《The Troublemaker's Ghost | ✓》12: TILF


"Today we will be learning about Human and Cultural geography..."

Your sister is a medium...

"Culture is the collection of behaviors and traditions of a group of people..."

She's not ordinary.

She can communicate with the dead...

My sister is not normal.



I swiftly turned around to see Sophie beside me in place of an empty seat. Okay when did she get here?

"Sophie what are you doing here? I thought you were majoring in something else?"

I couldn't recall her major.

"I changed my mind at the last minute. I think I would really be a good... " She thought for a minute and then she asked, "What jobs do geography majors do?"

I laughed.

"Seriously Sophie? Did you flip a coin again?"

"Uhh maybe"

I laughed again but this time we were greeted by a dirty look from Mrs. Jamie. So I gingerly turned towards the board and started taking notes or was at least pretending to do it.

At least I wasn't going to get bored anymore. Now that I don't have Casey, I thought I was going be a loner in college. Sophie and I have gotten closer these couple of days through work and it was great to catch up with an old friend. I thought things are going to be a little awkward between us but in fact we talked like we have known each other forever which is kind of true except we just lost three years of each other's life.

I looked around to observe my surroundings. The chubby guy beside me was still sharpening his pencils while the girl two seats in front of me was trying not to doze off. I think she's high, judging by how red her eyes were.



Okay what was that?


I crouched down to see the source of the thumping noise.

There wedged below the table was ghost boy. His body was positioned awkwardly. Let's just say if he weren't a ghost he wouldn't be able to fit his large muscular frame underneath my table.

"Hi" He was beaming at me, dimples appearing on both of his cheeks.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I whisper shouted at him trying not to freak out my friend beside me or worse, get caught by Mrs. Jamie.

"When does this class of yours finish?" he asked ignoring my question.

"It just started. But answer me first. What the fucking hell are you doing here?"

Yeah don't mind me, I swear like a truck driver.

"Uhh Grace what are doing down there?" Sophie asked me. I could hear the suspicion laced in her voice.

I gingerly looked up ignoring a grinning ghost boy. "Just a bug". I pretended to dust my jeans while shooting Sophie a reassuring smile.

I could see that she wasn't convinced by my pathetic excuse but she decided to let it go as she started taking notes.

Ignoring her, I looked down to find ghost boy wasn't there. Great he is gone. No worries. Good riddance.

At the back of my mind I was a bit skeptic of his intentions. Why was he doing in my class? And somehow I could still feel his presence here.

After pretending to readjust my clothes to convince Sophie that I was in fact dealing with a bug, I looked up to see ghost boy floating beside me. I was startled for a second there but I quickly recovered.

"You teacher is a TILF" he said giving Mrs. Jamie a once over.

What's that? He decided to answer my question after seeing my puzzled look.


"Teacher I would like to fuck"

Ewww. I shrieked internally. Sure, Mrs. Jamie was good looking with her platinum blonde hair and her hour glass figure. I once heard a rumor that her fireman husband used to be a runway model and that's how they fell in love as Mrs. Jamie was a struggling model too. But they decided to quit their career to raise their kids. Some people still think that this apocryphal rumor is true judging by how stunning she is. But still, TILF? I can't imagine any of my teachers like that. That's disgusting!

I guess I said that out loud because the next thing I knew the whole classroom was staring at me. The girl with the drug problem wasn't dozing off anymore.

"Miss Summers may I know what's your problem?" Mrs. Jamie asked me solemnly.

"I uhh just stepped on a cockroach"

"Okay then". She clearly wasn't convinced by my lame excuse." But I have been observing you today and you weren't focused at all..."

And there she goes. While I was hearing her drone on about how to survive college 101, I couldn't help but notice how Casper was in close proximity to Mrs. Jamie. What is he up to?

Before my thoughts could run wild ,I got my answer because in one swift movement he entered Mrs. Jamie's body.

She stopped talking.

Her demeanor slightly faltered and now she had a dubious look on her face.

But then suddenly that look changed into a smirk. I know that signature smirk! But the last thing pretty much confirmed my notion.

"Nice I have boobs!" she admired looking down at her own breasts.

He possessed her!

I heard a row of collective gasps. Everyone was staring at her and I think I wouldn't be surprised if some of their eyeballs popped out and fell on the ground.

"So yes, where was I?" Mrs. Jamie or should I say Casper cleared her throat. She was beaming at us, clearly showing that Casper was satisfied with the new trick he pulled.

"Your class is dismissed"


Without much ado, people started getting up from their seats while still having that perplexed look on their faces.

I warily picked up my bag and bolted out of the class, cringing on the way as I was greeted by a wink from Mrs. Jamie. I think I am going to switch classes

"What was up with Mrs. Jamie there?" Sophie asked me as we walked together.

"I have no idea". Liar.

"Whatever it was, the boys got a show and best of all we got to leave early" she smirked.

Typical Sophie.

"Though that's the weirdest thing I have ever seen" she said after seeing me roll my eyes.

After bidding our goodbyes we headed for our respective cars. The scorching sunlight was blinding me making me more than willing to get inside my car.

"We meet again"

I jumped a little in my seat. Ignoring that I asked, "What the fuck is wrong with you?" My hands gripped the steering so hard my knuckles turned white.

"We need to go somewhere fast and that is why I needed you out of the class early and the only way to do that was to..."A Cheshire grin crossed his face. I rolled my eyes at him.

"After what you just did there, I would never listen to you"

"Believe me you would love to; I am helping you to get rid of me"

He got me. I would love to get rid of him any day.

"Okay what?"


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