《Crimson Prison Of Black Domination {Discontinued}》the offer
Issei woke the day after his stare down with Grayfia. He opened his eyes to see that it is still early. He stood up and did some light stretches and basic exercises.
When He was done he changed in his training clothes and did went for a Jog. He started to think what Vritra told him. He gained some treats of an evil dragon. It was a terrifying thought. They were to most savage and most brutal of dragons and they were equally as feared as the heavenly dragons.
He continued his jogging until he felt someone watching him. He turned around to see a man wearing a black kimono sitting on a bench. He had black hair and golden Bangs. Something was of about the guy but he couldn't put his finger on it. Luckily Ddraig knew who he was and he quickly informed his host.
Ddraig informed his host making him shock and slightly afraid. What is the leader of the fallen angels doing in a town ful of devils. Devils that are related to the devil kings non the Less. Issei stopped his jogging and azazel turned sound and looked at him. He gave issei a small grin making him nervous.
"No need to fear me dragon/devil boy." He said catching issei of guard.
"You know who I am?" He asked azazel who stood up and nodded.
"Yes and no. I know that you're a devil and the red dragon emperor but I don't know who you are." He simply said making issei gulp.
"I am issei hyoudou pawn of Rias Gremory." He stated. While he hated to say that I could help him in some ways then others.
"I see then issei, I am azazel but I assume your dragon Ddraig already told you that." He said making issei nod. Azazel took a step closer making issei take a step backwards. Azazel notice this and decided to melt the ice.
"No need to be so guarded. I came here to check on some matters." He said making issei confused.
"What matters?" He asks azazel who gave him a small smirk.
"One of mine subordinate stole a sacred gear that i collected and brought it here. Now that we talk about my subordinates, are not a couple of mine responsible for killing you and that nun girl?" He asked issei who gritted his teeth and started to release his aura. Azazel was not afraid but something was of about his aura and he knew exactly what it is. Smirking he raised his hand making issei look at him. His eyes were now of a dragon that made azazel flinch for a second.
"Yeah what about them?" He said with a venom. Making azazel understand that this is not a subject to play with. He made a serious face and snapped his fingers and a magic circle appeared and out of it came a box. Issei raised a eyebrow at his action and said nothing.
"Here are the last 3 Vritra pieces I have in my possession. Take this as an apology for what my subordinates have done to you." He said and places the box and the floor and took a step backwards. Issei didn't like the idea that azazel is trying to make it up to him by giving some sacred gears.
"Giving me some gears is not making me feel any better for what your faction has done to you for Asia" he said with anger. Azazel signed and understood that this is not a situation where you can forgive and forget.
"I know and I will do whatever is in my power to make it up to you. In that box are notes on how to use these gears and I putted a paper with my number if you need my help with the gears." He said. He bowed and teleported away. Issei looked at the box and pick it up.
He teleported home and placed the box under his bed. Afterwards he looked at the clock and noticed that school is about to start. He quickly changed and sprinted to school. He made it in time and sat on his desk.
The teacher entered the class and said.
"Class today we have a new student. Please welcome her with open arms. You can come in now." The teacher said and almost immidiatly the door opened revealing Chelsea in the girls uniform. The boys were drooling and the girls were whispering among themself about Chelsea but luckily the teacher made them quiet. Chelsea started to write something on the board that caught everyone of Guard including issei and raynare. It said Chelsea hyoudou.
"Hello everyone, I am Chelsea hyoudou and yes I am related to issei over there. He is my older twin brother." She said and pointed to issei who's jaw has dropped on his desk. The dragons inside him were laughing so hard that issei could hear them choking on their laughter. Everyone looked at him shocked and before anyone could say anything the perverted duo spoke.
"Damn Ise, I never knew you had a banging hot sister." The boldly said making issei grew a thick mark and he grabbed him by the collar and said.
"I warn you, make any move or peak at her once I rip of what makes you a man. Are we understood?" He said with a low voice making the class shock at issei's threat. The perverts nodded furiously and looked away. Chelsea smiled at this, she was happy that issei will protect her.
"Very well Miss hyoudou, you can sit next your brother." The teacher said making Chelsea nod and sat next to issei who had a fake smile on.
After class ended issei went to the roof of the school waited for Chelsea to appear. She on the other hand hot bombarded with questions. boys wanted to date her but she refused every request, girls questioned on how she lived with a pervert like hyoudou. Luckily she said that she lived over sea for a couple of years. When she finally made it she saw issei leaning on the metal fence with his arms crossed.
"Nice little show you made, you now that the devils will keep a close eye on you." He said making her nod.
"I now oni-chan and don't worry I am trained assasin and i can camouflage myself to hide or run away so it is fine."
She said Making issei nod. They ate lunch and talked with each other.
When they were done. The door of the roof opened revealing Rias and her peerage. They saw issei and Chelsea sitting next to each other. Rias narrowed her eyes and said.
"Issei, I never you had a sister." She said making Chelsea smirk.
"Yeah she is my sister." He turned to her and said.
"Hey sis can you leave of alone for a sec?" He asked. She nodded and walked passed the Gremory peerage. When the door closed rias turned to issei who looked at them bored. She started talking.
"Issei later today we will go to the mountains for a training trip. So I expect you to be at the club room after school." She said with authority making issei raise an eyebrow and nodded. He could use the training trip as an excuse to train and maybe test Chelsea's strength.
"Sure." He said uninterested making the peerage surprise at his answer.
"Very well then. Btw why you never told us about that you have a sister?" She asked making issei look at her.
"I never saw a reason to." He answered and he stood straight and looked at them with his dragonic eyes making all of them flinch." I will say this Gremory, if you dare to lay a finger on her i will obliterate without a second thought. Are we understood?" He said and released his aura of domination but unlike the previous time he released less then before. Making them sweat and Rias nodded and quickly walked in the building with her peerage.
"You can come out sis." He said and a second later the door opened and Chelsea came out. Her cheeks were a bit pink and she as well was sweating.
"Well that conversation went quick." She said while hiding her arousal but it failed because of issei dragons senses. He smirk at her but decided to do nothing.
"Hey sis do you want to come with me to the mountains train?" He asked her making her think.
"Nah, that will draw to much attention." She said making issei nod and the rest of the school day went along fine.
When issei arrived at the clubhouse he brought a bag with extra clothes and food with him. They teleported at the bottom of the mountain. Rias ordered her peerage to walk up the mountain as exercise. They did and issei was first to make it and we not tired at all. The second was koneko who was a little bit tired. The rest came along and they were all tired making issei sweatdrop.
He turned around and unfolded his devil wings and was about to fly away but Rias stopped him.
"Wait issei, where are you going?" She asked making issei look at her.
"To the mountains to train, don't disturb me or else I won't hesitate." He said and flew away leaving the peerage shocked behind but luckily raynare to
Told them they don't have time to waste and started training.
Kiba decided to focus on his defences. He trusted that his speed is enough to give him the advantage. So he worked on his defences to fill that gap.
Koneko worked on her speed. She decided to put on some weight jacket on her body and trying to increase her speed with it.
Raynare worked on her magic reserve. She knew she had the advantage because she is a fallen Angel and increasing her power will give her a advantage against other devils.
Akeno worked on her magic reserve and trying to get more elements in her arsenal. She also knew that they had a disadvantage against riser and his peerage and she was nervous about it.
Rias decided to learn more tactics and strategies. She was confident with her use of the power of destruction.
(With issei)
Issei landed on the mountain far away from them. After he placed his bags to the side he asked his dragons.
"So what is on the agenda?" He asked out loud not caring if anybody could hear him not like anybody could.
Ddraig said making issei nod.
Said Vritra making issei nod. When issei became a dragon he became very talented in the black arts of magic.
"Very well then." He said and prepared for the next 9 days of training.
(9 days later)
The 9 days went well for issei. He was able to perform the technique in the first 2 days and mastered it on the 8th. He also learned on how to use the spell on the 6th day but it takes a lot of his reserve to use it.
Now waa he standing in the clubroom against the wall. The other members were doing their usual thing. Kiba reading a novel while drinking tea. Koneko and raynare eating snacks. Akeno standing close to Rias while she was sitting sitting on her chair.
After a minute issei gave his dragons the cue to knock him out. After a sharp pain his body suddenly fell on the floor shocking the other members of the occult research club. They rushed to see what has happened and unfortunately this was the seen that Grayfia teleported into to.
"Rias-sama what has happened to your pawn?" She asked in her stoic voice.
"I don't know Grayfia. Everything was fine but he suddenly collapsed. His reserve are almost empty." Rias said but suddenly the boosted gear appeared on issei left hand and the voice of Ddraig was heard.
Ddraig explained but that was a Lie. The truth was that Vritra absorbed all of issei magic reserve and forced him to lose conciousniss.
"How long shall he be unconscious Ddraig-sama?" Grayfia asked respectfully. She founded this very suspicious and knew something was not right. But she has no way to proof it.
Ddraig said making Rias grow a face of horror. Issei was her trump card and she was confident with issei she would win. She turned to Grayfia with a desperate face and said.
"Grayfia is it possible to move the day of the rating game?" She asked in her desperate face but to her horror Grayfia nodded negatively.
"No Rias-sama, the elders want to fight today." She said making Rias nod in acceptance.
Grayfia teleported issei to his home and placed his in his bed. Chelsea was already sleeping so she didn't knew about it.
Grayfia then returned to the orc and teleported them to the arena.
( I am gonna skip this part because it is almost identical to the anime. Just replace Asia with raynare and issei didn't participate.)
(3 days later)
3 days has passed After the rating game between Rias and riser and the result is Rias forfeited the game to riser.
Today is the day of the marriage and issei was still asleep in his bed with Grayfia sitting next to his bed.
She was currently reading a book in peace. She heard sound coming from his bed and saw that issei is about to wake up. She putted the book away and waited patiently for the red dragon emperor to wake up.
Issei woke up with a headache. He wasn't aware that Grayfia was watching him. Issei moved his head to his left seeing the silver head maid sitting on a chair. She still wore her maid attire and with her normal stoic face.
Issei was slightly taken by surprise but remained calm.
"What are you doing here?" He asks her with a disinterested voice. Making the silver head maid sign.
"I came here to inform you about the rating game. Rias lost the game. But I don't think you really cares, Do you?" She asks him with a knowing smirk.
"What gave it away?" He said mockingly. He knew that his secret was out but was interested what will happen next.
"Out first encounter was when you were releasing your aura to lady Rias in an intimidating manner. Second that you conveniently fell unconscious right before the game were to begin. It wouldn't be impossible for you to ask Ddraig-sama to force you into a light coma and make a lie about it." She said with a smirk of victory. Issei was impressed that she discovered it so quickly.
"So what are you gonna do about it?" He said bored. He couldn't care less and if someone tries to do something with his family. he would not think twice to even go to the juggernaut drive to protect his family.
"I want to know why you hate your master. The gremory's are famous to treat their servants like family. So why are you so angry at lady Rias?" She asks him. After The last time they talked Grayfia went to Rias and asks her about her pawn and why he is disobeying her orders. Rias lied to her and said that issei is not used to be a servant and needs more time.
When issei went on his 80 training camp. Rias went to her family and revealed that she has the red dragon emperor in her peerage. This shocked most of them and they ask on how she did it. She said that She founded him in the same school where she and sona are going to and asked him to join her peerage and he accepted it.
"I have my reasons." He said emotionless making the maid sign in dissatisfaction. She wanted answers and issei wasn't planning on given them. Grayfia stood up and sat next to him on the bed making him suspicious.
"Issei, I don't want you as an enemy. Please tell me what is the matter. What has Rias done to make you so angry." She said in a soft tone making issei look at her. He stared straight into her silver eyes that gave her a slight shiver but she was determined to get a answer. Issei knew that he couldn't keep it for much longer and decided to tell her.
"She let me die by the hands of my first girlfriend that was send to kill me." He said emotionless making Grayfia eyes widen in shock. She knew Rias was spoilt but this was going to far.
"W-what?" She asked completely losing her composure.
"You heard me correctly. She let me die on my date with my girlfriend who was a fallen Angel send to kill me because I wielded a sacred gear. Rias knew about the fallen in her territory and knew about their plans. So she let the fallen Angel do her mission and revived me into her servant. She gave me a summoning circle before my date began so that is further proof." He said while not looking Grayfia in the eyes. He was trying to contain his anger. Luckily because of his training he leaned on how to contain his emotions.
Grayfia had a face of horror. They were lucky that issei didn't go juggernaut drive because of it. She also understand why issei hate Rias and refuse to help her. She wouldn't blame him for it.
She looked back at issei who had still his emotionless face on. That face looked almost identical to her younger sister Esdeath who was desolated.
Grayfia suddenly got an idea but she knew that this is a risky move but the rewards is worth it if this works.
"Issei, what would you do if I told you that there is one person that is in similar pain that you are in. That the person is so emotionally in chaos that it nearly sent her to insanity?" Grayfia softly asked to Issei. Trying to see what would be his reaction to her question.
Issei, hearing that immediately answered her without thinking. He was that kind of the guy, he would always help anyone in need without question.
"I would do whatever it takes to help that person." When Grayfia heard his reply causing her to smile at him.
"Issei, I am going to tell you a story about that person, and I hope that you would truly help her since she desperately needs it."
Nodding his head, Grayfia started speaking.
"What I'm about to tell you Issei is the story about my little sister and what made her almost go insane. No one knows's about it and I hope you will keep what I tell you to yourself." Grayfia told him in a serious tone that made it clear to him that if word about her got out he would be in unimaginable pain.
Issei gulped a little hearing her tone but he never the less nodded which made Grayfia smile again.
"Well, this all happened during the Devils Civil war..."
It was moments before the final battle of the war. Both sides were gathering their troops in position for the showdown that would finally end this needless bloodshed and bring peace to the realm of the Devils.
On one side of the Battlefield was the Old Satan Faction which was led by descendants of the original Maou's and on the opposing side was the Anti-Satan Faction lead by the strongest Devils alive. The location for the battle was non-other than the capital of the Devils Lilith.
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