《Hadar #Watty2014》Chapter 21


Sam soon leaves going for a shower, and a change of clothes. The woman and I get everything ready, baking the frozen pies and making sure everything is good for when the guest arrive. Kem is still shouting as I ask the woman if their good, with nods and yeses I leave to make sure our wonderful Beta doesn’t have a heart attack.

“Kem what’s wrong now?” Dropping the apron in a hamper outside the wash room.

“Fina, are you done in the kitchen?”

“Yea there good, need some more help?”

“Yes, I swear I hate these stupid parties” Laughing at his sheer unhappiness I pat him on the back.

“Talk to me Kem”

“We our trying to figure out how were going to fit all the incoming cars”

“Oh well that’s easy” Walking to the front of the house. Kem hot on my heels, as I open the door.

“Okay so all our pack members need to put the cars into the garage, except for one” He frowns.

“Why not one?”

“Incase you need someone to go out for a missing item.” Slapping his head, he sighs.

“Would of never thought of that”

“Well no worries, you have me” Grinning with all my teeth showing.

“So how do we park them all?”

“Easy, the Alpha can park in the front, but make sure that no one parks behind him incase he needs to leave. Then line each car front to back, all the way down. If you were to make them go side to side, they’d get stuck.”

“You’re a genuine, I could kiss you” I was about to say something, but a deep voice stopped me.

“I’d refrain from doing such a deed Kem” Jackson bellowed from behind us.

“Sir” Kem turned white, as he lowered his eyes. Watching him to Jackson, got me wondering just where he sat. The only other person the Beta is lower then was the Alpha, so was Jackson giving a special title or was he the…….

Shaking the thought, the Alpha was a ruthless man where Jackson was kind and a little foolish. He couldn’t be the Alpha, at least I didn’t think he was. The stories about him would be false, all the tall tales of him being dark and dangerous. I almost laughed at the thought of calling Jackson Alpha. Again he snapped me out of my day dream, as his voice created shivers all over.

“Kem are you making Fina do all your work for you….again” Folding his arms. Oh so he knew about the shopping and dinning hall did he, well isn’t this interesting.

“No sir, I was just asking for her advice” Keeping his eyes down.

“Jackson quit messing with Kem, its not his fault.” Pushing on his shoulder, before smirking at him. His face looked like it was made of stone, before relaxing.

“Oh I’m not done with you little missy. Have you finished the nursery yet?” Waving Kem away.

“No, I was busy.”

“Busy? Doing what?” Cocking his head to the side.

“Cooking your dinner, that’s what” Huffing I walked away, making sure to keep my head up.


His impressionable warm laughter, made my toes curl. Happy to see him laughing, since he looked so stressed all the time. Checking up on the woman, they had made all the food and were just starting to plate everything when Alpha Serge showed up. Group after group of his pack entered, filling into the dinning hall to drink and eat. He had asked the Alpha to throw this for his sister, who I was introduced to. She was stunning making me feel self conscious.

Her long brown hair shinned of the candle light, as did her blue eyes. Men were drawn to her like moths to a flame, while I held my wine glass I secretly wanted her to trip. However I tossed that out, when I imagined all the males rushing to her side. What was wrong with me, why was I thinking such horrible things. I took another look at her, and frowned I knew why. She looked almost like her, and the thought of her made my blood boil. Thinking she’d never get rejected, to damn perky for that. To much everything to be rejected, my sour mood was something I didn’t want to how around so I walked outside.

The fresh cool air helped, but only for a few seconds. The outfit I had changed into was pretty, simple yet elegant. The dress I had picked was higher in the front, showing more of my long legs. Thinking the colors were alright for such a party, I went with the white with V neck line and purple blue design. Tan heels added a little more height to me, a few black bracelets were the only jewelry I choose. Standing outside with my wine glass, I had tried to come off more like an adult but really I wanted to kick and scream.

Visions of them together sharing a wonderful meal, while basking in each other company had me brewing. Maybe it was the holidays that were making me bitter, not being able to see me family and such. I wrote if off as that was my problem, I was just missing my family. The heat from a large black leather jacket, had my head turning. Jackson in all his wonderful glory stood off to the side of me, his hands pushed into his pockets.

“What are you doing out here?” Turning around to him.

“Looking for you. What’s wrong?” Such a smart man, even he could pick up on my mood.

“Just missing home is all. Shouldn’t you be inside?” Nodding, he took my hand.

“Come, Alpha Serge wants to thank you”

“Me what for?” Following behind him.

“Cause if it weren’t or you, this place would have been a disaster” His eyes showed me something new, a proud look like I had done something right. It caused me to blush at the complement.

Inside seemed to be bustling with laughter and happy sounds, children played while friends and families talked about good times. Warping his arm around my waist, Jackson shot me a reassuring smile before pulling me deeper into the crowd. Alpha Serge was sitting at the second seat at the head of the table with his sister sitting to his left, again I frowned at her looks. Damn her….why couldn’t she just be a bubbling blonde.


“Alpha Serge you remember Fina?” Jackson said, pulling me to his side.

“Aww Yes, the Dark Angel. I heard from a little birdie this is all your doing” Standing up, I didn’t miss the shock from his sister. Smirking I already felt a little better about this, so called hello.

“Yes, I did help. But not without everyone else support.” Being as polite as I could around them.

“Such modesty, I really am taken with you Fina” Taking my hand, he kissed it. This time Jackson didn’t miss a beat, in pulling me closer. I was already crammed tightly under his arm, now just seemed like over kill.

“Aren’t you going to introduce me brother?” His sister asked, coming around as well.

Damn it she even sounds pretty…..

“Oh forgive me, Fina this is my lovely sister Nalee” Shaking her hand, I smiled.

“Nice to meet you”

What they couldn’t settle on one name…..

They talked about random affairs, as Nalee chatted with some of her brothers pack. Bored to tears I was, so I looked around finding Sam drinking in a corner. Leaving Jackson I smiled as I grew closer to Sam, he seemed to sigh happily at my approach.

“You look like your having fun” I teased.

“God, I’m so bored” Leaning against the wall with him, he handed me a new glass of wine.

“How was talking with Alpha Serge and his sister?” Rising his brow, before taking a sip.

“About as much fun as you were having before I graced your presents.” Laughing as he wiped his mouth, his eyes fell forward again.

“What was your old pack like?” I stood silent for a few seconds, before answering his question.

“Different, we held a lot of parties. Which I didn’t mind to much, as my family was around. But things happened and I needed to leave”

“Because of him?” Sam seemed a little uncomfortable about brining up my rejection, not that I blamed him.

“Yes, that was a big part in moving. But I didn’t seem to fit in there either”

“Well you fit in here fine.” Reassuring me.

“Thanks Sam, that really does mean a lot to me.” Sipping my wine, as I looked over the crowd of wolves.

“I think Jackson is looking for you” Sam said, pointing to the man who I was falling quicker for then the sinking quick sands.

“Thanks, you going to be alright?”

“Yea I’ll manage” Holding up his beer. A smile before I left, I walked up behind Jackson.

“Looking for me?” Sending him spinning around.

“Yes actually I was” Batting my lashes, I sipped the wine.

“Oh, and what do I owe the pleasure of your attention?”

“I wanted to make sure you’ve eaten”

“Yes Jackson, I’ve eaten.” Rolling my eyes.

“Are you getting snippy with me?” Sounding almost like he growled.

“Perhaps it the wine talking” Shaking my glass ever so lightly, before downing the last bit.

“Blaming a beverage on your behavior now? How coy” Snorting as he followed me out of the main room.

“Nothing coy about me Jackson, I just tell the truth” Giving him a flirtatious look over my shoulders. Hearing his deep rumbling, I nearly lost my will to walk straight. Heading up the stairs he was stopped by a member, leaning my back against the wall I waited. Maybe it was the wine, or the desire to be touched either way I wanted him. Tonight had opened my eyes to the threat Jex caused in my heart, that one tiny string that let me know he was alive was breaking me apart. This had to end, I needed to move on with my life like he clearly had. Jackson finished his conversation, stopping dead in his tracks as he eyed me up and down.

“See something you like?” Purring. His eyes darkened, filling with the lust and desire I had long looked for. Never had a man looked at me like that, not even my mate had shown that much interest in me.

“I see more then one thing I want” Taking a slow walk up the stairs, slipping his arm around my back crashing me into his chest. He looked stunning as usual in his black silk button up shirt, and matching slacks. A deep burnt orange colored tie hung just low enough, to make me want to grab hold. His smell was fresh Irish spring soap and power, still to this day I can’t tell you what power smelled like. But it was alluring like cat nip to a feline, it brought me in closer to his warm whiskey smelling breath. Even the smell of the whiskey sent shiver on journey to my inner thighs, biting my lip I heard him growl.

“Don’t” Swiping his thumb over my lip, before pushing his taste into me. Wrapping my arms around his neck, our clothes keeping us apart. This was it I was finally going to rid myself of Jex, he’d forgotten me and it was high time I forgot about him. Besides there was a perfectly god like man, begging me to be his. His free hand hit the back of the wall, as I granted him more of me. Feeling his hesitation, I pulling my lips off his.

“Jackson, I need you” The pitch of his eyes changed, as I quickly was carried up the flight. Nearly laughing as he couldn’t decide what door to open, I cupped his face.

“Your’s is fine” Nodding he pushed his door open, stepping in closing it with his heel. Lowering my heels to the carpet, he now seemed more nervous then me. Chewing my cheek I didn’t want to laugh, which I was sure would cause him to feel worse. Moving into his personal space, letting my fingers glide over his shirt. Carefully undoing each button, showing more and more skin. Slipping the tie off his neck, as I tossed it and his shirt to a chair. His half glazed dark eyes watching me, as my fingers moved over the slacks only button and zipper. Kicking his shoes off, before

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