《A Harry Potter Love Story: Gracie Style *Completed*》Chapter 11


Mione and I trudged upstairs, it had been a long day and tomorrow's the match. I still hadn't gotten my letter. We opened the door and I collapsed on my bed. There was something underneath me. I pulled it out, my letter! Should have known it'd be here! "Mione! It's my letter!"

"Open it!" She came running over and sat on the bed beside me, reading over my shoulder as I ripped it open.

Dear Gracie,

You go by that now? Good to know. I'm so glad you wrote! I just want you to know I love you so much! I never wanted to leave. I can't wait to see you! I'd love a picture by the way!

I'm glad the Weasley's treat you well. I knew they would though, I'm the one that asked for you to go to them. Do you get to see your godfather much? Remus? Living with the boys must be hard. I had a brother of y own, but sadly he passed on. In the dark times. I'm glad you have little Ginny to talk to. She was only a few days old when you joined their family.

How are you liking Hogwarts? I remember my first year. Are you having fun? You said the boys are protective, are they watching out for you? Congratulations on Gryffindor! I was one myself, the best house there is. I promise, you'll care that Gryffindor pride with you your whole life!

I'm so proud of you for the quidditch! That's amazing sweetheart! Harry made it as well? I'm not surprised. His father was my best friend. I spent many a summers at his house. We played quidditch together as well. And James was a seeker. I'm so proud! Im glad you have such good friends and you have such a good relationship with your siblings. Keep Ginny's bed waiting! Family ties are hard to sever, keep them strong.


Keep me updated on all things team wise. And with the Quidditch Cup! I'm ire Gryffindor will win! They've got a Potter and my daughter! I'd never say no to wanting to hear a secret. Don't be nervous, I'm sure you'll be brilliant. Not many first years make the house team, you have to be good. I'd prefer the twins to stay close and protect you, but I'm sure your like me. You sound like it anyway. Which means you're stubborn and want to look out for yourself. But I know your smart enough to know when to ask for help if you need it. I can tell. Plus you Abe Harry. James was protective over Lilly before he knew he liked her, I'm sure he's just as protective. He seemed so much like James as a baby. You two were best friends even back then.

Do me a favor will you? Hex Snape! Not even in an alternate universe would we be friends. Yes, I went to school with him. And I don't like the fact that he's holding a school yard grudge against my daughter. Does he act like that to Harry as well? He hated James and I. Absolutely loathed. What did he dock points for? Probably nothing. And don't worry about being harsh. I would have said the same if you asked me when I was your age. I'd be like you though, I wouldn't mean it.

McGonagall strict as ever? She was one of my favorites in school. Hagrid is brilliant! I'll never forget the time he chased us out of the Forrest. Ah good times. I remember Binns and even Flitwick. And that bloody cat. He still has that thing? I kicked it one time. Then Lilly yelled at me for nearly an hour, talking about Animal Rights and animal cruelty. I never went near it again. Good job with Peeves though. Your secret is safe with me.


From the sounds of it, yes. You look very much like me. My hair is the same color, my eyes are the same. I have to say, you get your height from your mother, but I was always rather slim as well. Mrs. Weasley lets you get away with that? I'm surprised. I'm excited to know you look like me. Does your hair have wave to it? Never mind, I would love a picture if you wanted to send one. I'd love to see your friends as well. And one of you in your uniform!

Well, I suppose that's all. Have fun in the match tomorrow. Be safe! Write back soon! I love you!



P.S. Your middle name is Paige. Gracelyn Paige. I'll tell you your last name soon, but nows not the time. Hope this is at least a little satisfying. Bye! Write soon!

"Wow. So you do look alike. And what was that about a secret? And he had a grudge with Snape? I guess it shows!" Mione started as soon as I finished the letter.

"Harry and I were best friends as babies? Dad and James were best friends? They played quidditch together?" I whispered. Hermione stopped.

"I caught that as well. I wonder who it is? Maybe ask your Uncle Lupin?" She asked, standing up and walking towards her bed.

"Yes. I'll ask him tomorrow. At the match. We're going to win! I have to. For Dad!" I spoke more to myself than to her. "Goodnight Hermione!"

"Night," she paused. "Gracelyn Paige!" I sighed in content. Then let my eyes drift off and suddenly, they closed.

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