《The Monster Inside ➺ Scott. M》Chapter 25
Kira, Lydia, Stiles, Astrid and Scott sat in the Sheriffs office, talking to Scott's father while sheriff sat behind him.
"So when did you get there?" The F.B.I asked.
"At the same time" Stiles answered.
"As the same time as who?" The agent asked.
"As the same time as Scott, Lydia and me" Astrid answered the question.
"By coincidence?"
"What do you mean coincidence?" Stiles asked.
"That's what I'm asking you. The four of You arrived at the same time. Was that coincidence?"
"Are you asking me?" Scott asked.
"I think he's asking me" Stiles told Scott.
"I think he's asking all of us, actually" Astrid added.
"Okay, let me answer the questions." The agent said and everyone looked at him confused. "Let me ask the questions" he corrected himself. "Just so I have this absolutely clear. Barrow was hiding in the chemistry closet at the school. Someone left him a coded message on the blackboard. Telling him to kill kira. Then Barrow took Kira to a power substation and tied her up with the intent of electrocuting her, which blacked out the entire town."
"Sounds about right" Stiles answered.
"How did you know he'd take her to a power station?"
"Well, 'cause he was an electrical engineer." Stiles said. "So where else would he take her?"
"That's one hell of a deduction there, Stiles." Scott's father said.
"Yeah, what can I say? I take after my pops." Stiles added. "He's in law enforcement." Stiles gun pointed at his dad.
Stiles father snorted and then covered it up with a cough. "Stiles, just, uh... just answer the man."
"We made a good guess" Stiles said.
"What were the two of you doing?" He asked Scott and kira.
"Eating pizza" "Eating sushi" kira and Scott said at the same time. Astrid raised an eyebrow at the two.
"Eating sushi and pizza" the two corrected themselves.
"Someone moved on quickly" Astrid muttered, knowing that Scott heard her.
"You believe this?" Scott's father asked the sheriff.
"To be honest," the sheriff began talking. "I haven't believed a word Stiles has said since he learned how to speak. But I think these kids found themselves in the right place at the right time and that girl sitting there is very lucky for it."
"Kira, is that how you remember it?" The agent asked Kira and everyone looked at her.
"Yes" kira answered. "Could I get my phone back now?"
"Sorry, but No." The agent answered and soon everyone left the room.
Astrid sat down on her couch, sighing loudly. All she could think about was how Scott and Kira were spending a lot of time together lately.
She heard her phone buzz and answered It, angrily, not looking at who the caller was.
"What?" She spat.
"Someone's in a bad mood." Klaus said over the phone.
"Are you done with the cure?" Astrid asked her brother.
"Not yet. But, don't worry, I don't want you to come here. I just wanted to check up on you." He said, sighing at the end.
"Well, I'm fine." Astrid answered.
"No you're not." Klaus whispered. "What's bugging you, sister?"
"It's just been a rough few days, that's all." She answered her brother, calming down.
"How's Scott?" Klaus asked.
"I don't know. Last time we had a long conversation was after he broke up with me" Astrid answered through gritted teeth.
"And why would he do such a thing?" Klaus asked. She could hear that he was angry now.
"Because he found out what I am, Nick. They always run away" her voice cracked. "Because we're monsters."
"Astrid... I will go there as soon as I'm done with the cure, alright? I love you."
"I love you too" she answered quietly, stopping herself from crying.
"Everything will be alright, darling" he told his sister as he hung up.
The next day, Astrid lazily got out of her bed. She put on a cute white dress, make-up, shoes and school bag as she left her mansion, heading to school.
She entered the school and walked through the crowded hallway, heading to her locker. When she arrived at her locker, she heard coach say "class starts in five minutes. Just because there's no power don't expect there to be no school."
"I wish I could just burn this place down" Astrid sighed, opening her locker.
"Me too" a brunette girl answered, walking away from Astrid.
After school finished, Astrid went to a party at Derek's apartment. She entered the apartment and the loud music and teenager's shouting blasted through the hallways. It was a neon party, Astrid's favourite. She walked in, smiling.
She already knew that Derek has no idea that the party was happening. She took some alcohol from a table and leaned on the wall, looking at everyone dancing.
Ethan went downstairs to get some ice. As he was picking up the ice, the lights began flickering and soon turned off. He fixed the light and when it turned back on, he saw 5 tall, black figures with black masks and bright yellow eyes which resembled fireflies. They attacked him and the door shut.
Astrid saw Scott, kira and Stiles enter the apartment together. 'Great' she thought as she watched the three. She couldn't hear them over the loud music even with her super hearing.
She laughed quietly when she saw a girl kiss Stiles in the cheek, leaving an orange mark from her lipstick. Stiles then patted Scott's shoulder and followed the girl, leaving the two alone.
Astrid and Scott made eye contact and Astrid smiled sadly at him from the other side of the room. He smiled back and Astrid saw kira walk away from him when she noticed their gaze.
Scott began slowly walking towards her, trying to squeeze through the crowd.
"Hi" Astrid said when Scott reached her.
"Hey. You look kinda lonely" he said, scratching the back of his neck.
"And bored" she added, taking a sip of her drink. "Do you think I'm a monster?"
"What?" He asked, surprised.
"I mean, you broke it off because of what I am, right? So... d-do you think I'm a mon-" he shut her up with a gentle kiss which ended after a few seconds.
"I'm sorry. About everything" he said, sighing loudly as he looked Astrid straight in the eyes. "I was just scared. Not of you, of what is going to happen next. I mean, you are the strongest creature on the planet. I just... didn't know what to do" he added as he cupped her cheek, leaning closer.
Astrid stopped him, putting a finger on his lips. She looked a bit to the right and noticed kira staring at them. "What about your new girlfriend... kira?"
"She's just a friend" he answered, moving away.
"Are you sure?" Astrid asked.
"Yes. I helped save her from Barrow. That's it. We're friends. Nothing more."
Astrid smiled widely and grabbed Scott's face, pulling him towards her and kissing him roughly. She put her arms around his neck as his hands rested on her hips. They both smiled into the kiss and soon pulled away, still standing.
"I...." Scott said.
"You What?" She asked, taking his hand in hers.
"I'm glad you forgave me" he smiled at the tribrid and she returned the smile.
"I did." She said sweetly. "Now let's hope my brothers will too" she laughed quietly as Scott's eyes opened wide."
"Oh God." He gasped.
"I'll protect you from their rage" she winked.
Lydia began breathing heavily when she saw the tall figures standing in the corners of the room. She ran out of the apartment, walking onto the balcony.
She stood on the balcony and then looked on the floor when she heard a weird sound. She saw one of the figures crawling out of the floor. She stared at it as it crawled out. She tried screaming but a second figure took away her voice.
It put its fingers behind her left ear and stared into her eyes. It's firefly-eyes glew as he stared right into her soul. It let go of her and she fell on the ground as they disappeared.
"Your key has phosphors on it" a girl who was sitting with Stiles told the teenager as she held up his keys.
Stiles stared at the key and then at the girl. She suddenly kissed him, surprising him. Stiles broke the kiss and then looked at his keys.
"I'm am sorry. What are phosphors?" Stiles asked.
"Oh, they're any substance that luminesces. It's in your teeth and fingernails. Laundry detergent. It's also in this." The girl said, wiping his lips with her finger and showing him her glowing lipstick. "Reacts to the UV light, thats why it glows."
Stiles nodded and kissed the girl again. However, he soon pulled away again.
"How would I get phosphors on my key?" Stiles questioned.
"Have you been handling chemicals?" The girl asked.
"No, I don't think I..." Stiles said but stopped as he began thinking about it "I'm sorry. I'm really totally sorry." He said as he began walking away from the girl. "I just thought of something and I have to go. Really, I want it. I want to stay. I would just stay all night... I swear... but I really have to go and I don't want to offend you." Stiles explained.
"Okay" the girl replied, still slightly confused.
"Sorry. I just... Okay? Okay" he said and speed walked out of the apartment.
"You umm" Astrid laughed.
"I What?" Scott asked.
"You have some paint on your cheek" she snorted, biting her bottom lip.
Scott wiped his cheek but it didn't come off. Kira walked towards the two.
"It's still there" kira pointed out.
"Come here" Astrid said. She put her hand on his cheek and wiped off the paint.
"Thanks" he muttered.
Allison and Isaac danced in the apartment, paint covering their bodies and faces.
They were about to kiss but Allison pulled away with a concerned and confused expression.
"What?" Isaac asked. "What's wrong?"
"There's something on your head." Allison said. "Behind your ear.
She grabbed his hand and pulled him into a different room.
"Turn to the mirror. Turn to the mirror." Allison told Isaac. "You see that?" She asked as Isaac tried to look at the mark behind his ear.
"What is that?" He questioned.
"It looks like a number 5." Allison pointed out.
Isaac turned around when he heard a man groaning in the distance. "Did you hear that?" He asked Allison and she shook her head.
He walked to the corner of the room and behind buckets of ice laid Ethan, shivering.
Danny walked out on the balcony and found Lydia laying on the ground, shivering.
"Aiden, over here!"
"Lydia?" Aiden said concerned. "Lydia? What happened?" Lydia whimpered. "What happened to her?"
"I don't know, but she's freezing" Danny answered. "She's practically hypothermic"
"We gotta get her inside. Help me" Aiden said.
The two took her inside and laid her down next to a radiator as Aiden sat with her, hugging her as he tried to warm her up.
"I'll try to find a blanket" Danny said as he walked away.
Isaac and Allison tried to Make Ethan turn to stop him from shivering. Isaac grabbed his hand.
"What are you doing?" Allison asked.
"It'll trigger the healing." Isaac said as he broke his arm.
"They came out of the dark" Lydia whispered. Lydia and Ethan also had the reversed number 5 behind their ears.
Derek woke up on the parking lot and touched the mark behind his ear. He growled loudly.
He then ran into the building and walked into his apartment. He walked towards the DJ but a guard stopped him. "Bro, sorry, the bloody beetroot doesn't take requests" Derek nodded and tried walking towards the DJ but the guard stopped him again. "Bro, seriously. I said the DJ doesn't take.."
Derek grabbed him by the neck and lifted him up slightly. "He'll take mine." He said as he threw the guard on the ground. He then walked towards the DJ and threw the table with his computers on the floor. The music stopped and everyone stared at him.
"Get out!" Derek shouted and everyone ran out of the apartment.
"Get her out of here" Aiden Told Danny as he helped Lydia walk.
"Find Scott" Lydia said as Danny helped her leave.
Soon Allison, Isaac, Ethan, Astrid, Scott and Kira joined Derek and Aiden in the room. The dark figures standing in the middle. They all turned to Aiden, staring at him.
"Guys, they're all looking at me" Aiden panicked. They took a step towards him. "Why are they all looking at me?" They took another step towards him. "Guys?" Scott and Derek attacked the figures as Astrid pushed kira, making her stand against a wall.
"Don't move" she told kira as she vamp sped towards one of the figures, breaking it's neck. She stared at it as black smoke floated around it's neck as it healed itself. "What the f-" Astrid said as the figure pushed her against a wall.
She got uo and ran towards Scott to helped him get up off the floor as one of the figures made him fall over.
The two then attacked the figures again but one pushed Scott against a wall and the other broke Astrid's neck. Kira looked at them terrified at the back of the room.
The figures looked at Aiden once again. Isaac ran towards one of the figures and growled at it. It turned around and took a sword out of its chest, making Isaac nove back.
"Somebody do something!" Allison panicked as two of the figures grabbed Aiden's arms. A third figure put its fingers behind Aiden's ear, staring into his eyes. It moved it's hand away and Aiden fell on the floor with a thud.
They then began walking towards Scott. He growled, showing his red eyes. Kira looked at his face, afraid. The sun then came up and the figures disappeared.
Scott ran towards Astrid and as soon as he crouched down next to her, she woke up, gasping. She sat up and looked around, surprised that the figures weren't there anymore.
"What the hell are they?" She asked everyone. "I have never seen them before..."
Stiles walked towards the chemistry classroom and grabbed his keys. He took out the one which he didn't know where it came from, put it in the lock and looked at it surprised as it fit.
He walked towards the blackboard, staring at the numbers and letters.
19 k
53 I
88 Ra
He wrote the same numbers next to the numbers which were already on the blackboard. He took a step back when he saw that the handwriting is identical and he was the one who wrote the coded message.
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