《HOBBIT X OC - Elastic Heart》Chapter 14 ~ Athelas


The next morning I awake to see the dwarves stirring and grabbing nearby weapons. I didn't remember much of what had happened after I started drinking but apparently nothing bad had. I smile as I stretch out my body before climbing to my feet. I ruffle my hair as I turn to see the sun peeking out over the mountain and smile. Our quest was almost over. "Come along Randír," I hear Thorin say and turn to see the dwarves now leaving the mansion. I give him a quick nod before slowly following after them. The people crowd along the sides of the main channel as a boat is loaded with supplies for us to take to the mountain.

"You do know we're one short; where's Bofur?" Bilbo asks Thorin and I look around as he replies, "If he's not here, we leave him behind."

"We have to, if we're to find the door before nightfall. We can risk no more delays." Balin says as they continue to march along the pier and the dwarves begin to board the boat. They are fully decked out in armor and regal clothing. Thorin stops Kili before he can get in the boat, "Not you. We must travel with speed, you will slow us down." I stop and walk over to Kili as he smiles, thinking Thorin is joking. "What are you talking about? I'm coming with you."

"No." Thorin says and Fili, already in the boat, turns and looks at Thorin and Kili. "I'm going to be there when that door is opened, when we first look upon the halls of our fathers, Thorin." Kili says and I gently place a hand upon his shoulder. "Kili, stay here. Rest. Join us when you're healed." Thorin orders as he lays his hand on Kili's other shoulder and smiles at him, but Kili looks shocked and betrayed. Thorin turns to board the boat. Kili turns away. Oin gets out of the boat. "I'm staying with Kili," I say making Thorin turn toward me about to argue but instead nods as Oin says, "I'll stay with the lad. My duty lies with the wounded."

"Uncle, we grew up on tales of the mountain. Tales you told us. You can't take that away from him!" Fili says making me look toward him. I look back down as Oin is examining Kili, but Kili is trying to pull away from him. I smack him on the arm as I say, "Knock it off."

"Fili." Thorin says ready to argue but Fili cries out, "I will carry him, if I must!"

"One day you will be king, and you will understand. I cannot risk the fate of this quest for the sake of one dwarf, not even my own kin." Fili looks at Kili, and then steps out of the boat. Thorin tries to stop him. "Fili, don't be a fool. You belong with the Company."

"I belong with my brother." Fili pulls away from Thorin and goes to join Kili, Oin, and I. The musicians of Laketown play their instruments as the Master climbs up to a raised platform. I rub my forehead as the horrible sounds from the brass instruments causes a throbbing in my head. The Master waves, and the people cheer and clap. I kneel down before Kili as the Master addresses the people. "...Bring good fortune to all!" Is all I catch of the masters speech but I look up to see him smile and wave to the dwarves in the boat as they pull into the canal and begin to paddle away. Kili looks on miserably from the dock.


Suddenly Bofur pushes his way through the townspeople and reaches the water, only to find the boat of dwarves far off down the canal. He turns and finds Kili, Fili, Oin, and myself and smirks as he says, "Ah! So you missed the boat as well?" I shake my head at him but then Kili moans in pain and begins to fall over, but Fili catches him. "Kili? Kili!" Fili cries out making my heart clench. Oin tries to examine him. "We have to get him off his feet." I say and I stand up and start asking people for help but find that none will. I turn back to them and say, "We only have one last shot, I hope he helps us."

Bard opens his door and glancing at us says, "No. I'm done with dwarves. Go away." He tries to slam the door shut, but Bofur stops it with his foot. "No, no, no! No one will help us; Kili's sick. He's very sick." Bard sees Kili being supported by Oin and Fili; he looks extremely sick. Bard hesitates but eventually gives in.

When we are inside his house I have them place Kili on a bed, moaning and straining in pain. His face is covered in sweat. "Ah! Ugh! Argh!" As he continues moaning, Bofur fills a bowl with hot water and rushes to him. "Can you not do something?" Fili asks both Oin and myself but I glance at Oin as he says, "I need herbs, something to bring down his fever." Bard searches through his bag of medicines as he says, "I have nightshade, feverfew..." I shake my head as I say, "I need Athelas?"

"You mean Kingsfoil?" Oin says and I instantly kick myself as I say, "That's the mortal term for it. Yes, I need Kingsfoil."

Oin turns to Bard and asks, "Do you have any Kingsfoil?"

Bard shakes his head as he says, "No, it's a weed. We feed it to the pigs."

"Pigs? Weed? Right." I hear Bofur say and I turn to see him point at Kili say, "Don't move." Bofur then runs out of the house in search of pigs and Kingsfoil. I see Kili glare at Bofur and I gently smack his arm as I say, "Enough of that! I told you this would happen but you insisted on being stubborn so you don't get to be angry."

The day quickly passes like the blink of an eye and suddenly I feel a tremor fill the ground causing everyone to look up at the sound, and dust falls from the ceiling. Kili is still moaning in pain. "Da?" Sigrid asks questioningly. "It's coming from the mountain." Bard replies and I suddenly feel very scared for my friends. Fili leaves Kili's side and approaches Bard. "You should leave us. Take your children; get out of here." He says and I suddenly feel proud of him "And go where? There is nowhere to go." Bard replies and I suddenly feel sorry for them.

"Are we going to die, Da?" Tilda asks a sad look on her face. "No, darling." Bard says with as much confidence he can muster. "The dragon, it's going to kill us." Tilda continues and I momentarily leave Kili's side as I walk over to her and kneeling down beside her say, "You will be fine. I will not let any harm come to you young Tilda." She smiles at me and I slowly turn to see Bard look at his children worriedly for a moment, then he reaches up and pulls a black arrow, the last of the three that Girion had in Dale, from where it had been hidden as a drying rack for plants. His children look at the arrow in shock. "Not if I kill it first." I watch as he and his son leave the house to go god knows where but I remain with the rest of his children and my friends.


After a few minutes Bain returns and watches as Kili writhes on the bed. I watch as Sigrid leans over the balcony outside the front door, looking for her father. She hears a noise and calls out. "Da? Is that you, Da?" She looks around for Bard but doesn't see him. Inside, Oin hears a noise on the roof and looks up causing my eyes to follow his. As Sigrid turns to walk back inside, an Orc drops on the balcony behind her. She screams and slams the door, but the Orc stops it with his sword. Hearing the screams, Bain, Tilda, the dwarves, and I jump up.

Another door opens and an Orc strides inside. Oin throws a stack of plates at its head, but another Orc breaks through the roof and falls into the house. The first Orc at the door swings at Sigrid, as she falls backward onto the table benches; She slides under the table and pulls the bench sideways next to her as a shield. Fili grapples with an Orc. As another Orc falls in through the roof, Tilda throws a plate at it, then Sigrid pulls her under the table as well. I quickly place myself between the Orcs and bards children as I cry to them, "Get down!" An Orc threatens Bain, and Bain pushes the bench at it, knocking it over. Bain then grabs the end of the bench and throws it up, hitting the Orc in the head. More Orcs jump in through the roof, and one approaches Kili, who is lying in bed.

"Get away from him!" I cry out as I throw myself onto the Orc and using a nearby kitchen knife stab him in the throat sending him to the ground dead. I hear the girls scream and turn toward them as an Orc flips over the table they were hiding under. Another Orc leaps to the balcony in front of the house, but suddenly, Tauriel appears and stabs it in the throat with her knife. She pulls out her other knife as well, and begins killing the Orcs in the house.

I turn back toward Kili to see the blonde Elf jump in through one of the holes in the roof. He too begins killing Orcs. An Orc approaches Kili and grabs him by the wounded leg. As Kili screams in pain, Tauriel throws her knife and it plunges into the Orc's throat. I pick up a nearby Orc blade and start killing Orcs alongside my Elven kin. As an Orc runs at Bain, Fili grabs Bain and forces him down. "Get down!" Fili cries as he shields Bards children from harm. Tauriel kills the Orc, then turns to kill another one. Kili stabs the Orc as well with the knife Tauriel had thrown earlier, and they together kill the Orc. But then, Kili falls over onto the floor, howling in pain, and Tauriel looks at him in worry.

I watch as an Orc flees from the house and jumps over the balcony, landing in a boat in the water below. He yells to another Orc, who is striding toward the house, "Ekinskeld. Obguranid!" (Oakenshield has gone!)

"Gur! Arangim!" (Fall back! Regroup at the bridge!) I watch as the remaining Orcs run out of the house after their commander. "You killed them all." Bain says in amazement and I glance over at the other Elves as the blonde on says, "There are others. Tauriel, come." As he strides toward the door; Tauriel, who had been looking after Kili, looks up. Kili is on the ground, and Oin examines him.

"We're losing him!" I hear Oin cry out and I instantly drop my sword in fear. Tauriel, looking shocked, looks at Kili, then at the blonde Elf, who is waiting at the door. "Tauriel." He calls again as he looks at her for a moment and then walks out the door. Tauriel remains standing. Tauriel looks away and begins to head out the door to follow the other Elf. Just as she reaches the door, Kili moans in pain, and Tauriel turns to look at him. Hearing a noise, Tauriel grabs her knives, and then sees Bofur running up with the Kingsfoil. Her eyes open in shock and she takes the leaves from Bofur's stunned grasp. "Athelas." I hear her say as she reverently examines it in her hands.

"Athelas..." She says again and I smile.

"What are you doing...?" Bofur asks and I let out as sigh of relief as she says, "I'm going to save him." Tauriel washes and tears apart the Kingsfoil in a tub of water held by Tilda. Fili, Oin, and Bofur pick up a moaning Kili and lay him on the table and try to hold him down. "Hold him down." Tauriel orders and I instantly join them. She approaches with the bowl of water and examines Kili's wound. Seeing how black and festered it is, she looks away in worry. As the others look on, Tauriel closes her eyes and begins chanting in Elvish while she kneads the soaked Kingsfoil in her hand, then presses it to Kili's wound.

"Menno o nin na hon i eliad annen annin, hon leitho o ngurth." (May the blessing that was given to me be sent from me to him, may he be released from death.) Kili screams and thrashes in pain, and Sigrid jumps in to help hold him down. She calls her sister to come help as well. Tauriel continues chanting; Fili looks at her strangely, and Oin listens in amazement through his fairly dented hearing trumpet. Kili begins calming down. After a few minutes Kili has completely relaxed and I stand side by side with Tauriel as she binds Kili's leg with a clean cloth. Kili lies on the table with his head in a basket of walnuts. Oin and Fili are in the kitchen, watching a pot of water boil.

"I've heard tell of the wonders of Elvish medicine. That was a privilege to witness."

Kili slightly opens his eyes and looks at Tauriel. "Tauriel." He says groggily causing me to smirk under my breath.

"Lie still." She orders as he finishes tying the binds.

"You cannot be her." Kili says and I slowly move away as she looks up in confusion. "She is far away. Sh- She is far, far away from me, and she walks in starlight in another world. It was just a dream." Kili slowly raises his hand and entwines his fingers with Tauriel's. "Do you think she could have loved me?" Tauriel is silent for a few moments, as she opens her mouth to speak I take my leave form them giving the alone time.

I smile inwardly as I walk over to Bard's children and kneeling down beside Tilda say, "Are you alright?" Tilda nods slowly and I smile a bright smile at her as I hold my arms out to her. She instantly runs over and jumps in to my arms. As she throws her arms around my neck I say, "I will keep you safe. I promise." I happen to glance over to see Fili staring at me and I feel my face flush. Once again I feel the ground shake and I turn to see fire and light coming from the previously closed gates of Erebor. The dwarves, children, and Tauriel look about in fear.

"What had we done?"

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