《Hadar #Watty2014》Chapter 8



I’ve never been one to through myself at a man, and even less likely to kiss him without knowing more about him. But Jackson saved me from having to deal with Jex, and I couldn’t of asked for a better way. His lips tasted like salted caramels, that is still tingling on mine. Since my wolf refuses to make her presents known, I’ve had to resort back to my old ways of getting info.

Father had explained the vitals on how to read someone, and so far Jackson holds himself of the utmost high. If I didn’t know any better I’d say he was an Alpha. But the Alpha of the Green Wood pack, is not something to joke about. He’s been said to be evil, to have a way with making you tell every little lie and every fib. The power he holds is that of a war lord, using it freely is something he more often then not uses. Other sayings such as, he’s got a thousand woman at his beck and call, sort of give him a jack ass feel. However I didn’t really believe that one when I first heard it, so I’m guessing since it didn’t stick longer then a week it wasn’t set in stone.

The more popular one is he kills any intruders on his land, without so much as a second thought. This is why I was even more surprised his Beta let me leave, it was written in his eyes that he didn’t want to kill me. And maybe for the killing of a War bear I was shown some ligancy, but I wont know till I ask the Alpha himself. Which by standing I really have no intention of doing, for now though its best to gather as much Intel on the Green wood pack.

We took up seats in another garden, around the back side of the property. Jackson seemed to be glowing, from the last kiss I granted him. Something about him, made me feel safe. Less open to the world and the way it hurts people, like he could somehow make every last soul beg for me to forgive them. Our conversation again picked up, as we sat within finger distance.


“Would you care to go first?” He asked, crossing his ankles as they stretched out.

“And just what would I be going first at?” Trying my best, not to give away all my skeletons.

“I’ll be kind, start with something easy. Like a warm up if you will” The whiteness of his teeth, made me both intimidated and pleasured. Nodding I thought of something, a little less deep I could give him.

“My favorite color is, black” Turning a little to see his reaction.

“Black she says” Humming out the words.

“Yes, is that wrong?”

“Not at all, I just assumed a woman would like pinks, or purples.”

“Yes well I’m not like other woman.” If was if I said something magical, the look he gave me read the same as me. ‘how right you are’

“Alright, I suppose its my turn?” Not really asking, as he grinned.

“I like black as well” My fingers tapped the seat, as I was thinking he’d at least have a different color.

“Are you copying me?”

“Heavens no, I just really like that color” Gliding his hand through the air at his outfit.

“Very well, but there better not be anymore like mine” Giving him a stern frown, but it slipped a little as he cocked his head to the side.

“Or what?” The dangerous yet playful manor he was asking in, gave me goose bumps as I tried to come up with a suitable punishment.

“Or I’ll…tell your Alpha you were picking on a lady” My nose went up, like I was so mad I could of stormed off. The silent night air, carried all the way to us as he held my gave.

“You’ll rat me out to the Alpha?” Purring out the title.

“Yes, its not nice to patronizes a woman.” Letting my eyes land on his.

“I wouldn’t dream of it. Specially not to you” He was charming, I’d give him that. The deep hum that came out of me, as I thought it thought.


“Very well, I shall spare you his wrath. But you’ve been warned.” Waving my hand about. The deep laughter, had me smiling right along with him.

“How gracious of you”

“I thought so” Winking his way.

“Now then, how about you tell me a little more about yourself” Jackson, was poking for information. Perhaps he couldn’t pick up on my rank or fathers title. I wasn’t going to make this simple for him, cause I knew he wouldn’t make it simple for me.

“What would you like to know? Keep in mind, I shall be returning that very question” Nodding, he rolling his fingers close to mine as he thought of a question.

“Why were you running from your Alpha?”

Damn it…..I can’t use that for him…..

Deep smile lines had formed, as he watched me twist in my seat. He had effetely beaten me in my own quest to gather Intel. Sighing I had always been true to my word, but I wasn’t going to let the entire cat out of the bag.

“Alpha and I aren’t on good terms. He humiliated me when we were younger, and I haven’t forgave him for it.” There that should suffice.

“What did he do?” It seemed I had hit a nerve on the mighty Jackson, as he sat next to me his teeth were clenched. The tension was rising quickly, and I would need to defuse it fast.

“Its nothing you should become upset about, It was a long time ago, and its my problem.” Shrugging it off. It seemed to lower his mood, as he dropped his lips over his teeth.

“If you say so” Was all he said, before turning his gaze to the ground. My heart tugged a little, at the tough man who seemed to care about me…even if it was my imagination.

“Jackson” Bringing my voice up, his eyes turned back to me.


“Tell me about Green wood” Surly the man, had some info he would be willing to share with me. This way I could weed out the fake rumors with the real thing.

“What would you like to know?” His pleasant mood had once again returned, with a pat on my back I smiled at him.

“Anything really. If I am allowed into your pack, I’d like to more then what I’ve heard from the gossip girls.” Chuckling he nodded.

“Well Green wood is structured around a few things. Loyalty for one is a very big roll, Family is another one. The Alpha doesn’t have a family, so he tends to become….over protective of his pack.” Jackson seemed to watch me more closely over the family part.

“That’s a good thing” He nods.

“I think so, Family is important. Should you want your parents to join Green wood, I don’t see why he wouldn’t agree to it.” Shaking my head, I no better.

“My parents are to old to be moving once again, besides my father plays a big part in my pack. And my mother has way to many friends, she wouldn’t dream of leaving.” The prickling water in the back of my eyes, reminded me the I was nothing like my parents. They had friends and people who wanted them to stay in the pack, me on the other hand was just there. Not really part of the pack, but more like a spot taken up. For other reasons besides this, was why I wanted to enter under another pack. A protective arm snaked around my waist, pulling me the few inches to Jackson.

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