《MY TYPE | KTH ✓》02
When the lesson was over, Bree sprinted out of the hall as fast as she could, not wanting to look back – or ever go back for that matter.
"Where are you going?" a familiar voice asked as she ran past it.
"Oh, Minah," Bree rushed, trying to keep going but her friend stopped her, grabbing her arm.
"We have a group assignment to do... meeting in the library in," she looked at her watch, "ten minutes, where are you going?"
"Crap," she muttered, stopping and turning back around. "Let's go."
"So I heard your new chem lecturer is pretty good eye candy?"
"Tell me about it," Bree rolled her eyes in spite of herself, and then froze. "What am I saying?" she asked herself, slapping the sides of her head, "Stop."
Minah laughed, "I'm guessing you think he's hot too."
"Let's not go there," she sighed and they reached the library.
They spent the next two hours there, with two others as they tried to piece together their work for their project.
When they were done, Bree found herself staying back and revising the rest of the Chemistry they had learnt in their lecture that day (in the lecture she was trying her hardest to focus in between the embarrassed looking away and hiding). The seat across from her slid back and someone sat in it, causing her to pull her books closer to herself to give them more room. She never looked up, however, she always found that she was too nervous to look at another person as she was studying in the library.
An hour later, she reached out for her phone, this time looking up to see the time, her eyes widening when she noticed who was sitting in front of her.
This isn't even funny anymore.
He noticed her staring and raised his gaze to meet hers.
"Hello, Miss Anderson."
Bree felt her cheeks heat up, but she couldn't look away. His eyes were captivating.
He directed his gaze to her notebook, "Having trouble?"
She debated what she should say. If she said yes, would he ask if he could help? If so, she didn't want to say yes. If she said no, then would that mean he would expect too much of her during class? If so, she didn't want to deny either.
Instead, she decided to direct the attention to him.
Looking down, she saw he was marking some assignments by the way he was annotating documents.
"Didn't know student-fill-in-lecturers marked too."
"Those who are expected to be teaching for quite some time do."
She nodded, peeking over at the stack jokingly, "In that case, is my assignment there? Because if so-"
He slammed his hand on the top, playing along, "Yeah, right."
Bree bit her lip, trying not to laugh. "What a shame."
He shook his head, looking to the clock, "It's getting pretty late, shouldn't you be heading back by now?"
"I could be saying the same to you."
"I have all this marking to do before tomorrow," he shrugged, "No sleep for me tonight."
"If it's first years, maybe I could help?" Bree asked and he tilted his head at the papers, contemplating it for a while.
"No, it's alright, I should be preparing myself for the next six months anyway."
"Six months?" Bree burst, "Mr Kim's going to be away for six months?"
"Yeah..." he said sadly, "Sorry for telling you, ideally he should be the one telling you, not me."
"Is his son really that sick?"
"It's more the recovery that takes longer," Taehyung guessed, "But he's okay."
"Are you sure you don't want any help?"
"Yeah, thanks for the offer. I really need the practice."
"Okay, well, I'm going to be here for a while anyway so at least you won't be alone," she tried to lighten the atmosphere.
Minah was right.
He was real eye candy and no one could deny.
Here in the dimly lit room, with his circle glasses, dress shirt and hair let down over his forehead, he looked like the hottest college student on campus.
A loud ringtone interrupted the stillness of the library and they both jumped, Taehyung lunged forward to answer his phone.
"Yah," he hissed, "I'm in the library."
"Taeeeeeeeeee!" Bree heard the person on the other line yell – they were so loud the whole library probably heard. "Tae where are you I miss yooooooouuuuuuuuu."
"Jimin are you drunk?" Taehyung hissed into the phone.
"No! I just drank a bottle of soju I think... wait why are there four empty bottles here?"
Taehyung sighed, starting to pack up his things, "Wait there, I'll come to pick you up."
When he hung up, Bree tried to hide the disappointment in her voice as she spoke, "Looks like you're pretty popular."
"Pretty good for a super geek with zero friends, right?"
Bree closed her mouth, shutting her eyes tight when she remembered saying that to him before.
She heard his low chuckle and didn't need to open her eyes to see how he was mocking her right then.
"I'll see you tomorrow, Bree."
"Tomorrow?" she asked, looking to him.
"Chem lecture, don't forget."
She trudged glumly to her lecture the next day, wishing she could turn back time so that she would have never met the professor before and then lectures wouldn't be as awkward as they were.
Whenever they made eye contact she would shy away, looking down to her notes or out the window. And whenever the lecture was finished she would rush out, heading straight to her apartment or the library.
"So your assignment for this topic will be due in two weeks, Wednesday at 3," Taehyung said, walking around the long desk and to the front of it, hopping on top and sitting on it. Bree knew that would make all the girls swoon over how long his legs were as they were draped off the end and hung slightly above the ground. And she knew he would be completely oblivious to it.
"It'll be just a very long essay report on an experiment just like this, there are handouts at the door, take one as you leave. I suggest you start it as soon as possible because there will be no extensions or leeway."
The class gave noises of disapproval but he just waved it off by pulling a book from his desk and opening it.
"Class is dismissed," he lowered his head to start reading, and Bree shot up to start darting out but he interrupted her. "And can I please have Bree and Sanghyuk, I need to talk to you."
Sanghyuk and Bree exchanged nervous glances, mouthing a 'Why?'.
They walked down the steps together – the two of them were kind of enemies, considering they had always been competing with each other ever since elementary school – but then and there, when they had a common enemy, they were each other's allies.
"Uh, hi, sir," Sanghyuk stuttered, causing Taehyung to laugh.
"That's a first, never been called sir before," he took his glasses off and stood up, putting his hands in his pockets.
"What should we call you then?"
"Professor is also strange," he thought out loud, "Just call me Taehyung, Prof, whichever is comfortable for you."
Sanghyuk's mouth hung open but Taehyung shook his head.
"And that's not the point," he turned and picked up some files off his desk, Bree immediately recognising it as last week's assignment she had handed in.
"I called you because I had to mark your papers that Mr Kim had left behind, and I wanted to tell you guys that you got the highest marks in the whole class."
Bree's eyes widened, "What?"
"Yeah, I was really impressed with both these reports, I wanted to ask for your permission to use these as examples of how to write these styled assessments for the first years."
"Oh," Bree nodded, "Yeah, I guess?"
"Most of the freshmen don't know how to structure their essays and these would be perfect to present to them. I won't be showing them the whole thing, just bits and pieces here and there."
"That's fine," Sanghyuk told him, "It's an honour, actually."
"Well that's great, thank you," Taehyung put the papers in a corner on the desk and turned back, "That's all I wanted to say."
Sanghyuk and Bree both bowed and headed for the door, meeting right in front of the door before closing it.
"Did he really just compliment me?" Sanghyuk asked Bree, dumbfounded.
"Why are you so surprised? You get top marks all the time."
"Just hearing it from him, that's why."
"Why? What's so amazing about him?"
Sanghyuk's eyes widened, "Don't you know?"
"Know what?"
"I dunno," he shrugged, "he's quite popular amongst my brother's friends."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"The graduate program, my brother's in the graduate program. He said Kim Taehyung is pretty well known in their group."
"He got honours every year and is working toward a teacher's certificate in Biochem."
"Your brother told you all this?"
"Yoongi hyung and Kim Taehyung are good friends, hyung will take any chance to brag about him."
Bree grinned, continuing to walk with his classmate to their next class, "I mean, that's good to know."
"Hey Bree!" a cheery voice interrupted as she was finishing off her last sentence on her physics question.
"Minah why are you so loud," she groaned, running a hand over her face, "Pipe down."
"Well, your girl here got invited to the senior's music festival."
"That exclusive one? I thought they only had limited seats for that?"
"Yeah, my brother was meant to go with his friends but he had to coach his baseball team when the festival was on so he gave me the tickets, do you want to join?"
"Is it worth it though? It's just performances by students at our school," Bree asked, "I have so much work to do..."
"Bree man, it'll only be four hours, and it's by the senior art students. It'll be a range of different genres of music and they will have some dance and drama intermissions. It'll be fun!"
"Are you expecting to meet a hot music major? You know all the people performing at attending will be seniors, right? I thought they only invited fourth years and older."
"We're two years away from being seniors, and, it's not like we won't be allowed in, we have tickets," she held up the papers in her hand, flapping them. "And besides, it wouldn't hurt to meet a hot music major."
"Of course," Bree nodded.
"So you'll come?"
"Yay! Okay, it's on Saturday so start planning a cute outfit."
"Minah, you're the one date-searching, don't bring me into that too."
"Okay I said yes to the concert so can you leave me for the next few days to finish off my assignments?"
"Of course, of course," she grinned, skipping to her bedroom, "Have fun with physics, Bee!"
Bree rolled her eyes. Minah only ever called her Bee when she was happy so she was glad she was the cause that happiness for once.
That week went faster than normal, Bree had a physics exam and biology essay to do, and by the end of the week, she was exhausted. Her lectures went as usual, even the chemistry ones. She found herself getting more comfortable with having the cute professor and she didn't always have to look away when he glanced at her.
But finally, the weekend was upon her and Bree and Minah were finishing up some little errands before getting back to their apartment, readying their outfits for the festival.
"I'm so excited!" she gushed as Minah parked the car and they started to get out.
"I know, I know," Bree said tiredly, "I just hope it's not boring."
"It won't be," Minah told her, "It's literally being done by people two years older than us, they know what sounds good and what doesn't."
"Yeah, yeah, okay," she threaded her arm through Minah's as they walked to the entrance.
It was weird for both of them, being to an event which was filled with so many people they didn't know, so many people who knew each other and not them. They did feel like outcasts the minute they stepped in. The theatre was full, only because the whole audience was standing up, talking and laughing with beverages and food.
Bree threw Minah an uncertain glance but she had an assuring one on, "We'll be fine," she laughed, "do it for the cute music major, remember?"
She sighed as they found their seats and sat in them, thankfully the show was starting as soon as they did, so they didn't need to face any awkward moments with them sitting on the seats while the rest of the seniors were up and socialising.
"Hello everyone and welcome to our annual music fest!" the MC boomed and everyone clapped, laughing. On the screen was a picture of hundreds of people – Bree guessed – they were probably their whole year level that stuck together since they started college.
"Nice to see all you lovely faces again after so long!" he continued, the crowd hyped just at the memories of their times together, "Today we have so many amazing performances lined up, just for our peers, so sit tight and enjoy! The first item will be a classical duet with Sungcheol on the piano and Jeonghan playing the violin, give them a round of applause!"
The crowd roared, but in the corner of Bree's eye she saw Minah sigh. She loved the way the whole audience – the performers' peers – were cheering this loudly for their friends despite the type of music/art they were showing. It was the kind of friendship she wished her college year level had.
The performances were amazing, classical, jazz, electronic, and pop. And after every single performance, the audience cheered, equally for everyone.
It was heart-warming.
The next item was a dance, to which a couple of music students played the instruments.
The dance was a mix between hip hop and contemporary, however, it was done in a way that it showed the amazing ability of the musicians. The dancers were great, it made Bree start to have a love for the art, one which she didn't have before.
When the dances were over, the MC's voice exclaimed through the speakers, "Give it up for Hoseok and Jimin!"
The crowd cheered again, this time, however, as Bree watched the dancers job off stage, she saw a familiar figure run up to one of them and hug them.
What was Taehyung doing here?
When the festival was over, Bree tried to drag Minah out but she stayed put, determined to talk to 'that hot Sungcheol guy' and ask him about his music.
"Minah, that's too awkward, you can't just walk up to-" before she could finish her sentence, Minah had left Bree's side and had strolled up to the guy who had been playing the piano in the beginning, with a bright smile.
Bree was left standing on her own, looking around, hoping there was someone who would pass her and talk to her but who was she kidding she knew no one there.
"You were awesome, man I haven't seen you dance contemporary in so long! All the concerts I went to this year were all hip hop," Taehyung gushed to Jimin as they started for the exit from the dressing room.
"That's because you are always so busy with teaching that you never come," Jimin furrowed his eyebrows, "Is she new? I've never seen her before."
Taehyung followed his gaze and looked back to Jimin.
"Wait, give me a minute," he started for the other direction.
"I'll meet you at the car," he told him over his shoulder and then turned back.
Bree turned slowly, recognising the voice as the one which she would listen to nonstop for three hours a week talking about chemistry.
"What are you doing here?"
"My friend's bother was meant to come but couldn't because he had a baseball thing, or was it basketball, so he gave his tickets to his little sister, my friend, and she asked me to come along and I couldn't say no and here I am. She wants to meet the hot music major, what else could I say?" she found herself rambling and when she realised, she internally face palmed.
Taehyung, however, seemed to be having the time of his life.
"And I suppose you've already met your hot music major too? That's why you were standing here alone?"
Hot chemistry major, maybe, yes.
"Uh, just didn't want to rain on her parade," Bree took a look over her shoulder at Minah who was laughing as she spoke to Sungcheol, "See?"
"Yes, I see," Taehyung nodded, "Did you like the performance?"
"I did," she said, "Is this a usual thing for you guys?"
"Yup," Taehyung shrugged, "Ever since we started college together, it was actually my friend Hoseok's idea, in order to bring our year together, and, it really did."
"It's really cool how all these people come together to celebrate their friends' talents," she awed, "I wish my Uni friends did that."
He laughed, "Yeah, I noticed the kids in my class aren't the type to really socialise with everyone."
"You noticed right," she told him, "Wait, speaking of your classes, do you really have a teacher's certificate?"
"I mean, when you were talking to Sanghyuk and a week ago, you said you had a teacher's certificate."
"Oh yeah," he nodded, "Well I did my teacher's degree side by side with my Chemistry master's so I could teach the subject as well as achieve my end goal, so, yeah, I got a teacher's degree three years ago."
"But you only started teaching at college just last week?"
At this point Bree was just trying to see if what Sanghyuk had said was right.
"Very interested in my happenings I see," Taehyung smirked, and Bree realised how she definitely sounded like she was interviewing him.
She gave out a forced laugh, "I am not," she said, and it sounded more like she was trying to convince herself as opposed to him, "I am- Oh hi Minah!"
Minah looked like a deer caught in the headlights, obviously she was trying to eavesdrop and thankfully Bree saw her looking over.
"Bree, hi," she joined her, turning to Taehyung and bowing. "Hi there, I'm Bree's friend, Jeon Minah."
He returned the bow with a charming smile, "I'm Bree's professor, Kim Taehyung."
Minah's eyes widened, "Oh, hi!"
"Uh, yeah, well we should get going now," she tugged at Minah's sleeve but she wasn't budging.
"Aww why?" she pouted, "But Sungcheol oppa was about to show me around the music department."
"Yeah, next time," she bowed to Taehyung and scurried away with her friend.
"Yah!" Minah hissed, when they reached her car. "I heard he was eye candy but oh my gosh I did not know he was that hot!"
"Get in the car," she shout-whispered and got in, "Keep it down he's still there!"
Taehyung walked around his large desk and stood at the foot of the stairs, his hands in his pockets as he looked up at his students.
"Did you all read the handouts for your assignments?"
They all nodded in unison.
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