《Lucky Number》3
Tom was deep in thought, worrying about how the evening would go. You got along so well over the phone, but what if there was no chemistry? What if you got to know him, and hated him? Would you have much in common? His thoughts were unending as he studied the candle's flame, trying to focus on that instead of the whirling storm in his mind. A sudden noise pulled him back to reality, and he looked up. His jaw dropped, his breathing faltered.
The most incredible eyes stared back at him from across the room. They were y/e/c, and Tom swore he'd never seen anything so stunning. Tom couldn't pull his eyes away from yours, he was captivated. You radiated beauty with every ounce of your being and a small smile blossomed on your face—the cutest fucking smile. Tom blinked in awe and was finally able to tear his eyes away from your face to take in the rest of you. You were wearing a deep blue dress that looked like it was made just for you, hugging your curves in all the right places. As Tom drank in the sight of you, he realized you had said something to him but he had no clue what. He stared blankly at you for a second still in a daze, then smiled sheepishly.
"Sorry, what'd you say? I was distracted..."
You cocked your head, "Distracted...?"
He let out a single laugh, eyes glinting in the candlelight. "I just wasn't prepared for you to be so...breathtaking." His voice was breathy and slightly husky.
"Mmm? If anyone here is breathtaking, it would be you." You smiled coyly back at Tom while your insides fluttered uncontrollably.
He stood to meet you as you approached the table. "No, really...you look incredible. I've tried to imagine what you'd look like, and nothing my mind could come up with compares to seeing you in real life."
You felt your cheeks flush at the compliment. "Thank you, Tom. And thank you for the flowers—they're lovely."
"My pleasure." He pulled out the chair for you to sit. "I wasn't sure what kind of flowers you like, so I'm glad they're ok."
You gazed adoringly at Tom. "They're the nicest flowers I've ever received...and for future reference, my favorite are [your favorite flower]."
He chuckled as he sat back down across from you. "I'll be sure to remember that."
A waiter appeared to fill your wine glass and placed a basket of bread on the table.
"So...." You tried to think of something to talk about, but couldn't think of a "safe" topic. You had so many questions...Tom was a famous celebrity, and you'd always been fascinated by celebrity culture and lifestyle. But he'd made it clear he wanted to be normal, and you made him feel normal. So starting your date off by quizzing him about his his life as a movie star was probably not the way to go.
"So..." Tom copied your tone of voice, teasing you.
You rolled your eyes at him and grabbed a piece of bread.
"Damn. It's so nice to get to see you actually roll your eyes instead of seeing the fuckin emoji."
"Yeah well, you'd better get used to it, because you'll be seeing it a lot. I'm sure the novelty of it will wear off soon enough."
His smile widened, crinkles appearing around his eyes. How adorable can he be??
Tom began asking you all about yourself, wanting to know about your childhood and family, favorites, stuff you hated, your hopes and dreams—everything. You prattled on and on about your life as you both ate. Tom hung on your every word, nodding and laughing at your stories. When desert arrived, you realized that you had talked practically the entire dinner, and suddenly felt a wave of embarrassment wash over you.
"Oh my God...I've been talking so much. I'm so sorry. Fuckkk." You sunk your head into your hands to hide.
"Don't hide your face, darling—I love hearing you talk. I told you that already. You're way more interesting than me!"
You peeked up at him through your fingers to see his smiling face. You sat up straight again, mostly recovered from the embarrassment. "No, no, no..." You waved your fork at him. "It's your turn now. I'm done talking for the night." You crossed your arms resolutely.
Tom raised his eyebrows, a slight smirk on his face. "Well I can think of something that doesn't require any talking..."
The look in Tom's eyes made your heart skip a beat. "Someone's eager, aren't they? Do you need more water?...you seem a bit thirsty." You lightly bit your bottom lip, teasing Tom.
Tom's jaw clenched, eyes on your mouth. "Hard not to be with you looking like that." His voice had a slight edge to it.
"Hmm well I might have to see what I can do to quench your thirst. But, too bad for you, I'm not done with my dessert yet, so you'll just have to wait." You took a small bite of your dessert. "Now, it's your turn to talk..."
Tom readjusted in his seat, sighing slightly. "If you insist...so what do you wanna know?"
With dinner finished, Tom led you back to the hallway leading out to the alley. You stood with him just inside the door: his face inches from yours, eyes locked in wonder. The inkiness of night had somehow seeped into morning pastels without either of you realizing, but after hours and hours that felt like fleeting moments—and although you could hardly keep your eyes open—you weren't ready to retreat back to real life. Because tonight hadn't been real, you were convinced of that much. Staring into his doe eyes, all you could think was how lovely this dream had been. Perfect, in fact. Every glance, every smile, every second.... absolutely perfect.
Tom's gaze lingered on your lips before flicking up to meet your eyes again; he raised a hand to cup your face tenderly, his thumb lightly brushing your bottom lip. "So beautiful," he murmured.
Tom leaned in slowly towards you, electricity coursed through your veins. Details bled into each other as Tom closed the short distance between your faces. Just before his lips met yours, he lifted your chin slightly, pausing to gauge your reaction.
Your heart fluttered as thousands of butterflies took flight. Your eyes closed briefly, savoring the moment. What a wonderful dream this is. And even though this dream would surely end as soon as your lips touched—why do dreams always seem to end at the best part?—you couldn't wait a second longer. Eyes locked with his, breathy words escaped your longing thoughts, "kiss me."
And without hesitation, his lips pressed gently against yours, for the sweetest kiss anyone had ever experienced. Shooting stars flashed across your closed eyelids, and when Tom pulled away ever so slightly a few seconds later, your eyes stayed closed, unwilling to let the dream end. Lips hovering millimeters apart, your breaths became one.
Gradually, your eyes opened to meet Tom's. Your heart pounded as his eyes darkened with desire. The hunger overpowered everything else, and like magnets, your lips clashed together fervently. Your hands instinctively found their way to his neck, fingers tangling in the curls at his nape. Neediness overwhelmed your senses as you explored and tasted each other, intoxicated by his touch. You needed to be closer, to feel him against you as the kiss lost all pretenses of innocence. Tom pressed into you, causing you to stumble backwards into the wall. Flesh against each other, you felt every contour of his firm body; his strong arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer, closer, but it wasn't enough—nothing ever would be. His mouth devoured yours, biting your bottom lip and trailing hot kisses across your jaw.
You suddenly found yourself separated from Tom. Unsure of what had just happened, you blinked in surprise, your breathing ragged. "D-did I do something wrong?" You stuttered as your chest rose and fell rapidly, unable to catch your breath.
Tom watched intensely from a foot away, eyes dark, breathing heavily. His voice was husky when he finally spoke. "The opposite..."
You stared questioningly, brows knitted together. "So, why then?"
He glanced away and shifted his weight, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "If we carried on any longer..." He licked his lower lip as his stare darted to your lips. "I just, I dunno...I don't want to rush this, and the way we were headed...Your lips are too addicting." He ran a hand through his hair, eyes locked on your lips. "God...You gotta stop doing that...biting your lip..."
"Oh, sorry." You giggled breathily as your hand touched your lip automatically.
He shook his head slightly with a half smile tugging at his mouth. "How can you be so damn sexy?" He drank in your appearance as you stood, still leaning against the wall. Letting out a rough sigh, Tom grabbed your hand. "C'mon, darling."
He pulled you through the door and out into the alley. The black SUV was parked in the same spot, and Tom helped you climb into it. He got in beside you, his hand resting on your thigh. As he said hello to the driver, his thumb absentmindedly stroked your bare skin, sending shivers across your body.
"You cold?"
"Mmhm..." You smiled gently at him, not wanting to let on what his simple touch could do to you.
He slung his arm around your shoulders, pulling you into him and kissing the top of your head. "Better?" He whispered gently.
"Perfect." And it was.
You and Tom never had the "what are we" conversation. You fit together so well that there was never any doubt for either of you. It was just understood that after your first date, you were together. Plain and simple. Tom was in New York for a couple more weeks finishing up some press, and you never went a day without seeing each other, usually just hanging out at his hotel or at your apartment. It was always somewhere private, away from paparazzi and the public's prying eyes. Tom explained how difficult dating and being in a relationship was when you were famous—although he hated using that word, rolling his eyes every time he said it. You mutually agreed that keeping everything on the dl was definitely for the best. Neither of you were ready for that kind of pressure or to make it that official. You were into each other and seeing where it went. That was enough for now.
So it was cozy movie marathons cuddled up on the couch, heated game nights, and binge sessions featuring massive amounts of take-out. You were happy, and Tom was so good for you. No matter how tired he was from interview junkets or photo shoots, he always asked about your day, listening to your rants about work and family, and made an effort to make you feel special (always succeeding of course). You were quickly learning that dating Tom meant little surprises and cute random texts that never failed to make your heart burst. He'd had your favorite flowers delivered to work, brought chocolate to your apartment late one night when you'd had a rough day, and ordered bath bombs when he learned you never bought them for yourself because you couldn't justify spending the money on such frivolous things despite loving them. He would text you every time something reminded him of you and write little notes on scraps of paper, sticking them in random places for you to find like your wallet or your bedside table. It was such a change from all your previous relationships, and you couldn't get used to feeling so taken care of. This bubble you were living in couldn't get any better.
Soon though, reality set in, effectively popping your perfect bubble. Once Tom finished press, he had to immediately jet off to Atlanta to film for three months. It was hard to believe how close you'd gotten over just a few weeks and having to face the reality of his chaotic life wasn't welcome.
In your mind you knew you shouldn't be clingy and just pretend you were ok with it—you'd only been dating a few weeks after all, like calm down girl—but no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't keep the emotions from your face, and when Tom saw you were upset, he always got you to tell him what was the matter.
"Darling, we'll still be able to talk on the phone and FaceTime...plus I'll be texting you every chance I get. Three months will fly by—you'll see." He traced circles on your back lightly.
You sniffled, trying to keep your tears from becoming sobs. "I know, Tommy, but it won't be the same. I'll miss holding your hand and cuddling and kissing you and," you burrowed your face into his chest, "No way three months is gonna fly by...at least not for me. I'll be stuck here while you're off having new experiences and being so busy filming."
He stroked your hair comfortingly. "I promise it'll be ok, love." Pressing a quick kiss to the top of your head, he then lifted your chin so you stared up at him. "I'm so happy life pushed us together...never woulda thought a text could change my life so fuckin much." He gave you the sweetest smile.
You felt your cheeks heat. "I'm just thankful it was me and not some other random bitch," you giggled with a few sniffles mixed in. "I'm never gonna change my phone number... I've got a lucky number."
"Your phone number may be lucky, but I'm the truly lucky one to have stumbled into your life, and even if..." His sentence dwindled away as a blush tinted his cheeks. Tom shook his head and ruffled his curls as he continued shyly. "...if it had been anyone else but you...I definitely wouldn't be falling in love like I am right now." His eyes wouldn't maintain eye contact with you, as if he was nervous of your reaction.
Had your imagination totally just fabricated this conversation?? Tom hadn't really just said that. Your brain was playing tricks on you—the fuck??
You blinked slowly, trying to understand. "S-sorry, what'd you just say?"
He stared deeply into your eyes, no hint of embarrassment anymore. "I was telling you that I'm falling in love with you."
You gasped. "I didn't imagine that??" You were suddenly out of breath. "This is real life?"
He chuckled at you and kissed your nose lightly. "Yes, this is real life. Although, I wouldn't be surprised if I'm actually dreaming right now. You're far too perfect to be dating me." Tom grinned back at you with a twinkle in his eye. "Watch, I'll wake up any second now—" He pinched himself dramatically, miming surprise when nothing happened. "Whaa?? Guess I'm not dreaming after all..."
You rolled your eyes at your ridiculous boyfriend, but inside, your heart was bursting. "I'm falling in love with you too, Tom. And I'm still not convinced this isn't a dream..."
The weeks dragged by once Tom left for Atlanta. You were constantly talking with each other, just like he'd promised, but it was never enough. You craved being with him in person, but for now, FaceTime would have to suffice. Except on the days when he had a night shoot, Tom FaceTimed you for hours after you were both done with work.
"Baaabe, you look exhausted...you should really go to sleep—you've had a long day."
Tom's eyes drooped as he fought to stay awake. At your words, his lids shot open with renewed energy. "I'm not tired! I wanna talk to youuuuu."
"I wanna talk to you too, Tom, but—" He stifled a yawn, attempting to hide it from you. Your voice darkened with concern. "—you're practically falling asleep as we speak. You've got to get some sleep. You'll regret staying up to talk to me tomorrow at 5 am..." Trying to talk reason into Tom was usually pointless, the boy was so stubborn, but it was always worth a shot.
"I'd never regret talking to you, and honestly, I'm not t-ti-tired..." His yawn betrayed him, and he scowled at your smug 'I told you so' face. "Fine. Maybe I'm a bit tired, but I'd much rather talk to you than sleep. I've barely spoken to you all day. Tell me about your day, please??" He broke out the puppy eyes, pouting slightly.
You tried to keep a straight face, but your mouth twitched, finally giving way to a fit of giggles. "Tom, not fair! You know I can't say no when you do that—it's cheating!"
"Not cheating!" He protested adamantly. "I just know how to use my skills to my advantage. It's not my fault you're weak when it comes to my boundless charm."
You snorted, rolling your eyes. "So true, Thomas, so true. You simply ooze charm...how could a weak woman like myself ever dream of resisting you?"
"You can't." He winked with a devilish grin. "So, now that we both agree on how irresistible I am, tell me about your day, and don't leave out a single detail."
This routine carried on the entire time Tom was filming. You always tried to talk him into going to sleep (selfishly hoping he wouldn't) because there wasn't a single day that he wasn't drop dead exhausted. Filming took so much from him, mentally, physically, and emotionally. You hated to be the reason he was even more tired than necessary, but more often than not, he couldn't be convinced to sleep until you'd talked on the phone or FaceTimed for at least a couple hours. A lot of the time, he would accidentally doze off while on the phone with you. You'd be in the middle of telling a story, and you'd see his head bob slowly down, down, down until it was lolled off to the side, mouth gaping open. Although it meant Tom was beyond tired, you couldn't help but love when it happened. It reminded you that even though hundreds of miles separated you, he would still give anything—even a decent night's sleep—to spend a few more minutes with you. It was an added bonus that this meant you could curl up next to your phone and pretend he was there beside you, his gentle sleep sounds filling your ear. Moments like these filled you with melancholy—so content to share it with Tom, but longing to actually be with him, to fall asleep in his arms.
You'd imagine being reunited and how wonderful it would be to finally share those moments again in person. But then, you'd remember that it would always be like this. He'd never truly be yours alone; his life would never be ordinary. There would always be another film or the next project to promote. This was how a life with Tom would be. Never in the same place for long, always missing him. You had to figure out if he was worth all of this. You wanted to believe he was, but really, you'd only been together a few months—most of that time long distance! Before Tom, you never would have agreed to long distance this early in a relationship, but with Tom, everything seemed so focused, so obvious from the start. You were meant to be together from that first text, and what was a bit of distance when it was fate?
But still, at the back of your head, there was a little voice trying to make you see reason. Did you really want to spend your life missing him? Being together in person was such a big part of any relationship, and knowing that it wasn't just a temporary thing, that the distance and time apart would always be an obstacle, could you really handle it? Was Tom really what you wanted? You felt in your heart that, yes, he was definitely what you wanted, but you also tried to keep yourself grounded. Just see where the relationship went...no need to put so much pressure on it this early.
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