《Crimson Prison Of Black Domination {Discontinued}》the Phoenix
The auburn haired stalker of issei hyoudou is currently sleeping on his couch. Issei was reading a book while waiting for his stalker to wake up.
It took a while but finally the auburn haired girl started to wake up.
"W-what happened" she whispered to herself not realising that her target sitting right next to her.
"I knocked you out. That is what happened." The voice of issei hyoudou was heard making the auburn haired stalker turn around and look at the boy. She had to admit that he was way prettier then the last time she saw him.
"Why am I here?" She Said while jumping of the couch and took a battle stance. Issei wasn't affected by this and gestured her to calm down.
"Calm down I brought you here so we could talk. So can you please introduce yourself and tell me why you are stalking me." Issei said with a soft smile making the girl blush. She decided to trust him and sat down back on the couch.
"I am Chelsea. I don't have a name because I am an orphan. I worked for an assassination group called oarburgh but recently the group got shot down because most of us got killed by some fallen Angels. I followed you because you are the red dragon emperor and hoped to stay with your side but it appears you are part of the devil faction." The newly introduced Chelsea said with a weak smile.
"I see then. So What are you gonna do now?" Issei Asked Chelsea. She on the other hand looked at him a strangely.
"Are you not gonna give me to the devils?" She asked him making him hold his head in confusion.
"Why would I." Issei asked confused what this girl ment.
"I am an assassin and a wield a sacred gear. Giving me to the devils will boost their power." She answered making issei nod finally in understanding.
"I am not planning to give you to the devils. You are free to leave if you want. Just make sure you don't become a problem for me" issei said making Chelsea shocked.
"What why?" She asked him. Issei is way more powerful than her and can force her to submit to him with ease. Not to forget the doesn't have allies or a faction for back up.
"I am not in the greatest relationship with the devils." Issei stated. Chelsea was confused at what he meant.
"I see then, Can I ask you a question?" She Said nervously. This is a giant risk but she needs yo take the chance and hope for the best.
"Sure" issei answered.
"Can you let me stay here? I don't have any money or a home to stay." She said nervously. She was expecting him to deny her but was surprised when she felt his hand on her shoulder. She looked at him and saw a gentle smile.
"You can stay here as long as you want." Issei said with a gentle smile making her blush. Issei know that she was telling the truth and he didn't felt any deceit from her. So he knew that he could trust her.
"Really" she asked in shock. She smiled brightly when she saw him nod and she couldn't help herself and hugged him.
Issei was shocked and couldn't help himself and hugged her back. After a minute they broke the hug. Issei saw that Chelsea had a tear on her cheek. He took a tissue and wiping her cheek. She blushed at his actions but didn't do anything.
"Thank you issei." She said with a smile issei smiled back and patted her head. Issei gave Chelsea the spare room and called his parents. He lied to them saying that Chelsea is from the camp he joined and decided to visit kuoh and offered her a place to stay.
The rest of the day went smoothly. Issei parents came back home and got to meet Chelsea. They imidiatly liked her and got to know her.
After dinner issei decided to call it a night and go to sleep but before he could close his eyes a red magic circle with the crest of the Gremory clan appeared and seconds later Rias Gremory came out of it.
Issei was shocked why Rias suddenly decided to visit he noticed that she was in a hurry and seconds later he saw her undressing herself.
"R-rias what are you doing here" issei said shocked.
"Sorry issei but I don't have much time and kiba won't do it because of his pride as a knight. So you are the only option." She said in a desperate tone. Issei started to get pissed at her actions and pushed her away.
"W-what? Am I not your type" she said a little bit offended but before issei could reply a white magic circle appeared with the crest of the house of Gremory. Put of it came a silver haired woman with silver eyes. She wore a French maid outfit and what issei could tell that she is powerful. Extremely powerful. He had no doubt that she could beat him in his balance breaker with ease maybe even his fusion balance breaker. But before issei could say anything Rias spoke.
"Grayfia who send you here? It is my brother, father or came you here by your own choice?" She asked to the silver haired maid who kept her stoic face.
"All 3 of them my lady. Why have you lowered yourself to this low born?" Grayfia asked Rias who stood up and crossed her hands. Issei on the other hand didn't knew to be offended or to be glad for Grayfia stopping Rias.
"Low born or not I chose who I want to give my purity and I don't care that you are the queen of my brother peerage but I won't tolerate such disrespect against my servants." She said with an authority tone. Issei just realised something. Rias has a brother and the maid is his queen. He needs to catch up with those facts.
"I see... very well my lady. But you are the next in line to the house of Gremory. I advice you to cherish your body and your purity." Grayfia advised and turned to issei who was showed no emotion what so ever the moment she arrived. This sparked an interest in Grayfia. Why? She could clearly sense the power difference between issei and Rias and could tell that he could beat her with close to no effort." My apologies sir. My name is grayfia lucifuge and i am the headmaid of the Gremory household. We will be out of your way now." Grayfia said and gestured for Rias to follow.
"You don't mind that I ask my queen to join us?" Rias asked and the maid nodded.
"Of course it is only proper for a king to be accompanied by her queen. The priestess of thunder can come." Grayfia said making Rias nodded and she turned around to face issei and went to give him a kiss but was surprised when he blocked the kiss with his hand.
"I appreciate it that you don't touch me Rias,We are not in on the best of terms."
Issei said with no emotion at all. Grayfia was shocked to hear that but didn't show it but she will keep that piece of info for later. Rias wanted to say something but was stopped by Grayfia.
"My lady we need to hurry. We don't want to let your parents wait do we?" Grayfia said making Rias sign and nod in acceptance. She and Grayfia left issei with a magic circle. Issei was glad that she was gone and finally could go to sleep.
(Tomorrow morning)
Issei woke up early and did some early exercises that both his dragons recommend doing everyday of the week. After the morning workout he made some breakfast. Simple cereal with milk.
When he was eaten he heard someone walking down the stairs and moments later Chelsea appeared in her nightgown. Issei blushed slightly at the sight and luckily for him Chelsea was to tired to see him blushing.
"Good morning issei" she said a bit sleepy.
"Good morning Chelsea. What are your plans for today?" Issei asked her making her think.
"I don't have plans really." She said awkwardly making issei think and soon he got a idea.
"Do you want to go to school with me?" He asked her. She was shocked.
"Really?" She asked him hoping that it wasn't a joke.
"Yup, I doubt that would be a problem and If the devils try something I will protect you" issei said but before he could do anything Chelsea tackled him and hugged the life our of him.
"Thank you thank you thank you!!!" She said while holding issei in a hug. Issei on the other hand patted her back.
"It is no biggie. Now I have to go to school. See ya later and don't cause any trouble" he said with a wink making her blush and he left for school. When He arrived there he received the same stares as yesterday. The girls looked at him with lust and the boys with jealousy. When He entered his class everything went as usual.
When lunch came he stood up and left the classroom but was stopped by his old friends. The bold one and glasses.
(I don't remember their names and I am to lazy to search it up)
"You issei where have you been?" The bold one said making issei sign.
"Away" he said bluntly and turned around and walked out of the classroom. When He walked to the grassfield he sat down and opened his lunch he prepared. He took a bite and enjoyed the silence that the place provided. Moments later he felt a presence approaching him. He turned around and saw akeno standing there.
"Issei I have orders from Rias to bring you to the club room." She said with a little hint of fear in her voice. Issei noticed this and stood up. Normally she was taller then him but now he was a couple inches taller then her. This action made her sweat a bit and a little bit aroused.
"I already told raynare this and I will say this again. let Rias know That I will do my devil duties but don't think for a second that she owns me. Are we understood?!" He said while coming closer to the point their faces were inches away if each other. Akeno became so aroused that she was sure she needed to change her undergarments after this. Issei noticed this as well and decided to play a little with the S&M addicted queen.
"If you are a good girl I will reward you but If you are a bad girl then I have to punish you." He whispered in her ear making her face the color of his balance breaker and she quickly nodded and walked to the club room. Issei smirked but before he could do anything else a voice was heard behind issei.
"Nice one issei-chan" the voice of Chelsea reached his ear and he soon turned around and saw Chelsea with his lunch box empty. Issei grew a thick mark and made a mental note to hide his food from Chelsea.
"Chelsea what a surprise and why have you eaten my lunch?" Issei said with fake smile making Chelsea grew a cat-like smirk and grew an innocent smile.
"My apologies issei-kun I couldn't help myself." She said and stood up and before he could reply he felt someone teleporting inside the club room. He sensed fire inside of the clubroom but it soon vanished. But before he could say anything Vritra spoke.
Vritra spoke making issei nod. Chelsea looked confused at the situation and decided to ask him about it.
"Hey issei-kun why are staring at the clubroom?" She asked him making him look at her.
"I sensed the element of fire inside the clubroom and my dragon informed me that it was a Phoenix." Issei said making Chelsea nod.
"I see. I should have guessed that Ddraig could sense a other creature made of fire." Chelsea said making issei look at her and decided to play along.
"Yeah sure." He said making her look at him suspicious but she shrugged it off.
"So what are gonna do about riser Phoenix?" Chelsea asked making issei look at her with a confused expression.
"Riser?" He asked Chelsea who gave him a weird look and immidiatly made the connection that issei doesn't knew about Rias fiance.
"You don't know? Riser phenex is the fiance of Rias Gremory and she had been trying to break the engagement by recruiting strong members." She said making issei and the dragons inside of his mind shocked and a moment later issei began to laugh making her shocked at his sudden outburst.
"Hahahaha I never knew that hahaha this is gonna Be fantastic." He said while trying to hold back his laughter but failed. He started rolling on the grass and wheezing.
"Umm issei why are laughing? Your master needs you to break that engagement and you are laughing like you are planning to make her suffer." Chelsea said in a confused tone. Issei regained his control and started to inhale and exhale and wiping away the tears.
"Ow yeah you don't know why I find this funny. Listen here Chelsea this info rather you keep for yourself understand?" He asked her in a serious tone making her shiver and nod. Issei explained everything about the fallen Angel, the date and the church. He kept the info about he obtaining an other sacred gear for himself because that was his Trump card. Saying that Chelsea was in shock would be an understatement. Now she understands why he refuses to help Rias and she couldn't blame him.
"So what are you planning?" She asked him making issei law back on the grass and close his eyes.
"Nothing. I won't help that red haired bitch with her problems and I couldn't care less what happens to her." He said making Chelsea nod and sit back on the grass and both of them started to make a little small talk.
(Rias pov[club room]) (5 min ago)
I was currently sitting on my desk waiting for my queen to Arrive with my pawn. The rest of my servant are sitting on the couch. I asked her to bring issei when Grayfia came by and told me that riser was on his way. After a minute the door opened to only reveal my queen with red cheeks but no issei. I grew a thick mark but decided to punish him later."
"Mistress, where is your pawn?" Grayfia asked me making me sign in disappointment.
"My pawn doesn't always obeys my orders but don't worry he isn't needed in this meeting." I informed Grayfia making her nod.
"Shall I explain the current situation my mistress." She asked me making me shake my head.
"No I will. Everyone, I must inform you that I am eng-" but before i could finish my sentence an orange magic circle appeared and flames came out of it.
Out of the magic circle a man appeared. He had blonde hair. He looked like he was in his mid-twenties. He wore a red suit with the top loose. He wore smug face. This is riser Phenex 3rd son of the phenex family and my fiance.
"Ah and riser has arrived." Riser said and turned around to face me. "Ah riser, let catch up." He said and both of of sat down on the couch and my servant stood by the window.
"Who is this douchbag" asked raynare.
This gentleman is riser Phenex. Third son of the phenex family and the lady Rias Gremory fiance." Grayfia informed raynare who had a shocked face.
"Riser is shocked Rias my dear. You haven't told them about riser" he said in the third person making everybody including Grayfia want to facepalm.
They sat down on the couch and akeno brought them tea. He took a sip and said.
"Ahh this tea is fantastic." He said to akeno who had a fake smile.
"Thank you sir." She said but everybody except riser knee that was fake. He started to touch my hair and my legs making me lose my temper.
"Stop it riser I will not marry you." I said and stood up making riser to the same. We continued this argument until eventually riser started to power up and his eyes turned orange. While I do the same with my eyes turning red.
"Riser doesn't care that I have to incinerate all your servants. Riser will bring you to the underworld." He stated and generated more fire. Luckily Grayfia quickly interfered with releasing 5 percent of her power making the 2 high class devils stop and look at her with fear and their body shivering from the pressure.
"There is no need for incineration. My lady Rias, your family has found a way for you to cancel to marriage contract if you desire." Grayfia informed while dropping her aura making both sign in relieve. Even riser knows it is a deathwish to challenge the second strongest female in the devil faction.
"I had assume that my family would do this. What is the other way Grayfia?" Rias asked.
"A rating game." She informed them making riser smirk victorious.
"Riser has played a decent amount of rating games and was seen a prodigy." He said with pride.
'Pretty arrogant. Only adult devils can participate in a rating game.' Akeno thought herself.
"My lady, what do you chose?" Grayfia asks me.
"I accept." Rias said with confidence. Riser started to Laugh.
"Hahaha, Rias my dear you really think you can defeat my cute servants?" Riser asked and snapped his fingers. An other orange magic circle appeared and 15 girls came out of it.
"I will obliterate you riser." She said with confidence.
"Very well then. I accept the challenge. But if you loose you shall marry me immidiatly." Riser said and snapped his fingers and teleported away.
"Very well my lady I will inform your family about your decision." Grayfia said and teleported away. Little did they knew that issei send a shadow clone to listen in on the conversation. Grayfia knew about the shadow clone and Decided to not tell them because she knew that it was from issei because she sensed issei aura from the clone.
"Very well let's go look for my pawn." She said with authority. She was pissed that issei disobeyed her orders and was sure to make him pay. (Like hell she can)
(With issei)
Issei was currently walking home with Chelsea and send a clone in to fill in on class. When He sensed the Phoenix devil in the clubroom he decided to send one there as well because his curiosity got the better of him and Vritra said that only an other Shadow or darkness user can sense an other Shadow or darkness user but Vritra forgot to say that people of a certain level of power could sense them too.
'It has appears my dear master has a problem' he said sarcastically in his mind making both dragons nod.
Vritra asked making issei think. He doesn't want to help the red haired bitch but he couldn't refuse to fight because it can be seen as traitorous behaviour but luckily his Angel has arrived and it took the form of a red celestial dragon.
Ddraig said making issei nod in his mind and thank Ddraig for the perfect solution.
'Yes let do that.' He said making both dragons agree. Issei suddenly felt someone tugging on his clothes making him look at Chelsea who had a pout.
"Are you even listening?" She asked him making issei laugh a bit.
"Sorry no, I had a conversation with my dragon and I got distracted." He said.
"I see can I know what about?" She asked him making him sweat a bit. He wants to hide the fact that he has a second sacred gear but the clones he create were only possible because he has the prison of ruin.
"I just find out that Rias has a rating game with riser Phenex in the future. But because out bad relationship I don't want to help her. So Ddraig found a solution, he said he can bring me in a coma for a couple of days so I don't have to participate in the rating game."
He said making Chelsea nod and he hoped that Chelsea won't ask how he got the info but fate had to fuck with him.
"How do know that she had rating game with riser?" She asked him making him curse his luck.
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