《My Sexy Babysitter》Chapter 26


It feels kinda weird that I'm here holding hands with the guy who raped and beat me about 3 years ago. I never thought the day would come to when he got out, I hold his hand and kiss him.

"Can I help you?" The woman behind the desk said.

"Yes. We're here to see Jacob Harris." Dylan said leaning against the counter.

"Hmm. One moment please." She said shutting the window and turning to her computer.

"I'd advise y'all not to hold hands in front of Jacob. It'll make him upset." Dylan said pointing at mine and Michael's hands locked together.

He looked at me and smiled then slid his hand out of mine and put his hand on my waist and pulled me to him.

"Sir. Did you say Jacob Harris?" The woman said to Dylan.

"Yes ma'am." He said.

"Is this him?" She said as she turned her computer screen.

There was an old man with white hair and wrinkles. Definitely not him.

"No ma'am. He's like 21-22." Dylan said.

"Sir that's all the Jacob Harris's we have in here." She said as my eyes widened.

"Can you look up people by birthdays?" I said.

"Actually, we can. What's his birthday?" She said turning the screen back around.

I told her his birthday and she typed it in and scrolled. She turned the screen back around and made the 'what about now? face.

"Oh yeah. That's him alright." I said nodding.

She smiled and turned it back to her and paged someone. The door buzzed and we walked into a room with a table and I sat on one side, with Michael and Dylan on both sides.

Jacob walked in and when he seen me, his face went pale and his smirk grew. He sat down across from us and the cop took off his hand cuffs and walked out the room.


"So nice to see the gang here. How ya been babe?" He said looking at me.

"I'm not your 'babe.' I said rolling my eyes.

"That's not what you said when-"

"Woahhh man. Look, we just came to get some answers." Dylan said sitting up.

Jacob leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms over his chest. He glanced at Michael, then me, then Dylan, then back at me.

"So your Michael, huh?" He said looking at Michael.

"Yeah. You should know because my name stays in your mouth. It must taste really good." Michael said glaring at Jacob.

"Well I mean hey. You gotta do what you gotta do. Besides, you told me everything." He said smiling.

"Wait what?" I said looking at them.

"Yeah. Your buddy, Michael here, told me to do all that stuff. I've told you this. Ya know, when you set me up the night you ran away?" Jacob said raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah but Michael said it wasn't true. What's the truth then? I'm really confused." I said leaning forward.

"I'll tell you the truth." One of the cops said as he walked in the room.

"What did he tell you his name was?" He said nodding to Jacob.

"Jacob." I said.

"Hah. His name is Joseph Jake Goodman. He's 26 years old and he's a most wanted criminal." The cop said.

"What?" I said almost choking.

"He stole a whole lot of things back in his teen days. We've been searching for him for like 10 years. And finally, you caught him and here he is." The cop said smiling.

"You lied about everything." I said to Jac- Joseph.

"Not everything." He said rolling his eyes.


"Uh yeah you did. You lied about Michael, you lied about your name, your age, when you said you love me, when-"

"Oh the love part? Now that, I wasn't lying about. Taylor I really did fall in love with you." He said looking at me saith soft eyes.

"Lie again. That's all you have done is lie." I said rolling my eyes.

"Don't believe me? Do a lie detector test." He said.

"That's dumb. For one question." I said.

"For any question." He said. "Any question you wanna know and I'll answer."

I thought about it for a second. I could get the answers I want to know. I still have a few that are left unanswered.

"Okay fine." I said crossing my arms over my chest.

The cop went and got a pen and piece of paper and I wrote my questions down and handed it back to the cop.

"Times up." Another cop said opening the door.

"I love you T." Jac- Joseph said walking out.

Imma have to get use to calling him Joseph now because his name ain't Jacob. And just to think I thought I loved that boy. Well man.

Well yeah, he is a boy because the day he raised his hand to me was the day he wasn't a man anymore. Same goes for Michael.

"Are you ready?" Michael said looking at me.

"Yeah. I was just thinking about some things." I said standing up.

He grabbed my hand and we walked out and Dylan was standing against the car, waiting for us.

"Bout freakin time!" He said jerking the door open.

"You could've been in the car." I said laughing.

Michael opened my door for me and ran around and got in the back seat. I started the car up and put it in reverse.

"I'm hungry!!!" Dylan said whining.

I turned the radio up and tried to tune his whining out. He turned the radio back down and I turned it up. He turned it down and I turned it up.

"Oh my gosh! What do you want??" I said pressing the brakes as we came to a red light.

"I want......... food!" He said fake crying.

I rolled my eyes and got in the other lane and turned right. I went to McDonalds and went to the drive through.

"Can I get the box thingy please?" I said.

"I'm so stuffed!!" Dylan said whining again.

"If you don't stop whining Dylan, I will take this straw and stab you in the face and make you have something to really whine about!" I said.

His mouth dropped and he turned and looked out the window and mumbled to himself.

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