《The Queen of Kings (Completed) (Under Editing)》15


(Song above I imagined for while their on their date. So sorry for the delay. I wrote the chapter and half way through the sex scene I was like. This is fucking BASURA (trash). So I started the scene all over again. Not my best but it was much better than what I had before. 7K+ Words....FFS)

Date 2: Hele

Mala'ika made them a quick breakfast before taking Sara to the private airfield in the early morning hours. She was still asleep when he pulled up to the private jet where Hele was waiting for them. "She looks so peaceful..." Hele said admiring her beauty "looks like you didn't let her get any sleep though." he added turning to Mala'ika with a sly grin. "What? Me? Nah, she got plenty of sleep... like a few hours... here n' there." He replied with an equally sly smirk.

The flight staff loaded the bags while Mala'ika and Hele spoke. "King Alpha," the pilot called, bowing his head in submission "we have finished loading the luggage and we're ready to go." He informed Hele. "Good work, Queen Luna and I will be in shortly." He replied "Of course King Alpha." The pilot replied and got on the plane. "When will you introduce her to the pack?" Mala'ika asked, "After she's fully marked and mated with all of us. This is going to be a lot for her physically and mentally as it is, I want to give her some recovery time before then. The pack is super excited to meet her though, the pups won't stop talking about it, the ladies are finally happy there's a Luna to take their side in matters." They both laugh knowing Hele can be a hardass but with Sara he has a feeling he won't have much of a choice. "But on a serious note she's going to bring a light to the pack we haven't had in so long. It will be amazing."

Mala'ika held the car door open for Hele while he lifted Sara out "See you soon brother," Mala'ika said to Hele "And you as well my queen" he said kissing Sara's forehead. "Brother" Hele replied with a nod and carried Sara onto the jet. The inside was bigger than it looked from the outside. To the immediate left of the door was the staff area and cockpit. From the front of the jet to the back were white walls with wood paneling on the bottom and the cabinetry. The ceiling was taller than a usual plane since there were no overhead luggage compartments and there was recessed lighting. Hele mind linked the flight attendant 'can you close the window shades and dim the lights please.' She replies quickly 'of course King Alpha' and presses a button that controls the shades lowering them. Then she pulled the slider down to dim the lights to nearly off.

Walking towards the back of the jet, on the left, there was a long U shaped couch with grey and white detailing and pillows to match. In front of the couch was a gray and white coffee table and across from the couch on the right side of the jet was a reasonable entertainment center with a 50 in flat screen TV. Past the lounging area was a white round table with 6 gray and white rotating chairs for the brothers. This is a jet they all shared when they needed to move as a group but wanted to appear normal. Behind the seating area were gray and white stationary seats that were used for relaxing but more so for takeoff and landing since they had seat-belts.


Hele sat Sara in one of the stationary seats and buckled her in before buckling himself as the jet came to life. Sara started groaning as she woke up to the loud engines, "What the fu-" she started to panic not realizing where she was but Hele squeezed her hand. "Sweet black baby Jesus Hele, yall can't just pass me off and not tell a girl. I thought I became a lifetime victim, fucking hell..." she said waith a hand on her chest trying to calm her racing heart.

Hele let out a glorious laughter that seemed to bounce off the walls of the jet and made her giggle a little herself. Somehow the baritone of his laugh made her body react and grow hot so she looked at her feet in embarrassment. "Apologies baby girl, you were so peaceful we didn't want to wake you. Plus I have a feeling Mala'ika didn't let you sleep too much last night, I know I wouldn't have." He said with a Cheshire cat grin. Sara groaned hiding her face in her hands "fuck me..." she muttered to herself but Hele caught it. "Later." He whispered in her ear before nibbling on her lobe making her jump. He chuckled and sat back in her seat as the seat belt light came on and they started their ascension.

A few minutes later and they were in the air safely and the seatbelt light came off. "Gotta pee!" Sara called out as they unbuckled themselves. "Bathroom is towards the back on the right. If you make it into the bedroom you've gone too far" he said laughing again as she ran to the bathroom. The flight attendant came to them as Sara got back to her seat. "Queen Luna, it's an honor and pleasure to finally meet you" she said bowing her head in submission. "Do you or King Alpha require anything?" Sara looked at the woman like she had 7 eyes, 4 noses and twelve ears. "Uh...water?" Sara replied more as a question. "I'm fine thank you" Hele replied. "Of course right away" she said, bowing her head and going to get Sara's water.

Sara look at Hele and he smiled at her with laughter in his eyes. "Esplain" she said giving him a deadpan face. He laughed, "Well I am the king of werewolves. I of course have my own pack which makes me an Alpha. You are my mate. In a normal pack an Alpha's mate is called a Luna for women or if there's an Alpha female her mate is called the Lunar. You are my Queen Luna." He informed her with love and pride. "Ah..." Sara replied as the flight attendant returned with her water. Sara thanked her and the attendant disappeared again.

"Come." He said, pulling Sara to the bedroom in the back. "Sleep baby girl, flights about 2 hours and we'll be there." Sara sat on the bed and finished her mini water. "There where?" she asked, slipping under the covers. "My home." He replied kissing her forehead and turned to leave the room. "You're not laying down with me?" she asked and he shook his head "I have some work to do before we completely go off grid for our date" he replied. She pouted "Hmph" was her only reply before she rolled over with her back to him.

Hele raised his brow and leaned over her so he could whisper in her ear. "I'm going to let you sleep now. But I do not tolerate blatant disrespect, baby girl." It was at this moment, Sara realized. She done goofed. "But I-" she tried to interject but he cut her off "Aht. Sleep. You can have your punishment later." He said leaving no room for rebuttal and left the room. To a normal grown woman, normally, the threat of punishment would seem offensive right? Sara ain't normal. A shiver of pleasure when up her spine and her core warmed with anticipation. 'Fuck' she thought to herself with a shrug and fell back asleep.


Hele moved a sleeping Sara back to her seat and buckled her in for the landing. They touched down safely and she didn't wake up this time. Hele smiled at her and unbuckled her seat belt lifting her into his arms bridal style and down the stairs. "King Alph- Is that her, Queen Luna?" The man asked. Hele nodded "indeed this sleeping beauty is" he replied as Sara started to stir in his arms. "H-Hele?" she called out in her groggy state. "Morning Baby girl, I have someone I want you to meet." He said putting her down. "This is my right hand man, Royal Beta Xavier Ata'lu." Xavier bowed his head "It's a pleasure and greatest honor to finally meet you Queen Luna." Sara wasn't sure what to do and went to bow back but Hele caught her head with his finger under her chin and shook his head.

"You are the queen. You bow to no one baby girl... well, no one but me" he said with a cheesy grin and wink. Sara scoffed and rolled her eyes, "Okay, yeah sure, but does everyone have to call me "Queen Luna"?" she asked using air quotes. "If we cherish our status as one of the living, yes very much so" Xavier replied with a laugh. Sara was shook and it showed on her face. Part of her was hoping Xavier was joking but knowing how protective the guys could get she realized he most likely wasn't. "Well shit" she muttered and Hele and Xavier laughed heartily.

"QUEEN LUNA!!!!" a woman with a warm chocolate complexion screamed as she got out of the waiting limo before it could fully park. Xavier groans and catches the woman and she takes air ready to jump and hug Sara. "Sweet fucking Moon Goddess Morgan, you can't just... "glomp" the Queen Luna!" he scolded putting her down and using air quotes. "But why not?" she asked with a pout and Xavier looked at her with a deadpan face. Morgan scoffed and turned back to Sara only to notice the death glare Hele was giving her. "A-Apologizes Queen Luna" she said bowing her head "I got really excited, and I'm a hugger, and I'm just super happy to meet you an-"Sara cut the girl off by giving her a hug.

Morgan seemed happy and nervous and judging by the rambling that she was doing it was only going to get worse. "All is forgiven-Morgan, right?" Morgan nodded and jumped up and down clapping, her box braids bouncing around "she remembered my name!" Hele pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head. Xavier wrapped his arm around Morgan's waist and pulled her close to his side "Apologies Queen Luna, this is my mate Morgan, the Royal Beta-Female." He informed her. "Pleasure." Sarah replied. "Nope," Morgan replied, popping the P "pleasures ALL mine!" she replied.

After they managed to calm Morgan down everyone got into the waiting limo and took a 20 minute drive to what looked like a reservation. The entrance was gated and guarded and she noticed a few massive wolves and some people in the forest as they drove up. The gate opened for them and the limo pulled in heading straight for the huge house in the middle of what looked like a massive village. "Jesus H Christ this place is massive and beautiful." Sara said admiring all the structures and architecture as they drove by.

All the homes had a modern feel to them but were made in an old fashioned way. Sara loved the natural colors, look and feel to everything and smiled to herself. "This is the pack house" Hele informed her as they got closer to the big mansion looking building in the middle. Sara saw children and what looked like wolf pups playing in the grass with one another and she smiled much like the parents did watching their kids live their best lives. "One day baby girl we will have our own, don't worry" Hele whispered to her pulling her close. She smiled and nuzzled into his chest taking deep breaths. "You smell like earth and woods after a cleansing shower." She muttered. "And you smell like Vanilla coffee with a hint of caramel" he replied kissing the top of her head.

The limo stopped and Morgan got out, "Cabins ready just in case and everything you requested is there and good to go." Xavier said to Hele. "Thanks X" Hele replied and Xavier got out closing the door. The limo started driving again deeper into the woods, "Wait, why aren't we going with them?" Sarah asked looking at Hele. "You will meet the pack after we've had our dates and everything is safe. All the marking and mating will be a lot for you and to be honest. Everyone is so excited to meet you we'd never get to do anything with everyone introducing themselves. You will though, I promise." He replied giving her a peck on the lips. "otay" she replied "So what are we doing today?" she asked, getting excited now.

"Well I figured we could hike to my favorite camping spot and spend the night under the stars. Tonight is a blue moon and our people believe mating under the moon, a blue moon at that, gives our mating an extra blessing from the moon goddess herself. I want it to be perfect for you." Hele informed her and started scratching her scalp at the back of her head playfully. "Yes lawd, this is gunnabe so co-" she started purring when he started scratching her scalp. "Oh fuck me, that feels good" she muttered falling prey to his skilled fingers in her hair. "I told you, later baby girl" she replied with a smile and kissed her deeply.

It wasn't till now Sara noticed his jean shirt and pants with a Native American crafted belt. The outfit did nothing to hide his lean yet sculpted body.

He had his hair braided into two loose braids tied with leather at the ends. "You look handsome" she muttered blushing and turned to look out the window. Hele pulled her onto his lap, "You clean up pretty nicely yourself. I wonder how much fun it'll be getting this off you though." He said playing with the hem of her White V neck that had sheer lace up the sides and sides of her short sleeves. "And these" he added rubbing his hand up and down her thigh "aannnnd anything else you might have on underneath." Sara smiled and against her better judgment decided to tease this man "yeah I suppose, if I'm wearing anything under, that is." She said with a coy smile and managed to somehow not look away as her face grew warm.

Hele growled and nuzzled his face into the crook of her neck taking in her sweet scent. "Baby girl we won't make it to tonight if you keep that up." He pulled her close by her waist lifting her a bit and smacked her butt "behave" he scolded before kissing the sweet spot on her neck where he would mark later tonight. She bit her lip to avoid moaning and he growled again pulling back so he could look her in the eyes. Sara gasped as his eyes were glowing Sapphire blue instead of their normal gray color.

"Never, and I mean never hold back from me baby girl. Especially when it's me making you moan. I live to hear the sounds of your pleasure and you will not keep that from me. Do you understand?" he scolded. Sara nodded her core suddenly heating up and she had to rub her leg together to try and get rid of some of the pressure. Hele took a deep breath and his eyes glowed even brighter if possible. "The scent of your arousal drives me mad woman. Best scent ever next to you." He said burying his face in her neck again kissing it gently.

The limo finally stopped in front of a massive log cabin with a U shaped driveway. The entire home was a milk chocolate wood with a green trim and roof. The front had a single light wood door with two multi-pane windows on either side and a massive decorative window above it. On the left was a big chimney stack and two more windows. On the right was a partial exposed patio area with half walls that were wood and the upper portion was netting and sliding windows. The entire cabin has a wraparound porch with a dark chocolate banister.

"There's a change of clothes for you inside and then we can start the hike." Hele said, helping her out of the limo. He led them inside and she was stuck staring in awe of the beauty of everything. To the left was a formal lounge area with soft crème colors seating and a natural slate stone wood burning fireplace. Behind the seating area were stairs leading to the bedroom and under the stairs was a doorway that led to the kitchen and dining areas.

Sara ran through the lower level door determined to explore the cabin before they left so she started in the kitchen. The kitchen itself was modern for the most part with a simple fridge, stove, microwave and dishwasher all black stainless steel. The sink was a barn house style basin with the fridge to the left and stove to the right. The dining table was the same slate stone the fireplace was made out of but it was a solid single piece hand carved and the chairs were made of the same wood as the cabin itself.

Squealing like a little girl she ran back out and up the stairs through the barn house style sliding door into the bedroom. The room itself was open and massive. To the left was the king size bed in a solid wood frame and a corner fireplace that matched the one downstairs. She then realized the bed was on a raised platform and down the platform was another small seating area with leather seating and massive floor to ceiling windows. Between the bed and seating area was a reasonably sized natural chandelier with diffused lighting.

To the right was a double door that led to a walk in closet and a single door for the bathroom. "I've set out an outfit and boots in the walk-in that'll keep you bug free and ya ankles safe while we hike." He said kissing her forehead and going back downstairs to make sure the ruck was packed how he liked. She walked into the closet and there were light brown cargo shorts, a black T-Shirt and denim jacket. She looked around the closet and grabbed a black hat to top the outfit off. She used the bathroom and then ran downstairs to find Hele waiting for her carrying the ruck.

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