《My Sexy Babysitter》Chapter 10


Its about 11 o'clock right now and this psychopath is sitting here beside me with his hand on my knee, Jacob and Dylan are on the one couch and Kayla is tied up and was put in my room.

"Michael, I really need to be getting to bed. I have school tomorrow and if-"

"Taylor hun, you're not going to school tomorrow. You are gonna drop out and come with me." He said smiling and rubbing my thigh.

I looked at Jacob and he looked so disgusted with what he was seeing. Dylan sat there with his arms crossed ready to lunge at anytime.

We all knew if anyone tried anything again then he'd surely kill one of us or harm us. Just like Kayla.

"But Michael-"

Before I could even finish my sentence, he smashed his lips into mine and I put my hand on his chest and tried to push him off me. It was no use.

He over powered me by a long run and I knew fighting back was gonna be useless. If I got on his good side, maybe we'd have a shot at getting help.

"I'm sorry." I said running my finger along his arm.

He looked at me and then shook his head, "You didn't do anything wrong."

I looked at Dylan and he looked at me questioningly and I smirked. I looked at Jacob and he looked furious and I winked at him.

"Do you still want to talk alone?" I said as I put my hand on his knee.

He looked at my hand and smiled and then looked at me. He put his hand on mine and looked over his shoulder.

"Yes, I do." He said as he started kissing my neck.

Jacob looked so angry with me but when I looked at him and winked, he knew what I was doing. Dylan still didn't understand.


"Come on. We can talk in private." I said as I stood up and brought him up with me.

I laced my fingers through his and began to lead him to the spare bedroom, Jacob's room. He stopped and turned back to the boys.

"What if they get-"

"They won't. Its gonna be okay." I said as I tugged his hand.

He smiled and came up behind me and his arm snaked around my waist and we went into the bedroom and he closed the door.

Okay Jacob and Dylan, now is your chance to go and get someone. Don't leave me to long in here with him. Ain't no telling what he's capable of.

He backed me up against the wall and crashed his lips onto mine. He'd been drinking, I could taste the alcohol. Maybe he drunk before he came here.

He deepend the kiss and he picked me up and wrapped my legs around him and walked over to the bed.

He laid me down and hovered over top of me. I ran my fingers along his muscles and he took off his shirt.

I looked around me and just so happens to be Jacobs pocket knife on the table beside us.

He started kissing my neck and I reached for the knife and grasped it in my hand. He started going downwards and I opened up the knife.

"Hey Michael." I said as he stopped and looked up to me.

"Do you know what EX means?" I said as he scrunched his eyebrows together.

"No." He said and went back to kissing down my body.

"But listen." I said cupping his face with my hands and brought it up to my face.

"What Taylor?" He said sighing.

"EX means, thanks for EXpierence, our time has EXpired, now please EXit my life." I said as I held the knife up above us.


"I don't-"

I shoved the knife into his back and he rolled off top of me and I grabbed my shirt and ran out the room.

I tried not to look back as I heard him yelling my name behind me. I ran into the living room and didn't see the boys. The door was open.

I ran out the door and I didn't have any shoes on. I ran to the neighbors house and there was no car or no lights on. Nobody's home.

I quickly pulled my shirt on and continued running down the street looking for a nearby house with lights on.

I finally found one and I ran up and started banging on the door. I could hear Michael's faint voice in the distance calling after me.

"PLEASE SOMEBODY HELP!" I screamed as I banged on the door.

Someone finally opened the door, revealing Dylan and I flew into his arms and he hugged me tightly.

Whoever opened the door, now closed the door and put a hand on my back. I turned and seen it was Jacob.

"How did you-"

"I thought of finding a house with lights on and I came across this one." I said shrugging my shoulders.

A guy around Dylan's age walked around the corner and he stretched out his arms in the air and looked at me and smiled.

"Taylor? Oh gosh, its been so long?" He said as he held open his arms.

"Hey Josh." I said hugging him.

I pulled back and went to Jacob and huggd him tightly. I pulled back and looked up to him and he leaned down and kissed me.

"Why do you have alcohol on your breath?" He said wiping his lips.

"Michael." I said a she scowled.

Someone started banging on the door and started screaming my name. Michael found us. I started panicking and Jacob held me.

"We've already called the police and they should be here-"

Police sirens.....

"Now." Dylan said laughing.

"I don't understand how he got out?" I said as we opened the door and the policeman came up the steps.

He shook everyone's hand and I stayed clinging to Jacob. I looked over the officer's shoulder and seen Michael smirking at me.

He mouthed something that nobody else had seen and my stomach twisted and turn as the words he mouthed were eating me alive.

I'll be back for you. Just wait.

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