《Taming the Wolf (A Hobbit Fanfic)》Chapter 12
He didn't say anything. Just a simple movement of his head to answer her question. She couldn't believe it! He's here! He's really here! All this time she had been traveling with him and she didn't even know!
Wait! All this time and she didn't know. But he did. He had know it all along and never told her!
'Dú eackle!' (You bastard!) All her joy, her urge to embrace him, suddenly slipped away as anger replaced it. 'All this time you had know! All this time you could have told me! But you didn't? Wrûm?'(Why?)
Frêllian clenched her fists, trying hard to suppress the urge to slap him. Her anger causing her to mutter in her native tongue when the dwarf didn't answer her. He just stared at her in shame. Was he ashamed to be her father?! Was that why he had kept it a secret?
'Were you even planning on telling me?' By now her voice had turned dangerously low. She growled at him, waiting for an answer.
'I was,' Dwalin finally spoke, daring to look at her for a moment. 'I was just waiting for the right opportunity.'
Frêllian snorted at this.
'The right opportunity? I'd say you've had plenty of them!' As she turned her back to Dwalin, she crossed her arms in anger. 'More like you are making up excuses.'
By now, Dwalin had raised his voice in anger. His burst-out having turned a couple of heads. But he ignored them as he turned to face Frêllian. Well, her back that. And it only angered him even more.
'Our first impression hadn't been exactly a good one, remember? And I didn't even know who you were at that moment! Only when the hobbit had said your name, did I suspect anything.'
'And still you kept quiet.'
'What did you expect me to say! "Hello there, Frêllian. By my beard, ye've grown, lassie. Oh, ye don't remember me? Well, I'm your dear ol' father of course." That would have gone well, wouldn't it?'
Even Frêllian had to admit it did sound stupid, but she wasn't about to admit that to the dwarf! He should have told her sooner! They had been traveling together for weeks, there have been plenty of opportunities! So she only did the only thing she could think of. Turning her head to just glare at him.
'At least you know now!' Dwalin glared at the ferian as she turned her head away from him again, ignoring him completely. 'Mahal! You are so stubborn, you know that? Don't you think it has been easy for me to remain silent, while all I had wanted to do was to hold you in my arms again?'
'Do I look like I care?' Frêllian spun around, facing the dwarf that claimed to be her father with a glare. 'I have grown up without my parents! Tortured by orcs, beaten and put in my place daily! I don't remember how many times I have passed out, only to awaken again in the same nightmare! Year after year after year, until I finally learned my place.' By now tears were rolling down her cheeks, but she ignored them. Her dark blue eyes simply glaring at the dwarf. 'So if you think I take pity on you, just because you were to much of a coward to tell me the truth, you are mistaken!'
With that said, Frêllian abruptly turned around and walked away, leaving a stunned Dwalin behind. She didn't care though. Anger souring through her veins as she stompped off.
He should have told her! He should have told her something, anything, to let her know about who he really was. He shouldn't have left her in the dark. No matter the circumstances of their meeting.
She passed Balin along the way, sending him a glare as he smiled at her. Apparently the small dwarf is her uncle, so he knew as well. Of course he did, and he too, hasn't said a thing to inform her of their true relation.
Scoffing at the confused look the white-haired dwarf was giving her, she kept on walking. Dwarfs and their secrets. They are known to want to keep their native tongue a secret to other species. But she had never thought they would keep secrets as important as this!
'My lady!'
Frêllian ignored the call, as she made her way down to the gardens.
'My lady Supreme!'
Now that got her attention alright! With a growl and her eyes flashing yellow for a moment, Frêllian turned around to snap at the ferian.
'Cànwrif! Have I not told you not to use my title!'
The male just smirked as he looked at her. His only movement was that of his hand, to gently brush his brown hair out of his eyes. But he was clearly unimpressed by her.
'It did got your attention, now didn't it?'
The playfulness was visible in his eyes as he quirked a brow at her. His smirk still present. Frêllian continued glaring at him, growling as he winked at her. The she sighed and turned around again. It was not fair of her to turn her anger towards the ferian, while he had done nothing wrong. In fact, he was the one that had saved her!
'What is it that you want?' she finally asked after a moment of silence. 'I am in no mood to talk.'
'So I have noticed,' Cànwrif replied, moving closer to his alpha. 'Was it not the happy family reunion you had hoped for, my lady?'
'How did you know…'
'I have ears, you know.' With a playful smirk he pointed to his slightly rounded ears. 'Besides, it wasn't a quiet conversation you were having.'
Frêllian smiled weakly at the playful ferian. She had been away from her pack for so long, she had almost forgotten how playful ferien can be – 'almost' being the keyword. Her own playfulness towards the hobbit being prove of it. Then her smile dropped and she found herself staring at the darkening sky.
'Hey, cheer up, lady Frêllian,' the ferian began as he placed a hand on her uninjured shoulder. 'You cannot blame the dwarf. Us ferien, we are a fierce folk. Feared and admired by many. No wonder the drêgasen couldn't find the courage to tell you.'
From the corner of her eyes, she saw Cànwrif move a little, before his hands move to her face. One holding her head still, the other gently placing a flower in her hair. Then he retreated his one hand, smiling as he looked at her.
'Though I see no reason to fear one as fair as you, my lady.'
Frêllian blushed a little at his comment, looking at the slightly older male. She must admit it is nice to receive a compliment from handsome male. And with his well-built body, his goldenbrown hair and forestgreen eyes, Cànwrif was quite a handsome male indeed.
Cànwrif then turned his head to look at the gardens. His face relaxing at the sight of the serene scenery.
'Besides,' he continued, his eyes glancing at Frêllian for a moment. 'The lord alpha may be good with his weapons. But according my mother his way with words needs some practicing.'
Frêllian turned her head a bit, facing the direction she had left Dwalin. No, silver tongue would not suit the proud warrior. She started laughing at the thought, soon followed by the ferian.
'I still can't believe she is Dwalin's daughter,' Bofur says as he plopped down on the ground. 'I mean, have ye seen that face?'
'Well, you better believe it,' Balin replied. 'She may not look like him, but I can assure you. When she was a child, she had the same temper as my brother.'
Kíli laughs, agreeing with the elder dwarf. He had noticed the ferian had a bad temper. Though she was quite forgiving as well. Not once had she given him any indication she was mad at him for shooting at her. Though, it seemed she was able hold a grudge against one as well, Thorin being an example.
'She reminds me of the moon,' Fíli confessed slowly, earning an 'ooh' from the others. 'Though I don't know why. Now that I think about it, they all remind me of the moon somehow.'
'That's because she is a descendant of the moon, or so the legend goes.'
Turning his head to Balin, the young dwarf prince his interest was provoked. He knew the origin of the dwarves and elves. Heck, he even knew that of the orcs! But never had he heard – or read for that matter – about the origins of the fierce ferien.
'And how can she be a descendant of the moon, when the moon is an object high in the sky?' Gloin questioned. 'It's not like the moon dropped to the ground and 'poof', there were ferien.'
A roar of laughter was heard as the dwarves smoked their pipes. A confused Ori innocently asked how the moon got back in the sky then, and again the dwarves roared with laughter. Then someone whistled and the laughter died down.
'You know, it's not nice to make fun of someone's ancestor,' a new voice piped in. 'Especially not an ancestor who's blood runs through some of your veins as well.'
Fíli watched as the ferian moved closer. It took him a moment before he realized who the ferian was, but then recognized him as the one he had seen talking to Frêllian. His skin slightly darker, yet still pale, just like Frêllian. And like the female ferian, this one also possessed a flawless face, though much more masculine. And not yet comparable to elves. His goldenbrown hair pulled back from his face with messy braids and beads.
'And what would a ferian know about our ancestry?'
The ferian turned his eyes to Kíli, a knowing smirk on his face as he studied the younger prince. His green eyes sparkling with mischief.
'More than you do, drêgasen,' he said with a smirk. 'The alpha supreme has told us about you, young prince'
Kíli scoffed, muttering under his breath. Though the ferian ignores him, his eyes scanning the others, almost searching for someone.
'She is not with us,' Fíli told him, upon seeing the scanning eyes of him. 'We haven't seen her since diner.'
'It is not the alpha supreme I seek, mêscher dwerck. (Master dwarf) Instead I am looking for her hobbit friend. But I see he is not with you.'
'Bilbo? What do you need him for,' Kíli demanded. It is clear the dwarf-prince did not like their company, as he glared at the ferian.
'The alpha wants him to join us. She is very fond off him, but that, you should have known by now.' If possible, his smirk grew, showing his sharp canines. 'Then again, dwarves can be quite dense, so perhaps you haven't noticed?'
Kíli was about to say something, when another ferian appeared. Her dark blue eyes friendly as she looked at the dwarves, before turning to the ferian with a scowl. She appeared to be scowling at him in their native tongue as she pointed at him.
'Frêlin Frêllian hatt mí fràget ihrer frínt aus se nodichen,' the male said in a defensive tone. (Lady Frêllian has asked me to invite her friend)
'Sínd discher dwercken eack net ihrer fínten, Cànwrif?' the female countered crossly. (Are these dwarves not her friends as well, Cànwrif?)
'Mar mèrre, er sínd dwercken!' (But mother, these are dwarves!)
'Dír Alpha ist eack en dwerck, ist er net?' (Your alpha is a dwarf as well, is he not?)
Fíli watched as the female looked pointedly at the male - who's name he guesses was Cànwrif. Almost challenging him to counter her argument, or whatever it was she had said. But the male remained silent, lowering his head slightly.
As the female finally turned her attention towards the dwarves again, her scowl made way for a kind smile. Her face instantly becoming less feral now, much to Fíli's relief. He wondered for a moment if all ferien were as temperamental as Frêllian and this female, or if it's just a collect few. Perhaps even just the females?
'I must apologize for my sons behavior,' the female said now in the common tongue, sending a glare towards the male. 'I am afraid he still has much to learn for one his age. He was send here to invite you to join us in our celebration, requested by our alpha supreme of course.'
'Frêllian as invited us?' Balin asked in surprise, earning a look of confusion from his companions. 'Then she is no longer mad at us, Gírla?'
'Disappointed, yes,' Gírla answered, ignoring the whispers of the now even more confused dwarves. 'But not mad, Balin. Now come, the alpha has already joined us.'
The ferien turned around as the dwarves slowly stood up. Fíli heard Bofur ask Balin how he knew the female ferian and turned his head to hear his answer. For he too, was curious. But before the elder dwarf could answer, he was stopped by an approaching Thorin.
'Balin, come,' Thorin said, sending a glare towards the two ferien. 'The elf says he is willing to help us read the map.'
With a nod, Balin excused himself and followed Thorin, along with Bilbo and Gandalf. While the others followed the ferien.
'To answer you question, master dwarf,' Gírla suddenly said as she turned to face the hatted dwarf. 'The mother of lady Frêllian was a dear friend of mine. We know each other because of her.'
The music played loudly, as ferien danced around. Choirs of ooh's and aah's were sung as the moon shone brightly. Even as the newcomers cautiously sat down amongst the ferien, they continued. Only one pair of eyes seemed to notice them, as the dwarves looked around. Without a second thought, Dwalin hurried over to his friends, glad not to be the only dwarf anymore.
'Took you lot long enough,' he scowled. 'Did that Cànwrif fellow give you a hard time?'
The said ferian send a glare towards the bald dwarf, only to be pushed by his mother.
'Don't mind him,' Gírla apologized as she watched her son walk away. 'His bark is worse than his bite. So, have you talked to Frêllian yet?'
Dwalin let his eyes travel to the said ferian as she sang along. She smiled brightly at Cànwrif as he made a curt bow, before asking her for a dance. It had been three days, since they had spoken. Three days of her trying to avoid him the best she could. So Dwalin had been quite surprised when Gírla had told him she had invited him tonight.
'I take your silence as a 'no' then,' the ferian said with a sigh. 'You do know she isn't mad, do you? She is disappointed, who wouldn't be? But not mad. Just walk over to her and talk.'
'She seems to be enjoying dancing with your lad,' Dwalin tried as an excuse, while glaring at the said male. One wrongly placed hand, and he would have his head!
'And he can dance with her again,' she countered. 'This is more important. A daughter needs her father.'
Dwalin remained silent for a moment. He knew the ferian was right. Of course she was right! Gírla had always been right! But that didn't mean he liked it. He looked at the ferian next to him for a moment. How strange it was to be standing next to her again, after all these years. Like nothing had happened, when so much has happened.
With a sigh, Dwalin turned his gaze to Frêllian once more. Then he slowly made his way over to her, ignoring the other ferien as they bowed at him.
'My lord, alpha,' Cànwrif acknowledged the approaching dwarrow.
Dwalin nodded at him. He never got used to being addressed as my lord or alpha. And for years he had thought that title didn't belong to him anymore. That was, until Frêllian had shown up and called herself the true-born alpha.
'I wish to talk to the alpha supreme,' Dwalin told the male, trying hard to remember how to address the alpha. Last time he had used that title, had been to address his father-in-law. Before Cànna received the title.
Cànwrif nodded and walked away, probably asking another female to dance. Dwalin looked at Frêllian for a moment. Searching her face, her eyes, for any trace of anger. When he found none, he took a bow, silently asking her for a dance.
'Who would have guessed,' Frêllian said as a smile graces her lips. 'A dwarf with manners.'
Dwalin smirked at her as he guided her through the other dancing pairs.
'Don't get too used to it. For I am one of a few.'
'I am sure you are.'
A silence fell upon them. Both of them not really knowing what to say. Instead, Dwalin tried his best to remember the steps Cànna had once taught him. For ferien don't do normal waltzes. Well, they do, but only for formal occasions. And this clearly wasn't one of them.
So their music, their singing and their dancing reflected a ferian perfectly. Playful and at times a bit feral.
'You are getting the hang of it,' Frêllian complimented as the song came to an end.
'Your mother taught me well, it seems,' Dwalin admitted as he gently guided her away from the crowd. 'You on the other hand, are a natural.'
She smiled at him, but then it dropped again as she looked at the ground in sadness.
'I am a natural alright,' she said softly, her eyes traveling to the moon. 'A natural in provoking others. And my temper isn't helping either.'
Dwalin laughed at this, placing his hand on her shoulder.
'Ha, I guess that's what you can expect from a ferian,' he told her, the laughter evident in his voice. 'But I guess I have quite the temper as well. I do hope you're not like dwarves though. I don't fancy a ferian holding a grudge against me.'
Frêllian looked back at Dwalin, a smile tugging at her lips again.
'Don't worry, that's not going to happen,' she said, before wrapping her arms around him.
Dwalin remained motionless for a moment, shocked by her action. He hadn't even realized just how much he has missed her. To be able to embrace his daughter, to hold her lovingly in his arms. How long had he dreamed of this moment? How long had he thought he would never be able to do so again?
Slowly he wrapped his arms around her smaller frame, never wanting to let go of his daughter ever again! Deciding there and then that he would never let anything, or anyone, would come between him and daughter!
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The Breath of Creation [DROPPED]
General Summary: Sometimes, the multiverse needs expanding. That's where I come in. But, unfortunately, being a deity isn't all fun and games (and is incredibly complicated), as there are always things working against you. Not even the God of the Multiverses can change that. Another Summary: Twelve souls were chosen to expand into the void surrounding the known universe(s), and were given a grace period in which they would experience a relatively safe expansion of their domains. Once that period is up, however, they are free to interact with each other...and what lurks in the depths of the Abyss, the Void, and the Primordial Chaos. I am one of those souls. And let me tell you, this shit ain't easy. Between trying to raise mortals into an immortal army, with which I can defend my domain, dealing with my children, and trying to maintain the balance between all realms of existance, I have my work cut out for me. Sigh. Now I know why, back on Earth, gods worked in mysterious, invisible ways. There's just too much to be done. Formerly called RE: Deity
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