《Hadar #Watty2014》Chapter 7


Lacing my hands on her lower back, she seemed perfectly content pushing herself into me. Those slender finger twitched as she laced them together. She smelled like mint and lemons, something about the two worked for her.

“You look stunning” Having to lean down to her. The red blush darkened as she thanked me. Had this beauty never received a complement before. She looked about ready to pass out, and it worried me greatly. Not that I wouldn’t mind picking her up, and running out of here like the devil himself was licking at my boots. She needed some air, and I couldn’t agree more. Leaning against the railing, her grey eyes looked me over. It was rewarding to have her checking me out, without so much as a hindrance.

“Better?” I asked, hoping she wasn’t to upset we ended our dance.

“Much” Smiling ever so sweetly.

“You seem to lack, the excitement the other woman have for this?” Taking notes to watch her face, as she didn’t give off that her wolf was around. Kem had mentioned her wolf, seeming distant and was curious about it.

“I have a confession” Titling her head, in a playful manor.

“Oh?” God I was already hooked.

“I don’t care for these things, there more bothersome then enjoyable” Ohh thank god, someone else who feels my pain. Her giggle was cute, as I smiled looking her over once more.

“I’d have to agree with you Fina. These things aren’t my idea of a good time” Leaning against the railing with her, we watched everyone dance around. She started laughing, finding it a little odd I asked.

“Something funny?”

“I was just thinking” Turning to give me the full view of her swirling grays.

“Do tell?” Feeling the pull of her.

“How pissed would they be, if we pulled the fire alarm?” She’s something else, I wouldn’t of thought of that.

“I do believe they’d piss themselves” Chuckling as I watch her face, so full of amusement.

“Yes, but no one would be the wiser, as they would all be soaked.” Covering her mouth, laughing though it. I so wanted to remove her hand, letting her laugher spill over me.

“Very true” Humming as I looked at the people.

“So Jackson, what pack are you and Kem from?” Now I was worried, if the pack name was enough to scare her it would be all over.

“Where from Green wood” I watched as she gulped. Not a good sign.

“Are you scared of me now?” Feeling scared of her answer.

“No, but I heard your Alpha was a hard ass.” Smiling at least she’s not scared.

“That he is” Keeping my rep in tack.

“Your territory is right up against the Dark forest, is it not?” Nodding I pulled myself onto the railing.

“It is, but there isn’t anything to fear from the Dark forest”

“Ha tell that to our elders” Scoffing, I took her hand. Their so much smaller, and softer then mine.

“Are you always this blunt about things?” Leaning a little closer to her.

“I try to be”

“How do you like being in the River Stone pack?” I watched as her face wrinkled, and she seemed to be thinking of the best answer.

“Honestly?” Raising her eyebrow.


“Would you have it any other way?” She smiled shaking her head.

“I don’t want to be there anymore, I mean my parents are there. But I don’t feel like its my home.” Her hand roamed though her dark curls, making me envious.

“Why not join another pack?” Watching her expression, she shrugged.

“Never gave it much thought, besides I heard there is a lot of paperwork for a unmated new member. Its possible I wouldn’t be excepted.” At least she knew about the laws, perhaps her father was a councilman. Nah! That didn’t seem like her style.

“I could fix that” Watching as her face lights up. I could get use to that.

“Huh? How?”

“The Alpha is a hard ass, but he’d agree to have you” Dropping down, standing as close as I could to her.

“Really?” Hopping up and down, which was distracting as her breasts did the same.

“Yes, I can speak with him for you if you like?” Cause you can’t find out its me.

“Please, I’d really love that” Her arms wrap around my neck, causing me to feel paralyzed. Her warm body pushed into mine, creates a different kind of feeling as I smell her hair hugging her back.

“Oh, I’m so sorry. That was rude” She’s blushing as she bites her lower lip.

How I wish she’d of stayed like that……

“No worries, its not everyday, I get hugged by a stunning angel.” Her cheeks darken, as she nods.

“Mr. Jackson, I believe your trying to flirt with me” Fluttering her lashes, I give in to the smile I’ve been holding.

“Is that what I made you believe?” She nods.

“Well, then I guess I’ve been caught red handed.” Holding my arms out, like she should cuff them.

“Sorry left my cuffs back in my cop outfit” winking at me.

Well I’ll be a monkeys uncle, this little thing has some play in her. Its almost a forgone conclusion, that she’s gotten me out of my tight nit shell. Most of the time I work, or train. Never bothering with life’s simple pleasures, such as spending time with a woman. Fina has a spirit, unlike any other I have come in contact with. However in the back of my mind, I know that once she finds out who I am its all over with. Her playful manors will vanish like the waters in the desert, along with her.

This will prove to be a challenge for me, if she is to move into my pack. There isn’t a fear of anyone from my pack, telling her who I am. But more a less her hearing it from a different pack is more of what I fear. Being told you were never going to find a mate, doesn’t make your mood swings any less delightful. When your dying father, reminds you that your fate is sealed in stone. You tend to get a little bitter, and bitter I became.

I have mellowed out some, in my years but its nothing like it should be. However I suppose being the hard ass as she likes to put it, does do something to keep my pack safer then most. We almost never have attacks, except for the occasional War bear. But even they have show less of themselves, in my neck of the dark woods. Resting our homes in the clearing that lies in the center for the dark woods, has proved to keep unwanted company away. However not all unwanted company understand the meaning of this.


Alpha Serge would be one of those men, he’s a friend yes. But never the less, he is a pain. Always barging in, asking for favors and such. The man doesn’t know the meaning of self-preservation. It never sissies to amaze me, the lengths this man will go in order to have his every whim met. As if I’ve said his name to many times, he makes his grand entrance onto the balcony. Thinking quickly on my feet, I move to his side.

“Serge.” Laying a hand on his shoulder, making him spin around.

“What’s this about?” Giving me an unknowing look.

“Do not use my title or first name, Jackson is safe” Patting him on the back. His eyes widen, till he takes a gander at the little angel.

“Aww, right” Winking at me. I feel like I should slap him, but I’d have to explain my actions.

“Fina this is Alpha Serge”

“Hello” Giving her winning smile.

“The pleasure is all mine” Taking her hand, he kisses it. I’d say she’s more then shocked, buy his gesture.

“Jackson, where have you been hiding this lovely flower?” I swear if this wasn’t for a good reason, I’d punch him in the face.

“He hasn’t been hiding me anywhere, perhaps you just weren’t looking hard enough” She coos. Serge has been rendered speechless, making me all the more proud of my first thoughts of her. Sticking my hand out to her, she bows to him taking my hand.

“That was very gutsy” I point out.

“Not really.” Heading to the food tables.

“Then what would you consider gutsy?” Picking up a cracker, as she pours herself some punch.

“Are you digging for info, Mr. Jackson?” Sipping the red punch.

“Perhaps, will you be so kind to grant me my request?” Popping the cracker into my mouth.

“That all depends on you” she hums. Oh so were playing that game, alright.

“And what would you like to know?” Taking another cracker, this time with cheese.

“Why is everyone looking at you?” Choking on the cracker, my eyes fly over the crowed, as they watch carefully. Shit.

“Perhaps, because of the rank I hold” Wow really I shouldn’t of opened that flood gate.

“Oh? And just what rank are you?” Sipping the punch again.

“May me discuss this outside” Taking another look around.

“If you feel less threatened that way, sure”

If this wasn’t part of my master plan, I’d of snapped at her for challenging me. But that would rune everything, and as of right now its not as bothersome for her to think of me as I lower rank. At least for the time being, but I see her being a little more open with me as is. And if I am to get to know the real her, this needs to stay silent.

“It has nothing to do with feeling threatened love, just none of anyone’s business” Guiding her out, but not before tossing a menacing glare around the room. Watching as the room turns into a crowd of mice, is more enjoyable then watching the super bowl. Walking with her down the stairs, she stiffens at the sight of her Alpha. To my surprise she tucks herself, under my arm tying to make herself almost invisible. My first thoughts are, what the hell has he done to this beauty. Then if no sooner I feel protective over her, wondering how I should destroy him for making her cower like this.

His arm is looped around, what could be his mate. The young Alpha isn’t much of a Alpha to being with. Receiving the tile because his father wanted to go away, with his mate. Giving him no rights in my mind, and even less with the way Fina is looking. The long red curtains, draped on the sides of the wall. Her fingers grip tighter as he nears us, taking another look at her. I see a raging ocean of emotions, fear, anger, hate. With my mind made up, I push her into the middle of the curtains.

Her eyes look up, then shoot to him. Biting her under lip, she turns back to me. Grabbing my collar pulling me to her, red stained lips push on mine. Bracing myself helping block her from his view, she pulls more. His foot steps slow, as he tried to see who I have. But like any good Alpha, I’m not about to give in that easily. Growling from the side, I warn him to move along. He does so, shifting my weight to the other side as I hold her frame to me. Keeping one eye on him, as he rounds the top step. Her hot breath laced with punch, tickles my nose as I look down at her.

Big grey eyes look for a reaction, as I slip my hand behind her back. Making sure not to crush her wings, the red fabric hands to the sides making her look even more like a fallen angel.

“Thank you” She whispers, blushing the same color as the curtains. Shaking my head, I lean a little closer.

“I’d rather you thank me with another kiss” Watching as she, smiles. Her toes push up, as her lips come to mine. The sweetness of her, is superb. Feeling more like a hormonal teenager, then a adult Alpha I beg her for more. Nipping at my lip, she giggles into my mouth. Again I beg, pleading with her to allow me more. This time she allows me access, being a little to eager I push into her. Causing a gasp and moan at the same time, gripping her back I hold her to me.

She doesn’t pull away, as I tighten my grip. Instead her fingers run up my chest, making their way to my hair. Groaning into her soft lips, I feel her smirk. Devilish woman she is. My wolf has perked up since meeting her, but as of right now he’s begging to get out. Pulling away from me, I stifle the whimper. Those damn eyes have darkened a little, in the heat of things.

“Don’t think I’m easy, cause I’m not” she snorts, dipping under my arms and walking down the stairs. Pulling at my collar, I growl.

“Wouldn’t dream of it” Jogging down after her.

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