have friends of your own?”
He shrugged. “There’s a party tonight at Adam’s and everyone went. I knew June would be there so I’m avoiding that place like the plague right now.”
She raised her eyebrow at him clearly not buying the story. “And?”
He sighed looking slightly irritated at his sister. “And…she’s dating him now, okay. Are you happy?”
Absentmindedly I gave my input. “Already? Didn’t you guys just break up?”
Deacon seemed just as surprised as I was at my words, but soon grinned.
“I know, right? It’s not even been a week yet.”
“I’m sorry,” I apologized sincerely.
“It wasn’t your fault she dumped me.”
“I know,” I said, “but I’m sorry she’s already moved on.”
He seemed appreciate of that. “Thanks.”
Grace awkwardly cleared her throat grabbing both our attention and looked amused. “Should I just leave you two alone or are we still going to the movie?”
I blushed at her insinuation. Crap, Olivia. Don’t give yourself away!
“Uh no,” I answered lamely and immediately wanted to slap myself after. “Let’s go.”
That was a close one. Can’t let that happen again. I could already hear Grace now asking me since when did I start caring about her brothers relationships. I knew I did not have a good answer for that.
Grace picked out some random restaurant on the way to the theater that we quickly dined before the movie start. It was a mediocre place, but I’ve been too much worse. At least no one was food poised this time.
When we arrived to the movies Deacon picked up our tickets from the booth and tried to find the right room the movie was airing in. When we finally found it, Deacon politely held the door open for us and followed into the room after we were inside.
Grace was not pleased with the movie choice and her attitude showed it. Her normally cheery mood always seemed to be dampened around her brother and it was hard not to find humorous. She was especially angry at him this time for getting us ticket to some zombie movie without her consent. I personally didn’t mind it. I was pretty much up for anything with action in it.
In the daim theater room I was aware I had bumped into someone while looking for our seat. The guy in from of me made a sudden stop at the empty row of seats and I quickly apologized to him without looking before Grace, Deacon and I took the empty seats in from of him.
Once we were settled in I began filling my mouth with the buttery, fattening popcorn and Junior Mints; my two favorite things to get at the theater. I share with Deacon and Grace giving them equal access to the bowl seeing as I was setting in the middle.
When the whole room went dark the previews began as the giggles from a girl sitting behind us. I tried not to let it bother me and vowed I’d only say something to her if she continued once the actual movie started.
Deacon’s arm gently brushed against mine on the arm rest causing weird tingles to run up my arm and I didn’t my best to not react to it. He reached for another handful of popcorn and smiled at me. I returned it with my own chipmunk smile, but with my mouth packed full of food I kept it closed.
Really Olivia, could you have any more grace about you?
When the girl behind us giggled again Deacon turned around to see the couple behind us. Without saying a word he smiled and turned back around to face the screen.
“What?” I asked him curiously.
“Nothing,” he chuckled. “Just some couple having fun it looks like.”
I couldn’t resist the urge to take a peek at them myself and turned to get a glimpse of them. I nearly gasped when I saw who it was and silently prayed I was just in a very bad dream. However, after pinching myself I realize this was in fact reality.
When Thomas pulled away from Julia he smirked at me, and didn’t seem nearly as surprised to see me as I was him.
“Well, well, well. If it isn’t my stalker,” he teased.
“Yes, I’m stalking you. As are my friends,” I answered sarcastically in a hushed tone. “It’s not a very big town. We’re bound to run into each other occasionally.”
“Our paths just seem to keep crossing, don’t they?” he said, his voice showing amusement.
I was about to answer him when his eyes drifted from mine and meet Deacon’s. His face remained emotionless.
“Just be quiet and don’t ruin the movie for me,” I said turning and facing the screen again. Deacon turned back around when I did.
“Friend of yours?” he whispered during a preview break.
“No,” I answered bluntly. “Far from it.”
Though Thomas and Julia didn’t make any noise throughout the film I still found it hard to concentrate with them behind me. I knew they were probably sucking each other’s face off. I’m sure Julia was enjoying his lips. The exact same lips I had been kissing today as well.
I forced down the feeling of annoyance I felt when thinking about our moment earlier and tired to focus back on the movie.
Halfway through I felt the overwhelming need to use the bathroom and began internally cursing myself for not going before the movie. After I realized I couldn’t hold it any longer I excused myself to go find it in the lobby.
The bathrooms weren’t as clean as I liked them to be, but were public bathrooms ever up to par? When I finished I washed my hands and exited the bathroom. Before going back to the movie I decided to get a soda, what I should have done before watching the movie.
While waiting in line I felt a presence behind me and I smelt his delicious scent before I saw him. I didn’t bother to turn around knowing it would bother him if I didn’t.
“What can I get you?” the concession stand worker asked me.
“Coke,” I replied and waited for him to get my order.
Less than a minute for waiting on my drink I felt a familiar pair of hands on my sides pulling me back and into him. I frowned and turned see him. His hands never left my side.
“Excuse me. What the hell are you doing?” I snapped at him.
Sometimes I just couldn’t believe the audacity of this guy. He was here on a “date” with another girl and still putting the moved on me. How low.
“So you do know I’m here,” she said.
I sighed and turned to the cashier to pay for my order when I heard the cup being sat down on the counter. Handing the guy a five and getting my change, I walked out of Thomas’s hands, ignoring the empty feeling I felt when I did.
He’s bad news Olivia. Get him out of your head. He’s not good for you. It’ll only end in heartache and bitter disappointment.
I made my way back to our theater room stopping to tie my shoe along the way. To no surprise when I stood back up Thomas was there.
I rolled my eyes at him. “Ugh. What to do you want Tho-”
I was cut off when I suddenly pushed into a wall in the empty hallway. His lips were on mine in an instant, just like in the diner today. The kiss was rough at first, and then began to calm down after a few seconds and I responded…again.
I was going straight to hell for this.
His hands tightened at my waist in an almost painful grip, but the kiss was enough of a distraction to ignore it. Eventually they trailed up my body as his tongue slipped inside my mouth. Unconsciously I moaned in his mouth and I felt his smile. His hands were in my hair for a moment then all to soon he gripped my face and pulled me back breaking out kiss.
Our distance quickly caused my sanity to return and gasped placing my hand over my mouth. My lips were swelled and tender from or heated kiss.
“Why did you do that?” I nearly yelled. “You really need to stop kissing me; especially when you’re on dates with other girls.”
I wiped my mouth off remembering Thomas previously having his lips on Julia’s. I glared at him.
“You know, I’m not like all the other girls you randomly hook up with, okay. I don’t fall for bad boys.”
He smirked at me placing his arm on the tan wall above me, leaning in to my personal space.
“Really? Because your lips say otherwise. And sweets, lips don’t lie.”
I huffed out a breath of air. “You’re delusional if you think I even remotely interested in you. Believe it or not I don’t yearn to be just another notch in your belt.”
“We’ll see,” he said removing his arm and giving my space back. As he turned away from me and took a step toward the theater room, he stopped and glanced back at me with a serious expression on his face.
“Let that be a reminder to you next time you try to ignore me. Or kiss someone else.”
I didn’t have the chance to reply before her was out of sight and back inside the room where he’d no doubt be making out with Julia again. That thought disgusted me more than I wanted to admit, but I did admit it and I hated myself for it.
Regaining some of my equilibrium I returned to Deacon and Grace and sat back down with my drink in hand. I surprise it had survived Thomas, but somehow it did.
I didn’t bother looking at him again throughout the movie. My mind ran wild with reasons for his sudden and unwarranted behavior a moment ago when he pushed me into that wall and kissed me senseless. He was almost like he was trying to prove a point….or stake a claim maybe. I know it’s a ridiculous thought, but his actions made no sense to me at all and that reason was the closest I could come to an explanation.
Let that be a reminder to you next time you try to ignore me. Or kiss someone else. His words sent a chill up my spine and excited me.
Deacon’s arm brushed against mine once more, but unlike the last time I wasn’t as nearly as effected by it and I think I knew why. Thomas. An arm brush hardly compared to a make out session like I had just had.
When the movie was over I was more than happy to leave. I need to be far away from Thomas as I could get. My uncontrollable actions around him made me worried about being at his house tomorrow. When we stood to leave the theater I stupidly allowed myself to look at Thomas, but thankfully he and Julia were already gone. I was glad for that. I’m not sure how that would have made me feel. I’m sure they were doing more R rated stuff right by now anyway.
As soon as that thought entered my mind I pushed it out.
Don’t go there Olivia.
Back at Grace’s house I sat sulking on the couch next to Deacon while some mindless TV showed I wasn’t even interested in played on the flat screen. Grace was in another room on the phone with her mom leaving me and her brother all alone in the living room.
“You look…bored,” he noted turning his attention away from the television.
“I’m just tired,” I said. “It’s been an eventful day.”
I was starting to feel more comfortable around Deacon now and not some flushing, blabbering mess I normally was. It was becoming easier to have conversations with him.
He smiled and turned back to the TV with replying. I tried to focus on the show myself, but my mind just wouldn’t allow it. I was still too distracted.
I leaned my head into the back of the couch and sighed.
“Who was that guy in the theater tonight if you don’t mind me asking? There seemed to be some noticeable tension between you,” he asked slightly turning to me again.
“Just some guy from school who likes to annoy me,” I answered honestly. That was mostly true. He did like to annoy me. Though that wasn’t the only thing he’d done.
The kissing scene came flooding back into my mind again leaving a bitter taste in my mouth.
“Oh,” he chuckled. “It kind of seemed like more.”
Wow. He was oddly observant.
I laughed trying to cover up my nervousness. “It’s complicated. He’s complicated. In fact, that should actually be his name, complicated.”
I couldn’t think of a better way to explain our abnormal relationship. Though complicated did seem to describe us and him perfectly.
“Okay. So it’s complicated,” he grinned. “What relationship isn’t?”
I shrugged and returned his smile. “I don’t know. I haven’t had many.”
I’m not sure my first kiss in the sixth grade counted as a relationship, but we’ll go with it.”
A look of disbelief crossed over his face. “I find that hard to be believe.”
My eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. “Why do you say that?”
“Because guys would be crazy for not jumping at the chance to date you,” he said as if the answer was obvious. “You’re beautiful.”
I blushed deeply at that and cautiously looked around the room for Grace hoping she hadn’t heard her brother’s confession. Relief filled me when I didn’t see her anywhere.
“You’re just saying that to be nice. And trying to make your sister’s best friend feel better,” I smiled, the blush still covering my face.
“Actually, I probably shouldn’t say that because you are my sister’s best friend, but something told me you needed to hear it. I just had to be honest with you.”
I tucked some loose hair behind my ear awkwardly having a hard time believing this moment with Deacon was really happening.
“Well, thanks. I value honestly.”
“So do I.”
All too soon Grace was off the phone and back inside the room with us. Deacon and I quickly looked away from each other doing our best to act nonchalant. Grace sat down between us failing to notice anything change in the room, thankfully.
“Mom and Dad will be back on Sunday,” she said to Deacon. “Mom said she put more money in our accounts in case we need anything before they get back.”
He nodded to her without a word and turned back to the TV watching the program in complete silence.
Saturday afternoon rolled around and I was growing more nervous with every passing hour. Today was the day I agreed to be Thomas’s girlfriend and meet his family. Even though our relationship status was fake I worried that they wouldn’t like me and that thought bothered me. For some unknown reason I wanted them to approve.
“Farrah and I were thinking of going to the mall today. Want to come?” Grace asked flipping through a magazine.
“I can’t,” I said regretfully. “I have plans with my mom.”
I hated to lie to her, but I didn’t want anyone getting the wrong idea about Thomas and me. If I could help it no one would ever know about us. I preferred it that way. I didn’t need any unnecessary complications in my life right now.
“Cool. What are you doing?”
I shrugged. Crap I hadn’t thought this through very well. “You know, just mother daughter bonding stuff.”
“Hmm. Let me know what that’s like. I wouldn’t know,” she said.
I looked at her regretfully and smiled weakly. I forgot her parents never spent much time with her and felt guilty for not coming up with a better excuse for skipping out on today.
Doing a once over of myself in the mirror I looked back at Grace. “How do I look? Is this conservative enough?”
“Enough for what?” she asked curiously.
“An outing with a parent,” I answered her.
“I guess so,” she shrugged. “It’s cute.”
I don’t need cute, Grace. I need approval. I smiled at her and looked back into the mirror in debate. To change, or not to change? That is the question.
While staring at myself, my phone beeped from across the room and Grace got up to hand it to me.
“It’s a text,” she said as I took it.
I clicked the notification at the top of my phone and froze. It was from Thomas.
I’ll be there in an hour. Don’t keep me waiting.
Crap. Was it four o’clock already? Where did the day go? Now I really have to pull myself together.
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- In Serial437 Chapters
"You may now kiss the bride." But no kiss ever came. I'm ripped from my wedding and thrown into a medieval fantasy world with game-like elements. It may seem like a game, but that doesn't matter to me, because this is my reality. The pain, the hunger, the cold, the fear, it's all real to me. Alone, without knowing why I'm here, in a world where I know nothing and nobody, I decide to buy a Blood Slave to have someone I can trust. She brings me comfort and so much more. She helps me raise my head high again and bravely move forward. Together, we'll grow stronger. Together, we're unbreakable. But she won't be the only one by my side. We need more than just each other, for I know that my purpose in this world can't be accomplished with only her help. Monsters and dungeons plague the land, forcing civilization to protect themselves from the hordes with tall walls and fierce determination. Killing monsters is a daily need, but they aren't the only enemy here. I have a powerful "Gift" that allows me to change my "skill points" at will, but if others were to know about it, there would be many that would try to use me by any means possible. Step by step, moment by moment, day by day, we keep moving forward, always aiming to improve our strength. One day, we'll meet our Fate, and we'll be ready for it. Swords held high, shields tightly strapped to our arms, wings spread apart, spells at the tip of our tongues, minds focused like blades, and our hearts hardened like steel. We'll take on whatever comes our way! --------------------------------------------- New chapters Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 8PM US East. At least 3k words each. Additional Tags: Psychological, Romance, Magic, Male Lead, Portal Fantasy/Isekai/Transmigration, Polygamy, Slaves Content Warning: gore, profanity, sexual content (most of it has been censored) (male/female, female/female, and human/non-human(not for the faint of heart)), traumatizing content What to expect: Slow story focused on the day-to-day life of a transmigrated man rather than on the plot. The plot exists but it very slowly becomes relevant. Also, slow character progress. It's a long journey, so don't expect a hero to grow in just a few chapters. Detailed environments and extensive world-building. Realistic and tactical combat instead of flashy. Protagonist with a cheat but far from overpowered. Lots of descriptive sex scenes (though most got censored here). It's treated as just another part of life instead of merely fan-service. A harem where the members actually enjoy living with each other. Occasional weird wording and grammar, English isn't my first language. Currently uploading on: Royal Road (most sexual content censored), Scribble Hub, Novel Updates Forum, Wattpad, Hentai Foundry, Webnovel, MoonQuill, Nobles, Archive of Our Own, and Literotica. This story is also on Scribble Hub, Novel Updates, Hentai Foundry, Webnovel, MoonQuill, Archive of Our Own, and Literotica.
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