《Promisory Note (namjoonxreader)》E.N.D


"I really thought you two were gonna make out."

Yoongi said earning a groan from the others.

"Yoongi, that was like a year ago"Rikka joked holding her 8 month tummy. Yes Rikka's pregnant with Jimin's son, Yoongi scratched his nape and chuckled awkwardly while slumping his arms down his sides.

"I'm still overwhelmed ya know." Jungkook said, his arm wrapped around his girflriend's waist.

"I can't believe you guys are married now" Hyunseo chuckled, sweeping her hair behind her hair as Jungkook looked at her fondly.

"Us too" Y/N chuckled, as she played with the boquet of roses in her palms." I'm still not used to it."

"Then get used to it." Hoseok said as he sat on a chair next to Yoongi, crossing his legs as he held a glass of wine in his hand. "You're Mrs. Kim now"

"Hobi, don't you have plans on dating?" Namjoon asked the only single person in their little circle.

"Yeah, it's been like a lifetime!" Jin joked. Everyone was happy that their beloved Jin came back exactly on Namjoon's wedding with a girl he met in the states named Yuji and a japanese.

"Nah, if the time comes it comes." Hoseok laughed. "I'm focusing on travelling, maybe I'll find someone on the road."

"I'm wishing the best luck on you Hobi" Taehyung laughed.

"You should bring back souvenirs" Miyoon suggested. Hoseok nodded and drank from his glass, Jungkook snorting.

"Why do I still have to drink banana milk huh!?" He whined as he shows his plastic cup full of banana milk.

"You're still a baby Kookie." Jia joked. "I'm guessing Jin oppa's behind this."

"Damn right Ji." The aformentioned laughed, his squeaky laugh erupting across the hall earning looks from the other guests, but none they paid attention to.


"Jinnie-kun, you shouldn't be too hard on him. He's 20 now." Yuji said, her Japanese accent kinda new to everyone.

"Leave him, he was too hard on me before." Jin said and glared at a red faced Jungkook.

Then the MC called all the ladies so they can catch Y/N's boquet.




Then Y/N threw her boquet, different hands tried to catch it but it somehow landed on a particular person.

"HOBI CAUGHT IT!" Jia yelled, all attention and cameras turning to the red head who shockingly held the boquet in his hands as he examined them like he was holding a ticking bomb.

"I caught it?" Hoseok asked, confused and shock at the same time.

"Yeah you did!" Namjoon yelled. Yoongi started bouncing and nudged Hoseok's head.

"Congratulations Hobi!" The people around him said, Hoseok chuckled nervously and bowed at them.

"Thank you!" Then he looked at Namjoon and Y/N with a happy smile. "How about a kiss from the newlyweds!?"

Everyone cheered, Namjoon hiding his face making Y/N snort.

She grabbed her husband's face and kissed him, Namjoon shocked but kissed her back, kinda embaraases cause Y/N made the first move.

When they broke out from the kiss Y/N smiled at him and kissed the tip of his nose.

"Wasn't expecting that." Namjoon laughed. Y/N slightly punched his cheek as they stared into each other's eyes, full of love. "I love you Y/N-nie~"

"I love you too Joonie" she replied as their foreheads touched, not long they smirked at one another and did their signature couple dance.

"Y/N-nie and Joonie sitting on a tree!

H-A-P-P-Y! Happy!"

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      To Be Continued...
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