《The Monster Inside ➺ Scott. M》Chapter 8


Astrid sat on her bed, thinking back to what happened at the Motel. She sat there for hours, thinking about all the people she ever killed. Everyone she ever hurt and about her mother and step-father.

She got up and paced around her room. Her alarm sucked her out of her thoughts. She turned it off and headed to school.

The bell rang as soon as she arrived, so she headed to her first lesson, chemistry.

Astrid sat behind Scott, hood on her head and she fidgeted with her pen.

Ms.Blake walked into the classroom and threw a book on her desk.

"Good morning." She smiled, showing her teeth. "As you all know, Mr.Harris is still missing. I mean, sick" Astrid rolled her eyes. "Anyway, I'm filling in while we all hope and pray for a more qualified substitute to take my place. Okay. So let's get started, shall we? Oh and, Astrid, hood off, please" Astrid sighed as she took off her hood, sitting back and biting the lid of her pen.

"Hey, my dad said that the ER attendant wasn't strangled, but he did die from asphyxiation." Stiles whispered to Scott as Astrid listened to their conversation. "They just don't know how."

"Do you think the on-call doctor could still be alive?" Scott asked

"I don't know. But, Scott, there's got to be at least 20 other doctors in that hospital. At least, you know? Any one of them could be next"

Scott's cell phone buzzed "Hey, Doc. Sorry, I'm in class right now" Scott whispered. "Can I call you back later?"

"Unfortunately, no" deaton said over the phone "I honestly thought I might never have to burden you like this, but I'm afraid, at the moment, you're my only hope." He paused. "I'm going to be taken. I need you to find me" Deaton hung up the phone.

"Doc. Doc. Doc... what's happening?" Scott asked, concerned.

"Darach took him" Astrid stated.

Scott ran out of the classroom, Astrid following him.

They soon arrived at the animal Clinic, Scott out of breath from running. Sheriff and the deputy were already there.

"How did you know?" Scott asked. Astrid walked towards him and squeezed his arm gently to calm him down.

"Stiles called me as soon as you left school" sheriff replied. "I'm sorry. Your boss' car is still here and the back door was wide open." Scott sat on one of the chairs behind him and Stiles' father walked towards him. "Scott, I need you to tell me everything."


Stiles soon arrived as they sat in the animal Clinic.

"Alright" sheriff said as he grabbed Scott's shoulder. "We're gonna do everything we can. Right now, the best thing you can do is go back to school." Sheriff walked away. Stiles stood next to Scott, tapping his foot.

They all went to one of the back rooms where they kept animals.


"We have to tell him" Scott said quietly.

"You mean, like, "tell him" tell him?" Stiles asked. "Or tell him something else that isn't telling him what I think you want to tell him?"

"Stiles" Astrid said, looking at Stiles with a blank expression.

"You know what I mean." Scott stated

"You remember how your mom reacted? She didn't look you in the eye for, like, a week." Stiles replied.

"And she got over it." Scott paused "and it actually made us closer."

"I don't know, dude. I mean, look at him. Come on, he's completely overwhelmed as it is"

"Stiles. He's supposed to protect this town. How is he going to do that if he doesn't know what's going on?" Astrid asked.

Scott nodded "He's gonna find out sooner or later"

"Okay, but is now really the right time?" Stiles asked.

"What if not telling him now gets someone else killed?"

"What if telling him gets him killed, huh?" Stiles asked, disbelief in his voice. "I mean, Okay, look, I get that Deaton's been like a father to you. I get that, Okay? But this isn't... Scott, this is my actual father. I can't... I can't lose both of my parents, alright? Not both of them.

"I wish both of my parents were dead" Astrid mumbled quietly, looking out the door as the two teenagers argued.

"You're right" Scott said, pretending to not have heard Astrid say that.

Stiles sighed loudly "No, I'm not. I'm not right." Stiles paused, looking at his father who was outside the door. "I'll tell him."

"I'll help you" Scott said, leaving the room. Leaving Stiles and Astrid alone in there.

"Well, good luck, love" she smirked "look on the bright side, at least your father won't hunt your friends or you after finding out" she smiled and walked outside. Leaving Stiles slightly confused.

Stiles soon too walked outside and they looked at Morell, Deaton's sister, who was talking to the sheriff. "Please. Whatever you need, however you can help find my brother."

"Will you excuse us for a minute? Thank you" Sheriff asked and walked away.

"Listen closely, both of you" she said to Stiles and Scott, ignoring Astrid. "No sheriff, deputy or detective is going to be able to find him."

"You don't have to ask us for help" Scott answered.

"Actually, I'm trying to help you. Because if you're going to find my brother, then you need to use the one person who might actually have an ability to seek out the supernatural." Morell said, looking into their eyes.

"Lydia" Stiles said.

"Oh and Astrid, how's Mikael?" Morell asked and walked away with a smirk on her face.

Astrid looked at her, wondering how she knew about him and how she knew who Astrid is.

"Who's Mikael?" Scott asked.

"My step-father" her hands slightly shakign. She heard her phone ring, she took it out and saw a message.


Hi, sister. I have to say, you have a beautiful house.


Astrid smiled slightly and looked at the boys.

"Sorry, darlings, I have to go. I'll see you soon" she said smiling as she walked out of the animal Clinic, heading back to her mansion.


When she walked In, the house seemed empty, until she walked into her kitchen. She saw at least ten dead bodies laying on the floor and the counter. Blood everywhere.

"Oh for... Kol!" She shouted, annoyed and furious.

She turned around as she felt wind on her skin.

"Hello, sister" he said as he tackled her into a tight hug, almost crushing her bones.

"I missed you too" she laughed and kissed his cheek. "But don't kill everyone in this town... and clean up, will you?" She laughed and he kissed her forehead, smiling widely.

"I really missed you, 'trid..." he said, using her nickname. He was the only one who called her that. She smiled widely.

"You can stay as long as you like, Kol. I have to go somewhere now so... please clean the kitchen up. I'll be back soon" she said, giving him another tight hug. "I love you" she said as she left the house.

She took out her phone from her back pocket and called Scott.

"Did you find Deaton yet?" She asked.

"Yeah... he's in the Volt of Beacon Hills National Bank." He answered, panting as he ran towards the bank.

"I'll meet you there then, love" she smiled and hung up the phone as she sped towards the bank.

When she arrived, she saw Scott in the Volt, trying to get towards Deaton, but not able to because of the mountain ash surrounding Deaton.

She knew that she could get through with no problem but that meant revealing who she was and she didn't want him to find out. She didn't want him to think that she was a blood sucking monster or a cold-blooded killer.

Scott grunted loudly as he tried getting through the mountain Ash which surrounded Deaton as he was hanging.

She looked at him with sympathetic eyes, wanting to help him but knowing that she can't. She was surprised at how close he was to getting through before being pushed away by the mountain Ash.

Astrid ran towards Scott, concerned.

"Scott!" She shouted as she kneels down next to him.

He looked at her, blinking fast as he was trying to regain his vision.

"You're alright!" She exclaimed as she kissed him. He was shocked at her action but soon kissed back softly. Astrid pulled away a second later as the Sheriff walked into the Volt.

"Scott! Let me give it a shot." The sheriff said as he took out his gun, aiming it at the rope which deaton was hanging from. He shot and deaton fell on the ground.

Astrid and Scott both got up happy that Deaton was safe. For some unknown reason, she grew to like the vet.

The sheriff walked inside, looking at the two teenagers and then to Deaton. He walked towards him and pulled him out of the mountain Ash circle. He let him rest against a wall as they crouched down next to him. Scott and the vet panting.

"How'd you find us?" Scott asked the sheriff.

"The vials in the clinic with the Celtic symbols on them. I knew one of 'em looked familiar" sheriff said as he looked at the bank logo on the ground.

"Sheriff, thank you for being one hell of a detective." Deaton said, still panting as he looked at the sheriff.

"You bet, let's get you an ambulance" sheriff said as he patted Deaton's knee and walked out of the Volt.

Deaton pulled Scott closer to him. "Your eyes were red" deaton said quietly. "Bright red"

"How is that possible?" Scott asked, Astrid looked dumbfounded too.

"Paramedics are on their way. I'll be back in a minute" sheriff said as he walked in and out of the Volt.

"Its rare" Deaton spoke "it's something that doesn't happen within 100 years, but every once in a while, a beta can become an alpha without having to steal or take that power. They call it a true alpha. It's one who rises purely on the strength of character, by virtue, by sheer force of will."

"You knew this would happen" Scott answered, calm.

"I believed. From the moment I knew you were bitten, I believed." Deaton answered, smiling slightly at the boy.

Scott looked at Deaton and then to Astrid, slowly. Trying to digest the news. "You're not the only one."

"No. Deucalion isn't after Derek. He's after you."

Deaton and Scott looked at each other. Astrid sighed loudly and soon the paramedics rushed inside the Volt, taking Deaton to the ambulance.

Astrid and Scott still stood inside, unsure of what to do now. She looked at Scott and he smiled warmly at her.

"So..." He said awkwardly.

"I'm sorry..." She said as Scott looked at her confused. "About the kiss. It was inappropriate under the circumstances." She spoke, tugging on her sleeve. "I'll go now" she said as she began walking away.

Scott grabbed her arm and pulled her towards him, her face inches away from his as he looked at her with loving eyes. He smiled and spoke "it's alright." He put a strand of hair behind her ear and leaned in. Their lips brushing and soon connected into a sweet, loving kiss.

They pulled away and Astrid smiled, biting her bottom lip lightly. "So... does that make us a couple?" She asked with hopeful eyes.

"Yup!" He said happy as he kissed her forehead, grabbing her hand and heading to the exit of the bank. Smile never leaving either of their faces.

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