《Hadar #Watty2014》Chapter 4



I had been hanging around Fina, for a few weeks. She avoided me like the plague, I knew why but still she should have some kind of attachment towards me. But there was nothing, she didn’t bother to speak to me, or even acknowledge my very presents. It was infuriating, when I had managed to get into the car with her she seemed utterly annoyed.

I had been wanting to pick Mari Ann a birthday gift, and had found something online I thought she’d love. Holding in the car, Fina made no notion she even cared. It hurt like really hurt, she wasn’t even getting mad. Nothing it was like she didn’t have any feelings towards me. I tried to help her with the items, but she brushed me aside. As if I weren’t good enough to help her, I wanted as she did everything by herself. The slamming door, was enough to crack my heart.

As a few weeks went on, I had announced to my parents I was going to marry Mari Ann. They wanted to through a party, as much as I didn’t want one Mari said it was a great idea. I agreed to make her happy, but my mind went to Fina. How would she take it, was she even going to show. The party was set up, and my father announced his handing down the title. Fine had showed, and I was blissfully pleased to see her. She was stunning, wearing a pair of tight jeans and a silk top that made her grey eyes pop. But she wasn’t looking at me as much as I had hoped, instead she found her jeans more interesting.

As every clapped, I didn’t see her till the very end. She was leaving, I panicked and decided to tell everyone now about my choice for Beta and Enforcer. I wanted to tell her alone, but she was leaving again. As I said her name she spun around, walking straight to me. My heart pounded as she made a graceful entrance, and just like that she lowered her head. The words she spoke will never leave my mind.


“Forgive me Alpha, but I must humbly deny” The pack gasped, as I stared at the top of her head. Why….why was she denying such a good thing. I needed her near me, wolf was still pissed off that I rejected her. With her being my enforcer, I was insuring she would have to speak to me at least once a day.

“What?” Shocked, as she kept her head bowed.

“I am not fit to by your Enforcer, my father is much more qualified.” That wasn’t true, her father had pushed her into being the best enforcer.

“Fina you are more…” But she stopped me.

“I again humbly deny Alpha” Her saying my title, was a slap in the face. Her eyes lifted showing off the sparkling grays, before she turned around and left. Why, she could have had everything. I would of seen to that, she would be taken care of. My father settled everyone down, before calling her father up. He bowed excepting the title, but his face looked pained. After we finished up, I lied to Mari and headed out to look for Fina. I tried her house, her favorite spot even asked the older teens if they had seen her. But she was gone, I tried linking to her but it was jammed shut.

The bond we had was holding on by a thread, and even that wasn’t letting me know where she was. Her wolf wasn’t talking to mine, and he started to whine. The few who knew about me rejecting her, had been sworn to secrecy. So not even her parents would know, and her pride was great so I didn’t think she’d tell them. Standing outside her house, I sat down on the steps hoping to speak with her.


I went for a long walk, one I didn’t want to end. That good for nothing moron, who does he think he is. Did he really think he could have Mari as his mate, and just string me alone like a puppet. I have feels, and needs you can’t do that to someone. Its so wrong, this was just one nightmare after another. When was it going to end? When would I finally be free of his stupidity? On our land is a high ridge, it over looks vast lands. Standing up there I wished I could fly, to just jump and glide like a bird.


The once green trees were starting to turn, bright yellows and oranges with a splash of red. Sitting down letting the wind, pull at my hair. The fresh clean smell, was blissful as was the silence. No noise, just the wind. Soon the royal family would hold, their annual ball. It was to get all the packs together, some found their mates while others got in touch. I use to like it, but now it was just going to pour more salt into open wounds.

The Halloween ball was in full swing, as my mother ran around like a chicken with her head cut off. My father was groaned about having to go, and I sympathized with him.

“Do I have to go?” I whined for the third time.

“Yes, you loved it last year” she hummed as she added another stitch to my outfit.

Yea that’s because I didn’t know my ex mate was a douche….

“I don’t feel like it” Pouting, taking a look at my father who was silently nodding.

“Your both going, and that’s final” He groaned together. Finally my father and I had something in common.

“Fine, but I’m stuffing my purse with crab” Puffing out my cheeks. My father leaned over to me.

“Grab me a lobster” I nodded, while my mother growled.

“Well I have to be going, Alpha needs me” He gave me a look, that was pained. But I shrugged.

“Sucks to be you” I said plainly. Huffing a little, he grabbed his jacket before kissing my mom, leaving us to talk.

“Why did you want to go as a fallen angel?” My mother asked, adding another black feather to the wings.

“Because” Shrugging.

Its what I feel like……

She let it go, as she continued. The shiny leather skirt, hung just past my ass. While my long almost knee high boots, held three large straps. I went with little wings, so they wouldn’t get in the way. Black wrist covers, slipped on, with the tight fitting corset gave me just enough curves. Frowning my mother, gave in.

“I’ll never understand you Fina” She said as she changed into her, outfit of a princess.

“That’s fine” I mumbled, heading out the door. Father would go with a few other members, after they patrolled the boarders. Waiting outside, mom soon came out all excited. Driving us to the large estate, our doors were opened and the car parked. It was decorated in all the fixings, spooky window décor. Fake spider webs, and array of food items that were posing as fake brains, guts and bugs. Leaving my mother to chat with some of the other ladies, I grabbed a cup filling it with punch. His smell caught me, and I snapped my neck around.

“Oh shit” Whispering as I saw Jex, trying to come my way. He was dressed as a prince, and I could only assume Mari was dressed as his princess. Sucking the last bit of the cup, I tossed it into a trash can before scooting past a man dressed as a horse. Making my way around a couple who were, posing as the Flintstones I entered the balcony. Looking over my shoulder I could see him, looking around still headed my way. Growling I grabbed the railing, tossing my body over the side.

As my feet his the earth, I pushed my back against the wall. His smell was strong, as I looked up seeing his hands gripping the railing. Looking over the court yard, he sighed going back inside.

Letting out a breath, walking out into the open court yard. No sense in going back inside, he’d just try again. I don’t know what he thought he was going to say to me, but I didn’t think any of what he could say would make a damn difference. Heading to the pond where a concrete bench sat, I took it up grabbing a rock or two. Skipping them across the pond, trying to get more then the last number of skips.

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