《Two siblings, one friend and a baby》Part 24


I slowly walked into the flat. I couldn't believe this was happen. I walked into the living room and Harry and Sam were watching TV while Elysia cooked. "Y/n, are you okay?" Harry asked concerned. I didn't answer. I was still processing what Tom had said. "Y/n? Hello?" Harry had got up and was waving his hand in my face. "Oh sorry. Yeah I'm fine. Just tired" I lied. "It looks like you've seen a ghost" Sam laughed. "If I did I would be a million miles away from here" I said forcing a smile. "Tom and Harrison are coming home tomorrow" I said trying to sound cheery. "So early?" Harry asked. "Yeah. They finished filming early. Mum and Dad have invited all of us over for tea tomorrow to celebrate" I said. "That's nice! Count us in!" Sam smiled. "Is Elysia in the kitchen?" I asked suddenly. "Yeah why?" Harry asked. I quickly ran in the kitchen and shut the door.

"Elysia I need to tell you something but you've got to promise not to tell Sam or Harry" I said starting to panicking. "Y/n. What's wrong?" She asked starting to worry. "Tom just told me he loved me" I blurted out. "WHAT!" She shouted. "Is everything okay?" Harry said barging in. "Yeah yeah fine. Um could you and Sam be darlings and go and buy some ice cream for dessert please?" She asked Harry. "Elysia we have ice cream in the fre..." Harry started but got cut off. "Just do it please" she sternly said. "Okay. SAM! WE'RE OFF TO THE SHOPS!" He shouted down the hallway. "WHY?" Sam shouted back. "WE HAVE TO GET ICE CREAM BUT THEY JUST WANT US OUT SO THEY CAN TALK GIRL STUFF" he shouted back. "HARRY!" Elysia and I both shouted. "Okay okay we're going" Harry rolled his eyes as they walked out the door.


"Elysia I don't know what to do!". At this point I was pacing up and down the kitchen with my hands in my head. "Do you love him?" She asked. "Pardon?". "Do you love him?". I sat down at the table and sighed. "Yes" I whispered. "I have done since we met but I couldn't tell him because of Harrison" I put my head on the table. "Tell him you feel the same" she said sitting down across from me. "Oh god Harrison is going to kill me" I groaned. "I won't let him. If he loves you, he'll want you to be happy". She reached her hand across the table and held mine. "Thank you" I managed to say. "WE'RE BACK!" Sam shouted as he was walking in the door. Elysia and I got up and hugged and went into the living room. I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. "Finally! I need ice cream!". I reached for the tub but Sam pulled it away. "Not until after dinner missy" he tutted wagging his finger. "Pleeaasseee" you begged. "Nope" he smiled and walked into the kitchen. I put on my pouty face to Harry. "Pweesse" you fake sobbed. "No y/n" he laughed. "Okay fine" you laughed with him and helped set the table.

-The Next Day-

"Can you see them?" I asked Nikki as I stood on my tip toes trying to look above the crowd. "Not ye... Yep there they are!" She beamed. When I saw them, I started running (as best as I could) and jumped into Harrison's arm. "I've missed you so much" he said dropping his bags and hugging me back. He stood back and looked at me. "Jesus, you are huge!" He gasped. "Thanks Haz. Missed you too" I grinned hugging him slightly. Nikki had come over and was hugging Tom. Once they pulled away, Tom came over to me. "Hi" He said as normal as possible as he hugged me. "I've missed you so much y/n" he smiled. Now was the time. "I love you too" I whispered in his ear. I felt his breathing become heavier and his grip become tighter. We pulled away and acted like everything was normal.


Harrison and Tom sat in the back while I sat in the front with Nikki. There were glances between Tom and I in the mirror with a few smiles too. When we got to the flat, we unloaded Harrison's bags. "I'm just going to nip over to Mum's. Are you coming?" Harrison said turning to me. "I still have to make a dessert for tonight so I'll stay and do that" I replied. "I'll help you" Tom quickly said. Harrison gave us a weird look. "Okay... I'll see you later". As soon as the door closed, Tom turned you around and smacked his lips against yours. "I've always wanted to do that" he said not breaking the kiss. "Same here" I replied. He gently pushed me up against the wall not breaking the kiss at all. "FUCKING FINALLY!". We heard someone shout. We quickly turn to see Harrison stood there. "Oh my god, Haz I'm so s..." I started to say but he cut me off by hugging me. "Do you know how long I've been waiting for this?" He said. "Eh?" I confusingly asked. "There has always been sexual tension between you two. I can't believe it has taken you two 18 years and 8 months into your pregnancy to actually do something" he laughed. "So you're okay with it?" Tom asked. "Yeah of course! Just treat her right and keep her and the baby safe" Harrison said hugging Tom. "Right I'm off again, I only came back to get my phone. I didn't expect to walk in on an R-rated movie" he laughed. You smacked his arm. "You can carry on now" he winked walking out the door. "Are you okay with this? I mean the whole baggage. Me and the baby?" I asked Tom seriously.

He walked over to me and took my hands in his. "Y/n, I wouldn't of told you otherwise. I want the whole baggage. I want to help you raise this child, I want to love this child and I will certainly be a great father to her if you will let me" He said with tears escaping my eyes. I took his hands out of mine and placed them on my stomach. "You are going to be an amazing father to her" I cried. I pulled him into a hug and we cried. Suddenly the door swung open. "Oh happy days!! They are finally together!!" Dom came bounding in. We pulled away and smiled. "Come on! Let's go and celebrate!" Dom smiled while walking out the door. "Guess we'll have to buy the dessert on the way" I laughed while Tom took my hand in his. We walked over to Mum's for dinner. This day couldn't get better.

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