《Back to Primo...》Chapter 4


Third person Pov.

"Persephone's power is acting up again. Seeing the future is making my head dizzy." Serena muttered while holding her head.

"Serena, you okay?" Lilly ask.

"Yeah. It's just a vision." Serena said.

"Persephone is trying to break out again." Violet said.

"Serena, we gotta do something or the Devil Sisters will take our body forever." Clara said.

"You're right. But… how…? We have been searching that bastard everywhere but nothing." Serena said.

Serena tightened her fist and the three looked down.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Serena opened her door showing Chrome.

"Hello, Queens." Chrome said.

"Hello, Chrome, right?" Serena ask.

Chrome nod.

"Why are you here?" Violet ask.

"I'm just here to talk to Serena-san in private." Chrome said.

"I see. We'll see you later." Lilly said.

"Let's go." Clara said.

The three Queens left Serena's room.

"Come in, Chrome." Serena said.

"Excuse me." Chrome said while coming in.

Chrome went in Serena's room and Serena looked at around to see anyone is near or heard them. Then she closed the door.

"What do you wanna talk about, Chrome?" Serena ask.

"Serena-san, if it's all right for you…


"Hmm… alright. I'll do it." Serena said.

"Thank you, Serena-nee-" Chrome closed her mouth quickly.

"I'm sorry. It's came out so suddenly." Chrome said.

Serena blinked and then smiled.

"You can call me Serena-nee, Chrome." Serena said.

"Eh? Why?" Chrome ask.

"I don't know why… but you remind me of a little girl who used to call me that." Serena said.


"She was only ten… she always come to my house whenever she's lonely." Serena said.

"The little girl? What happened to her?" Chrome ask.

Serena looked at her with sadness eyes.


"I don't know. She suddenly vanished into thin air. She vanished five years ago. I even forgot her name… I never even told her she's like a little sister to me… and now I don't remember what she look like right now. The only thing that I remember is giving her flower pearl earrings…" Serena said.

Chrome widened her eyes.

'Flower pearl earrings?!'

"Chrome? You okay?" Serena ask.

Chrome snap out of her mind.

"H-Hai! I-I'm okay!" Chrome said.

"So… when?" Serena ask.

"Eh? Oh, yeah! We could do it right now." Chrome said.

' Did I met Serena-sa- I mean nee before?!'

They finished after for few minutes.

"Chrome, you must not telling anyone and by that I mean ANYONE. Got it?" Serena ask.

Chrome nod and left the room while Serena is watching her leave.

"If sisters were flowers, I'd pick you… Chrome…" Serena said and close the door.

And their was a creepy crawling pineapple-head on the wall and it which almost look like a creepy pineapple bug that is going to give birth. Ewwwww!

(Mukuro: Kufufufu. You're the worst author I ever met.

Me: Why thank you, pineapple mommy.)

"Kufufufu. Should I release her other memories now?" Mukuro ask himself.

Next day…

The Queens, Primo's and Decimo's are on the living room. Lia came back with food.

"Lia!" Lampo yelled.

"I came here to say sorry about yesterday, Lampo." Lia said.

"Yesterday? What happened yesterday?" Violet ask while playing with her puppy.

So suddenly the two faces turned deep red.

"Their faces are deep red." Giotto said.

The Queens smiled or kinda more like a smirk.

"Ah! Don't tell me! You-" Lampo quickly closed Clara's mouth.

"You don't know that!" Lampo yelled.

"But your faces says everything." Lilly said while smirking.


'What are they talking about?!' Boys don't get everything only girls do.

The Queens were teasing Lampo and Lia. Chrome is just giggling.

'Does Chrome gets it?' The Decimo's ask in their minds.

'Why the girl is giggling?' The Primo's ask in their minds.

' Boys don't get everything at all…' Serena mentally sigh.

Serena is about to leave the room.

"Where are you going, Serena?" Violet ask suspiciously.

"Just going outside to take a walk." Serena said.

Serena left the room.

"Serena has been different ever since yesterday." Violet muttered.

Then Chrome is leaving the room.

"Chrome?" Tsuna ask.

Chrome didn't heard him and close the door.

"That's weird." Mukuro said suspiciously.

"What's wrong with Chrome and Serena-nee?" Tsuna muttered.

"Who knows." Yamamoto said.

"More importantly, when are we gonna get back to the future or present?!" Lambo whined.

"Shut up! Stupid cow!" Gokudera yelled.

Then the chaos begins and it ruined the mood.

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