《Hadar #Watty2014》Chapter 22


The self conscious me was screaming to pick it back up, and run to our room. But I wouldn’t listen to her, she had her chance to fix what was wrong with us and clearly it wasn’t working. The sheer black V cut panties were all that covered my body, as a bra wasn’t fit to be worn with that dress. Quickly he rushed to the door, making my heart beat out of its cage. Locking the door he moved swiftly back to me, wrapping his arms around me.

“I will not be disturbed tonight” Kissing my ear, while reassuring me. Letting out the held breath I smiled into his shoulder, as he continued to kiss my neck.

“I loved the dress, but I must admit its breathtaking on my floor” Reddening my cheeks, I slapped his arm. Picking me up, my legs were having a hard time holding the thick of him. Lowering me down, my hair covers one of his pillow as he towards over me.

“I promise to go easy love” Moving a piece of hair from my eye. His eyes moved all over as if trying to decide where was the best place to start, touching my skin lightly I stifled a moan. He was doing things to my core, that I didn’t think were possible. Every touch every look, gave a shock wave of pleasure. Something stirred in me, and for a second I though it was wolf. Had she felt him, did she approve of my choice? Another wave of bliss, before I felt hot lips trailing all over my body. Those love bites were the death of me, arching into him for more. I knew at some point I had lost my panties, but truth be told I didn’t give a damn. He was working his way down there anyways, so might as well get the whole view.

God help me this man knew what he was doing, it was like someone had putting little red X’s all over my sensitive spots. Causing him to located each and everyone of them, without so much as a glitch. Knowing far to well as he crawled back up my body, he was now going to consume me. He went to say something, but I pushed my finger over his lips.

“Just do it, stop worrying” Kissing my finger, he didn’t speak as the man pushed his way into my body. Gasping for air and something to hold, he watched me making sure I wasn’t hurting. Once my body realized he wasn’t a threat it, excepted him fully. My gasp turned into a moan, which sent him rumbling over my chest. My fingers wanted his flesh, so as they gripped his back he growled pushing his lips over mine. Lacing them through his hair, another growl echoed into my mouth.

The steady motion he did was utterly enchanting, though I’m sure he’d preferred something a little more manly. I was getting a full on taste of what he was really capable of doing, fast to slow hard to soft. It was like getting the sampler at Applebees, everything possible option was laid out for me to pick from. Hot butterfly kisses roamed over my top, picking their journey well. As if I wasn’t hot enough for him, large fingers gripped my outer thighs pulling me deeper to him.


“Fina…your so beautiful” Mouthing my lips as he spoke, then dropping his tongue to mine. A hand roamed upward, cupping my breast as I moaned into his mouth. How he managed to hold me up with only one hand, I haven’t the foggiest notion. Nor did I care, this was it I was going to snap the last thread. Reaching my highest I kept part of my brain at the ready, this was going to be not only my glory moment, but the best damn day of my life.

“Jackson please don’t stop” Gripping his shoulder, as another wave rocked me.

“My angel, all mine” Nipping my neck, the heat off his nips caused me to shiver with delight as I hit the best point in sex. As my body tightened every muscles, I silently whispered the words.

* I Fina Heart, except your rejection Alpha Jex*

If that wasn’t enough to make me feel free, the roar of pleasure Jackson let loose was plenty. His eyes were closed tightly, while his breathing was rapid. Watching his chest pull in and out, made me hot all over again. Slowly his eyes opened staring down into my grey ones, kissing my forehead I wasn’t sure what to do now.

“You’ll stay with me tonight” Rolling off me, as he pulled our bodies under the covers. Tightening his hold on me, the sound of his heart was returning to normal. Pushing my head onto his shoulder, he looked over at me as my eyes felt heavy. A heavy hand lay on my lower back, rubbing in circles as I started to drift off. Tucking one hand under me, while the other rested on his chest. Feeling the ups and downs of his chest, while the heat from him warmed my muscles.

He stirred bring his other hand around, brushing my hair to the side. Kissing me once more, before exhaling deeply.

“Mine” He whispered as I let the darkness control my thought process. No longer was I worried about Jex, sneaking into my dreams. Now I thought about Jackson, and how happy I had become from moving into this pack. Scolding myself for not moving sooner, I quickly regained that happy state.


It was thanksgiving a time to be merry, but for me it was just another distraction. Fina’s parents had come. But they seemed stand offish, as if they were missing something vital. I felt their pain, she wasn’t here, nor was that perfect laugh of hers. Now with a new pack she was probably celebrating with them, eating pie and laughing about interesting things. Mari sat beside me talking gibberish about shoes and purses, while I twisted the ice around my drink. Getting up I needed some air, passing my Beta he gave me a long look before turning away.

The cold night air seemed fitting for my mood, as I was about to sip the last of my scotch a snapping in my head sent me to one knee. Gripping the glass to tightly it shattered between my fingers, causing the glass to rip my skin. Blood dripped down to my nails, before staining some leaves. Gripping my head with my other hand, my eyes shot open. She was gone, the last thread was broken. But that would of meant she excepted the rejection, there for breaking all ties with me.


That had been my old saving grace with wolf, now that it was gone he snarled viciously at me. My mind was blank as I tried to locate the string, but it was gone…for good. Dropping to the ground, I stared at my glass cut hand. The scotch burning my blood, as I slowly started to heal. What was I to do now, I needed her she was to be my Luna. Tears formed in my eyes, as I mourned for my lose…my mistake.


Once the guests had arrived Fina had vanished to her room, while I welcomed people along with my beta. Walking into the main Dinning hall with Alpha Serge, had been a welcome. As his face lit up with the way it was designed, he turned to me after his sister had walked away.

“You’ve out done yourself. I seriously didn’t think your pack could pull something like this off” Taking another look around the room.

“Yes well, it wasn’t my pack who did all this” Sipping my whiskey.

“Oh?” His hand raised taking a sip of his wine.

“It was Fina’s doing” He seemed to light up even more, at the name of my angel.

“She is proving to be more spectacular by the second, dear friend” His implying words are something I need to keep in mind, I fear our friendship could be flushed down the shiter if he doesn’t comprehend she belongs to me. Fina will never be with the likes of him, though he is also an Alpha he is also a player. Most of the eyes that have be fallen on Nalee Segre’s sister, they have now turned behind me. Looking over my shoulder I gulp, as Fina has once again out done herself. The low V neck shows just enough of her breast to arouse even the older males, while her dress is cut high in the front displaying her long legs.

She has allowed her hair to be flowing freely, with only a touch of makeup. Picking up a wine glass she seemed uneasy, Serge is all but drooling over the beauty as are many other unmated males. Watching her a little longer as she speaks with one of my females, she picks up a strawberry pressing it to her lips. Sipping my whiskey helps keep the groan back, as her wet tongue licks pinked stained lips. No sooner does she leave, causing a panic to rile me up. At least in here I can keep an eye on her, where is many wolves could steal her.

A few watch as she sashays out the room, her dress moving to the motion of her hips. Does she have a clue what she looks like tonight, to these men she’s a rare dessert they have yet to taste. Following her I get stopped by a few members, and loose sight of her. Placing my glass down, I end the conversation as I search for her. Finding her outside, as the cold air whips her hair around. Shivering a little I pull my jacket off, draping it over her shoulders. Her eyes look sad while she lies straight to my face, though I’m sure its not a complete lie it still stings.

Brining her back inside, as Serge plays his little mind games. She’s straight forward about not being the only one who set this up, and her modesty gets her more points with him. He wouldn’t know a loyal female is she was dropped butt naked in his lap, all he’d see was a naked woman. Keeping her close to me, even though see seems to be annoyed. Her body soon walks off as Serge and I talk about work, feeling her eyes on me only make it that much harder to stand being around all these people. I’d rather be alone with her, then be surrounded by whatever this is.

I can hear her walking behind me, but for her benefit I pretend I haven’t. Aw the joys of being an Alpha, and the perks that come along with it.

“Looking for me?” She chirps, as I spin around.

“Yes actually I was” Her batting lashes, look like butterfly wings.

“Oh, and what do I owe the pleasure of your attention?” Sipping her wine.

“I wanted to make sure you’ve eaten” She scoffs.

“Yes Jackson, I’ve eaten.” Rolling her eyes, she seems anything but pleased. And I detect her attitude as well.

“Are you getting snippy with me?” Keeping my growl low. “Perhaps it the wine talking” Shaking her glass ever so lightly, before downing the last bit.

“Blaming a beverage on your behavior now? How coy” Huffing as she places it on the table.

“Nothing coy about me Jackson, I just tell the truth” Walking away once again.

Oh honey if you only knew……

Keeping up with her this time, my eyes flow with the dress before getting stopped once again. This is why I hate parties, even when you look like your headed somewhere very important some babbling moron has to stop and discus the weather. Once I am through, I catch my breath at her awaiting figure in the middle of the stairs. I am also well aware of the eye attention she id receiving from various males, its alarming me to the point I need to put my claim on her.

Bringing my lips to her sweet ones, I can already taste the strawberry and wine mixture as it plays with my whiskey. My plan was simple make sure she got to her room safely, and without another male before returning to this….party. But as her lips break away, my body intensifies at her request.

“Jackson I need you” Gripping my tie and shirt. Sweeping her off her feet, I move quickly. How I’ve longed to hear those words, escape her pressure lips. Now that I’ve reached our rooms, I haven’t a clue what would be more respectable. Cupping my face she smiles, telling me my room is her choice. Nodding the door opens, before closing once more. This is the tricky part, Fina isn’t like other woman I haven’t a clue how to approach her.

But just like that she takes over, pulling my tie off along with pushing each button through the hole before taking my shirt off as well. Her alluring eyes fall on my chest, hunger in them is so intoxicating I have a hard time just standing still as she undoes my pants. Kicking off my shoes, I have completely for gotten to lock the door. However I can’t move as she stands before me, kicking off her heels and dropping black ring like things to them as well.

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