《Low Tide \ JJ Maybank》Ch 2


John B pokes his head in my room, just after I had woken up. "Morning, Sunshine, get up. I need help with outside, it's a mess."

I groan as I move out of my bed. I stand, stretching my tired muscles. I grab my bikini and throw it on before pulling on a pair of jean shorts and an old t shirt.

JJ pops in my room shortly after I get dressed. "Hey!" He says walking toward me. He places his hands on my hips.

"John B?" I ask nervously. I did not want my brother to walk in on us.

"He's outside." He says leaning toward me. JJ's lips connect with mine. I hum against his lips, pulling him closer to me. "I love you."

"I love you too." I whisper.

"We should get outside." He pecks me one last time before letting go. I follow him out the front door.

"Agatha did some work, huh?" JJ calls out from the porch.

"Oh, wow." I say looking around my yard. There was debris everywhere. A whole tree had been ripped up from the ground, knocking it into the grass. Thunder still rumbles in the background, causing me to jump.

"What you thinkin'?" JJ asks John B.

My brother picks up debris off the boat. He pulls branches from the inside of the boat and throws them onto the ground.

"I'm thinking that storm surge pushed all the crabs on the marsh maze. All those drum are gonna chase the crab."

"What about the DCS? Wasn't that today?" JJ asks.

"It was, but I doubt anyone's coming over after a hurricane like Agatha." I speak up.

"Think about it. It's god telling us to fish." John B states as if it were obvious.

"Oh, is that what this is?" I laugh.

"Most definitely, Katarina." My brother answers.

We finish cleaning off the boat before pulling it into the water. We head over to Heyward's to pick up Pope.


As we pull up to the dock by Heyward's, JJ whoops catching Popes attention.

"We have a safety meeting, attendance mandatory." John B calls out, pretending to speak into a radio.

"I can't, my Pop's got me on lockdown." Pope answers.

"Come on man! Your dad's a pussy. Over." JJ plays into the joke.

"I heard that, you little bastard." Heyward yells walking up.

"Come on, P, you can't ditch your best friend the day after a hurricane." I call out, gesturing to myself.

"Kat.." Pope trails guilty.

"Yeah, island rules," JJ agrees. "Day after a hurricane's a free day."

"Who the hell made that up?" Heyward asks.

"Uh..pentagon, I think. We have security clearance I have a card."

"You think I'm stupid?"

"I don't think you want us to answer that, sir." I say honestly.

"Katarina!" He yells. "I can ground my son from you."

"Can you though?" I challenge.

"I'll do it tomorrow. I promise." Pope tells his dad.

Pope runs towards the HMS Pogue. His dad yells at him in protest while the boys and I encourage him. Pope gets on the boat, rushing us to get going.

"I promise I'll do it tomorrow, Dad."

"When you get back, you gonna clean shrimp, you gonna clean fish, you'll clean your dirty ass room. And I don't like your friends!"

"Bye, Heyward!" I call out.

We head toward Kie's house, she walks down the dock ready to go with a cooler in one hand as she walks. "Good morning guys!" She climbs on the boat, sitting next to me. She kisses me on the cheek. "Morning, babe." She smiles at me.

"Hi, Kie."

She pulls open the cooler, handing out beers as we head down the Marsh. I take one, sipping it as we cruise the water.

"I got a party trick," JJ informs us. "Hey, Pope! Can you go a little faster?"


"Here we go, I'm moving." John B says moving behind the windshield on the boat. He grabs my hand pulling me with him. "We've tried this like 6,000 times."

"I got this, it's gonna work!" JJ yells. I shake my head at my boyfriend. It was only gonna make a mess.

JJ stands on the front of the boat, holding up a beer a couple inches from his mouth. Beer sprays at all of us, completely missing his mouth.

"You're getting beer in my hair." Kiara whines.

"All right, you're done." John B says.

Suddenly the boat jerks to a stop, sending us all forward. JJ goes flying off the boat, plunging into the water.

"JJ!" I call out worried. I run over to the side of the boat where he had fallen out, looking into the water.

"Jesus, Pope." My brother says.

JJ surfaces in the water.

"You okay, JJ?" John B asks.

"I think my heels touched the back of my head. Pope, what did you do?"

"Sandbar," Pope says. "The channel changed."

"No shit." JJ swims back toward the boat.

"Ugh, this is probably gonna mess this whole place up." John B points out.

"Hey, I saved the beer though." JJ calls out. I roll my eyes, shaking my head at my boyfriend.

"Guys..." Pope gets our attention. "I think there's a boat down there." He looks off the edge of the boat, peering into the water.

"P, now's not the time for jokes." I say.

"No, guys I'm serious. There's a boat down there. For real."

I look over the edge of the boat. Pope was right. There was a big white boat just under where we stopped. We all start pulling off our clothes, leaving us in just our swim suits. I dive into the water, swimming deep down to reach the boat.

I swim around looking at the boat. I realize the boat was a Grady-White. Those boats cost thousands and thousands of dollars.

I swim to the surface a couple seconds after everyone else. "You all saw that, right?" I ask out of breath.

"That's a Grady-White. A new one of those is like 500 G's easy." JJ says excited.

We swim back over to the boat. My brother gets on first, before turning around and pulling me up under my arms. I thank him before turning back to the rest of the group.

"That's a primo rig." JJ informs us.

"Yeah, that's the boat I saw when I surfed the surge." John B observes. "Maybe it hit the jetty."

"You surfed the surge?" Kie asks.


"That's my boy, Pogue style." JJ exclaims.

"Oh, that's where you went?" I ask.

"Wait, wait. Do we know whose boat that is?" Pope asks.

"No, but we're about to find out." John B says.

"It's too deep." JJ points out.

"For the weak and feeble." My brother pulls out the anchor of our boat.

"Well, I'm not resuscitating you. I'm just making that clear up front."

"Diver down?" Pope asks.

"Yep." JJ shoves him into the water.

The anchor pulls my brother deep into the water. He stays down there for what feels like several minutes. I could sense everyone getting nervous.

"Should we go get him?" Pope eventually asks.

"No, he's okay." I say knowing my brother was fine.

John B surfaces right after. He splutters and coughs on the water.

"Any dead bodies?" Pope asks.

"Looting potential?" JJ asks right after.

"No, no. I found this motel key." He holds the key up, showing us.

"A key?" Pope asks unimpressed.

"Yes, Pope, a key."

"What are we gonna do with that?" I ask.

"Okay, guys." John B says cutting us all off. He gets in the drivers seat, heading back into town and to this motel.

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