《A Harry Potter Love Story: Gracie Style *Completed*》Chapter 10


"Mione! Wake up! It's Monday! The essay is due today!" I shook her awake, the minute her eyes opened I headed for the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and washed my hair. "Hey Mione!"


"What time is it?"

"You woke us up early! It's only six Gracie!" She whined, I heard her drop back onto the bed.

"Will you help me fix my hair? I wanna do something different with it!" I called, I could hear her get up and then she was beside me.

"What did you want to do?"

"I don't know. Make it wavy? Or curly?" I asked more than told her. "I don't know, just something different!"

"What if we made it curly, then pinned back the sides?" She said, playing with my hair. I nodded in response. I like my hair curly. "Okay. Sit here and I'll do it!" She pointed at a chair, which I sat in. Then she got started.

Half an hour later, I had curly hair and I think it looks really pretty. "Thanks Mione!" I jumped up and hugged her. She laughed, hugging me back. I turned to the mirror and put on some lip gloss and light eyeliner on the waterline.

"Very pretty!" She said, smiling at me.

"Thanks! Now it's your turn! Sit!" I pointed to the same chair I had just sat it. She nodded, looking excited. I don't think she even cares what I do. I straightened her hair. It was pin straight and glossy. It looked very pretty. I did her make up in a light brown with the eye shadow. I gave her the same eyeliner and handed her my lipgloss.

"Very pretty!" I nodded my head in approval. She jumped up and looked in the mirror. Her eyes widened and her smile grew. "Like?"

"I love it! Thank you Gracie!" She hopped up and down for a minute and then hugged me tightly. I hugged back, laughing a bit.

"Good and your welcome. Now lets go!" I grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the bathroom. I grabbed my things and then ran down the stairs into the common room. The boys were sitting there waiting for us. "Hey guys!"

They turned around and they're jaws dropped. I couldn't help but smile a bit. "H-hi Mione!" Ron stuttered, I watched as her face grew red.

"Hi Ron," she mumbled, looking at her shoes.

"Hi Gracie!" Harry beamed at me, bringing a smile to my face. "Ready?" I nodded, walking towards him and Ron. Once we got out of the portrait hole, we all linked arms and skipped to class.



"Ms. Weasley!" Snape snapped, everyone turned their heads back to look at me. I looked up from my drawing, which he had just interrupted.

"Yes Professor?"

"Who helped you with this essay?" I sat up now, looking straight at him.

"No one sir?"

"Don't lie to me! Five points from Gryffindor!" My mouth dropped, Ron gave me an, 'are-you-serious?' look and Mione looked like she was going to cry.

"Sir, I'm not lying! I used the textbook and went to the library!" I was shaking and I tried not to yell.

"Lies! This information can't all be found in the textbook! Five points!" He snapped. I was completely shaking now.

"Severus!" Professor McGonagall walked in. Thank goodness. "I will not have you treating my students like that! If you don't believe the girl, give her some Vertaseum! But do not make accusations!" She swished her cloak and walked towards the front. "I have a note for you as well!" She handed it to him and he took it with sharp movements.

He came towards me with a vial and I stared at it, wide eyed as ever. "Drink it!" He snapped. I took it and did as he told me to. All eyes were on me, even McGonagall. "Who helped you with your essay?"

"You sir! You picked a good textbook! Thank you by the way!" I chirped. The words were out of my mouth before I even knew what was happening. They were true though. He nearly growled at me.

"That's enough Severus. She obviously did her homework as told. Ten points Gracie, for keeping your temper and telling the truth!" McGonagall smiled at me before leaving the room.

"Dismissed!" Snape yelled, we all grabbed our books and headed out. I basically ran out the door.

"Blimey Gracie! How good was your essay?" Ron asked once we were headed for the Great Hall.

"I don't know, but I suppose pretty good since he had to ask!" I still couldn't control my words. I wanted to say not that good, but I can't. "I can't control my words! Mione!"

"It's the potion. It's a truth telling serum!" She said, voice all smug. I groaned and hung my head. "Oh my gosh! Come with me!" She grabbed my hand and took me into a different corridor. "Do you fancy Harry?" She whispered, looking at me with a big smile. My eyes went wide. I know what she's doing!


"Yes! He's so cute and sweet and he doesn't even know how powerful he truly is. I want to be someone he knows he can talk to about anything! And one time I had a dream about him!" I clapped a hand over my mouth when I was done, then groaned out loud.

"I knew it!" She fist pumped the air and did a little happy dance. I narrowed my eyes and glared. Just glared. How rude!

"Oh be quiet! Lets go!" I grabbed her hand and headed towards the Hall. Halloween's coming up soon and I can't wait! I skipped towards the hall and dragged Mione behind me.

"So when do you think you'll get your letter?" She asked.

"Whenever Dumbledore gets back!" I shrugged my shoulders, pointing at the head table.

"How'd you know he was gone?" She asked, looking at me all funny like and stuff.

"He left when he delivered my letter. I figured he'd be gone when I received it!" I shrugged again.

"Interesting!" We sat down beside the boys and started stacking our plates.

"Where'd you two go?" Ron asked, looking at the two of us while he ate. Nasty.

"Hermione asked me a question," I shrugged again. That was the truth. But it was a half truth. So maybe the potion is wearing off? "Mione how long does that stuff last?"

"Only a little while. It should begin to wear off soon!" Ron an Harry exchanged nervous glances when she finished her sentence. They were going to ask me something. Something they thought I'd lie about normally. I narrowed my eyes, daring them to ask.

"What?" I asked, looking between the two.

"Nothing!" They chorused. "So Gracie, are you ready for the match tomorrow?" Harry asked, looking directly in my eyes.

"Yes. But I'm really nervous! I'm afraid I'm not as good as McGonagall made me out to be an I don't want to let anybody down! All of the Weasley's and Uncle Lupin are coming to watch! And I don't want you to get hurt! Your my bestfriend! Besides, seekers are really important and if they're out the teams in trouble!" I tacked on that last part to cover up the 'don't want you to get hurt' part.

Harry smiled at me. "Don't worry Gracie, I'll be careful!" I nodded, but didn't respond otherwise. I finished eating, and got my stuff ready for Professor Bins class. He's the only ghost teacher in Hogwarts. But it's really boring because he has one of those monotone voices that just begs you to go to sleep. I usually borrow Mione's notes after class to study.

"You ready?" Harry asked, looking at me. I nodded. "Wanna go?" I looked at Mione.

"Go on! We'll catch up!" I turned back to Harry with a smile. We walked out of the hall, are arms we're pressed up against each other. I couldn't stop the blush that creeped to my face.

We walked in silence for a few minutes until Harry broke it. "Hey!" Harry stepped in front of me, blocking my path. "I don't want you to be nervous okay? I'll be fine! Promise!" He smiled at me so I smiled back.

"Okay! But if you get hurt I'm going to kill you!" I giggled.

"I'm more worried about you Gracie! We're playing Slytherin. I hear they play dirty and they're captain is a chaser so he'll be after you! Please be careful!"

I took a deep breathe and nodded. "Don't worry bout me! I grew up in a house full of guys! Bill and Charlie are competitive. I can take care of myself! Promise! Besides, I've got the twins!" I beamed at Harry, he nodded and smiled back.

"What about us?" They asked, coming up behind us. They always pop up out of no where!

"I um, made her promise to be careful in the match tomorrow. Against Slytherin, with their captain a chaser, she'll be a key point!" He still looked concerned even after I promised to be careful.

"Don't worry mate! They won't touch are sister!" They chorused. "We'll be right there the whole time!"

"Oh no you won't! Your going to leave me alone! I can take care of myself!" I snapped. "Just leave me alone. If I need you I'll call!" I said, walking away. Harry followed behind me. I know I shouldn't have snapped at the twins, but I'll be fine. "Bye guys!" I turned around so that I felt a little less guilty.

"Bye sis!" They pulled the sis card. Now I feel twice as guilty! Sighing, I walked towards the classroom. About half way there, Harry grabbed my hand. Hey guys! Guess what! I was on cloud nine!

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