《The Monster Inside ➺ Scott. M》Chapter 27


Astrid walked towards Derek and Scott, who just finished talking about the house security.

"Where the hell did you come from?" Scott asked Derek. Astrid walked towards Scott and he put his arm around her shoulders.

"I've been following you" Derek replied.

"For how long?" Scott asked.

"All day" Derek replied.

"Is everyone just following Scott around? And how did you not realise he was following you?" Astrid asked the true alpha.

Scott shrugged his shoulders and sighed as Derek walked away.

"Scott, this isn't good!" Melissa shouted. Astrid and Scott ran towards her.

"Need to call for backup" Scott's father muttered.

"How bad is it?" Scott asked.

"From the way that his arm is rotated, the tendon looks torn" Melissa explained.

"Astrid. Your blood heals, right?" Scott said.

"Uh, yeah"

"Please can you heal him?" Scott begged.

"Sure." Astrid said as she bit her wrist, opened the man's mouth and put her wrist against it. The blood dripped into his mouth.

Two minutes have passed and his wound still didn't heal. "Why isn't it working?" Scott asked.

"I... I don't know. It should work." Astrid said but then her eyes went wide.

"What is it?"

"The sword. The magic or something from the sword might be stopping him from healing. You will have to help him the human way. My blood won't help." She explained. "I'm sorry" she left the room and went downstairs, leaving Scott and his parents alone.


"Nothing can kill them. At least no man-made weapon" Katashi told the Argents. "The oni are a force of nature. You don't fight a tsunami. You endure it. And you hope that you're not destroyed in its path."

"Then how do we endure it?" Allison asked.

"One of you already has" Katashi said, looking at Isaac and walking towards him. Katashi looked at the mark behind Isaac's ear. "This is Japanese kanji for 'self'. This means he is still himself. The oni are looking for one who is no longer themselves."

"What so you mean no longer themselves?" Chris asked.

"Possessed. By a dark spirit."


"It's kira, right?" Aiden asked Kira and she nodded her head. Astrid leaned against a wall, staring at the oni at the entrance. "You going to tell us what you are?"

"What? What do you mean?" Kira asked confused. Aiden grabbed her hand.

"Aiden..." Ethan warned.

"Watch!" Aiden said as he brought her hand near the entrance, the mountain Ash pushed her hand away. "See that? She can't go through it either. So, what are you?"

"She's a kitsune, idiot." Derek said as he walked towards them. "Use your eyes. You can see it all around her. The younger ones give off an aura. She just hasn't learned how to conceal it yet. She probably doesn't know what kind she is either."


"There are 13 kinds of Kitsune" Katashi said "celestial, wild, ocean, thunder. But there is one, a dark kitsune. They call it void. Or nogitsune."

"A kumicho." Chris said.

"That's right. He was possessed by a nogitsune. It's what helped him rise through the ranks of our yakuza family. Nogitsune draws it's power from pain and tragedy, strife and chaos."


Astrid, Scott and Kira were talking quietly. "How do you know I'm not the bad guy?" Kira asked.

"Love, I have a thing for bad guys. For example Kai Parker. He was really sweet but killed his whole family with a smile on his face... he was also great in bed" Astrid smiled to herself and then noticed the stares of the two. "Sorry. Kira... believe me, you're not the bad guy."


"Yeah well maybe I'm just not your type." Kira suggested.

"Kira... I've seen the bad guys... many bad guys. And you're not one of them" she patted Kira's head.


"Do you know why I'm missing this finger?" Katashi asked Chris.

"Penance." Chris answered.

"There's a ritual called yubitsume. Removing the joints of the little finger weakens your grip on a sword. When a katana is gripped properly, the little finger is the strongest."

"Why did they take your finger?" Isaac asked.

"They didn't take it" Katashi told the teenager "a yakuza performs the ritual himself and offers it to his superior. It was penance for a mistake. And it wasn't my only one... I don't know what it was about the way I moved or stood that suggested to them I was going to take them on. Because I actually was... preparing to run for my life." He then looked at Chris. "That shot you fired saved me from looking like a coward before the survivors. For that humiliation, I wouldn't have to have given up my finger. I would have to give up my head." Katashi covered the mask with a cloth and pushed it gently towards Chris. "I wish I could give you the answer you need, Mr. Argent. I owe you more than my life. I owe you my honour." Katashi sighed "I will tell you one thing, however. If there is a nogitsune among you... let the oni destroy it. Even if it is your own daughter."


The house shook as the oni began hitting the invisible barrier using their swords.

"What are they doing?" Scott asked.

"Looking for a weak spot" Astrid said.

Two of the onis managed to to get their swords through the barrier at the front entrance. One of them put a hand on the weak spot and began putting his hand through it.

"We have a problem" Aiden said.

Allison then called Scott and he quickly picked up the phone.

"Allison, please tell me that you have something. They're here. They're trying to get in. And it looks like they're gonna be able to do it."

"Okay, okay listen." Allison said over the phone. "They're Japanese demons. They're called the oni. They're looking for someone possessed. Someone with a dark spirit attached to them."

"A nogitsune" Scott said.

"How'd you know that?" Allison asked. "Scott. Okay, they won't hurt you. They know you're supernatural but once they do this check, once they realise that you're not carrying with you this dark spirit, then they won't hurt you, I promise. All they're looking for is the nogitsune." Allison said and Scott ended the call.

"I'm right, aren't I?" Kira asked.

"No you're not kira. Jeez, there are many kinds of kitsune and you're clearly not the dark one. Calm down." Astrid told her.

The oni then managed to get through and they entered the house. "Don't do anything" Scott told the werewolves.

"Is he serious?" Aiden asked, ready to attack the 'demonic ninjas'.

"I said don't do anything" Scott said. Scott and Kira then slowly walked towards the oni.

The demons put their hands on their heads and let go when they realised that they're not who they're looking for. Kira and Scott both fell on the ground after the check.

When Astrid looked up at the demons, she realised that they were also staring at her.


"Oh... you have to be kidding me" she sighed and shuffled towards them. One of the oni put its hand on her head and stared at her with bright yellow eyes. It was the first time in a while when Astrid felt scared. The oni let go of her and she fell on the floor as well. She put her finger behind her ear and felt the Mark.


Stiles woke up in the hospital after Melissa gave him something so that he'll sleep as he was sleep deprived. He walked through the corridors looking for anyone but they were empty. He walked into a big empty room and stopped when he felt someone's presence behind him. He slowly turned around and saw the oni right behind him. He tried to run away but another oni appeared before him. He took steps back when the oni began walking towards him, stiles stopped when he was trapped between them. The oni in front of him was going to put a hand on Stiles' head but he grabbed it. Stiles then put his hand inside the Oni's chest and yellow light shone on him. He took out his hand and the oni disappeared. When Stiles opened his fist he saw a dead firefly laying on his hand.

The oni's behind him began stepping away from Stiles but soon ran at him.


Scott heard a thud as he was walking through the hospital corridors. When he entered the room, he saw Stiles standing in the empty room alone.

"Stiles? Are you Okay?" Scott asked.

Stiles then turned around to look at his best friend "yeah, fine. What's been going on?"


Astrid went back to her mansion, her finger behind her left ear, touching the mark that the Oni left.

When she walked inside, she knew that someone else was there with her. Astrid vamp sped to the living room and saw her sister drinking her bourbon with closed eyes, relaxing.

"Why does everyone drink my bourbon without permission? Honestly, learn some manners." Astrid said and her sister stood up with a massive smile. They hugged each other with a smile on their faces.

"I missed you" Rebekah said.

"You've seen me a few weeks ago, bex" Astrid chuckled.

"Yeah but I still missed you."

"So you're finally done with the cure?" Astrid asked.


"I thought Nik was coming with you?"

"He did come with me"

"Then where is he?" Astrid asked her sister curiously.

"He said that he has to kill someone or something" Rebekah answered.

Astrid's eyes opened wide "Scott".


Astrid vamp sped to Scott's house but he wasn't there.

"Astrid?" Melissa said sleepily.

"Melissa! You have to tell me where Scott is!" Astrid panicked.

"Is everything alright?"

"No! My brother will murder him so tell me where he is!"

"He said that he's going to Derek's but he'll be back soon."

As soon as Astrid found out where he is, she vamp sped to Derek's apartment. When she walked inside, she saw Nik holding Scott by the throat while Derek, the twins and Isaac layed on the ground.

"Nik, stop!" Astrid told her brother. The werewolves then stood back up and were going to attack Nik but Astrid stopped them.

"No. He hurt you so now I'll hurt him." Nik said through gritted teeth.

"Nik..." she said as she waved her hand, throwing Nik against a wall.

Aiden grabbed Nik's arm and Nik pushed him away. "I won't stop until I kill the bastard." Nik shouted.

"Niklaus, enough!" Astrid yelled when she stood in front of Scott. She only called him 'Niklaus' when she was mad. She always used his nicknames.

"He hurt you, sister" he pointed at Scott while Isaac, the twins and Derek stood behind him.

"We're back together, Nik" she told her older brother.

"You're What?!" Nik shouted.

"Nik, listen. I love him, alright." She told her brother.

"You'll find someone better than him" Nik said, his right eye twitching.

"Nik... please. Just calm down." She said as she walked towards her brother, putting her hands on his cheeks. "Please..." She said quietly as she broke his neck. She caught his body before it fell on the ground.

"Thanks" Scott said. "You love me?" He said with a grin and Astrid nodded with a smile.

"What is he doing here?" Derek asked.

"He didn't tell me when he was coming. I would've warned you if I knew." Astrid told the werewolves. "I have to go now. I'll see you later" she said as she began walking out of Derek's apartment.

"Astrid." Scott said and she turned around to look at him. "I love you too" he smiled.

Astrid returned the smile and vamp sped to to her mansion.


Astrid layed Nik on a couch and waited for him to wake up.

"Well, well, well," Rebekah said. "Astrid, his favourite sibling killed him. What a surprise" she laughed as she sat down next to Astrid on a different couch.

"I had to stop him from killing my friends somehow" Astrid told her younger sister.

"So... who's Scott?" Rebekah asked with a glass of bourbon in her hand.

"None of your business, little sister" Astrid said in a bitchy tone as she took the glass Rebekah was holding and drank the bourbon.

"That was rude." Rebekah said.

"It's my bourbon. It's rude that you didn't ask for permission." Astrid rolled her eyes.

"I'm your sister. I don't need to ask for permission."

"Oh, really?"

"Yes, really." Rebekah took the glass from Astrid and poured herself some bourbon and drank it.

"How long are you going to stay?" Astrid asked.

"A couple days." Rebekah smiled "maybe a week or two."

The two heard grunting and looked at Klaus who was now staring at Astrid with an annoyed look.

"Sorry, Nik" Astrid smiled at her brother.

"I can't believe you're back together with that teenage asshole!" Klaus yelled at his younger sister as he stood up.

"Gosh, why do you two always cause so much chaos?" Rebekah asked as she left the room.

"I love him Nik." Astrid said quietly, also standing up.

"I don't care. He hurt You!"

"Isn't that exactly what Caroline was doing to you, Niklaus?" Astrid asked, now shouting at her brother. "She was hurting you by rejecting you yet you didn't give up!" Astrid shouted and left the room, leaving Nik alone. He grabbed the whole bottle of bourbon and drank it.

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