《Crimson Prison Of Black Domination {Discontinued}》meeting the one
The sun rised and shined through the window of a sleeping issei hyoudou who was suddenly woken up by his new alarm.
He took a shower and went downstairs. He saw Chelsea eating some cereal and browsing through her phone.
Issei grabbed a bowl and filled it with cereal and milk and started eating. He and Chelsea made some small chat and after their breakfast they both headed to school. They gathered the attention of the hole school but that is not surprising for them.
They went to class and did their usual thing. Issei sleeping in class and Chelsea talking with Muruyama and Katase.
When school finally came to an end Chelsea went to the kendo club with Muruyama and Katase. Issei went to the clubroom to do his usual devil duties.
He didn't bother knocking and opened the door but to his surprise someone else was there as well. The queen of annihilation, Grayfia Lucifuge was standing next to Rias who was sitting on her desk with her arms crossed.
The only people now present was Rias and Grayfia. Issei assumed the rest did their duties. He looked at Grayfia and gave a small smile that she returned.
"Hello Grayfia-sama, why are you here?" He asked in a profecial tone making Grayfia smile a but more but Rias grew a thick mark. Issei never showed any type of respect towards her and that bugged her.
"Hello Issei-san, I came here for you. Sirzechs-sama wants to speak with you." She said making both issei and Rias shocked.
"Why wants my brother have a audience with my adorable Grayfia?" Rias asked. That made issei grit his teeth in annoyance. He hated the way Rias make it sound like he is some type of trophy. He wanted to rip her apart so badly but he knew better than to be reckless.
"I cannot tell you Rias-sama, my orders are simple collect issei hyoudou after his classes has ended." Grayfia said making Rias more mad but she decided to ask issei afterwards. Rias turned to issei and give a proud smile.
"Issei, It is a great honour to meet my brother. Go see him and make me proud." She said but issei ignored it.
"A moment, I am gonna text my sister I will be coming later home." He said and quickly took out his phone and texted Chelsea. Saying that he has somewhere to be and he would be late home. Grayfia waited patiently and when issei was done Grayfia walked towards him and teleported them to sirzechs office.
Issei and Grayfia arrived inside and beautiful decorated room. Issei was in awe of its beauty but was quickly reminding by Grayfia that we should not let sirzechs keep waiting.
They walked in the giant halls and passed many portraits of famous devils.
Devils like: Lucifer, leviathan, beelzebub, asmodeus and zekram Bael and many more. After they passes like a billion portraits they finally made it to sirzechs office. Before Grayfia knocked on the door she turned around and started to fix issei shirt.
"Issei, I know you don't like Rias and her peerage but I want you to understand Before we enter that sirzechs and Rias parents were devastated and very disappointed in Rias actions and will punish her accordingly. Also understand that sirzechs and Rias parents don't want you to hate them or have any bad blood between you and them. So don't judge them for Rias actions and give them a chance." Grayfia said but this time it was with a soft voice making issei nod.
Grayfia smiled and turned around and knocked on the door.
(Inside sirzechs office)
Sirzechs Lucifer formerly Gremory is currently battle against his greatest enemy....paperwork. He wondered if becoming devil king was worth it because his paperwork is literally a never ending void. He was sure to make serafall pay for giving him her paperwork as well so she can shout an other episode of her show. He was brought out of his musing when he heard someone knocking on the door.
Putting down his pen. He answered.
"Come in." He said and the doors opened revealing his beautiful wife and the boy that saved his sister life.
He got up and walked past his desk with the towers of paperwork and gesture for issei to the a seat on the couch. He did and sat on the chair next to the couch.
"Hello issei hyoudou, It is a pleasure to finally meet you." He said in a friendly tone. Issei smiled slightly.
"The honour is mine Lucifer-sama. But why have you summened me?" He asked in a profecial tone making both older devils smile.
"First, please call me sirzechs. I am not one for formalities and second is that I want to personally apologize for my sister actions." He said and stood up and bowed making issei shocked.
"I know what she did to you and I hope you can forgive me. I will do whatever I have In my power to make it up to you."
Sirzechs said making issei and his dragons surprised at the devil king actions.
"Please raise your head, you make me look like the villain. Also I am not mad at you. But understand that I will not show any type of respect towards your sister and her peerage." Issei said making Sirzechs raise his head and smile.
"I understand completely, I cannot blame you and frankly I would do the same if I was in your position." Sirzechs said making issei nod.
"I don't want to waste your time because I see you have a lot of paperwork that needs to be signed so shall we discuss the rest?" Issei asked making both adults nod.
"Very well issei-kun, I want to discuss the deal you made with my wife and talk about your reincarnation in more detail. But before you do I want to introduce someone, If you don't mind." Sirzechs said in a soft voice, knowing that this is a hard point for the red dragon emperor.
Moments later a red magic circle appeared near them both and soon after the light faded a beautiful woman appeared. She had brown hair and violet eyes. She wore a pink noble dress and her breast were enormous.
If issei did not train himself to control his perversion, he would have a massive nose bleed. But something issei noticed that this woman looked almost identical to Rias. Before he could think any further the woman spoke.
"Hello issei-kun, I am venelana Gremory. Wife of the head of the Gremory family and the mother of Rias Gremory." She said making issei nod.
"It is a honour to meet you venelana-sama." He said while he stood up and did a bow. But what the adults noticed that his voice has no emotion.
"The pleasure is all mine and please sir back down." She said and issei complied and he sat back down.
"Issei-kun, could you please tell me more about your reincarnation please?" Sirzechs asked making issei nod. Issei proceeded to tell them about his reincarnation in more detail. The other people in the room were horrified.
Venelana had a face of disappointment and great anger. She knew Rias was spoiled by her husband and first child but to let someone die for to play the hero, that is crossing the line. She gave sirzechs a sharp glare that made the devil king sweat.
There are not many things that Sirzechs is afraid of but the fury of his wife and his mother is his greatest fear.
"My sincere apologies mister hyoudou, I never imagined that my daughter would do something horrible like that. Understand this, it is true that we are devils but that doesn't mean that all of us are really evil. There are devils who are truly evil but not all of them. Please for forgive me for my daughter's actions" venelana said and stood up and did a bow. Issei was again taken by surprise that she would throw away her pride for him.
"You are not to blame Lady Gremory but please understand that I want to keep my distance between your daughter and I myself." Issei said making the older devils smile a bit.
"I understand completely. Shall we talk about the deal you made with Grayfia?" She asked and all people present nodded.
"Very well, issei I need you to understand that the deal you made is an Important one for Grayfia and myself. Why? The woman you about to encounter is like a daughter for me. Way before Rias was born and the civil war started the Lucifuge family lost their Lord and lady in the great war leaving Euclid, Grayfia and Esdeath all alone. When we heard about that, myself and my husband offered the Lucifuge family to live with us. Grayfia accepted but Euclid declined. Because Esdeath was still young she followed her sister and lived with us.
Years has past when the Lucifuge sisters started to live with us. Grayfia started to have feeling for sirzechs while I raised Esdeath personally. I trained her, teached her how to fight, Hunt and survive. Over the years she became immensely powerful and I deduced that her talent for ice magic is superior than Grayfia. When the civil war came Euclid returned and he offered Grayfia and Esdeath to fight with him for the old satan faction. Grayfia declined for her love for sirzechs but Esdeath accepted it. She did it because of her pride as a Lucifuge. Then the civil war came and the fight between sirzechs and Grayfia versus Euclid and Esdeath. You already know the answer to that story." Venelana said making issei ice widen.
This Esdeath girl is a better ice magic user than Grayfia. That means she is immensely powerful.
"I see then, do you have any tips on how I can beat her?" Issei asked making venelana think.
"You are a fire dragon and you have the boosted gear, meaning you can use your fire to counter Esdeath ice. But she has several ice spell that can kill millions of devils with ease. Her strongest ice spell allows her to freeze time itself giving her a great advantage in battle and back at the civil war she was a general for the old satan faction and she killed millions devils with ease." Venelana said making issei gulp. This girl sound immensely dangerous and powerful.
"I see, that is a problem." Issei said while thinking. He needs more power to fight this Esdeath girl. "Sirzechs-sama can I ask you a favor?" Issei asked making the devil king raise an eyebrow in curiosity. Not many have the guts to ask a favor from the devil king.
"Only if it is in my power than ask away." Sirzechs said making issei nod.
"Do you think you can lift the promotion seal on my pawn pieces?" Issei asked making all devils confused at his question.
"May I ask why?" He asked but he had an idea what the answer will be.
"I understand I need more power to defeat Esdeath. I can use the promotion rule In my advantage and maybe give me the upper hand in a fight against her." Issei said making the devil king think. Sirzechs had to admit that it was a good idea and he kinda owned issei for saving Rias from riser.
"Very well, I shall talk with ajuka about the promotion seal and see if he can lift it." Sirzechs said making issei nod.
"Issei,I want to say if you defeat Esdeath and bring her back from her shell. I promise you that I will forever be in your dept and i and my husband will help you get to high class." Venelana said making issei nod. This is chance to gain a great favor.
"The same goes for me issei-kun." Grayfia said making issei nod in thanks.
"Very well issei-kun, I think you should return to your home. Grayfia will pick you up in a week to bring you to Esdeath." Sirzechs said and he stood up and shaked issei hand. Grayfia teleported issei back home leaving the 3 older devils alone.
The moment he did sirzechs felt a cold aura to his right and saw his mother having a very sweet smile that promised eternal pain. Sirzechs almost squealed like a kid when he remembered that smile.
"It has appeared that you spoiled Rias a little to much." Venalan said and raised her aura making the devil king pray for mercy.
"M-mother please forgive me. If I had known that Rias went to far I would have stopped her." Sirzechs pleaded but that didn't work and was electrocuted with venelana's power of destruction. Grayfia placed a sound prove barrier around the office because she knows how much of a sadist venelana is.
For sirzechs to following hours were the definition of hell. Being electrocuted, spanked with magic enhanced hand and gaining a lot of frost bites from Grayfia who helped venelana. Over the years she gained some of venelana sadistic treats.
(With issei)
Issei arrived home and explained the situation to Chelsea who was shocked at first but understood what he wanted. She was happy that issei had a chance to become high class devil quicker.
The day went on as usual and it soon became night time. When issei layed on his bed looking at some YouTube videos on his phone. He sensed a magic circle appearing on the floor. Grayfia and a green haired man came out of it. Issei recognized the man as ajuka beelzebub. The current beelzebub.
Issei quickly stood up from his bed and went on a knee. This action made Grayfia smile at him for remembering her lessons on how to behave properly.
Ajuka looked at the boy with interest. He has heard that he was the red dragon emperor but to only unlock your sacred gear in a few months and defeat an ultimate class devil from the phenex non the Less is very impressive.
"It is a honour to meet you beelzebub-sama, how can I help you?" He asked the devil king.
"I came here to remove the promotion seal on your pawn pieces. This should allow you to promoted yourself whenever you pleases." Ajuka explained making issei nod in understanding.
"Thank you very much beelzebub-sama." Issei said making the devil king nod.
"I should be thanking you, I have a idea regarding the promotion function and your sacred gear. If my assumptions are correct It should be able to give you 4 new balance breakers armors. Now that this is our of the way, I bid you goodbye." Ajuka said and teleported away leaving issei and Grayfia. Issei and Grayfia talked about some things and later Grayfia left and issei went to bed. He was planning to use the next week to master his promotion ability because he needs it to defeat Esdeath.
(1 week later)
One week has passed and issei on his way to the club room right now. He messaged Chelsea and his parents that he could be staying with his friends for the weekend.
When He made it to the clubroom and saw Grayfia standing there alone.
"Hello Grayfia-sama, where is Rias?" He asked confused why the red haired devil was gone.
"I made her go home for today, now let's go to the Lucifuge territory where Esdeath lives." Grayfia said and issei nodded and walked towards her she flared her powers and were teleported away. They soon arrived at a giant castle, the castle was beautiful with several flower gardens and a giant ice statue what issei could predict was the first Lucifuge.
Issei and Grayfia walked towards the doors of the castle and when they finally made it Grayfia knocked on the door.
After a minute the door was slowly opened. The person behind the door was a beautiful woman with azure blue hair and eyes. She wore a generals outfit that hugged her body very nice. She also wore a generals hat that fitted with the outfit and she had a tattoo right above her breast. Issei was barely taller than her just by a centimetre.
(AN: normally Esdeath would be taller than issei because of her heels but I changed it so issei is taller then her.)
"Sister I didn't expect you to come today." She said with surprised voice but issei knew that it is a fake.
"Sorry for not letting you now sooner but I have someone to introduce yourself to." Grayfia said and pointed to issei. She looked at issei and her eyes narrowed. She felt that this boy was powerful, Maybe more powerful then she was. She also watched the match between him and ruval and knew that this boy was more powerful than any normal high ranking devil.
"Hello I am issei hyoudou, the red dragon emperor and pawn of riss gremory."
"Hello I am Esdeath Lucifuge, heir to the Lucifuge family, please come in." She said with a fake smile. She moved to the side to let them both in and they did. Esdeath brought them to the dining room and served then tea.
"Issei, I will leave you now, take as much time as you need to get to know her and help her get out of her shell." Grayfia told him before turning to Esdeath who was looking at Issei and checking him out again, which made her make a sly grin at her.
"Esdeath." She said as the girl turn to her and saw her sly grin before blushing a little knowing her sister and her mind that hadn't changed from their youth.
"Yes, dear sister?" She asked as she composed herself.
"Like I told Ise, I want you to get to know him better. Maybe he will be the one that can finally bring the old loveable Esdeath back from her shell." Grayfia said with a slight shrug and sly smile that didn't go unnoticed by Esdeath.
"I understand. Though I make no promises sister." Esdeath answered her.
"Don't worry Grayfia, I will help her with anything. I will do anything to return your sister back to normal." Issei told Grayfia making Esdeath widen her eyes as a small flash of life was seen in her dead blue eyes.
"Thank you, Issei. If you need anything just call me and I will come to help." With that said, Grayfia teleported away leaving the two alone.
After a few moments of silence Esdeath decided to speak.
"How do you plan on doing what you promised?" She said in a low voice that was devoid of any emotions. Issei turned to her with a large grin making her cheeks tint pink as Issei responded with the complete opposite tone of voice.
"You just have to wait and see Esdeath."
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