《Finally Us》A Date Night For Us
"This place is my dream," Rydel's eyes lit up as she and Laura wandered through the next apartment on their list; and she was right, the place was very dreamlike. It had not just one bedroom, but two, plus a den, a full, upscale kitchen with a separate laundry room and a living room that was the size of her parent's backyard. Laura looked around before heading back to the balcony which overlooked the San Fernando Valley. It was a gorgeous place in the almost perfect spot and she would definitely have privacy - it was just not her. It was too big for just her alone. She knew Ross would be more than ok with the place, just like Rydel was, but Laura was not feeling it.
After stealing Rydel from her classes of the day at USC (truthfully, she had none), the two had caught up over a much needed lunch and Rydel had invited herself along on Laura's apartment search. In truth, Laura was glad she was here. An extra set of eyes always helped and Laura found herself truly thankful for Rydel's opinion.
"If you don't take it, we're going to have issues," Rydel joked with her as she joined her on the balcony.
"It's really big," Laura confessed her worry about the Hollywood Hills home. "And it's way more than I need just for me."
Rydel rolled her eyes. "Please, you know Ross will practically be living with you here and that second bedroom? You will be needing it."
"I still want to see the others."
"Oh, me too. But this one is number one right now, which isn't that hard to place because the one before this? Laura, if you get that one, we will not be friends anymore."
Laura laughed at her blonde best friend, but fully agreed with her. The place they had toured just before the one they were in, was well, a dump. Why her realtor friend had shown them that was beyond her. The apartment, while in her ideal neighborhood, was actually a bachelor apartment. It was large but that was all it had going for it. The kitchen, or lack of, had been stuck in a corner and don't even get her started on the bathroom. Just looking at it, she knew it was never going to be the one she picked.
The next one on her list wasn't far and she was hoping it was a bit smaller and just what she was looking for. She wanted one bedroom, an open kitchen, a gym on site and laundry in unit. Laura was out of college now and wasn't doing the laundromat game, but even then, she drove back to her parents home to do it.
Rydel looped her arm through Laura's as they made their way out and to the next property. It had been a long while since they had had a true girls day and it only had her wishing Raini, her old co-star, was on the west coast now. In a true Hollywood fairy tale come true, Raini had met and married a hot Broadway producer almost immediately after Austin and Ally's run. She was young and head over heels in love with the guy, and Laura had to admit that they were a great couple. The couple had eloped with anyone knowing, using Raini's brother Rico as their only witness. Now, Raini lived with Jonathan in New York City and was starring in an off-Broadway production that was making headlines all over and Laura could not be prouder. As they got to talking about their hangouts of past, she and Rydel made plans to go and surprise the Latina as soon as they both could.
Driving up to the next place, Laura peered over Rydel in the passenger's seat to size the place up. "What do you think?"
"It's a complex," Rydel looked back at Laura. "Did you want a complex?"
"I'm not against it," she shrugged her shoulders and got out of the car, joining Rydel on the sidewalk. "I just wasn't expecting it."
Laura and Rydel made their way inside and it was checking off every thing on her list. Hardwood floors? Check. Laundry? Check. Open kitchen? Check. Soundproof walls? Check. So the last one wasn't on her list, but as the property manager ran down her own list of features available, it was a definite plus and remembering how she yells during sex with Ross, they'd need it. There was a gym, a screening room, rooftop oasis, a pool and sauna...this place was becoming her favorite of the list, topping the Hills home.
"Laura, you may not have to search anymore," Rydel told her, coming back from inside the bedroom and into the spacious living room. "The bathroom," she stopped, placing her hand over her heart for emphasis, "is what dreams are made of and if you'll have me, I'd live in it and pay half the rent."
Laura followed her back into it and her eyes, if possible, became wider. This was just a guest bathroom and it looked like it was made for a five star resort. The first thing her eyes went to was the marble lined walk in shower with two rain heads coming from the ceiling. It was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. Just before the shower was a clawfoot tub that faced a wall full of shelving and towel rack with a chandelier hanging down and on the opposite wall, was a dual vanity that just stunning. A soft blue in color, Laura couldn't take her eyes off of any of it. Now, she had to see if the master bath was just as luxurious - and it didn't disappoint. It was just like the guest bathroom but had even more to look at.
"Thank you for the tour," Laura told the manager twenty minutes later, after chilling out in the clawfoot tub once more and her and Rydel dreamt up the perfect party to throw when she moved in and how many people could fit in the place. She wasn't the biggest party thrower, but now that she was back with the Lynches and dating one, there was a big chance that would chance. She was banking on that actually. Turning to Rydel as they headed towards the elevator to the lobby, Laura had to know her opinion. "Like, love or why the hell did we just waste time?"
"You're kidding me right now, right? Love!"
"Me too," Laura blew out a breath, thankful this one would definitely be on her list. "The rest aren't until tomorrow."
"Which you'll be seeing with Ross. Now," Rydel looped their arms together again, making their way towards the car. "No testing out all of them with kitchen or corner sex. I mean, they make you buy the place after that."
"Ry!" Laura face palmed, slipping into the driver's seat. She could feel her face turning a deep shade of pink. "We won't be breaking in any place until I sign papers."
"Good to know, but I do expect full disclosure after."
Laura shook her head and pulled out onto the road. Now that their apartment hunt for the day was done, she was ready for froyo, a movie night in and liquor. It was their go-to girls' day or night ritual and getting back to that was something she was looking forward to. On tonight's agenda? A hot superhero fest with Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth and Chris Pratt. It was going to be a hot night full of hot Chris's and Laura wouldn't spend it with anyone else. After getting all their necessities for the night and arriving back at Laura's parents home, the girls holed themselves in the basement and swooned over bulging muscles and skin tight suits.
"That high note was insane!" Rydel almost squealed at her after dancing and singing along to Ariana Grande's latest album. "Tell me you're gonna give us another album soon and that note will be on it."
Laura shrugged at Rydel's comment. Yes, she had done an album and mini tour right after Austin and Ally ended and it was almost the best time she ever had. The album had done well and she had had every intention of doing another - but that was before Scandal happened and before she made it a priority to get her degree. Right after she graduated, she booked First Aid. Everything had moved fast for her and trying to get back in the studio was harder than it seemed. She hadn't stopped writing through. In fact, her own song book, much like Ally Dawson's, was full of lyrics waiting to be put to music.
"You have to get back in there, Laura," Rydel insisted. "I'll get Ross to convince you."
"Enough about me. Tell me about how things are with Ellington and school and everything else." Laura nudged Rydel, digging into the bowl full of caramel corn.
It was only ten a.m. Ten a.m. and he was about to drop. Apparently apartment hunting was not his cup of tea. In fact, he hated it and was thankful it was Laura doing most of the work in searching for the perfect place and not him. You know, since it was going to be her place after all. Grabbing a spot on the wall while she looked around even more, he smirked at her and watched as a million thoughts went through her mind. He could see her overthinking the space and what furniture she would need and how to place it and he could even see her contemplating paint colors and decoration. This was the second place on her list of four possibles today, and to be honest, he hadn't been impressed with either of them. They were either just too plain and boring or there wasn't enough space. It was the former on the apartment they were touring right now and although there was a gym and spa attached, he was still not impressed. Maybe it was the location (way too far from him) or maybe it was that the counter in the kitchen was way too small, but most likely, it was the way the other residents had looked at her as they walked by. He was that boyfriend now.
"What do you think?"
He snapped out of his own thoughts as she hopped back over to him with her still blonde hair bouncing in the air. Ross spread his smile wide and searched her eyes for the answer she wanted. "Do you like it?"
"Not what I asked, Mr. Lynch," Laura jabbed at his chest. "What do you think, and be honest. No sugar coating anything."
"No sugar coat? Ok," he nodded his head. "I'm not really impressed. It doesn't seem like...well, you."
"Like me?"
"It's not cute enough. It should have this cozy living room and even cozier bedroom," he gestured over to the room she had just been in. "And that bathroom? No." He turned and saw her lips curve upwards as she pulled up the list in her hand and crossed the address off of it completely. "That's it?"
"If you don't like it, I won't like it," she told him before he gave her a kiss. "Next place?"
"Next place," he nodded, lacing their fingers together. He loved how she was actually considering his opinion in her hunt, like the new apartment just wasn't for her, but for them; which, let's be honest, he'd be practically living with her anyway. Still being away from her for even a few hours was getting to him. They had been back in Los Angeles for a few weeks, and Ross was still struggling with not waking up next to her. Although doing that, their sex life was getting even better and he wasn't complaining about that one bit.
Driving them over to the next address, Ross stared back at the front of the building. He knew this building and should've known the address as well. It was where Rocky and Riker lived. Looking over at Laura, he could only think about how much more they would be bugged here and him, more embarrassed by them both.
"Scenario number one, you get the furthest apartment from them both and they'll be too tired and won't make the effort to even attempt to bug us. Scenario number two, it's right next to them and I will die."
"Or scenario number three," Laura butted in. "We take a look anyhow and then count the steps in between."
Shaking on that, Ross was already counting his steps as soon as they entered the building. "Should we even look though? You've seen Riker and Rocky's place. It has to be the same layout."
"One bedroom, Ross," she reminded him, grabbing his hand to drag him along.
"But other than that, it should be the same. Kitchen along the wall, odd living room shape and a bathroom you can barely stand in."
He heart her chuckle at his valid point as she pulled him along anyway. The apartment she was looking at was on the top floor - two full floors from his brothers - and on the opposite side of the building. "So far, so good."
Stepping into the apartment, he was about to tell her 'I told you so' when he was shut up but the apartment itself. He had been dead wrong. This one was completely different and he was kind of thrown for a loop. The door opened onto a spacious living area that was much a larger than what Riker and Rocky had. Ross would bet that if one wanted, they could fit a full drum set, foosball table and pool table in there and still have the room for actual furniture. He looked around as Laura wandered into the kitchen, which was still on the back of the wall but this one was more equipped and spacious and he could imagine talking her against the counter top right now. The kitchen had an island and possibly the biggest fridge he had ever seen. Just down the big hallway, a guest bath was off to one side and a laundry area on the other before they headed to the bedroom at the end of it - where he was in for another surprise.
The room was ginormous. Once you stepped into the room, you were greeted with a large walk in closet in front of you, to your left the actual room that looked like it could fit two king sized beds in and to your right was a bathroom that put the ones they had in Cape Town to shame. There were quartz countertops, dual vanities, an actual vanity space, a bathtub that he knew he'd definitely be using with Laura and a separate shower stall that was now the apple of his eye. he was all about the water conservation and turning water off when one wasn't suing it, but this shower that featured two rain heads, a sauna bench and at least ten different temperature settings was his dream. Forget the rest of the apartment, he'd never be leaving the bathroom.
"So maybe living next to my brothers wouldn't be the worst thing in the world," Ross later told her as they stopped off for coffee in between the last showing. He held her hand as they waited in line for their order to be ready and talked about the place. "I mean, if I wasn't around, and you needed something, they would be right there," he said, really reasoning not only her but himself too.
"True, that would be nice."
"And if you ever needed them, they're there. They adore you, so they would drop everything to help you out. That makes me feel better."
Laura chuckled. "You know you are contradicting everything you said earlier right? Everything."
"Yea, I know."
"Tom and Jennifer," the barista called and the two went to retrieve their drinks, using some of their character names. Not that people would turn at their real names, but it was something they did.
Laura sipped on her latest secret menu discovery - a peach apple lemonade - as they found a few seats to rest for a bit. "You liked that one a lot."
"I like it because you do...and that shower, Laur."
Her smile went wide. "What is it with you Lynches and bathrooms?"
"Two bathrooms. Seven people. One house. Twelve years," he explained, even though she didn't really need one. "Where's the next one?"
"Um," Laura brought out the list and unfolded it, her finger traveling down to the last address on the paper. "In Sherman Oaks, just off of Ventura. We have some time though."
"Good. This apartment hunting stuff is tiring."
Laura laughed at him before she surprised him with a kiss. "Thanks for coming with me anyway."
Ross smiled back at her warmly, wanting to be that typical guy who could kiss his girlfriend back and not worry about if paparazzi were outside just waiting for them to do something - because anyone could call in a tip these days. Instead, he clutched her hand and took another drink of his coffee. "Thanks for letting me come along."
"Ha! I had to plead with you to come in the first place."
"And I'd love for you to plead with me again, and again, and again," Ross winked at her, enjoying every moment she blushed. It was nights before when he stayed with her at her parents' place because they had gone to stay with her grandmother for a few nights and if he could relive the night over and over again, he would. It had been just like their first night in Cape Town and he didn't think they'd gotten to actual sleep until after three a.m. "Speaking of, what are you doing on Friday?"
"I don't think I have any plans, why?"
"Because I'm taking you out."
"What if I said I had plans?"
"I'd cancel them for you and take you anyway."
Laura lifted her cup that was halfway gone to her mouth. "I definitely believe that."
Twirling around in the mirror for the fourth time, Laura hoped that she looked alright. She had ditched her staple sweatpants she had been wearing like she ate carrots every day for a cute dress that she hadn't worn in ages. It was painted with a giant leopard pattern and tulip skirt. The front was deep and she was thankful that her breasts had actually grown just a bit more to actually pull off a dress like this without any help from sticky tape. A gold bracelet hung on her right wrist, a watch on her left and a few stackable rings on her fingers glittered when they hit the light just right. Laura turned around once more, and ran her fingers through her straightened hair.
Laura couldn't wait to be brunette once more, which was happening next weekend. She loved the blonde, but she would always be a brunette at heart. Grabbing her shoes and clutch from the dresser, she headed downstairs and checked the time on the wall. Seven p.m. Ross had promised to pick her up around then, so she was jumping for joy that she actually got ready in time...and just at the nick of it too it seems, as hard knocks echoed throughout the living area from the front door. Slipping on her heels right when she opened the door, Laura stopped her words before she even had them and stared back at the hot guy in her doorway, who just happened to be her boyfriend.
The first thing she noticed was the sexy watch on his wrist (there was something about a man wearing a watch) before her eyes traveled up to a not vibrant, but still stunning blue tailored shirt. He had left just a few buttons open - just enough to tempt her with running her fingers over his exposed skin. He had slicked his hair back a bit and Laura didn't know why, but she almost was kind of hoping for his shaggy hair to return for this look. Of course, she was already finding it hard to control herself right now, she could hardly imagine what would happen with his longer hair. "Hi. You look... um, we're really going out?" she stammered.
"Hi to you too, and yes, we're going out. I have to show you off before I'm tempted to tear this dress off of you," Ross stepped inside and captured her lips in a hello, how are you, I want you bad kiss. "You look..."
"Like sex on heels?" she finished for him, laughing with him at their inside joke. She reached up for his lips again before breaking away. "I could actually say the same for you." She played with the top buttons of his shirt, like she knew he'd been counting on. "Where are we going anyway? And don't tell me it's a surprise," she stopped him before he could tell her just that.
"You take out all the fun. We have dinner reservations at Mozza and then the last bit is actually still a surprise."
"Ross," she started to whine.
"Come on gorgeous, let me show you off," he pulled on her hand towards the outside and she didn't argue. He was nailing this sweeping her off her feet thing.
- In Serial122 Chapters
Tamer of Cosmic Beasts
Every living being is a beast that can be tamed, but only the most advanced races are called Tamers. The universe is filled with Tamers who use cosmic beasts as contracted pets.Akash Tagar, a veteran broken and battered because of his long blood-filled journey, was on the brink of suicide when he met the strongest being in the universe, the Primordial Beast.Restoring Akash to a youthful body, the beast gave him a chance fulfill his remaining regrets by completing a mission and sending him to the weakest planet in the universe. Akash, now restored to his youth, must start at the bottom and claw his way to the top.See the journey of a main character who will build a new world, together with his loyal army, and unite thousands of races to face their true enemies, and purge all evil.
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I never thought I'd be killed by butterflies. But here I am... Edmon Valli was a smuggler, before a freak storm threw him off course and stranded him on a desert island smack in the middle of an uncharted monster zone. Trying his best to survive, or possibly even escape, he stumbles across the find of a lifetime: an unclaimed dungeon crystal. This is a dungeon-ish story, but without reincarnation or transmigration. I started it as a whim for NaNoWriMo so I may drop it any time after that... or I might not. My current plan is to write until I can reach some sort of conclusion and call it 'volume one'. I hope someone enjoys reading it for now! All comments, corrections, and criticism welcome.
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MANTIS: On Hiatus
Two young adults who were childhood friends are killed amidst a pandemic worse than our own. After many years apart, Rihelah was on her way to see Michael, hoping to rekindle their friendship on the day they would both lose their lives. The pair are unwittingly selected to represent Earth in a test set forth by godlike beings who are intrigued that our world gave rise to complex life without having been intentionally seeded by their kind. Michael and Rihelah are reincarnated as predatory insects upon a distant planet called Edon. Elves, Dwarves, Dragons and their kin, Goblins, Ogres, Humans, Lizardfolk, Orcs, and sapient arthropods known as Enkelyn all inhabit this beautiful world touched by magic. The tiny mantids must survive terrified and very much alone upon arrival, while neither is aware that the other has also been reincarnated upon the same island. Naked in their new chitinous exoskeletons, they must now brave the terrors of an alien world's food chain. Each will benefit from their years of experience on Earth, but they must somehow find a balance between old lives and new. Moderate mindsets and peaceful values from a mostly safe and privileged life on Earth must now contend and somehow coexist with the strange physiology of a new and unfamiliar body as well as the violent aggressiveness of a predator's mind. To top things off, the pair are about to find themselves struggling with their inner turmoil while swept up by terrible conflicts they know nothing about. Both endure the hardships of their new lives while attempting to understand and make proper use of a mysterious and terse video-game-like System that pops status notifications into their vision from time to time, but initially has no useful interface. Some of the options they are presented with sound enticing, but as with everything else in life, each choice has benefits and drawbacks... Author's Note: This story makes many changes to the original version, and readers of Mantid will find that many things in Mantis are new and different; especially after the first few chapters. I've learned a ton from writing like a madman, and also from the RR community. I appreciate you guys! :)
8 209 - In Serial51 Chapters
Dragon Sword God
You want me to bow down to you? Never!You want to fight me?I will fight!You want me to go to this dangerous place?I will go!You want to hurt the people close to me?I will kill you!You will be a hassle in the future?I won't let you live another day!This is my story!So watch as I use the memories and power from my world in this new strange world where power and money are everything. Watch how I become the Dragon Sword God![18+ Warning contains Gory scenes, Strong language and Sexual scenes] [Ps: If you find any grammar mistakes or are wondering about something please tell me in the comment section of the chapter it is regarding. Thank You!]_____________________________________________________________________________________________You can also read it at my website : https://saleban1.wordpress.com/Also make sure to read my other novels.
8 171 - In Serial14 Chapters
Steps of the Immortal Tree
Evan stood on a hill, staring calmly at the gate of his former clan. A crowd waited behind him, some eyeing the clan in an unresigned manner, others looking at their spiritual support. Some of the young children shivered at the gnawing cold. Wind howled in his ears, seemingly deploring his fate. A silvery cloud drifted over the mountains surrounding the compound. The roar of a river could be heard from underneath its frozen surface. He had reincarnated many years ago. Hailed as a prodigy from his youngest age, Evan had seemingly tread on a path to invincibility. He had gotten married with his childhood sweetheart and had cultivated with a group of friends, forming a considerable power of his own. Yet now, here he was, devoid of any path to move forward, with his energy locus destroyed. His wife was dead and his branch had been kicked out of the clan. He looked at his progeny that had been entrusted to him. The baby seemed content in his father’s strong arms, too young to understand anything but the warmth of the father’s beating heart. Signaling to the people behind him, he turned around and the procession gradually disappeared in the distance, as the sun gradually set and the stars acted as a guide. --- Author-san here. I originally started this novel on another account, but lost the login information for it, so I'll be restarting this story here. Thanks for understanding! This is my first fiction, so I appreciate any and all feedback! (^^) The cover picture is by Yuji Himukai (as pointed out by Truis). I found it on the internet. Please contact me if you want to have it taken down. If anyone is interested in drawing a cover, send it to me. I'll put it up if I feel it represents the book well, with your name in the credits.
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A Vampire's Complications
Leah Rickabe died in the accident, or at least that is what people were told. Leah now has to adjust to the new life that she tried to deny. But this life still has more challenges for her and the enemy is even closer than it was before.
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