《Two siblings, one friend and a baby》Part 13


When we got to the Holland's house, I ran inside and took my phone out. "What are you doing?" Harrison said as he walked in after me. I didn't reply as I was so angry. I hit FaceTime on my phone. "Hey love. Before you say anything I want to apolog..." Mum said as she answered but I butted in. "Don't love me! How could you? How could you Mum? After everything, you have to go and tell everyone!" I said getting more angry by the minute. "Y/n..." Mum started but you were not in the mood for her to talk. "No Mum! I know you're against this pregnancy but you didn't have to do that! Now the paparazzi won't leave me alone!" I cried. Harrison was beside me now trying to calm me down. "Y/n, how are you?"

Dad said coming into the kitchen. "I'm sorry I freaked out before. I just didn't think my little girl would be growing up this fast" he said with sadness. It suddenly dawned on me. "Oh god, he doesn't know does he?" I said talking to Mum. "Know what darling?" He questioned. "Are you going to tell him or shall I?" I said starting to cry. At this point Nikki, Dom, Sam and Tom were in the room too. Harry had taken Paddy out so he wouldn't worry.

Paddy has always looked out for me. Even though there is a 5 year age difference, he always makes sure I am okay and if I needed anything, I could always go to him. Paddy was my unbiological younger brother, though saying that, the whole Holland boys were Harrison and I's unbiological siblings. "Will someone just tell me!" Dad said looking from me to Mum. Mum just looked at the ground. "I will then! Mum has only gone and told the world I'm pregnant! It's even in the papers!" I said crying harder. Dad looks at Mum. "Please tell me this isn't true. Why? I know you're angry, but why?! Is this why I haven't been seeing the papers?" He said angrily. "BECAUSE I WAS HURTING! ITS NOT JUST YOUR LITTLE GIRL! SHES MINE TOO AND SHES GROWING UP TOO FAST AND I DON'T LIKE IT!" Mum shouted. Calming down she continued, "I'm so sorry. Please, I didn't mean for any of this. I was angry" I knew this was true and I badly wanted to forgive her, but I didn't have the energy too and she had hurt me really bad. "I need time" I said slowly. I could feel my legs starting to give way from the all the news I was processing. "I'll call you later" I said cutting the call off. My legs buckled beneath me. Harrison caught me and held me in his arms. "I'm sorry. I'm the one who got us in this mess, but I wouldn't change it for the world" I said sobbing into Harrison's chest. Tom had come over and pulled Harrison and I into a hug. "Neither would we y/n" Tom said, his eyes red from crying. He then turned and looked at everyone. "Yes you did get us into this mess, but we are happy that you did! Because at the end of it, you are going to have a beautiful baby and I can guarantee you, that each and everyone of us will be stood by you throughout it all" he cried kissing my forehead. "It's true. We will be" Dom said with tears in his eyes too.


That night, Harrison and I cuddled up on the sofa and had a Harry Potter marathon. It was what we always did when something went wrong. We could probably say the lines before the characters did! I fell asleep half way through 'The Goblet of Fire' with my hands on my stomach. I had them rested there since we got home. I wanted the baby to feel safe after everything that had happened.

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