《Taming the Wolf (A Hobbit Fanfic)》Chapter 11
Frêllian carefully opened her eyes. Her head was still pounding from the blood loss, and as she sat up, she began to feel dizzy. But when her vision cleared, the young ferian began to take in her surroundings. At first she was surprised by her lessened sense of scent, only to be reminded that she had shifted before being grabbed by one of the ferian that had been following her.
Wait! Where were those ferien anyway? And where was she? For this didn't look like any orc hideout she had been at. The place being too clean and to bright. Besides, it had a sense of magical feel in the air, protecting.
Suddenly the door opened, revealing a creature about the same hight as Frêllian. Her long blonde locks held a few silver strands due to her age, but her eyes were the same dark color as Frêllian's.
'My lady,' the ferian said with a small courtesy. 'You have awakened.'
'Tell me,' Frêllian growled at the newcomer, while trying to stand up at the same time. 'Why have you brought me here? Where is Fêrram! Bring me to that scumbag.'
'I fear you are mistaken my identity, my lady,' she answered as she moved over to Frêllian, unfazed by the dangerous growling of the injured ferian. 'I am not in league with traitorous pack. I am a friend and you are safe here, in Rivendell.'
'Rivendell? Why am I here?'
Giving the female the benefit of the doubt, Frêllian leaned back onto the bed. With the ferian standing close to her now, she realized she didn't recognize her scent. Well, at least that part was true. So perhaps the part about the elven city was true as well.
The ferian put down a bowl of water and asked if she was allowed to clean Frêllian's wound, to which Frêllian simply nodded. Keeping a close eye on her every move. One wrong move, and this stranger would never see Lüna rise again!
'What is your name?'
'Gírla, my lady,' was the answer, as she looked at Frêllian for a moment.
'Gírla?' Gírla nodded. 'Well, I am…'
'I already know who you are,' Gírla said excitedly, while pressing the damp cloth over the wound. 'You are lady Frêllian, daughter of Cànna. We all know who you are, my lady.'
Confused, Frêllian just stared at the ferian. Not only wondering how she knew about her, but also why kept addressing her as 'my lady'. Back at the pack they never used titles. But before she could question Gírla, the ferian had already skillfully wrapped up her wound, gently placing a sling around Frêllian's neck.
'Just let your arm rest for a couple of days and you will be fine,' Gírla informed her and Frêllian nodded once again. 'Selèna must really favor you, child. Now, come on, the pack wants to meet you.'
With that said, the elder ferian lead the way through the halls. Along the way, she informed Frêllian her pack had settled with the elves a long time ago. Needing a safe haven after the betrayal of the main pack. And with their dwarven alpha – 'your father, dear' Gírla added after seeing Frêllian's confused look - not wanting to have anything to do with ferien anymore, they sought out refuge with the elves.
'So basically, is was either serve Fêrram and join the orcs, or flee,' the ferian ended her story. 'You can guess what we few chose. Ah, look we're here.'
Entering the gardens, Frêllian spotted a couple of ferien sitting around a fire. She counted about eight heads, though there might be some missing. Still, none of them were any known ferien to her.
'We may be few in number, but at least we have remained loyal to our leaders,' Gírla told her as she noticed Frêllian looking. Then she turned her head towards the small pack. 'Now where are your manners, you bunch of fleebags! Our alpha has returned!'
Dwalin stompped around in anger. They had been here for about an hour now and still no trace of Frêllian. The tracks had lead them to Imladris, where the elves have assured him the ferian was in good hands. But until he had seen her for himself, he found it hard to believe. He just didn't trust a pointy ear.
And while he had spotted a couple of ferien, Frêllian wasn't amongst them. But at least one of them had informed him it had been them to have brought her here. That 'my lady' was walking around again and feeling fine. But that had been all the young lad had told him, before quickly leaving.
'Argh, this isn't gonna get us anywhere,' the bald warrior growls in frustration. 'No one here will tell us where Frêllian is!'
'I am sure she will be present at the diner,' Balin tried to calm his brother down, as he watched the bald dwarf continue to stomp around. 'If what the ferien have told us is true, then there is no reason for her not to be present.'
Dwalin stopped for a moment, glaring at some passing elves. He still didn't understand why the tracks have lead them to the elves. Elves and ferien weren't suppose to get along! From what he had heard from Frêllian, it was because orcs descent from elves and ferien hate orcs! Well, they did, once…
But here he found them living in peace in this elven city. Taking a stroll through the gardens, playing some sort of board game. He had even seen them sparring together! The ridiculousness! Besides, why were these ferien not with their pack?
A young ferian passed them by and Dwalin turned his glare at the male.
Oh yes, he had recognized some of them! He had seen them with the pack. Gírla even used to be a good friend of Cànna. And to know to which pack these ferien belonged to concerned him.
'But what if they do not speak the truth, Balin?'
'In that case, Frêllian will find her way to us anyway.'
Dwalin turned to face his brother again, to see the older dwarf smile at him. How could he even be so optimistic? Even Thorin didn't want to linger here longer than needed. Too many elves and too many ferien.
'Dwalin,' Balin continued as he looked at the worried brother. 'She had your blood running through her veins. She is strong, do not forget about that. Now, it seems dinner is ready.'
With that said, Balin followed his comrades to the courtyard. But not before giving his brother a not so gentle nudge, to get him to move as well.
'I don't like green food.'
Fíli poked into the greens of his bowl, silently agreeing with Ori. He was not much for greens either. Though his mother had taught him to eat them anyway. For it was healthy. But that didn't mean he liked it.
'Where's the meat? They house ferien, but don't serve meat?'
He glanced over at Dwalin. The dwarf had been in a foul mood ever since they've arrived at Rivendell. It was even worse than Thorin's, and that said a lot! Though he could not blame the dwarf. They had feared for the worse when they had discovered Frêllian had been taken by ferien.
Though it appeared these ferien were the good guys, Dwalin obviously held some distrust towards them. He had even snapped at one for keeping Frêllian away from them. But the ferian had simply glared at Dwalin, saying something in his native tongue – and judging from the look on Dwalin's face it had been quite insulting!
As the elves began to play some background music, Kíli looked over at the maidens. Taking in their fair features in amazement. Aye, elves were a fair species, not even Fíli would deny it. But it seemed his brother was actually interested in them!
That was, of course, after he saw he was caught in flirting with on of the maidens.
'I can't say I fancy elf-maids,' he quickly told the others. 'Two things; high cheekbones and not enough facial hair.' Then he turned his gaze towards an elf that walked past them. 'Although that one's not bad.'
Fíli took another glance at the said elf, before snickering.
'That's not an elf-maid, brother,' he informed his little brother with a wink, causing an uproar of laughter at their table – except of course, for Dwalin. The dwarf still was in his foul mood. 'Now I myself know what a fine woman should look like.'
'And what would she look like then, oh wise brother of mine.'
The sarcasm was dripping in his voice as Kíli glared at his brother. But Fíli only smirked cheekily at him, before pinning some food on his fork. He didn't answer his brother immediately, not knowing how to describe the perfect woman. So to stall some time, he took a bite of the disgusting food. But when he had emptied his mouth, he slowly spoke again, trying to find the right words.
'The perfect woman would…'
A sudden movement to his left, stopped Fíli from speaking for a moment. Walking into the courtyard must have be the most stunning creature he had ever seen. With her silver-like hair moving gently with every step she took, carefully lifting her dress a bit as she walked down a few steps.
'Look like her.'
Though no one heard the soft whisper leave his lips, as they have too noticed the newly arrived guest. But Fíli himself didn't hear the soft gasp leave Dwalin's lips either as he watched the female walk over to them.
'Perhaps you should close your mouth, Drêgasen,' the female said, looking straight at Fíli with her blue eyes. 'You might catch a fly or two. You too, Kíli.'
With a wink she left, making her way over to the table of their host.
'She knew my name,' he heard Kíli say in amazement. 'She knew my name! How did she know my name?'
That's something Fíli would like to know as well. So his eyes followed the ferian as she greeted the elf-lord with a nod. Then she smiled widely at Gandalf and Bilbo. And was she pointedly ignoring Thorin? And why was the hobbit smiling so fondly at her?
Fíli became even more confused as the hobbit got up and embraces the ferian with a bright smile. When had he become acquainted with another ferian? And how did he know her? Her voice did seem familiar though, but Fíli would never forget a face like hers. So fair, so flawless. It reminds him of the moon somehow.
Fíli looked over at Dwalin for a moment. The expression of the bald warrior telling him exactly that what Fíli had just figured out. A mixture of shock and relief. And on his lips he wore a rare, gentle smile as he looked at the ferian as well.
Turning his gaze back at the female, Fíli smiled as he could finally place why her voice had sounded familiar to him.
'So she has finally decided to show her face.'
That got the attention of the others. Realization had dawned upon them as well.
'She is prettier than I had expected,' Dori admitted as he leaned over closer to Fíli and Kíli. 'I had somewhat expected her to look more like, well, Dwalin.'
He looked over at the said dwarf, only to look away again. For the glare Dwalin was giving him, would even strike fear into the hearts of the bravest of warriors. Even Fíli gulped as he glanced over at the dwarf.
Kíli nodded, staring at the female in thought. Then he faced his brother.
'True as it may,' Kíli began, ignoring his brother's silent warning to keep silent. 'But she still lacks facial hair.'
'What was that, lad?'
Fíli didn't even need to look at Dwalin to know he was glaring at Kíli. Fíli didn't even dare to look at the dwarf, for the tone he had spoken with had send him shivers down his spine. The venom dripping from his frighteningly calm voice.
'N-nothing,' Kíli stammered quietly, setting his gaze firmly on his bowl.
Dwalin muttered something under his breath, before finally taking a bite of his food. His eyes traveling over to Frêllian every now and then. Though the ferian remained oblivious to the stare as she took as seat at the table next to them.
Frêllian stared at the moon with a sigh. With dinner over, the dwarves had retreated for a well-needed bath. Even in this form, Frêllian could hardly handle the smell of the sweaty, dirty dwarves. It had even become worse after the chase earlier today and it made her wonder. Had she smelled like that as well, when Cànwrif and his hunting party had found her.
A movement catched her eye and Frêllian turned a little to face the approaching hobbit with a smile. His clothes clean and his hair still a little damp from his bath.
'Who would have guessed one could miss a decent bath so much.'
Bilbo stopped next to Frêllian. He flashed her a small smile, before looking at the garden below them. Frêllian laughed at this, telling him she would have never thought one would need one so badly either. But it seems she had been proven wrong.
'How is your shoulder?' His eyes trailed over to her shoulder for a moment. 'We were worried sick when we saw all that blood. But here you are, walking around like nothing has happened.'
'I'm a fast healer,' the ferian said with a wink. Then she rubbed her shoulder slightly, moving it up and down a bit. 'Though it's still a bit sore. No need to worry, little rabbit. Ferien heal faster than you or any other creature. It's the blessing Selèna has given us. I just have to let it rest for a while, so I guess I'm lucky it's my left shoulder.'
Bilbo looked puzzled at first, before matching her toothy smile with one of his own.
'So I guess you won't be shifting any time soon then?' Frêllian shook her head. 'Good. I prefer you much better like this, you know.'
'I know. Though you hate it as well.'
Bilbo swallowed thickly as the ferian leaned in closer to him, a smirk plastered on her face as she looked down at him. A faint blush spreading over his cheeks as her mischievous eyes meet his. She was too close for Bilbo's liking and she knew it!
Bilbo began to stutter, but couldn't find any words to say as Frêllian's face remains as close as it was. By now his ears had turned a bright red color, his face matching his ears, causing her smirk to widen. It was just so easy to embarrass him!
Then a loud cough was heard and Frêllian stood up straight again. She could hear the soft sigh of relief from Bilbo as she turned her head to face one of the dwarves. His glare set on Bilbo as he approached.
'Am I interrupting something?'
His quirked brow betraying thoughts, as he looked at Frêllian. The amazement visible in his eyes as he looked at Frêllian for a moment. But then his eyes found the hobbit again in a glare.
If possible, Bilbo's face got even more red at the interruption of the newcomer and what it must have looked like. His eyes widen and he swallowed, fiddling with his hands in his unease. Snickering at the hobbit, Frêllian turned to face Dwalin, the twinkle in her eyes.
'No, you weren't. I was just teasing Bilbo a little.'
Dwalin eyed them suspiciously, his eyes never leaving the hobbit. His look almost hostile even, while Bilbo tried to look at anything, but the dwarf.
'If you say so,' Dwalin eventually muttered. 'Well, in that case, you might want to seek the wizard, for he is looking for you.'
'Ah, y-yes, of course! I shall take my leave then.'
He gave Dwalin a curt nod, and bid them goodby. Frêllian stared after her friend as he hurried away. A fond smile gracing her lips as she watched her friend. Then she turned to face Dwalin, only to find him staring at her with a strange look in his eyes. Though it disappeared once he noticed her looking at him.
Puzzled, she looked intently at the dwarf. Had she just seen a smile on his face?
'Is there something I can help you with, Dwalin?'
Though she tried to keep her voice friendly, she could not hide the slight irritation in it. But Dwalin didn't seem to notice, or he simply didn't care – which seemed more likely. For he continued to look at her, the smile slowly returning as he crossed his arms.
'I'm just amazed at how much you remind me of your mother,' he told her.
"You mean to say you don't recognize your own father? How sad."
Fêrrams words echo through her head as she looked at Dwalin. Could it be? Could her uncle be telling the truth about her father? Was he amongst the company and she hadn't even recognize him? Well, she hadn't shifted before she was taken, so she hadn't been able to imprint his scent, but still. She would have been able to recognize his face, right?
She eyed the dwarf skeptically. What did he know of her parents? Perhaps he could tell her about her father? Who he was, and whether or not he was traveling with the company? Or perhaps, he was her father?
She took a quick scan of his head. Nah, he couldn't be him. Her father had hair, not tattoos covering his head. Then she took in the dwarf completely. Well, he may not be her father, but he was a strong dwarf! Perhaps she could ask him a favor?
'Dwalin, can I ask you something?' He nodded. 'You are a warrior, right?' He nodded again, this time in confusion. 'Well, I was wondering. Seeing as I won't be allowed to shift for a couple of days, could you train me? I mean, you are strong and I could use some practice. My father used to train me, but that has obviously been a long time ago.'
Dwalin looked taken back by the question. Staring at her in surprise for a moment. Then he smiled a small smile as he walked up to the ferian.
'Of course. But know I won't be easy on you, just because you are wounded lass.' He suddenly chuckled as he looked off into the distance. 'Your mother would always scowl at me for being too rough on you.'
Frêllian gasped as she looked at the dwarf in shock, while his eyes widened. He clearly hadn't meant to say that last part. Dwalin didn't dare looking at Frêllian, afraid of her reaction. So he kept his eyes set on the horizon.
Frêllian just stared at the dwarf, shocked by his words. She tried to say something, anything, but she couldn't seem to be able to find the right words. If Dwalin hadn't reacted the way he did, Frêllian hadn't thought anything of it. Her father hadn't been the only dwarf who had trained her. But the shock in his eyes betrayed his little slip-up.
Suddenly she understood why he had behaved differently back at Bag-End. Trying to have the others ignore her presence. Or why he had glared at her every so often with a strange look in his eyes. Heck, she should have at least suspected something every time he talked so fondly of her mother!
'You mean to say… You are, my father?'
- In Serial52 Chapters
Modern Age Online Book 1
(Book Two on Amazon here) (Book Three on Amazon Here) Both books should be available through Kindle Unlimited. It is the Future. The realm of online video game entertainment has grown, creating vast and wonderous worlds for people to explore and enjoy. This is the story of Kaleb, a young gamer, and his adventures in the latest Super-Hero Virtual reality MMO: Modern Age Online. Join him as he takes on villains (both player and NPC), joins forces with other player heroes, and even deals with some of the bureaucracy of being a hero in a perfect virtual recreation of the world. No cheats, no guides, just one newbie Super-Hero against the forces of villainy in his new virtual home. Notes: 1.) While not my first time writing, this is my first time throwing anything I've written at the tender mercies of the internet. All criticisms welcome. 2.) Just to inform people early: There is no evil corporation looking to control the world with VR, there is no Krueger-esque "if you die in the game, you die for real.", and this isn't a story of some OP harem-loving god of the system. Nothing wrong with those stories this just isn't one. This is a simple story about a guy playing a game and finally 3.) This story is extremely rough, i did very little editing, this is just me gauging interest really. oh, and English is my 1st language, if for some reason you find that important. Note 2) from now on Book 1 will exist in its entirety on Royal Road while Books 2 and 3 (and any others) will be released on Amazon. I want to thank everyone who has been reading and has taken this weird journey with me. I will continue to write in my spare time and will always be thankful to Royal Road for giving me a space to be creative. Thank you to everyone.
8 191 - In Serial28 Chapters
Fragments from the Wildlands
“Your first death is always the hardest.” Miguela was the third-born child of a well-off merchant family and knew from around the time she could speak that her life’s path was already decided. She was to become an Orator, as was Xandran tradition. However, Miguela had an affinity with the magikal arts and somehow found herself studying at the Academy. She did just enough to keep up with her studies but never found the motivation to apply herself and “reach her potential,” as her instructors often said. It was not that Miguela was uninterested in the arts. Rather, she knew her time at the Academy ultimately did not matter. Whenever Miguela returned home, she would become an Orator, and that would be that. Or so she believed until, one day, an opportunity appeared that would change her life. Miguela was offered the chance to join a research team tasked with a mission of the utmost importance to the future of the Five Kingdoms. She could not turn down the prospect of regaining control of her life and finally finding a purpose for herself. Of course, Miguela might soon discover that offers that appear too good to be true are usually fraught with lies. Welcome to Five Kingdoms of Cordizal! Question: What is the Five Kingdoms of Cordizal? I often get asked this type of question about my stories by friends, bloggers, and potential readers. The Five Kingdoms of Cordizal is a high-fantasy epic universe that is the setting for most of my stories. The foundation of the universe is its multicultural, multiracial setting with several sentient races attempting to carve their legacy and survive. The world is fully fleshed out and vibrant with a rich and mysterious history not based on Tolkien mythology. This brings me to magic. To me, magic is an essential part of the fantasy genre, so, of course, there is magic in the Five Kingdoms universe. However, one critical part of the Five Kingdoms universe is that magic is an abundant commodity that is a part of everyday life and not some plot device used to drive the story. In short, the Five Kingdoms universe is the setting of epic fantasy stories with deep characters and world-building. I try to tell as many different types of stories as possible in the universe, and hopefully, you can find something for you in it.
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Deck Of Life
An orphaned child suffering from recurrent nightmares finds his waking moments similarly arrested from his control upon entering his 16th birthday. Now owned by the excitable young master of the Mag family, a diminishing alien power of a bird-like race known as the Corvid, he seemed to have exchanged one prison for another. Forcibly thrusted into a gladiatorial arena he finds himself embroiled in a war severely out of his league with little choice of his own. When the time comes for a decision to be made, will he fall or rise.
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Unto Dark
A man of cripplingly ill mind, bridled with the spirits and regrets of the past. Wade Pierce trudges through each day of his monochrome existence, only as penance for his sins. Such a man is abruptly decamped of this world courtesy of unapologetic forces, left stranded in a realm filled with unknowns. Armed only with his potent yet fragile intellect, Wade advances into this new abyss, as he attempts to rewrite the wrongs he has committed. Plagued by vile beasts, self-righteous Gods, and even his own seething darkness, the cracks in his mind begin to spread and a dangerous, newfound power bubbles beneath the surface. As the world grows darker day by day, this unfortunate journey begins ------------ I suppose rectitude dictates that I should state any themes worthy of noting here. First of all, this story is not a sunshiny one in the slightest. Since it is listed under the psychological and mature tag and not the comedy tag, that shouldn't be a surprise. Next, morbidity is a factor and general apathy towards human life. All of these are common themes amongst other writers, so nothing new there. The story also contains consensual, and non-consensual sexual activity, although I have tried to be as tasteful as is possible for someone like myself. Finally, the pace is drawn-out, and the language is magniloquent at times. Not to mention, the chapters are quite lengthy. Don't expect to read this halfheartedly... Other than that, enjoy the story... There's nothing more important than that...
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『 Cameras 』 [Pictures pt. 2] «Yoo Kihyun dms»
❝Maybe i should just pretend that i don't know him anymore.❞ft. Got7(Unedited)
8 117 - In Serial67 Chapters
"I'm not a kitten, Y/n." Jungkook smirks while closing in on me, my back hitting the wall. His hands that are on either side of me block my escape as he whispers in my ear, a deep low purr radiating from his chest and his body feels hot. "I bite hard, baby. I leave marks." _________________________Kim Y/n and Jeon Jungkook are high school rivals, of course the whole school knows this since they constantly bicker in class and in the hallways. But what will she do when she finds out that her sworn enemy has... cat ears?!And now, two years after graduating high school, what will Y/n do when hybrids are exposed to the world?Most importantly, what will she do when she stumbles upon an illegal hybrid adoption center that has a now weak and abused hybrid in it who she recognizes as her enemy from high school? The answer is simple, she saves him.MOST IMPRESSIVE RANKINGS#1 - jeonjungkook ⭐️ #1 - jungkookxreader ⭐️ #1 - hybridjungkook #1 - btshybrid#1 - hybrid ⭐️ #1 - taehyung#1 - bangtan ⭐️ #3 - bts ⭐️ #3 - bangtansonyeondan#3 - btsfluff#4 - btsfanfic#4 - btssmut#23 - fanfiction Includes side ships, poly relationships, mature themes such as smut, very minor angst, too much humor and fluff. Is an enemies to lovers trope. Includes all members of BTS but is a Jeon Jungkook (and another surprise mate 👀) fanfic.
8 215