《Crimson Prison Of Black Domination {Discontinued}》fixing a damaged heart
As soon as he said those words Esdeath turned around and walk back towards the living room with Issei following her. As he entered the room he could tell that this was something that you could only imagine in your wildest dreams. Everywhere he looked he found that it was full of all sorts of furniture, a large LCD TV with a fireplace under it.
There were also a lot of pictures and statues that made him wonder if all of the High-class Devil's homes were filled with these type of things. There were also many games to his surprise like a pool table, pinball machine, and a lot of other game platforms that he saw in the human world but couldn't afford it.
Esdeath sneaked a quick look at Issei's figure when he started looking around, once more unknowingly blushing softly at how hot he looked in his casual clothing.
While he didn't look like anything special, however he looked perfect to her. She couldn't explain it but something was attracting her to him, it was like a magnet pulling her towards him and it grew stronger with every look she threw at him.
As Esdeath made her way toward one of the tables in the room, Issei saw that she was looking at a photo, getting closer to her he saw that there were 2 kids and 1 young adult in it. Two of the kids had slick hair, 1 silver and 1 blue while the boy had also silver hair. One looked like a younger Grayfia, while the last one was a girl that had blue hair it was obvious to him that that was Esdeath in her younger days.
(Euclid is older than Grayfia in this story, I didn't knee that at first)
'She looked even cuter as a little girl.' Issei though as he looked at the younger esdeath in the picture.
"Sekiryuutei, leave now before I hurt you. I know why you are here and I don't care about it. I want to be alone." Esdeath suddenly told Issei in cold voice that made him flinch a little but he gritted his teeth as he saw that Esdeath had a few tears running down her face as she turned around to face him.
"And why would you do that? I'm not here to fight you. If I wanted to fight I would have entered Balance-Breaker the moment that Grayfia left." Issei told her softly trying to calm her down but to his disappointment that had a very different result.
"I will not let my sister do as she, pleases. She is more than welcome here, but I don't like being used as some tool to help anyone. I can guess what has she said to you and I don't like it. So get out of HERE!" Esdeath started in a slow and cold voice before she yelled releasing a large amount of aura and her hands started to cover itself with ice making Issei take a few steps away. Esdeath's eyes started glowing in dark blue color as if all the fury she held inside of her was about to unleash at the young Sekiryuutei in front of her.
"Esdeath." He softly said as his eyes were filled with sadness, he saw the fury in her eyes, but he also saw that underneath all of that rage was deep sadness that showed him, she was that much hurt. Issei growled slight seeing the sadness and loneliness and stood his ground. "I know how you feel." Issei said watching esdeath clench her fists.
"What do you know about being used? You never had to fight someone that is your flesh and blood, or watch them getting killed in front of your own eyes! You don't know how it was for me when people first started to try and use me to get close to my sister and her husband. To be manipulated, to be ignored later on when they finish with you. To feel lonely all the time. SO I'M TELLING YOU NOW, GET OUT SEKIRYUUTEEI OR I WILL KILL YOU." Esdeath yelled again as she shot a powerful ice attack at Issei who barely dodge it in time.
"Esdeath, I know how it is being used a tool and watch someone close to me die right in front of me. And you are right I won't lie to you. At first, it was because she told me to help you, but seeing you now… that has change. I WILL HELP YOU ALL ON MY OWN!" Issei shouted at her in a determined voice as he summoned his gear and started boosting his power.
'Sorry Grayfia, Sirzechs, but if this is the only way to bring her back then so be it.' Issei thought as he powered up. He raised his aura to the point it was equal to Esdeath. He also released his human/dragon form. Without the tentacles.
"Esdeath, if this is what will take it to break through you then so be it. Now come on. I never gave up on anything, and I'm sure as hell won't start now." Issei said as both Esdeath and he charged at each other at full speed.
(By the mountains by the Lucifuge mansion)
Meanwhile, at the nearby cliff, Grayfia stood with Sirzechs looking at the castle that towered the surrounding area. As they watched the Lucifuge estate Sirzechs turned to his wife, he saw her looking at the estate with interest as if waiting for something to happen.
"Grayfia what are we waiting for?" He asked her wanting to know why they didn't go home yet.
Turning her head a little, she smiled. "You will see in a moment. If what I think is going to happen then we may soon have a new house head."
Sirzechs was staring at her with a dumb look, he still couldn't understand what his wife meant with that. That was until he felt two strong auras shooting through the roof.
Quickly turning around toward the castle he saw and heard massive explosions going on as the attacks were coming from every which way.
Grayfia seeing this just giggled as she knew what was happening which forced Sirzechs to tear his gaze from the castle towards her.
"W-what is happening down there Grayfia?" Sirzechs asked, a little scared for the young Red Dragon Emperor as he could tell that both Esdeath and he started to clash.
After giggling for a bit more Grayfia told him. "That my dear is what Esdeath needed, whoever approached her was weaker than her and only tried to use her. After what needed to be done was done they would leave her never to return. If Issei can somehow manage to be on par with her or overcome her than that would show her for the first time in her life that he is there to help her not use her. You know that people don't think clearly when in rage. Well that is Esdeath in a nutshell, she is filled with rage and if Issei could weather the storm that is Esdeath, she would slowly open up to him."
Seeing the logic Sirzechs just nodded his head turning his attention to the battle that was going on in the castle with the hope that Issei would be able to do impossible again.
'Good luck Issei Hyoudou-Lucifuge. Esdeath maybe rough on the edges but she is soft inside. Treat her well Issei, I know you can.' With that thought, Grayfia tapped Sirzechs on the shoulder and motioned him that it was time to go.
With a nod, Sirzechs made a magic circle and left with Grayfia leaving a young Emperor to fight a battle that will change his life forever.
(Back with issei and Esdeath)
As the battle of will and power continued, Issei felt that he was slowly breaking through the barrier that Esdeath put around her heart. He knew that sometimes the best way to know the person is to fight them and if that was what it took to help Esdeath he would do that for her.
As he was in thought he fell into her trap. As Esdeath charged for another attack Issei prepared to block it or dodge it but he didn't expect for esdeath to miss on purpose to create a smoke screen that she used to get around him and send a powerful kick that sent Issei flying into the wall on the opposite side. Lifting up he couldn't felt but have a little smile as he was starting to enjoy this battle. Esdeath was a very skillful opponent and a powerful one at that. She knew how to use and exploit his weakness and he found that thrilling to see how much she could back him up against the wall.
"Is this all you can do, I am disappointed." She said and send a rain of ice spears towards issei who only smirked at her.
"" he yelled out and moments later a wall of dragons fire appeared before him acting like a shield that succesfully blocked Esdeath attack.
"I see, you have a great affinity for fire but that will not be enough to melt my ice." She said while landing on the floor. She placed her hand on the floor and moments later several ice pillars came out of the ground heading straight to issei.
he said and before the ice pillars could make contact with him a beam of fire came out of the ground disintegrating the ice pillars with ease.
Esdeath was annoyed that her attacks were countered easily. She dashed towards issei with her rapier and slashed towards issei. He quickly reacted by summoning a sword of the shadows and blocked the incoming attack.
After he blocked it, Esdeath quickly fire multiple slash attacks at issei who had trouble blocking them all. Unlike Esdeath issei didn't have proper training on how to use a sword.
Issei quickly breathed some fire, forcing Esdeath to jump backwards. Issei quickly said.
"Dragon shot" and he fired a ball of dragon energy towards Esdeath who didn't tried dodge. To issei surprise, she slashed the dragon shot in half with her rapier gathering shock from issei and his dragons.
'Damn, she powerful.' he said in mind and his dragons agreed.
Ddraig said making issei nod.
"What? Are you scared?" She mocked making issei smirk.
"Not at all, do it Ddraig!" Yelled and the boosted gear screamed.
Moments later issei aura exploded and soon afterwards stood issei in the famous red dragon emperor's armor.
"So this is the scale mail of the red dragon emperor, very impressive." Esdeath said and raised her aura as well. Her aura started to freeze the area around her. The grass started to turn white, the flowers started to die and it started to snow. Issei was very impressed and he could immidiatly tell that Esdeath's aura is levels aboves ruval even in his azure phenex form.
Issei and Esdeath started to charge at each other. Esdeath was on the offensive while issei had to defend and wait for his boosted gear to generate more power.
Esdeath knew this and was trying to take down Issei with her powerful ice attacks but his fire was able to counter it making Esdeath slightly nervous. She knew about the boosted gear and that allows the user to generate enough it could kill gods but it took a very long time.
She made some distance and unfolded her devil wings and flew in the air. She snapped her fingers and moments later a enourmous ball of ice started to fall towards issei direction.
Issei quickly gathered his fire and yelled. (leave a comment If you know where this attack is from [: )
Issei fire started to gather itself to the point it became a giant fire ball that was equal in size as Esdeath ice attack.
They both collided and a giant exploring soon followed pushing issei and Esdeath back by several meters.
Issei started to stand up and recover from the explosion. When He did he noticed that Esdeath was also getting up. When they made eye contact Esdeath eyes were not the emotionless blue like before but know they were replaced with a shining blue.
Before issei and Esdeath dashed towards each other he quickly said.
"Promotion night" and both fighters dashed towards each other. Luckily with the help of the promotion seal, his speed had been increased a good bit and he was able to get close to Esdeath who was surprised at the sudden show of speed and before she could defend herself he said. " Promotion rook". He punched Esdeath in the gut and puched her backwards with extreme force.
Quickly he unfolded his dragon wings and flew in the air and he yelled "promotion bishop" and he gathered his dragonic power. "Now Ddraig"
"Dragon blaster". He yelled and He send a beam of green dragonic energy at Esdeath directions and luckily for her she putted a barrier but it was not enough to block the attack completely and she took a lot to damage.
Issei landed on the ground but the moment he did he was pushed back by a enourmous amount aura.
When he was able to stand up he saw Esdeath with her clothes torn showing him some of her skin but with a enourmous amount of aura that puts ruval azure phenex's form to shame.
"hahaha, I felt like this like forever. Red dragon emperor, no issei hyoudou was it? I give you my thanks. Not many have pushed me so much and for that I will not hold back anymore." She said with a voice full with excitement. But before issei could react Ddraig spoke.
Ddraig warned making issei gulp.
"Very well then... "CRIMSON PRISON BALANCE BREAKER" he yelled and a dark aura exploded.
the combined voiced of Ddraig and Vritra yelled out and moments later their was issei standing in a new armor. It had the design of the red dragon emperors balance breaker but the colours are different. The previous red color changed to black and the green gems changed to a dark red.
Vritra wanted making issei nod.
"Promotion queen" he yelled and he felt his power rising. Esdeath looked excited and she had a small blush of the sheer amount of aura issei was giving of. Issei charged at Esdeath and the ladder doing the same.
Issei immidiatly got the upper hand and was able to push Esdeath back. Issei tried to get close but Esdeath didn't allow him. She fired ice attacks to make issei back off but he was quick to dodge the attack and headed to close the gap between them. He boosted his powers at the meantime
She tried to protect herself with a powerful barrier but issei quickly punched on it.
and the barrier shattered forcing Esdeath to jump back. Seing no other chose she gathered the last of her
Ice magic and yelled
"Mahapdama" she said and before issei knew it time itself has been frozen. Because issei was only several meters from her she brought her rapier and stabbed issei in the sides. Because time was frozen the sturdiness of the armor was gone allowing Esdeath to penetrate the armor with ease.
"It was fun until it lasted" she said. Moments later, time began to move but the moment it did the boosted gear yelled.
and the now moving issei puched Esdeath straight in the gut pushing her back at the nearby mountain and making a crator.
Issei who was to damaged fell on his knees and the armor dissapeared. Luckily because he got some boosts in his body was strong enough to take the damage after the time freeze.
He got up and created a sword out of the shadows and headed towards Esdeath location. He saw her under a pile of rocks. She started to move she tried to stand up but she was to exhausted after using her time freezing spell. She looked up and saw the face of issei hyoudou smiling at her with blood coming out of his mouth. He pointed his sword at her and said. "Do you yield?"
Esdeath Lucifuge a prideful woman and one for the most feared female devils in the whole underworld never imagined she would be defeated against a boy. She looked at the boy and saw him smiling and she said " I yield"
Issei and his sword disappear and handed issei his hand. She looked at him and saw that he was smiling. She gave a small smile Herself and took it.
Issei helped her get up but she was to exhausted to the point she couldn't stand up.
so without saying issei picked her bridal style making the ice queen flustered at the action. She couldn't get any words out and let him do as he pleases.
Issei brought her back home and placed her on the large couch. When He did he saw her face bright red making him smile a bit. He headed towards the kitchen and made some sandwiches and cups of water.
He brought the food and drinks to Esdeath who was still laying on the couch with some torn of clothes.
He handed her the food and drinks for her to replenish her energy and it worked. After 10 minutes she got up and sat on the couch. Issei was sitting on the small sofa next to the couch.
"Issei, why did you came here, I know It was for something big So spill it" she said in a voice that leaved no room for argument.
Nodding, Issei answered her honestly. "Like I told you before the fight. I know how it is to be devastated and to be used as a tool. I was once a normal human boy that was only and I might regret saying this, interested in porn and perverted stuff."
That made Esdeath started laughing for the first time in a century as she found it funny to be only interested in porn and perverted stuff. She was laughing so hard that she literally fell from the couch and started to roll on the floor laughing. It took a few minutes for her to get her breath back before sitting up, but she was almost sent into another laughing rage as she saw Issei face that was red from embarrassment and had a pout which she found extremely cute.
"S-s-sorry I didn't laugh that way in almost decade. Sorry, Ise." She said still collecting her breath as she was now red from the laughing with a beautiful smile that made Issei's blush even worst.
"It's fine, as long as you have that smile you can laugh at me all you want." He told her sincerely as it was her turn to become red from his words.
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[BHTT - EDIT - HOÀN] Cùng Nàng Đùa Mà Thành Thật
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