《Back to Primo...》Chapter 3


Third person Pov.

Giotto finally woke up and Serena is sleeping right beside Giotto's bed.

"How long has she been here…?" Giotto ask.

Then Giotto remembered what Tsuna said.

'Your future lover is Serena-san.'

Giotto face turned to deep red and started freaking out.

'Ahh! I never thought my future lover is Serena! Well sure, she's beautiful, nice, strong, and her eyes are like beautiful stars twinkling in the night sky… WAIT! WHAT THE HELL AM I SAYING?!?!?!?!?!'

Then Serena woke up.

"Oh. You're awake." Serena said while rubbing her eyes.

"Y-Yeah… what are you doing here?" Giotto ask.

"Isn't it obvious, I'm waiting for you to wake up." Serena said.

"O-Oh… I see." Giotto said.

"Let's go. It's already past midnight, I waited for you to wake up so we eat together." Serena said while smiling.

Giotto blushed.

"O-Ok." Giotto said.

They walked together to the dining room and they don't know that the others are watching them.

"Are you sure that Serena is Giotto's lover?" G ask/whispered.

"We came from the future. Who else would be Giotto-san lover?" Tsuna whispered.

Gokudera smirked.

"What about you, old man? Who do you want to be your lover?" Gokudera ask/whispered while smirking.

G turned deep red while Clara is secretly listening.

"W-W-What?! And don't call me old man!" G yelled.

"Answer my question, old man!" Gokudera yelled.

"Maa, maa, calm down, Gokudera/G."

"Shut up, Flute-freak/Baseball-freak!"

"Will you guys shut up! They're gonna hear us!" Violet yelled.

"Too late~"

They slowly turned their heads with a frightening look. They saw Serena with a sadistic look with Giotto.

"What are you idiots doing?~"


The two released their KI and started to go hunting some Decimo's, Primo's, and Queens.


Next day…

"Last night was fun." Giotto said.

"Yeah." Serena said.

The two left leaving a pile of Decimo's, Primo's, and Queens.

I'm in front of the Vongola Gate and I haven't rang the doorbell yet. I'm just walking back and forth in front of the gate. I made food for Lampo and as for sorry for yesterday.

"Why do you keep walking back and forth, Lia?"

I turned and saw Halia-san. (Halia is on the top.)

"Halia-san…" Lia said.

"Lia, are you not going inside?" Halia-san ask.

"Yeah… but…" I said while looking down.

"Halia-san!" I yelled.

Halia-san just smiled at me.

I sigh.

Halia went to Knuckle's room and Lia is about to went in the living room.

"I have enough of her." 'That sounded like Lampo…'

"Why?" 'Asari-san?'

"She's too annoying! Sometimes I want to take a nap but she keeps on appearing!"

"Why you didn't tell her to leave you alone?"

"I tried but she keeps giving me the look! I just wish she stop."

Lia shadowed her eyes and silently leave the Mansion. Serena saw her through the window Lia leaving the Mansion.

'What's wrong with Lia?'

Then she went to the living room and saw Lampo and Asari. Asari is holding Violet's puppy while Lampo is getting annoyed.

"What are you guys doing?" Serena ask.

"Serena-nee! That dog is getting on my nerves! Let's give him to someone else." Lampo said.

"If you do that, Violet is going to hunt you down." Serena said while walking towards to the puppy.

"That's the only thing I don't want right now!" Lampo yelled.

"Maa, maa, calm down, Lampo." Asari said.

Then the door opened showing Halia with Knuckle.

"Are? Where's Lia?" Halia ask.


"Eh? Lia is here?" Asari ask.

"Yeah. Have you guys seen her?" Halia ask.

The Rain and the Lightning shook their heads as in 'no'.

"I saw here." Serena said while playing with the puppy.

"Eh? Where?" Lampo ask.

"She just left." Serena said.

"Eh? Why she left?" Lampo ask.

"How should I know. I only saw her through the window." Serena said.

"But… why she left so early…?" Halia ask.

"Who knows. She probably heard something that made her cry." Serena said while holding the puppy.

"Eh? Why do you think that?" Asari ask.

"That's because I saw her crying while walking away." Serena said.

Lampo widened his eyes.

'Did she heard us…?'

"I'm guessing it's a yes, Lampo." Serena said.

"Stop reading my mind!" Lampo yelled.

Lampo left the living room leaving the confused family except Serena.

Serena sigh.

'Lampo, you probably do it now before it's too late…'

Serena gave the puppy to Halia.

"I'm going to my room." Serena said.

Serena left the living room and went to her room.

… or Lia's generation will possessed the Night Flame in the future…'

'… forever…'

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