《Back to Primo...》Chapter 1


Third person Pov.

The Queens are out because they are on a mission right now. Well the others? Still the same the yelling, laughing, running, crashing and other things that can make the Mansion destroy.

"More paperwork…" Tsuna said.

Tsuna sighed.

"I wish Serena-nee and the others are here." Tsuna said.

Then the door opened showing Gokudera with more paperwork.

"10th… you got more paperwork which was made by the CERTAIN Guardians." Gokudera said.

Tsuna released his KI making Gokudera shake.

"Gokudera-kun~ can you call the others and especially those TWO." Tsuna said.

"Hai! 10th!" Gokudera yelled and went to get the other Guardians.

Then later, Gokudera came back with the others.

"10th, I brought them." Gokudera said.

"Hahaha. Why'd you call us, Tsuna?" Yamamoto ask.

"EXTREME!" Ryohei yelled.

"Yare, yare." Lambo said.



"Boss." Chrome said.

"Yo, minna. Today, we're gonna have some 'fun' with two CERTAIN Guardians." Tsuna said with a sadistic smirked.

Kyoya and Mukuro face went horror and they tried to escape. TRIED.

Tsuna caught them and Lambo took out his bazooka and launched it to Tsuna, Kyoya, and Mukuro.



"My body won't move!"

Three were sucked in and then it sucked Gokudera, Yamamoto, Ryohei, Chrome, and then Lambo. The room is filled with pink smokes.

Then Reborn came.

"What happened here?" Reborn ask.

When the smokes are gone and the room is empty except a bazooka. Reborn released all of his KI and then the Queens came back with a person.

"Reborn, what happened?" Serena ask.

She looked at Tsuna's office and only saw a bazooka. Then Serena released her KI while the three Queens and the person backed away.

"Vanessa, you should go home. We have some business to take care." Violet said.


"Okay…" Vanessa and left.

"Gianini is dead, isn't he?" Lilly ask

"Yup. He mess it up… again…" Clara said.

The three Queens sigh.

"GIANINI!!!" Serena yelled making the Mansion shake.

"Gianini better run or he'll be next roasted pig for dinner." Violet said.

The two Queens nod.

The pink smokes are around me.

"Where am I?" I ask.

"10th/Tsuna, are you okay?"

I nod.

The pink smokes are finally gone showing… KIDS VERSION OF US!

"What happened to me?!" I yelled.

We were freaking out. All of us turned to kids and I found out who did this.

"Gianini…" I said with a dark aura around me and everyone backed away.

I sigh.

"Where are we? And why are we kids?" I ask.

"Are we even in Italy?" Gokudera ask.

"Looks like it." Yamamoto said.

"It's not my fault!" Lambo keep saying that but we ignore it.



"Boss. Someone's coming." Chrome said.

I nod.

"Minna, hide." I ordered.

"Hai, boss."

We quickly hide and saw… THE QUEENS!

"Serena, are you sure someone is here?" Violet-san ask.

"Yeah. My HI won't lie to me." Serena-nee said.

"Are you sure? We see nothing but trees and bugs." Lilly-san said.

"I think your HI is broken." Clara-san said.

Then Serena looked at this way and walked towards here.

"So you think my HI is broken, huh~ then why children are in the Vongola Forest." Serena said.

"How they get past Alaude's security?!" Violet-san yelled.


Serena crouch down.

"Kid, how did you get here with your friends?" Serena ask.


We tried an answer but…

"We should take them to the Mansion. We can't let them stay in this forest." Clara-san said.


"You're right." Serena-nee said.

Lilly-san walked towards to us.

"Come. Don't worry, we won't hurt you." Lilly-san said while smiling.

We looked each other and nod.

The Queens are taking the Decimo to the Mansion.

"Don't they look like Giotto and the others?" Lilly ask.

"Yeah. That silver-head look like G." Clara said.

Then they realize something.

"Don't tell me…" Serena said.

"But…" Violet said.

"Even their attitude…" Lilly said.

"They're the same…" Clara said.

The Queens keep whispering each other and after that they released their KI. The Decimo's backed away because they wanna see the Queens wrath. Then they finally reached the Mansion and Serena called the Primo's. When they get their, they saw the Queens furious, their arms are cross folded, and their foot are tapping the floor.

"What's wrong?" Giotto ask.

"Explain the kids, Giotto." Serena said.

"What kids?" Giotto ask.

The Queens pointed and the Primo's looked at where they're pointing. Then they saw the Decimo's and their eyes are wide.


"Don't 'eeehh' us!" Violet yelled.

"Explain!" Lilly yelled.

"Who are this kids?!" G yelled.

"Why don't you ask them." Clara said rudely.

"And I can't believe that the priest and the melon would cheat on Halia and Elena!" Serena yelled.

"Hey! I never cheat on Halia! And you know I would never do something like that!" Knuckle yelled.

"I would never cheat on Elena! And stop calling me melon!" Daemon yelled.

"Oh, really." Serena said.

Serena turned to Mukuro.

"Papa.~" Mukuro said.

That triggered the Queens wrath and the Primo's are sweating bullets.

They didn't realize that Mukuro smirked sadistic. While the others sweatdrop.

'Kufufufu. That is for my body and controlling my dear Chrome, you melon-head.'

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