《MY TYPE | KTH ✓》05
Bree now definitely looked forward to every chemistry lecture, especially the times after them when everyone would file out of the halls and only Taehyung and she were left.
"Prof, can you help me with something real quick?" Bree asked, trudging down the steps, her eyes trained to her notebook in front of her.
"Hmm?" he propped his circle glasses on his nose, looking over at her through them.
"The molar mass of carbon is twelve so does that mean the molar mass of this compound must be 58?" she pointed at her paper.
"Mhm," he nodded, lifting his eyes from her worksheet and looking to her.
"Right because Hydrogen's the number one element," she took her pen out to start writing something but his hands suddenly held her waist, causing her to look up.
"Forget Hydrogen, you're my number one," he said with such a wide grin his mouth turned into a rectangle.
And it was contagious.
"Okay, you need to stop with these pickup lines," Bree said, allowing him to pull her closer, smiling a little.
"Excuse me, but I'm really attracted to you and according to Newton's laws of gravitation, you're attracted to me, too," this time she burst out laughing, her head falling back.
"Oh am I?" his grip on her waist tightened and she looked up to see him boring his eyes into hears, making her gulp.
He leaned down, his nose nuzzling hers a little before he locked their lips, pulling her as close as possible and bending her back ever so slightly. She dropped the papers in her hand – to what she could have sworn his lips twitched into the smallest smile – before her fingers went to his hair, threading them through it as she kissed him deeper.
"Someone might see us," she whispered when he let her up for air, resting his forehead against hers.
"Oh how exciting," he mocked exhilaration and Bree rolled her eyes.
The air became still, the two of them staring into the other's eyes finding happiness gleaming through them both. Bree lifted her hand, and started playing with his bangs.
He smiled at her touch, "I have finals in three weeks," she started.
"Hmm I am aware," he nodded, "Speaking of which, you better study hard, your chemistry exam is not easy."
"Okay," she tore from him, crossing her arms over her chest, "I'm leaving."
He chuckled, reaching for her hand, "Stay. A few more minutes."
"I need to study," she shook her head and he did the same.
"Five more minutes."
"Bye professor," she tiptoed and pecked his cheek before throwing her bag over her shoulder and headed for the door.
He walked beside her to the door, not letting go of her hand until she stepped outside the hall.
"I'll see you tomorrow anyway," she tried to tug her hand away from his but he just pouted, making her laugh.
How was it that her Chemistry professor – the one whom everyone praised for being attractive because he was so professional – was this cute?
"See you tomorrow," she smiled at him softly and he returned it.
"Open your textbooks to page seventy-nine," Taehyung ordered the small class of four and soon their pages were heard rustling as they flipped the paper.
During the lectures, no one would have guessed anything was going on between the professor and the star student, that was if they missed the not-so-subtle smiles they shared and the few winks here and there.
Taehyung had given all the students a short worksheet to fill out just before he sat at his desk and waited. Bree started answering the questions, but the table vibrating stopped her.
Sighing, she looked over at her phone and read what flashed on the screen.
1 New Message
She looked up, seeing him watch her expectantly.
Raising an eyebrow, she dropped her pen on the table and unlocked her phone, reading his message.
What are you doing after this?
She smiled, typing out her reply.
Looking up at his expression, she saw him frowning down at his phone.
Spend the evening with me
Bree felt her cheeks heat up as she read that last message.
Finals, Taehyung
His reply was fast.
Let's eat dinner and then study, I have finals too, remember?
Bree smirked as she wrote out her next reply, forgetting he was a student as well.
Wouldn't that be considered like, kissing up to the teacher?
Well, I say yes to the kissing.
This time she was certain she was blushing. It was hard to fight the urge to look up at him, but she couldn't risk the embarrassment.
She wasn't sure if she loved his straightforwardness or not.
"Thank you, prof," Sanghyuk said to Taehyung before leaving.
"Thank you, sir," Nakyung bat her eyelashes at him and he smiled.
"See you all tomorrow."
Bree rolled her eyes and once they were all out, she crossed her arms over her chest.
"Are you going to just let her flirt with you like that?" she asked, watching as he tidied up his desk, stacking up books on the sides.
"She's not flirting."
"Yes. She is."
He pushed his glasses up at the bridge of his nose before looking up at her, "Well, the only flirting I'm used to is yours, and you're not very good."
She feigned shock, "Sorry flirting police, I didn't realise I had to attend classes for that. Speaking of which, you're quite the champion at it, makes me wonder how many girls you've wooed over with it."
"I'm good at it?" he smirked, walking around the desk and to the light switches by the door. "Isn't that a relief?"
"No, not really," she shook her head and he turned the lights off.
"Why? Because I'm just so attractive that way?"
"Let's go," she gave up, wringing her arm through his, making him laugh.
"We've been friends since forever."
Taehyung was telling Bree about his roommate as they rode in the elevator to his penthouse apartment. Yes, penthouse apartment.
"So you two are close?"
He shrugged, "We share everything, and when I mean everything..." he looked over at Bree, "I mean everything."
"Why does that make me nervous?"
He threw her a smile before turning as the elevator doors opened. They strolled onto the floor, turning a corner and Bree saw someone standing in the hallway.
"Oh it looks like your roommate's here," she told Taehyung and he raised an eyebrow as he passed the corner, his eyes lifting to his door.
"But Jimin's no-"
But those same lazy eyes widened at the sight of the man standing there.
At Taehyung's voice, the man turned around, recognition lighting up his expression.
"Hyung is that really you?"
Bree sensed that he wasn't Jimin and fell silent, not knowing what to say or do.
Taehyung seemed to have forgotten she was there as they both strode towards each other. She started to sense the sentimental moment and slowly inched away, back to how she came, she didn't want to intrude.
The last thing she saw before she turned the corner was the man practically jumping on Taehyung and she smiled, loving how happy they seemed to be seeing each other – although she had no clue who that was.
The hug lasted for the longest time and he didn't even realise Bree had left until he turned to introduce her.
He searched the hallway for her and then turned back to his brother.
"Did you see-"
"Are you going to continue leave me standing outside your house like this?"
"Oh, sorry," Taehyung smiled and pressed his thumb against the scanner, unlocking the door.
"Wow, this is such a nice place," he spun around in a circle, observing the penthouse.
"Namjoon hyung," Taehyung's voice was firm, making his brother stop and stare back at him.
"Are you really back?" his eyes were hopeful and Namjoon winced. He loved Taehyung so much, and he was gravely apologetic for what he made him endure the past couple of years, heck, his entire life.
"I am," he grinned, biting the insides of his mouth as to not let the tears that were pooling in his eyes fall.
"For real, for real?"
Taehyung's eyebrows turned inward, his Adam's apple bounced as he gulped, waiting his brother's reply.
"You're not going to go around insisting Uncle killed Dad, right? You're going to listen to me when I say it's too ridiculous a theory to be true, right?"
A huge smile formed on his face when Namjoon nodded. "Hyung!" he jumped on his brother, throwing his arms around him. "I'm so excited I can't wait to show you around! You know I'm teaching a Chemistry paper for some Uni students?"
That's how they got started, finding conversation, laughter and familiarity beginning again.
However the loving was the one thing that never stopped.
It didn't even need to be stated anymore, when the class was over Bree would stay back, skipping down the steps every time toward Taehyung.
"Where did you go yesterday?" he asked, watching her as she got closer.
"I thought I should have given you two some space, who was that by the way?"
"My brother," he told her, slipping both his hands in his pants' pockets. "I haven't seen him in three years."
"Really? Was he out of the country or something?"
"Or something," he tilted his neck and she understood he didn't want to go there on that topic.
"Well I need to study for my finals, so I'll see you later?"
"Damn you're right, we have finals," he lamented, taking her hands in his and pulling her closer.
"Yeah, which is why we should both go."
"Let's go to the library and then go out for dinner," he suggested, "Study and rest, deal?"
She rolled her eyes, "You make it impossible to say no."
He grinned, knowing he was victorious and leaned down, pecking her on the lips, "I'm just irresistible."
"Oh, you wish."
One of the advantages of dating her Chemistry senior was that she should ask him for help when she needed it.
"Taehyung," she tapped his hand and he looked up at her from the book he was reading, his glasses were in the bridge of his nose so his eyes were just above the frame.
Everything about that moment, the way he leaned his head against his free hand, the way his top two buttons of his white dress shirt were undone, the way his hair was slightly ruffled from the many times he had threaded his fingers through them. Everything about that moment made her lose her breath.
"U-Uhm," she blinked, looking around and finally regaining her thoughts, "H-How do you do this question?"
He closed the textbook he was going through and pushed it aside, spinning Bree's notebook around and scanned the question.
After explaining it to her, he turned the book back for her, looking up, "Do you get it now?"
She lifted her eyes to his and found him staring back at her with his chin resting in the palm of his hand.
"Yeah, got it," she sat upright, finishing up her notes. "Are you almost done?"
"I've been done for a while now," he smiled softly, closing his book and looking into Bree's eyes. "We ready to go?"
"Yeah," she stood up, swinging her back over her back, "so where are we off to?"
Taehyung looked down at his watch, furrowing his eyebrows.
"I don't think there's any place open this late."
She took his hand and looked at his watch, sighing.
"Who knew time would fly when studying?"
He grinned, "How about a movie at my place?"
"The last time I went to your place we ended up cleaning."
"No cleaning this time, I promise."
She laughed, "Promise?"
He nodded.
"Then okay."
"That wouldn't make sense," Bree shrugged, pointing at the screen, "That would just mean the bomb would blow up in his face."
Taehyung sighed, "No, actually it would blow the other way because remember the gravity acts against this force?"
Bree nodded, putting more popcorn into her mouth.
"Okay but that can't work because-"
She stopped when he paused the movie and turned to her.
"Wha?" her voice was muffled as she chewed on the popcorn.
"Are you always like this?" he was sitting on the floor with his back against the couch and she was sitting on the couch.
"It's just a movie, Bree."
"Right, sorry," she smiled apologetically, holding out some popcorn for him to eat, "I'll stop."
He opened his mouth and let her put it in before turning back to press play on the movie. Slowly putting the popcorn box on the table, she leaned forward and wrapped her arms around his neck, resting her lips against the crown of his head.
This time he didn't stop the movie, instead lifted his head so that he could look at her.
"What are you doing?"
"You have to admit, the movie's not interesting anyway."
He freed himself from her hold and spun around, "It's Spiderman!"
Bree chuckled, placing her hands on either side of his jaw, leaning down.
"How much more was there to the movie?"
Her smile was sheepish, realising he already knew she wasn't in the mood to watch the movie.
"You know there-"
"Shut up and kiss me," she said before he caved, craning his neck upward and welcoming her lips on his.
His hand went to the back of her head, kneeling to kiss her better, her arms encircling around his waist and hugging him closer. They seemed to move together, perfectly together, as if everything they did was rehearsed.
"Impatient are we?" he grinned, resting his forehead against her and she closed her eyes.
The best thing was, it was never rehearsed.
"Did it hurt?" Taehyung's voice was soft as he played with Bree's fingers, her head resting in his arm while they sat on the couch together.
"Let me guess," she rolled her eyes, "When I fell from heaven? You really need to stop with these pick-"
"Huh?" she turned to him and he smirked.
"When you fell for me."
She brought her hand to her forehead, "That's worse than the original pick up line."
He laughed, hugging her tighter, "You've gotta admit though, pretty smooth."
"Yeah, yeah," she shook her head, "Taehyung?"
"I thought you said you had a roommate, won't we get caught?"
"He's out of town, has a performance in Busan with his dance team."
"Was he one of those dancers at the Seniors' Music Festival?"
"Oh, yeah, do you remember Park Jimin?"
"The really good looking one who did contemporary?"
Taehyung's eyes widened.
"Uhm no, not the really goo- did you just call him good looking in front of me?"
"Would you rather I call him that behind your back?"
She laughed, "So you can be childish when you want to."
"I'm not childish."
"Only when you're jealous."
"I'm not jealous."
"So wait where were we? Oh, right talking about your good-looking-contemporary-dancing best friend."
"He's not-"
"Good looking? Just like how you're not jealous?"
He sighed, slanting his head back against the couch seat.
Her fingers instinctively shot to his chin, tracing his jawline up to his ear.
"But you're the best looking so," she shrugged, "Doesn't really matter."
He raised an eyebrow, looking back at her.
"Don't you try to defend yourself now."
"Aww why not?" she pouted, placing small kisses on his jaw.
"You can't just-"
He stopped when she started kissing his cheeks.
"Okay maybe you can."
That night they both fell asleep on the couch, Bree being the first one to wake up the next morning. She knew they both had a lecture at the same time and so she rushed around his kitchen, making breakfast for them while he stayed asleep.
He must have fallen asleep after me.
A simple omelette was on the breakfast menu and she carefully woke him up when it was almost time to leave to the campus.
He opened one eye tiredly, and she couldn't help but marvel at how cute he looked with his messy hair and loose university campus sweater, as he scrunched his eyebrows, looking around the lounge.
"Rise and shine princess," she pecked his nose, and stood up, "We gotta leave soon."
"Crap, did I really sleep in?" he stood up, scratching his head.
"Is that a surprise?" he followed her into the kitchen and filled a glass of water to drink.
When Taehyung got home after teaching that day, he was surprised to see a familiar figure standing outside his door, again.
"H-Hi," he stammered, turning to face him, "Can I come in?"
"Uh, yeah," he unclocked the door before stepping in and holding it open for Namjoon, "You alright?"
"I'm fine," he nodded, walking to the couch and sitting down, "How are you?"
"Good," confused, he followed, "What's up?"
"I can't help but believe he's still alive."
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