《My Step Brother Is A Player!©》25- New York City?!?


Hahahahahaha:P MSBIAP is close to ending:'( A few more chapters till I finished this story:'( Well don't worry, I might write another story:) Message me if you have any suggestion but I'm not doing fan fiction-.-

~Audrey's POV~

2 weeks later...

"Bitch! Stop mocking! It's been two weeks!" Kris pulled my arms and I was forced to sit up. Yes it's been two weeks but the pain only lessen by only 5 percent. "And when are you telling Lucas the truth? He's gonna start questioning you soon," I told Lucas that I'm sick and have this bad case of eye syndrome so he better stay away. Far away.

"I don't care about him!" At least I stopped crying the fifth day because I was out of tears and my eyes were bleeding out.

"Then call it off! Break up with him!" Kris tossed her hands up in the air and let it fall on her side.

"Gosh! I don't want more drama Kris, I don't want to hurt the guy either," I grabbed the bottle of water on my night stand and gulped it down.

"You're leading him into something bitch!" She argued. She got a point though. I'm leading Lucas into something I can't commit.

I slumped back on my pillow and groaned. "I don't want to deal with him right now!" This is so hard! Just when I said it, there was a knock from the other side of my door. Kris and I snapped our head towards the door and her brows raised.

"Is it your mom?" She asked and I scoffed.

"Fuck no!" I haven't seen Marissa for two weeks, the last time I saw her was when I cussed her out and I don't know if she still lives here or she moved out. I don't care.

The knob twisted and Lucas poked his head in. "Hi," He said. I kissed my teeth and rolled my eyes. Great. Just who I didn't want to see.

"Oh. Lucas," Kris said in monotone, turning to me and widening her eyes.

Lucas fully opened the door and let himself in, holding a bouquet of assorted flowers and a white teddy bear. I stared at him with my brows shot up in the sky.

"What's this?" I asked. He handed it to me but I didn't take it.

"Audrey I know you aren't sick, nor you have an eye disease," He smiled at me. Why was he freaking eavesdropping?! Kris pursed her lips as we were busted. "And you're just ignoring me," Well you ignored me first so it's just fair.

"How much did you hear?" I interrogated, his brows puckered in confusion.

"Hear what?" He sounded totally confused and so did Kris because of this whole conversation.

"Don't play around! How much did you hear from our conversation? Why were you eavesdropping?" I kept my tone professional but he's starting to piss me off.

"Oh, I wasn't eavesdropping, I asked my mom cause she's a doctor about your eye syndrome and she said that it'll be fine after two days but you said it'll take you a week," Oh. I need to stop assuming stuff. Kris breathed out in relief and Lucas turned to look at her.

"Maybe I should go downstairs and feed myself," She stuck out her thumb and started towards the door, I shook my head rapidly then froze when Lucas looked back to me. What a bitch!

"Tell me the truth Audrey," Psh! I'm not telling you anything! "We're you really sick?" Well I'm tired of faking everything and lying so maybe I'll tell him this one.


"No," I plainly said and he inhaled deeply. Oh! Maybe he's gonna break up with me! Great!

"You know I love you right? If this is still about Florida when I didn't call, we can just drop it," Uh sorry, my love for you expired. I stared at him and he stared back.

"Lucas, listen," It's not you, it's me, no, it's actually you, you have to understand, I love someone else and I lost my feelings for you... His crystal blue eyes were locked with mine and I can't say it.

"I am listening, go on," He was waiting for me to talk. Ugh! I can't. I opened my mouth a couple times but just closed it back. He scooted closer and pushed my hair behind my shoulders. "Audrey..." His fingers graze my neck and I cringed inside. I'm not used to him touching me anymore. "I'm sorry," His gaze snapped back to my eyes then his lips landed on mine. I completely froze and didn't kiss back.

After he realized I'm not into this, he pulled away with confusion in his eyes. "What's wrong?" Everything!

"Nothing," I wanna wiped my lips clean because he wasn't Tristan and it wasn't right when Lucas kissed me.

"Then why didn't you kiss me back?" His forehead was creased and I broke my gaze away.

"I'm not feeling well," I hope he gets the messaged that I don't want him anymore and he can just break up with me right now. He brushed his nose and stared.

"Come with me," Lucas stood up and reached out his hand. Why the hell would I go with him? I quirk my brows and he just smiled at me. "C'mon Audrey, don't make me haul you out," Fine! Let's give the boy a chance! But the broke up speech was dancing on my tongue at this moment.

I stood up and grabbed my Aritzia sweater off my desk chair and slipped it on. He snatched my hands and held it with a grip to prevent me from running away.

Kris was downstairs eating chips as she watched TV, "Hey where are you guys going?" She asked concerned.

"Somewhere," Lucas said with a smile. Kris turned to me and I shrugged at her.

A limo was waiting outside our drive way and I frowned at him. If he's trying to bribe me, it's not working. He pulled the door open for me and I slipped inside. I don't even know why I'm going with him.

Lucas stopped the driver in front of a huge tall building where everyone is properly dressed like I'm talking about suit and ties and dresses, the office clothes in short. We entered in and the security guard smiled at Lucas.

"Where are you seriously taking me?" I asked in a bored tone. If he's bringing me to his dad, I will run. The elevator slid open and it was packed. We squeezed in and I regret not fixing myself up.

"Can you press the top floor please," Lucas asked the blond lady with a binder in her arms. She smiled at him and obeyed.

As the elevator go up, people came in and out but mostly out. I was left alone with him for two more floors and it was the longest elevator ride I ever had. Gah!

The top floor was different from the other floors because this looked like the storage room. Lucas grabbed my hand and lead me out. Oh no! He'll lock me in one of the cages! He pushed the door open and there was a staircase, we climbed up and Lucas pushed another door open again.


We were standing on the roof top and it was empty. "If you're planning to push me off this building, you could've just stabbed me and tossed me off the lake," I rolled my eyes and he chuckled, shaking his head. I wasn't trying to be funny though.

Then a minute later, a chopper descended down and I frowned at Lucas deeply. What the freaking hell! He walked me over and I planted my feet on the ground.

"I'm not riding that thing!" I shouted on the top of my lungs for him to hear but I guess it wasn't loud enough. He hauled me in and I was inside the chopper within seconds. Ugh! Someone handed me a headphone thingy and I slipped it on. Now I really wished I didn't go with Lucas.

I stopped talking to him and didn't ask where he's taking me, probably Alaska for being such a bitch.

We've been flying for I think is 5 hours when the chopper landed on a rooftop platform. It was already dark and I looked at my phone and it's already nine pm. Fuck. I have no idea where I am and I don't know how I'm supposed to get home if Lucas abandons me.

There was a gazebo hut in the corner and Lucas lead me to it. This is so exciting. Yay. Sensed my sarcasm right?

He pulled out the chair and tucked it in when I sat my ass down, I had a full view of the city we were at and I'm not gonna lie, it's pretty amazing. Lucas sat across from me and grinned.

"So...?" He asked. Oh! He thinks I'm impressed! No, not really.

"Where are we?" I blurted out. His face fell a little when I didn't complimented his chopper ride.

"New York." What the fuck! New York?! He's kidding right? California is like across the country! This is too far overboard!

"Why the fuck are we in New York?!" I stood up and it made my chair fall over.

"I thought you were gonna like it," He said disappointed by my behavior, I can't do this anymore.

"Lucas, look, you're a great guy but I can't do this anymore," I said. He walked over to me and frowned.

"What are you saying babe?" Ugh! This is really hard!

"I'm breaking up with you," I could've told him this before he brought me here to fucking New York! I'm so stupid! Or I could've declined his offer! Hey, you couldn't blame me! My head is messed up because all I can think about Tristan and nothing but him.

"But baby..." He started and I scrunched up my lip.

"I'm sorry Lucas, it's not you, it's me," I hugged him one last time. "Now, I need to go back to California," I whispered.

"The chopper will come back at midnight," Kill me now! I walked over to the staircase because it'll be a whole lot awkward if I ask Lucas for favors when I just broke up with him. At least that's cleared off.

I dialed Kris and she picked up instantly while I waved off a cab. "Where the hell are you? I'm starting to worry!" She scolded.Gee, she can be my new mom.

"New York," I breathed out. I patted my sweater and felt my wallet. Thank god!

"Oh you're funny alright but now is not the time to joke around Audrey," Kris laughed at me.

"I'm not kidding, I'm in NYC," She gasped out, wondering how the hell did I get to New York.

"How?! That's like across the country!" No shit Sherlock!

"I broke up with Lucas and I'm going to the airport right now to fly back to Cali, I'll text you when I land, pick me up alright?" I instructed Kris and she grumbled.

"Alright, take care," Then I hung up. Gosh this is such a trouble!

The cab dropped me off to the airport and I immediately bought a ticket to California for the next flight. Good thing I had my wallet with me where I have all my identifications, except... I don't have my passport. Dammit!

"Passport please," The teller spoke out.

"Daughter of Marissa Meyers," Their divorce is not yet legal till next week and I can get pass the airport using my mom's name.

"I will need identification for proof," She reached out her hand and I handed her my ID, "Oh, miss Audrey Jennifer, I'm so sorry for the inconvenience, would you like your family jet or a business class seat," The teller asked.

"Business class please," She typed in the details and printed out my ticket. I don't want to leave tracks for my mom to know that I used her to get back to California. "The latest flight to California is leaving in ten minutes so you better run miss Jennifer," The teller warned me and as soon as she handed me my ID, I bolted through the gates. The security check was empty so I'm lucky as I easily passed through the scanner without a problem.

I reached gate F-98 MN just in time before the stewardess was locking the doors, she smiled at me and looked over my ticket. "Just in time," I was panting for breath because I literally ran across the airport to catch this flight. God damn! What a hectic day.

~Tristan's POV~

"Babe, call me when you get this," Then I pressed end. I'm starting to worry because I've been trying to call Audrey for the past hours and she won't answer her phone.

"Tristan, stop worrying man!" Ajax snatched my phone off my grasp and slid it in his pocket.

"She won't answer Jax," I whined.

"She's probably sleeping dude! Calm down!" It's been two weeks since I left and nothing eased the pain, it still hurts as bad.

"Are you guys ready?" Georgina peeked inside Ajax's room.

We're apparently going to a party and I agreed on going because both my older cousins said I should forget for one night and they wouldn't lay off of me 'till I said yes, but I don't think I can forget.

"Yeah," I sighed out. Georgina slapped me across the face and I looked at her in shock. "What the hell Georgi!" That stung like hell!

"I know you really love Audrey but you have to stop! Have fun for one night!" She told me and Ajax nodded behind her.

"Fine!" I said, massaging my cheek.

"Tristan! Don't go!" Raine cried and that reminded me a lot of Audrey when she was begging for me to stay, my heart pinched.

"Raine, don't worry, we'll play when I get back okay, I'm not gonna take long," I crouched down and she hugged me tight.

"Please just stay here with me and play," I swallowed back the tears that was bubbling up.

"I promise we'll play dolls when I get back, now take your nap and when you wake up we'll play," I promised her. I always keep my promises and I'm not intending to stay at the party for too long anyways.

"Okay but hurry," She gave me a wet kiss on my cheek and I smiled at her.

"You're gay Tristan," Ajax hit my back hard and I choked.

"At least Raine likes him better than you," Georgina dissed her brother, pressing the keys of her Porsche.

"Whatever!" Ajax spat. I slid at the backseat when Georgina started the car.

"Dude can I have my phone back?" I asked my cousin.

"Not after you have fun," He smirked and Georgina drived out of the estate. This is just great.

(A/N) AWWWW Raine!! She reminds him of Audrey:') mhhhhhhmmmmmm! Tristan will go partying, I wonder how that will go;) And Lucas brought Audrey to NYC:P But at least she broke it off with him:/ Is it a good thing or a bad thing? Comment/Vote/Share/Suggest;P Next post might be tonight:)


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