《The Broken Luna》Chapter 14


I started picking up my walking speed as I slowly broke into a jog and then a run.

I feel like everything was fading into a blur as I ran. I need to shift to escape.

I wanted to go back to the rouge village. I wish I was anywhere but here. I wish William never found me. I wish my parents were still alive. I wish I had control over my life. I wish for everything just to stop only if it was just for a moment.

I could now hear my loud breaths as I ran faster into the forest. I couldn't take it anymore and shifted, shredding my clothes into nothing.

I could just hear the loud thumbing sound of my paws against the forest floor. I could feel my heart beat in my ears and a lump making its way up my throat. Making my wolf let out a sad whimper.

I was sprinting dodging each large tree infornt of me. Suddenly I could hear the sound of four paws behind me snapping twigs and crunching the Autum leaves.

Before I knew it I was tackled to the floor. I growled at the hard impact. Before I had time to figure out what was going on I was pinned under a large black wolf.


I growled snapping my jaws at him as I struggled to get up on my feet with him standing on top of me Towering down on me.

He hesitantly moved off me allowing me to get up.

His wolfs eyes where burning into mine. He refused to look away from me like I would disappear any second.

We slowly started to circle each other. I then turned my back on him wanting to continue getting away from him.

I heard his loud growl telling me to turn around.

William then leap in-front of me standing tall looking down on my slightly smaller wolf.

I'm by no means a small wolf. I super big and strong for a normal female wolf. But William is larger due to his Alpha genes. I could feel the strong dominant Alpha Male waves pulsing off of him.

I huffed at this annoyed trying to get around William, but he kept on blocking my advances to get pass him. I could tell his wolf was on edge, he must have thought I was leaving him and his wolf.

I would leave him don't get me wrong I don't want anything to do with him. But my family and everyone I care about is currently in the care of his pack so I'm not going anywhere just yet.

I could feel my wolf getting more and more pissed off. I was upset and angry. I could start to feel my angry slowly dissipate into sadness.

My anger turning into tears.

And it was the most gut wrenching feeling.

William sensed my change in emotions.

I didn't even bother to hide it anymore.

He then shifted completely naked making my wolf look away.


"Ally" his voice was soft. He spoke to me as if I were a bunny one that he was anxious not to scare off. As if I would break any moment.

I simply turned my back to him even more.

"Ally I know you don't want to see me right now. I can feel your wolf hurting. But I can't leave you. My wolf won't take the chance of you possibly leaving me."

His voice was soft almost a whisper as if not to scare me or make me more upset.

I looked into his pleading eyes. Which were scanning all up and down my wolf. I let out a little whimper. I can't do this.

I am barely keeping myself together. I can feel myself falling apart. I haven't felt like this since my parents death it's like all the emotions I have pressed down for so long we're finally rising to the surface and I couldn't do anything to stop them.

I shut my eyes just hoping for everything to go away.

I opened my eyes seconds later to see William no where in sight.

I then heard footsteps from behind me. William was there with some shorts on and a large t-short in his hand.

He offered it out to me.

"Please Shift so we can talk" he then proceeded to turn around so I could change. I hesitated for a minute not wanting to shift.

"Please Shift" he pleaded one more time his back still to me.

I quickly shifted putting on the large T-shirt that reached my mid thigh.

I then stood up to my full height standing tall hoping to portray some kind of confidence.

"What William" I said sharply trying to pull myself to together a little.

He then turned around his eyes immediately meeting mine.

"Your mine. You were always meant to be mine. I'm not going to let you leave me." He said sternly his eyes not budging from mine.

I rolled my eyes whilst crossing my arms.

"Don't you dare treat me as a possession. I am not your anything unless I choose to be."

I can't believe him he wanted to talk but this could only end in a fight.

"Your wrong" he said his face emotionless.

"Your mine. Mine to love. Mine to cherish." He took a step towards me making me take one back.

"Love me? You think forcing yourselves on me is love?" I asked sarcastically every word seeming to cut him deeper and deeper.

I can see the conflict on his face. The way it squirmed at my comment.

"I was lusting after you since we were children the innocents you projected. We were always friends, very close but you wouldn't let me get closer. I guess I grew fustrated. You always saw the best in everyone, everyone loved you. You were never mean to those who deserved it. I tried constantly to get closer to you, to be more than we were but you never picked up any of my signs. I fell in love with you. I wanted you so badly. I wanted to do all these bad things to you, I would always feel so guilty because you never knew the filthy thoughts I would have about you."


I could here the desperation, shame and guilt in his face but I didn't budge.

"I didn't ask for your life story William. Well if you were looking for that girl you just desicrbed to me you won't find her. The one you 'loved'. You see she went away the second you raped me. That innocent girl is not longer here. You killed her" each word I said was slowly getting easier to say. It was like I was finally admitting the truth to myself.

I took a breath before continuing

"Just because you were what curious, desperate? you think because you are of higher rank you can do what you want with people" I said stepping towards him the anger sweeping over me again.

"I don't think that" He deafened himself.

He slowly started walking towards me. I stood my ground as his face was only a few inches away from mine.

I kept my face emotionless like an ice queen. And as much as I wanted to run and hide I refused to look away and let him win. I won't let him try to intimidate me with his strength or dominance. Not his title or the fact that his height causes him to tower over me. I won't backdown. Even if it ends in my throat being ripped out again.

"I've waited 2 years for my mate. I thought I was going to be mateless. I thought it was the moon goddess way of punishing me for all the wrong I've done.

But now she is given me you. And I'm too selfish to give you up. Even if it might be what's best for you. You are my mate and I'm not letting you go." He said in such a sure voice. As if there was no alternative. Like this was the path that is set in stone.

I felt my mouth open trying to voice the right words.

"How can you even expect that from me. To be with you. You even had the audacity to try and get me to submit. You have done nothing to try and amend your many mistakes. You don't deserve a chance." I said shaking my head at him shocked that he would even ask that of me, after everything.

"You haven't changed. You may be bigger and stronger. You may call yourself a man, but deep down you are the same boy. You never grew up, a man would never act like you do. They don't project their power onto there mate forcing them to submit to them. A man is one that knows his weaknesses as well as his strengths. That can love a women as an equal. To act as a gentleman should. Not hurting the one person made for them." I shouted in his face with everything I had.

"I know what I've done is severely messed up-" he attempted to start.

I cut him off immediately.

"Messed up?" I exclaimed cutting his sentence off, I almost laughed but scoffed instead.

"You raped me. My parents are dead due to the chain of events that happened after your reckless actions. How could you ever expect me to be your mate after everything you have done to me. You have turned into a monster of a person.

You are more wolf than man." I bellowed looking him up and down disgust evident in my voice.

"I know what I've done. But you Ally Jackson are mine.

You are my mate. you are this packs Luna and nothing will change that. I have been without your for too long and now that I have you I'm not letting you go" his eyes were black meaning his wolf in in control.

"You are relentless. Even after I pour my heart out to you.

You still don't understand" I said almost as a whisper.

I then found my anger, my hatred and my voice.

"If you want me as your Luna fine, I will be the best luna there ever has been. But I can and never will love you like a real mate. You may have forced me into a lot of things, like losing me virginity before I was ready. Forcing me and my parents out of this pack resulting in there deaths. But You can never force me to have any actual feeling towards you and you can't force me to love you"

I spat into his face the only emotion pumping through my veins was pure anger. My eyes never left his to real project that I meant every word.

"I won't ever love a man that will never treat me as his equal. Someone who thinks there must be one stronger and more powerful one in a relationship. You have no respect. Your still a boy, you may be stronger. You may run a pack and look like a man but you still act like a little boy would." I took another step closer to him pushing me up against him.

"You treat women like an object. Taking what you want from them with little regard to them. Possessing them like property like you own them, you have a thriving need to dominate them. A man doesn't do that he is not that insecure. Your Just a boy who wants to feel powerful." I then took a step back not letting my eyes leave his.

I then shredded the T-shirt I was in whilst shifting into my wolf and running to the pack house.

Leaving William still standing there.


A lump forming in his throat with his jaw clenched as if not to let out any emotion.

Word count: 1809


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