《Two siblings, one friend and a baby》Part 14


I woke to a warm tongue licking my face. I opened my eyes to see Tessa laid on me. "Morning girl" I said stroking her. She snuggled down next to me and put her head and paws on my stomach. "Aww Tessa, are you protecting the baby?" Tom cooed at her. He went to touch my stomach but Tessa lifted her paw and patted his hand away. "I'd take that as a yes then" I laughed stroking and cooing over her. "Anyway, when did you arrive?" I said to Tom. "About an hour ago. Harrison had to go to an audition and he asked me if I would come over" Tom replied walking into the kitchen. "Shit, I forgot about that" I sadly said. I had been so wrapped up in my problems that I had forgot my brothers biggest audition. I quickly picked up my phone and texted him. Me: "Go and show them! You'll be amazing and if you don't get it then they are fools! Love you lots Bro and Uncle Haz! Xx". I laid there for a few more minutes.

About 10 minutes later, I managed to get out from Tessa's grip. "Tess, I need a wee" I laughed. She just put her paws over me more. I heard a bag rattling from the kitchen. Suddenly, Tessa ran off to see what it was. "Thank you!" I shouted to Tom. "You're welcome. Hurry as she's coming back" he said laughing. "Tessa get back here!" He shouted. I got off the sofa and went to my room. "Y/n! TESSA IS FOLLOWING YOU!" Tom shouted to me. "OKAY" I shouted. Within that, my door swung open and Tessa appeared. She jumped on my bed and curled up. "Why are you so cute?" I said stroking her behind her ears. My phone then buzzed. It was Harrison. Big bro: "Thank you y/n! I've just finished!! I'm on my way home!! Will be about an hour and half. Love you both loads too! Xx".


I got dressed and went back down stairs. Unsurprisingly, Tessa followed me. I was happy that she knew something was going to change. I walked into the kitchen to get some breakfast. "Tooommm! Do you fancy a fry up?" I shouted to him. He was in the living room watching The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. I had got him into that a few months before hand and he said he hated it but he secretly loved it. "Is there hash browns involved?" He shouted back. "Of course" I said sarcastically. "Then Yes please! I'll help you" He said walking into the kitchen. "Seriously, why can't they just get along" he said laughing. "Well there wouldn't be a programme if they did would there?" I said getting everything ready. "True true" he said getting the plates out. "I still hate it though" he said giving me the look. "Yeah yeah" I said winking at him.

Tessa stayed by my side the whole time while we cooked. "This smells amazing!" Tom said sniffing the air. I just laughed and carried on cooking. Mum had messaged me apologising. I said I forgave her, though I didn't really, and that I didn't want to talk about it anymore. She didn't have to come over or do anything, I just wanted her to support me. I knew she was against it but the damage was done now and to be honest, I wouldn't change it for the world. "Finally I can eat!" I spoke widening my eyes. Tom had just finished plating up but I couldn't wait, so I started eating while walking to the table. Tom laughed and just followed me. "What! I'm hungry!" I said replying to his laughter. "I ain't saying nothing" he said putting his hands up. "Come on" I said holding a fork full of beans. "You wouldn't dare" he said narrowing his eyes. "Watch me" I glared. As I said that, I flicked the beans and they went all over him. "Oh your on Osterfield" Tom said grabbing a piece of buttered toast and throwing it at me. Before we knew it, it turned into a food fight. "What in gods name is going on here?!" I heard Harrison gasp as he walked through the door.

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