《My Step Brother Is A Player!©》21- Broken family


YAAAAY! Mozilla fox is a life saver!!!!:D Chapter 21 here ya go! This chapter has been deleted a couple times because of the effing google chrome but it's here at last! :D Well there's drama in this chapter and I'm editing it right now:P Song for the chapter is 'Run away heart by The strange familiar' :') Goo read!!

I breathed in the California air and I wanted to run back to the jet plane to take me back to Paris, literally.

"Let's go back to Paris!" I said and Tristan chuckled at me.

"Then let's go back babe," He hung his arms around me and nuzzled my cheeks. I wish.

We lounged by the waiting area for an hour and still no mom. I tried contacting her phone but it just went straight to voice mail.

"No answer," I said to Tristan.

"Maybe we should just take the cab home," He suggested and I nodded in agreement. "But we should grab a food first," I nodded again. Hungry belly.

I found a vacant table and took a sit as Tristan order our food from Starbucks. I'm feeling anxious about going home and telling mom about everything but it'll be fine. I know it will.

Tristan walked towards me with two grande ice caramel machiato and two croissants in hand which reminded me of Paris. Ugh! I really wanna go back to France!

"Here you go mah lady," He handed me my drink and I tore off a piece of croissant, stuffing it in my mouth immediately. I'm blaming my mom for not picking us up that it made me hella hungry.

"Thanks," I said muffled, sipping down my machiato, he smiled at my expression and licked his bottom lip which made me faint in the inside every time. He stared at me so I stared back. "What?" I demanded, raising both my brows.

"Nothing," Tristan shook his head, grinning. He took a bite of his croissant and sipped off his drink. "It's just, I remembered something," He beamed at me widely and I gave him a confused expression.

"Was it a good memory?" I asked.

"Oh hell it was," He smirked and nodded. Okay... Well I don't wanna know what it was because I think I know what he's thinking about so I just ate off my pastry. "You wanna know what it was?" He wagged his brows up and down, asking me.

"Uh... Sure?" I hesitated for a moment.

Tristan grinned mischievously before starting, "Last night when you moaned out my name, it was sexy," He gave me a sexy look and I pursed my lips. Heat crawled from my neck up to my cheek and I suddenly found my shoes interesting. Dammit! I'm red for sure.

People who were enjoying their meal around us glanced at me and Tristan and I wanna crawl into a hole. Why does he have to say our activities out loud?!

I gazed at him with wide eyes and he burst out laughing. Er... Not that funny.

After we stopped by and ate at Starbucks, Tristan called out and taxi and we were heading back to our house in Calabasa. Sigh.

When the cab stopped in front of my house, the sky literally started to darken and thunderbolts struck behind our house. Yikes.

"We're here," He breathed out. Yup, we are.

I reached for the door knob but before I can twist it, Tristan snatched my wrist away and kissed me hard one last time before we get murdered.


"Okay no matter what happens, I will always love you Audrey," He stared at me with sincerity and I kissed back.

"Love you too," I said in a low tone. My blood was pumping and I was a bit shaky about everything. Ugh!

I entered the house while Tristan trailed after me and it was such a mess like a tornado flew by. Oh my god! First thing that popped in my head is they got kidnapped!

"Hello? We're home!" I called out hoping that mom will scurry out of a room to give me a nice welcome back hug but that didn't happen.

Shards of glass was scattered along the floor and a few drops of blood was stained on the tiles. I'm starting to be scared because what if I see their corpse somewhere along the house?

"What the hell!" Tristan whispered, I glanced back at him and gave him a worried look. He snatched my hand and lace it through his which was comforting.

I pulled him towards the kitchen and it was dark, the drapes were blocking out the sun from coming in and it looked like a vampires lair. What in the world happen?

Then I noticed someone sitting on one of the stool on the island and I jumped back to Tristan. He caught my waist and looked at the person closely.

"Marissa?" He said in a whisper. I squinted my eyes and stared. It is mom. I walked over to where the light switch are and turned it on. Forget the curtains, it's dark outside anyways.

"Mom!" I scolded and she slightly turned her head to look at us. Her eyes were red and I can tell from crying and she has a glass filled with red wine, she looked pale too. "Mom, what happened?" I skidded over to her, giving her a hug and she smells like alcohol. Ugh yuck! I pulled away and held her shoulders out.

"Audrey! I'm glad your back," She said, trying to be happy but tears just flowed down her eyes. Where's Steven? I looked at her closely and there weren't any bruise or scratches so that means he didn't beat her up... Or... He got into an accident... Or... He's dead...

I'm guessing this is not the time to confess about me and Tristan then.

"Mom, what happened?" I asked again. She pressed her fingers on her eyes as she cried and I didn't know what to do because I suck at comforting people, it's awkward for me so I stood there, staring at her.

"I'm divorcing Steven," Mom quivered. It took a while for me to let it sink in. Divorcing Steven. Tristan and I traded glances and his brows was shot up with a shock look on his face.

"Huh? Like divorce? With contract and shit? Why?" It's not that I'm not happy, I am really happy and excited but I wanna know the reason as of why this is happening.

"Audrey language!" And she had the courage to still bust out my cussing. "Kids, you won't understand, and yes I filed for divorce," She took a sip from the wine and looked at us closely.

"Where's my dad now?" Tristan asked and my mom furrowed her brows. Wrong question.

"I don't give a shit to where he is," Mom sneered as she past by us, out the kitchen.

Just hours ago, she called me to remind me that our flight is within an hour and now she's all depressed. What the hell happened? We heard the keys jingle and the front door slam shut. I ran after her because she ain't going anywhere while she's drunk.


"Mom! Mom! Stop!" I caught her arms but she flail me away. Oh deery! Help me! Tristan jogged after me and captured my mom's left arm.

"Let go Tristan!" I'm obviously jealous because she's still sobber after drinking half the bottle of the wine while here I am who drank two glasses and got all dizzy and messed up. Mom yanked her arms free and slid inside her Benz, starting off the engine.

"Mom! What the fuck is wrong with you? You have alcohol in your system!" I screamed out so she can hear me loud and clear.

"Shut up Audrey!" Then she backed up the driveway. Maybe it's best not to care about her because she's a cold selfish bitch who only thinks about herself. I'm trying to help for once but what do I get? A 'shut up Audrey!', gee thanks a lot.

I marched towards the house and Tristan caught up with me, "Audrey! she didn't mean to say that to you," He walked to my pace as I climbed up the stairs. This is the welcome back I get from her, fine! Be a bitch!

"I don't care! She's a bitch!" I spat out, my temper running low. Tristan opened his room and pulled me in, locking the door behind us.

"Calm down babe," He cupped both my cheeks and stared at me intensely. "She's going through a lot so you have to understand that," Tristan leaned down to kiss me and all my anger disappear, I don't know how he does it but he always keeps me happy.

"She told me to shut up though, she never told me to shut up before," I said upset, now that all the anger faded away.

"Marissa didn't mean it, she's not herself," Oh she is herself! Her usual bitch self! Anger started boiling through my veins again but Tristan pressed his mouth against mine. "Audrey, stop worrying," He said huskily as he lead me towards his bed.

"I'm not worrying," I replied back. He pulled off my shirt and laid me down on the plush bed of his. He swiftly stripped his shirt and within seconds, he was kissing me hard. I slid my tongue in his mouth and he bit it teasingly, playing with the back of his hair while he take my sweatpants off of me. "Try not to rip my panties off this time," I murmured and he grinned. His lips traveled down my neck and he really sucked on it hard and rough.

"Mhmm," He groaned and my insides were bursting out. Adrenaline flowing through me.

But when he reached the garter of my panties, we were interrupted by a knock on the door. Fucking kidding me! I shoved Tristan away and grabbed both my sweatpants and shirts, slipping it on in a hurry.

"Tristan?! Are you here?" Steven called out.

"Yeah dad," He's obviously pissed off. Tristan sat on the bed as I struggle with my clothes.

"Open up son," Steven tried turning the knob but its locked. When I finished, Tristan walked towards the door as his jeans hung low by his hips which was damn sexy!

I took out my phone pretending that were not doing anything before we got disturb.

"Yes?" Tristan cracked the door open and poked his head outside but Steven seemingly wanted to go in. He froze on his tracks when he saw me sitting on the ground.

"Audrey, I didn't expect you to be here," He said surprised. Well I didn't really hang around Tristan before but Paris changed everything.

"Hi Steven," I greeted out with a smile. He forced a smile before turning to Tristan.

"Alright well pack your things Tristan," Excuse you? Pack what? Tristan's brows puckered in confusion and I pushed myself up.

"What?" He asked like he didn't hear it clear enough.

"Pack your stuff, were going back to Texas," Steven repeated himself. My heart stopped beating for a moment and everything in me stopped working. They're moving out. I never realized that before.

"What!? Why?" Tristan's eyes widen and he looked at his dad in horror.

"Marissa and I are getting divorced and she doesn't want us here," I was forcing myself not to break down because tears are prickling my eyes.

"So were moving to Texas? Why can't we stay somewhere near like a hotel?" Tristan suggested but Steven shook his head.

"She's planning on killing me so I better be distant." That bitch is ruining everything for me! I hate her! Tears rolled down my cheek and Tristan immediately walked over and hugged me right.

"Shhhhh, it's gonna be fine babe," He cooed near my ear but I sobbed. I hate tears! I hate crying! I hate being such a baby! I hate mom! And I hate how Tristan is gonna be gone.

"Babe? Uh... Kids?" Steven sounded totally confused.

"Dad. Not now." Tristan pointed out sharply, he caressed my hair and let me cry on his bare chest. I need to stop! But I can't. The thought of him being away is heart breaking, it's like my chest is being cut in half. "Audrey, everything's gonna be okay," He kissed my forehead and I pulled away, trying to believe him that everything will be okay.

"Yes now! What is going on?" I peeked behind Tristan to see Steven with his arms crossed and brows quirk.

"Dad you'll think it's the stupidest thing," Tristan looked down on the floor.

"No I won't," My stepdad retorted back.

"I love Audrey," Tristan gazed at me with seriousness while I look like a total mess due from crying. He turned to look at his dad who was utterly lost.

"Steven please don't go to Texas, don't make him leave me, I love him," Yep I was begging and were being cheesy but its worth a shot.

"I'm sorry Audrey but I have to take him with me," Steven placed a hand on my shoulder, he looked shocked from our confession and sad at the same time.

"Why can't I make my own decision? Dammit! I'm an adult now dad!" Tristan spat out, making me jump back.

"Answer me, do you have a job? Do you have a place to live in? Do you have money?" Steven interrogated and we all know that Tristan lost against his dad. He didn't respond and just stared at me, "I thought so, now pack your things and were leaving as soon as you finished," My stepdad added.

"Can't he just stay here please!?" I said to Steven and he smile sadly, shaking his head.

"He's my responsibility Audrey, I'm sorry but I'm sure you'll see each other again," Steven assured me but it didn't work. I felt like a knife is carving my heart out.

This can't be happening! Just as when everything is going the way we wanted it to be then we get separated apart. Why?

Tristan stepped out the closet with a duffel bag in hand and a depressed look on his face. "Let's go," He said in monotone. I rushed up to him and he hugged me tight, not wanting to let go.

"Tristan, don't go," I quivered then I started crying again.

"Babe I love you, I'll come back for you," He murmured.

"But I don't want you to come back, I want you to stay here with me," I doubt he can understand me as I hiccuped and quiver.

"I know, I'll always love you, don't forget, but I will come back and everything will be perfect for us," Tristan pulled away and held me out, staring at my eyes deeply. A few hours ago, we were the happiest people ever and now it's just falling apart. My life is crashing down around me.

"Tristan we have to go," Steven interrupted us.

"What if you find someone else," Saying it felt like I got sucker punched right at the gut.

"I will never find someone else, no one can be compared to you babe, I promise." And I will keep that promise.

"I trust you," I do trust him since I gave him my virginity.

I walked them out the driveway and this is the hardest thing to do. Saying goodbye.

"So... You're leaving now," I started and every time I thought about it, I start crying.

"Audrey, listen to me, I will comeback okay, I love you so much it hurts and this is killing my soul but for now this is for the best," Tristan hugged me tight and I bawled on his shirt. He pulled back and locked gazes with me. "I love you," Then he kissed me passionately.

"Tristan!" Steven started out his truck, calling his son out.

"Love you too," I said breathlessly, Tristan gave me a half hearted smile before sliding inside the vehicle. They started backing out the driveway and I froze in my position.

This doesn't feel right, it feels like a dream and when I wake up, he's gonna be beside me sleeping peacefully. I squeezed my eyes shut a couple times, trying to wake up back to reality but this is reality.

Why is life being such a bitch? Why is this happening? Why did I let him in my life? Why did I let myself love him? Why did I let myself fall for him? Why...? Why now... Now that...

He's gone.


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