《Two siblings, one friend and a baby》Part 23


I was in work by 6:30am the next morning, filling up the counter full of goodies that had been freshly baked early this morning and sorting out all of the tables for customers. "Good morning y/n" I heard Amy say as I was setting up the last table. "Good morning. How are you?" I said putting the cutlery down. "I'm good thank you. Yourself?" She asked. "Yeah good thank you. Mum, Dad and Charlotte surprised me last night by coming over". "Awh that's lovely!!" She said excitedly. "Yeah it is. They moved here too!". "What! And you didn't know?". "Nope. I'm happy because they want to help when the baby is born". I finished the table and waddled back behind the counter to sort the float out. "Wow. That's good! How's Tom and Harrison's getting on?" She asked putting her things away. "Yeah really good! They might be able to come home sooner than expected!" I cheered with happiness. "Amazing!" She answered. The door swung open and in came the first customer of the day. "Your finest bread please love" the women said. "Coming right up madam" I turned around and selected the best bread in town. "£1.50 Please" I said putting the bread into a bag. "Keep the change" the women smiled, walking out of the shop. "Thank you!".

Work went quicker than expected. I finished at 3pm. "See you tomorrow!" I smiled happily as I walked out the door. As soon as I got home, I found Sam, Elysia and Tessa snuggled up on the sofa. "So cute" I smiled walking past them. "Sorry y/n" Sam said quickly getting up. "Don't be. This is your home too!". He snuggled back down. Tessa came running over to me. "Hey girl". I rubbed her behind her ears. "Going for a shower" I shouted as I walked to my room. I closed the bathroom door and undressed. "God, I'm huge!" I thought as I looked at myself in the mirror.


Before it would of taken me 5-10 minutes to shower whereas now it takes me a good 30 minutes because it's hard to bend down. "Dammit" I muttered. I had dropped the conditioner on the floor, but because of my big belly, it was too much effort to get it. "Fuck it" I whispered while washing the shampoo out of my hair. A knock then came on the door. "Y/n are you okay? We heard a bang". It was Elysia. "Yeah I'm good thanks. Just dropped the conditioner". "Would you like me to get it?" She asked. "No all good thank you! I'm nearly finished!" I replied. "Okay!".

Finally, when I was finished, I got dressed and dried my hair. I grabbed my things. Harry was stood in the kitchen. "Alright y/n? How was work?" He asked with a mouth full of food. "Really good thanks! I'm off to Mum's. Are you lot coming?" I asked putting my coat on. "We've already seen the house" Sam piped up. "Oh okay! I'll cook tea when I'm back!" I said walking out the door. "No you won't! I will! Text me when you're coming home!" Elysia shouted. "Will do!". I shut the door and made my way to my parents. I had no idea where I was going so I rung Charlotte. "Okay, I see you!". I put the phone down.

"Wow" was all I could say when we finished the house tour. "It's bigger than the house in Australia" I exclaimed. "Well we wanted something bigger considering the family is growing" Mum smiled happily. I couldn't believe they had changed their mind. "Give me your hand" I said holding my hand out for Mum to take it. Once she gave it to me, I put in on my stomach. Little one was kicking. "She's having a party isn't she?" Mum laughed. "She's been having a party since I got up this morning" I replied moving in a different position. It was quite uncomfortable. "Oo" I flinched. "What's wrong?" Dad came rushing in. "Nothing, my phone is vibrating in my back pocket" I said laughing getting it. It was Harrison FaceTiming. "Good evening dearest brother. How are you?" I asked smiling. "Good morning dearest sister, I am good thank you. You?" He replied laughing. It was evening here and morning there so we also made fun of it. "You two are weird" Mum laughed. "Hiya Mum!" Harrison smiled widely. "Hi love. How's filming going?" She asked. "Yeah really well thank you!! We are back tomorrow! 2 months early! Anyway, I hear you have moved back permanently!" He said excitedly. "Yes we have! Would you like a quick house tour?" She asked. "Yes please!". "Okay! FaceTime me and I'll show you around!" Mum said pulling out her phone. "Okay!" Harrison said cutting off. "I'm going to go as Elysia is cooking dinner!" I said getting up slowly. "Okay love! How about all of you come for tea tomorrow to celebrate Tom and Harrison coming home? I'll invite Nikki, Dom and the others too?" She said. "Yeah that would be lovely! See you tomorrow!". I walked out the door when my phone started going off.


"Hey Tom! Are you okay?" I asked concerned.. He never called me. Only texted. "Yeah I'm good. Um...y/n I have to tell you something" Tom stammered. "Okay..." I replied stopping outside the flat. "I need to get this off my chest. Being away from you has been torture. I can't bare it any longer". "Tom, what's going on?" I said getting worried. "I...I love you y/n. I always have and I always will" he said. I stood stock still and I didn't know what to do or say. "Y/n, are you still there?" Tom asked worriedly. "Um...yeah" I stuttered. "Why tell me now. Why couldn't you tell me before?" I asked. "I was going to the day we left, but I bottled it" he replied sadly. "I got to go" I quickly said. "We come home tomorrow. Can we at least talk then?" He asked. "Yeah" I said and cut off. Did that seriously just happen? My best friend confessing he loves me.

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