《Dark Slate》Chapter 21: New Home
We walked through the front gate into a spacious yard with trees and flowers lined up nicely throughout the place along with a tall fountain. The house was several stories high and had a watch tower. I looked at the watch tower.
I want to go up there so bad.
"Welcome." an old voice called. "Have you been well, my son?"
Everyone's looking at us.
This is awkward.
"Yes, father." Leon bowed. "I'm glad you too are in good health."
"Yes, although my days are fast approaching." he chuckled, then looked at me and my sisters. "But enough about that, please, do introduce these new faces."
"Of course." He tapped me on the shoulder. "This is my son Arata." I bowed. "And these are my daughters Hanna and Mia." they both bowed awkwardly beside me. "Kids, he is your grandfather Orin Arumani. The head of our house."
"Hm? Arata?" Orin mumbled. "You're the one who got lost in Canavar, correct?"
"Y-You knew?" Leon asked taken aback.
"You made such a big fuss. Of course I found out." Orin responded. "Anyway, child, how did a boy you're age survive in those monster plains?"
What now?
I don't want to recap the whole story.
"Due to my father's teachings, I was able to overpower the most deadliest of monsters." I said. "The only thing that kept me going was the thought of getting back to my family."
"Hm? You're a brave child. Just like your father." He said. "Is that beast next to you from Canavar?"
"Yes, I found her half-dead and nursed her back to health." I replied.
"Is that so, what a strange beast." he said. "Anyway, I've finished my business here. Get to know the rest of the family in your own time." he looked towards the maids and Butlers. "Show them to their rooms."
He walked away.
"Welcome back Leon." an old woman said.
"Mother." Leon responded. "It's been so long."
"Indeed it has." She looked at Hanna. "Is that little Hanna? I haven't seen you since you were a baby." she said patting her head.
"Is that so?" She looked at her with a confused expression.
"You're Arata, and you're Mia, correct?" she said looking at us. "I'm your father's mother which makes me your grandmother."
"Nice to meet you." I bowed. "Grandmother."
"My, my. You don't have to be so formal." She said. "My name is Bella, but feel free to call me grandma." she chuckled.
"Yes. I'll do that." I replied.
"Yoo. Leon." a man that looks exactly like Leon called out. "How have you been? I'm guessing you've had a good time since you're the one with the most kids." he elbowed Leon.
That's Leon's twin brother.
"It's nice to see you too, Creon." Leon responded.
"Wait you're Creon? The Creon?" I said. "you're that author who wrote those pervy books on women."
"Aha! You've seen my work, have you? I don't recommend it for a boy your age, but just for you, I'll make an exception." he padded my back. "I have to say, Leon. I'm liking your kid already."
"You always talk about such vulgar things." another one of the men said then walked away.
"It's nice to see you again, brother." Leon said.
The man didn't turn around or say anything.
"I see he's still the same." Leon said then looked at me. "That's my older brother, and your uncle, Dion."
"Yes. I don't know when he got so arrogant, but now he rarely even talks to us." Creon said.
"Hey Leon." an honest-looking man said while holding a baby. "It's good to see you again after so long, brother."
"It's good to be back." He said. "Is that your kid?"
"Yes, this is my first son, his name is Atticus." he said. "And that's your son." He looked at me. "Arata, right? I'm Brian your father's younger brother."
"It's nice to meet you."
"Master Arata." a young woman in a maid outfit called me with a low bow.
"Yes?" I said confused.
"Would you like me to show you to your room now?" She asked.
"Yes." I said still confused.
"Right this way then." She walked ahead.
I guess I'll follow her.
As I looked around I noticed that all the people that were around earlier were gone, even my mother and sisters. It was only Leon and his two brothers who were outside still talking.
I guess they all went inside.
As she led me through the front door, the room past the door was very wide, and everything inside was very elegantly decorated. With two sets of stairs going up to the second floor. She led me through a hallway with large windows and paintings along the walls. She turned into another hallway with various doors, as we walked through it there were tags at the doors with names.
Theodore, Nina, Ada. And then came two names I recognized. Mia and Hanna. It's their rooms. Next to theirs was a door with my name on it. She opened it.
"We're here." She said.
This is a room?
It's so big?
The entire floor was carpeted. There was a large bed in the center of the wall. Drawers, mirrors, lanterns, a desk, and even a sofa with a small table decorated the room.
I can't believe I'm going to live here.
It's unlike any place I've seen before, even in my past life.
"All your belongings have been brought here and put in their place." she said. "I'll be on my way now, if you need anything please call me. I'm your family's personal maid."
They put away all my things?
Wait what about the Exosia Orb?
"Wait!" I said. "There was a leather bag along with my things. Where is it?"
"Hm?" she walked inside my room and opened a drawer that was next to my bed, then pulled out a leather bag. "You mean this?"
"Yes." I said in relief.
"Here you go." she handed it to me.
"Thank you." just from the feel of it I can tell it's still in here. "What is your name?"
"I'm sorry I forgot to introduce myself." she said with another bow. "My name is Lize."
"Answer me something." I said. "Do you work here or were you brought here against your will?"
"Huh?" her eyes widened. "I'm. . . just a slave." her face fell.
"I see. I'm sorry to hear that." I said. "You can go now."
"Thank you." she bowed and left.
So, there are slaves living in this house.
I don't know how to feel about that.
I hid away the Orb and plopped down on the bed.
It's so comfortable.
So soft.
I slowly closed my eyes.
"-ta. . . Arata. Wake up." Someone called.
I slowly opened my eyes and found Hanna and Mia on top of me.
"What?" I asked.
"Hurry and get up." Hanna said. "We're having a family Diner to get to know each other."
"Urg. Do I have to go?" I said closing my eyes.
"Yes, father asked us to come get you." Mia said.
I got up.
"How long have I been asleep?" I asked.
"I don't know. A few hours, maybe." Hanna replied.
"What have you guys been doing all day?" I said as we walked out of my room.
"We've been exploring this huge house." Mia replied, her voice echoing throughout the hallway. "We were going to ask you to join us but you were asleep."
"Did you find anything interesting?"
"The bath, I guess." Hanna said.
"Why is that?"
"Well, it's unlike any other I've seen." Hanna said. "There's only a few throughout the house and they're separated by gender." We walked down the stairs. "It's this huge tub that gets filled with water."
"Does that mean that we all wash our bodies in the same water?" I asked. "Because that's nasty."
"No." Mia said. "You take a shower and then enter the bath." we walked through an arched entryway. "Both the showers and the bath are in the same room."
"That's right. And there are no covers." Hanna said embarrassed.
"Oh, we're here." Mia said.
"Hey, Arata." I heard Leon call. "You're here."
He seems to be in a good mood.
I walked into the dining room. There were two tables one where the adults sat, and the other for us kids. And they both look full, so that means I'm the last one to get here.
"Sorry I'm late." I said.
"Doesn't matter." He replied. "Go on and find a place to sit."
"Got it."
There were only eight chairs and four were taken. Hanna and Mia took a seat on the long part of the table, leaving only two of them open. Either the host seat, next to my sisters, or the one at the side next to two kids I don't know. I sat down in the host seat. My sisters were to my left along with some other girl next to them, two other kids to my right, and one in the opposite seat of mine. It was silent, no one was talking. The kid to my right was reading a book.
Should I start a conversation?
"Hehe." someone giggled. "What's with this awkward atmosphere? You guys are so boring." She said. "Let's introduce ourselves to the new guys." she looked around.
That's right they've lived together for some time before we arrived.
So they already know each other.
"I guess I'll go first. My name is Nina." she looked at me. "What's yours?"
"Huh? Me?" I said.
She nodded happily.
"My name is Arata."
"That's it." she said. "Come on say more things, like, what do like to do? Or what's your favorite food?"
"I guess I like to practice magic." I said. "I don't particularly have a favorite food?"
Not in this world at least.
"Magic huh? My brother here also loves magic." she said pointing at the kid next to him. "He's even reading a book on it." she poked at him. "Come on introduce yourself."
"My name is Theodore." he said not taking his eyes off the book.
"What about you?" she looked at Mia.
"I'm Mia." she said nervously.
Nina looked at Hanna.
"My name is Hanna." she said. "Nice to meet you."
Then the next.
"My Name is Ada." the girl sitting next to Hanna said in a serious tone.
And finally.
"My name is Alexander." the kid sitting opposite of me said. "It's a pleasure."
He sounds cocky.
"Well, that's everyone." Nina said. "Now come on, throw some questions."
"I got one?" I said. "Hey Theodore, what's that book about?"
"It's about ways to better control mana and guides to certain techniques you can do with it." he replied "Do you know how to manipulate mana?" he asked me.
"Yes, I learned from a book that was in my father's study." I said. His eyes widened.
"What's this?" Alexander cut in. "That sounds ridiculous, one can only learn mana arts with a proper mentor and-"
"Really?!?" Theodore cut him off. "I learned magic the same way." he said.
"What's your elemental affinity?" I asked.
"Fire and wind." he responded.
"Eh? Just like me." I said.
"What are the odds?" he said shocked.
"Where did you get that book?" I asked pointing at the book he was reading.
"There are tons of them here in the mansion." He said. "Is there anything you would like to read about?"
"I want to learn more about the geography and history of this world." I replied. "Along with a book about sigils and runes."
"There's a lot of books here with that information." he said. "I can show you where they are."
"Sounds good." I said.
"Although. There are parts of the world that haven't been explored. Not by humans at least." he said. "So the geography books will be incomplete."
"That's fine."
"Woof." Flare barked which startled all of us even me.
"Flare." I picked her up. "What are you doing here? I thought you were in my room?"
"Woof, woof." she replied.
No idea what she said.
"Awww. What a cute puppy." Nina said getting up from her seat and coming close to me to see Flare.
"She's not a dog." I said.
"Then what is she?" Nina asked while petting her.
"She's a wolf." I said.
"That's even cuter." she said happily. "Brother, scoot over. I want to sit next to Flare."
Theodore moved to the next seat, while Nina brought hers closer to me.
Then everything went quiet again.
"Of course, my son will inherit the position of head." I heard Dion say from the other table. "He's highly skilled in both magic and Swordsmanship. He's been learning since he was six years old. My son a genius." he looked over this way. "Isn't that right Alexander?"
"That's right, father." Alexander said. "I've been honing my skills as both a mage and a swordsman. Once I learn internal mana control, I'll be at the very top."
He hasn't learned internal mana control?
He looked coldly at us. "The likes of which all of you will never reach."
What a cocky brat.
"There he goes again." Nina whispered to me. "Ever since we got here he's been so rude to us. I'm glad your not like him."
"Nor do I plan to be." I whispered back.
She giggled at my response.
"You pathetic bunch can never rise to the top with your puny attempts at learning magic." He continued. "Your talent pales in comparison to mine. I'm a real genius. Since an early age, I've been learning from the best mentors in the world. I've even had the opportunity to fight a goblin, a real monster in the flesh, and of course, I came out triumphant in the end."
A goblin?
One of the weakest monsters to ever live.
Have you fought a crimson orc?
Or fought a powerful earthen mage to the death?
Yeah, I don't think so.
Everyone seems to be ignoring him, even Ada, his sister, looks tired of it. Nina was humming happily while petting Flare. Mia and Hanna, we're talking among themselves. And Theodore went back to read his book.
"That's just how good you can become by learning from the best. And of course, you'd have to have my genius to be able to take in such knowledge."
God, does this guy ever shut up?
"So Nina, what are things that you like?" I decided to start a conversation with Nina.
"Things I like huh?" she put a finger on her chin. "I like to hang out with friends, I guess. And animals too." she said while scratching Flare behind the ear.
"Didn't you just move here?" I asked. "You already made friends."
"Well, back where I used to live I had a lot of friends but then we moved here and I've just been trying to fit in with the family." she said sadly. "But I would like to make some friends."
"Yeah, I know what you mean. I also had a friend back where I used to live." I said. "Now I don't even know if I'll ever see her again."
"I guess we're the same." she said.
A loud thud interrupted our conversation. "You dare ignore me." Alexander said angrily looking at me.
Everyone is ignoring him so why is he looking at me?
"Me?" I asked confused.
"If not you then who else?"
"I don't know." I said sarcastically. "Maybe the table full of people ignoring your nonsense."
"Nonsense you say? You think I'm joking? You think you're better than me?" he smirked. "You're just jealous because I'm superior to you."
". . ." I stayed silent.
"You really are an unfortunate person. You were not born with talents like mine nor offered proper tutoring. You're just an incompetent fool who's trying to be in the same class as us geniuses." He continued.
"Is that so?" I said unfazed. "Maybe you're right."
"Tsk." he clicked his tongue. "I hate that look in your eye."
Is that why he's being so aggressive toward me?
"You still fail to understand. You can never be like me. But please, keep trying. Like a little kitty chasing its tail, it's amusing."
Someone slammed the table with their hands cutting him off. It was Hanna, by the expression on her face I could tell that she was furious.
"You're really pissing me off." Hanna said. "You're the one who doesn't know anything. Arata is way stronger than you can ever hope to become. He is the nicest person and the best brother in the world, so you calling him all those mean things is unacceptable."
What she said left me speechless. I didn't know she cared this much about me. It's so moving, I might actually cry.
"You. . . You dare look down on me." Alexander yelled angrily.
"For what you said to Arata. You deserve to be looked down upon." she responded.
"How dare you." Alexander got up and was about to grab her by the collar but before he laid a hand on her I grabbed his hand pushing him back.
"Y-You. . ." he glared at me.
"I don't care what happens to me. But if you touch her, I won't have mercy." I said coldly while gripping his hand.
"That's enough." Leon called. "This has gone on for long enough. Arata, let him go."
I did as he said.
"Come now Leon, why did you interfere? It's their problem. So let them resolve it." Dion said more as an order than a statement.
"If this keeps going someone might get hurt." Leon said.
"So you're worried about your child, is that it?" Dion looked at Alexander. "Tell me, son, how do you plan to handle this."
"I want a duel." Alexander demanded. "I'll show you just how much better I am."
"You don't have to accept." Nina said worriedly.
"Yeah, she's right." Theodore added. "You stood up to him already, isn't that enough?"
"I accept." I said ignoring their words. "And I'll show you just how disappointing reality is."
We went to the back yard where there was a large open space. It was the afternoon so there was still light outside. We were given two wooden swords to spar.
"Why did you have to accept?" Theodore said. "If he wins it'll just boost up his ego."
"Don't worry." Hanna said. "Arata has fought an entire army of Orcs. So if it's him he'll win"
"Did you really fight an army of Orcs?" Theodore asked unconvinced.
"Yup, and I lost miserably to them." I said. "Well, it's time."
I walked up to the open area where Alexander was. And I stood right in front of him. The whole family was watching along with the butlers and maids.
Since Alexander loves being arrogant.
I guess I'll be too.
"Get ready." Leon said. "Begin."
"I don't need this to beat you." I threw away my sword.
"Are you that stupid?" he yelled while charging at me.
He can't use internal mana control so he's as slow as a normal person. When he got to me he threw various slow attacks that I was able to dodge easily.
"Damn it. Why can't I land a hit?" he said frustrated.
He swung the sword straight down. Once it hit the floor I stepped on it, since he was gripping the sword it caused him to stumble forward. When he did I brought my knee up, kicking his face, causing him to fall back.
"Is this pitiful display of swordplay what your so-called elite mentors taught you?" I said.
"Damn you." he got up.
He conjured fire around himself. I activated distortion causing all those flames to disperse and disappear completely.
"Come on, use your magic." I mocked.
"What have you done?" he said looking at his palms trying to channel mana.
In the blink of an eye, I closed the distance and punched his stomach.
"Gah." He fell to the ground while gripping his stomach.
"This match is over." Leon said. "Arata is the winner."
I looked down at Alexander. "Is this all that a self-proclaimed genius like you can do? Pathetic." I said. "You were right, I'm not like you. I don't want to be as pitiful as you." I turned around and walked away. "This wasn't even worth calling a duel."
Hanna, Mia, Nina, and Theodore were clapping and cheering for me.
"I can't accept this." Alexander said.
I heard the sound of something sharp being unsheathed behind me. I turned around, with gravity, I stopped Alexander in his tracks. Revealing a small dagger in his hands. I levitated him off the ground. Then I pulled the dagger close to me.
"What were you planning to do with this?" I asked.
While the dagger floated midair. I used gravity and began twisting and pulling on it. The dagger contorted out of shape until it snapped apart.
"Were you going to stab me behind my back?" I said. I slowly closed my hand squeezing him harder. "Answer!"
"Gah." he let out while being crushed in midair.
"Arata, enough." Leon called. "You've won. Let him go."
I took a deep breath and let him go. He started breathing heavily as I let him down.
"Alexander, a stunt like that could've put Arata in danger. I advise you not to pull something like this again." He looked at Dion. "Is this what you teach your kids, my son could've been seriously hurt."
"I apologize for Alexander's rash actions." Dion said then looked at Alexader. "I'll be sure to reprimand him accordingly."
"What the hell did you do?" Alexander yelled angrily at me. "Answer me."
"Aren't you a genius?" I responded. "Figure it out."
I walked away from them.
"Aha." Hanna laughed happily. "I knew you'd win."
"Wow, you actually won." Theodore said.
"That's incredible." Nina said while holding Flare. "I didn't know you were that strong."
"What sort of magic did you use?" Theodore came up to me. "Your hand was glowing. Then you picked him off the ground. And the dagger just burst apart."
"That was my gravity magic." I said.
"I thought your attributes were wind and fire." He said. "Are you special born?"
"Wind and fire are my original attributes." I responded. "And no I'm not special born."
"So how?" Hanna asked. "I didn't even know you could use gravity magic, or whatever you called it."
"I learned it from a friend after father and I left for Bryxton." I said.
"Learned?" Theodore said in shock. "You can't learn something like that."
"Well, I did." I said then lifted him off the ground.
"H-Hey put me down." He said nervously flapping around.
I chuckled.
Leon's Perspective
"I wasn't trying to stop them from quarreling for the fear of my son being injured." I told Dion, my older brother as he stood in front of me. "I knew Arata would win."
It's hard to imagine that this man was once an honest and kind person. He encouraged me to be better. To aim higher. When we were all children he was so energetic and pushed us to play along with his little childish games. When the time came for father to declare a successor, it all changed. He grew arrogant and greedy, he even tried to push us his brothers, down for him to rise.
"Yes, I have to admit your son is quite talented in his own right." He replied. "I had heard an incident happened in Canavar. I decided not to look into it, because, I thought the problem aroused due to your idiocy. But now I'm curious as to what happened."
"You can obtain that information on your own." I told him.
"So be it." He said.
I didn't want to spend time talking with him. So I turned around and walked away.
"Leon." My twin brother called out to me along with my younger brother. "That was incredible."
"You should be telling Arata that." I said.
"But you're the one who trained him." he said. "What sort of training did you put him through?"
"Yes I'm curious too." Brian said.
"I didn't do much. I just taught him the basics, the rest he did on his own." I replied.
Which is true. With his talent, I wish I could teach him more advanced sword techniques along with all three sword styles.
"Wow, your son is the real deal." Creon said. "Unlike Dion's kid."
"Oh?" Brian said as he watched the rest of the family going inside. "I think dinner is ready."
"Well, let's go inside. I'm starving." I said.
Arata's Perspective
"Hmm." Hanna hummed excitedly as she sat down. "This looks delicious."
"Indeed it does." Nina said sitting down too.
We were served a steak plate for dinner.
"Is Alexander not joining us for dinner?" I asked as I sat down.
"Of course he isn't." Theodore responded. "After he talked all big and then getting beaten by you, he probably feels humiliated."
"His dad isn't here either." The only one from their family is his mom and sister. "Hey, you're Alexader's sister, right?" I looked at the serious girl. "Do you know why he acts like that?"
"That's how he was raised." she said seriously. "Father spent all his time focused on him. Making him think he was above everyone. But I'm glad he was beaten in something."
I can't tell if she's actually glad or not.
I wonder? Did Dion toss her aside?
"Hey Arata, I'm guessing you're around my age." Theodore said. "So how did you get so strong?"
"How old are you?" I asked.
"I recently turned eight."
"Well, I recently turned seven." I said.
"Seven?! That means you're younger than me." Nina said in shock. "With the way you act and talk, I thought you were older."
"How old are you?" I asked.
"I recently turned right."
Their siblings and their both eight?
Perhaps they are. . .
Once she noticed my confused expression she spoke again.
"We're twins." she said with a smile. "So I'm guessing Mia is the youngest one. What about you, Hanna?"
"I'm ten years old. Mia is 5." Hanna responded.
"Wait!" Theodore said a bit too loudly. "How did you learn internal mana control? It takes at most two years to learn. Since you're seven that would be impossible to do, even if you learned mana at the early age of six. How old were you when you learned to manipulate mana?"
"You wouldn't believe me if I told you." I said.
"Try me." He continued.
I stayed silent for a second.
Before I was able to reply Hanna did so in my place.
"Arata learned to manipulate magic when he was two years old. Then when he was five he learned internal mana control. Then a year after that he learned lightning magic." Hanna said excitedly almost like a proud parent.
"Yes, Arata is so cool." Mia added.
Everyone looks totally unconvinced.
So embarrassing.
"You don't believe me." Hanna said. "Go on Arata, show them your lightning."
"Looks like I don't have a choice." I said.
I raised my hand and focused my mana on it. Charging up my electricity until dark blue lightning started crackling on the surface of my palm.
"Oh wow, she wasn't lying." Theodore said. "First gravity then lightning. What else can you do?"
"I'm afraid that's all I can do." I said. "But enough about me. I want to know more about you guys."
"Our stories aren't as interesting." Theodore said.
"It doesn't matter." I said. "I just want to know you better."
"O-Okay." He seemed to be taken aback.
Throughout our conversation, I mostly asked them personal questions. I learned that Theodore and Nina are Creon's kids, Leon's twin brother, and their mom is a woman named Tina who was sitting with the adults.
Ada and Alexander are siblings. Ada is eight years old and Alexander is ten. They are Dion's kids and their mom is a woman named Lilly. She was also sitting with the adults.
Then there's Brian and Lena's kid, Atticus who is two years old. He wasn't sitting with us because he is too young. They were both sitting with the adults happily chatting with the rest.
Our conversation came to an end when it was time to go to bed. Since our rooms were in the same hall, we decided to walk back together. After we said goodnight to each other I walked into my room and laid in bed, Flare laid beside me.
I'm took a nap earlier so I'm not that sleepy. I heard my door open as I started up into the ceiling. I picked up my head and saw a small girl peeking her head through the door.
"Mia?" I called out. "Is that you?"
"Um. I'm sorry." she said. "It's just so dark, and, I'm scared."
I sighed and raised my bed sheets. "Come here."
"Hehe." She happily ran to me and laid down beside me.
"Why don't you go with mom and dad?" I asked.
"I don't know where their room is." she replied.
"Okay, why don't you go with Hanna then?"
"I did." she said. "But she fell asleep quickly and I got scared."
"I guess you can sleep here." I said. "Take your time I'm not that sleepy."
After some time we both quickly fell asleep.
It's been a week since we moved into this house. I've become closer to the family. Every day we hang out together doing all sorts of stuff. Alexander doesn't hang out with us at all. We just see him walking around or training by himself in the afternoon.
Today I'm starting my morning sparing with Leon again. I've been looking forward to this for a while now. And finally, we have time for a match. Before eating breakfast we went to the backyard. I told the other guys that I was dueling Leon but I didn't expect them to come watch. Not just them but Leon's brothers too, including Dion and Alexander.
We had wooden swords to spar.
"Go. Arata."
The others cheered.
"You ready." Leon said swinging his sword around and then getting into a stance. "Let's see how much you've improved."
"Let's go." I said getting ready.
He gave no indication nor warning. But I could tell by the way he looked at me and the way he stood, that he was coming. My body shivered. He took a step. I pushed my upper body to the side dodging his attack. He then threw various attacks to which I was barely able to dodge. He repositioned himself and threw a kick. I brought up my sword to block the kick. But it still send me flying some distance away. Once I landed I quickly stood up but he didn't follow.
"You're not going easy on me this time, huh?" I said.
"I want to see what you're really capable of." he responded.
We both charged forward locking swords for a second. With gravity, I pushed him back knocking him off balance. I dashed to him as fast as I could. But he still regained his footing and blocked my attack. He threw several attacks to which I blocked, then I unleashed a series of blows at him to which he blocked.
In the middle of an attack, he pulled back. Which caused me to stumble forward. Then he immediately dashed forward. With a low blow, I got sent flying into the air. Where he expected me to land I didn't. With gravity, I kept myself afloat. Causing him to miss the attack. As he did I charged up my lightning and threw it at him. He got stunned for a second giving me enough time to land a hit.
I pulled back.
"I thought your lightning was stronger." he said as he repositioned himself. "According to your story that is."
Is he referring to my black lightning?
It's too strong that I can barely control it.
"What? You worried about me." He said noticing my expression. "Come on I want to see it. I can take anything you throw at me."
Well, a little should be fine.
I took in a deep breath and concentrated on remaining my lightning. Then dark tendrils of lightning raced around me.
"Here it goes." I said.
I didn't aim it at him. But it flew right past his head to which he barely noticed, flying off into the sky.
"Huh?" he said confused looking back and forth between me and where the attack went. "N-Never mind. You should put that away."
"I can barely control this thing." I retracted the lightning. "It will cause serious damage if used wrong."
"Then only save it for emergencies." he said putting his sword away.
"What are you doing?" I asked. "We're not done."
"Listen Arata." he said. "I've been thinking that with your level of talent you deserve better teachings. And I'm afraid that there's nothing more I can teach you. So I'm getting you a more experienced mentor."
That expression he has. He won't back down no matter what I say.
And he's right.
From an early age, Leon neglected a lot of his training.
So there's nothing more he can offer me.
But. . . it is sad.
"Fine. But on two conditions." I said. "You have to continue your own training and we have to spar at least a few times a month."
"That's fine." He smiled. "Of course, I can't let my son leave me behind."
"Then that's that." I put my sword away. "I'm not feeling like continuing this match."
"Yeah me neither." he said. "Well, let's go eat breakfast."
I followed him to the kitchen. Passing the shocked crowd of people.
- In Serial115 Chapters
The Genesis System
Genesis. It is the end of countless stories. The end of thousands of universes, billions of planets, and trillions of lives. But what is taken may also be given, as shown in the story of Cael King. A young man of Earth, knowing only a life of study and work in the relentless and endless pursuit of satisfaction. This is the origin of his story. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inspired by the system used in The Legend of Randid.ly Ghosthound. The system is an homage but the characters, world, and story are unique. I will post as often as I can and, given that I am not starting work until July, that should be pretty frequently. If you have any suggestions or comments please feel free to leave them as this is my first story and I'd love to improve both it and my writing style. This is my Patreon. Please join if you'd like to read a few chapters ahead and be part of an interactive community
8 185 - In Serial10 Chapters
The Chaotic Life in a Different World
Shinji Fujiki has an adventurous life with his uncle until his foster uncle died off suddenly. Due to that, he lives his life in Japan simply until he was summoned to another world [Oracia] along with his classmates. The one who summoned is the Human country and they ask help to them about saving them from the Demon's invasion. The rest of the class agree to this, but Shinji isn't convinced as he sense the conspiracies from the kingdom's words. Decided not to get involved with their affairs, Shinji went out and journeyed in a different world where his actions unknowingly change the course of events happening around him. Warning: Contains some extreme violence, a bit of slice of life, Graphic sexual content (18+). (Maybe dark moments) Mild Profanity Also this is my first story so please pointed out any bad grammer or let out comments about this. The releases will be random like a few days or weeks.
8 202 - In Serial20 Chapters
Spies of the Republic of C
An ordinary civil servant, coincidence returned to 1936, looking for underground organizations, trace Japanese spies, in the magnificent era for the motherland, the liberation and rejuvenation of the nation to contribute their own strength, began his legendary spy sea career
8 173 - In Serial39 Chapters
Fire Touched
Chosen by the god of fire as his champion in the mortal realm, Sarah Wycombe wants nothing more than to live the free life of an adventurer with John, her childhood friend. She finds herself having to fend off the forceful attempts from the Fire God’s faithful while investigating a mysterious cult who seeks to elevate their minor deity to godhood. In the magical world of Sera Thun, the orcs, fresh from a catastrophic defeat, seek to elevate the deity of night creatures to the pantheon in an effort to save their outcast people. Sarah Wycombe is part of a group of adventurers that uncover the grisly truth of how the worshipers of the night goddess intend to achieve their goals and seek to put an end to their ambitions. Along the way, she discovers that she has been chosen by the god of fire to act as His vessel in the mortal realm. As the Chosen of Agni, she is the keeper of the blue flame, which grants her considerable power. She must use this power to aid her band of outcasts to put an end to the night goddess’ ambitions while trying to avoid the zealous worshippers of the Fire God who seek to force her into a life of devotion towards their deity. New Chapters on Monday Wednesday Friday
8 174 - In Serial11 Chapters
In a world full of lies, where does the truth lie? In the great unknown? In the minds of the rulers of the world? Or does the truth lie somewhere else? Somewhere....more obvious, where every single person can see and access....but do not realize?
8 105 - In Serial39 Chapters
The second granger-Harry Potter
"Oh, this is my sister Ophelia granger."The love interest of this story is going to be Harry Potter. The main character is Ophelia topaz granger, hermiones younger sister.Ophelia is in the same year as the golden trio. She is less than a year younger than Hermione and that is why she is in the same year.~~This story will be in 3rd person and will contain very little smut. A lot of fluff though. The story will mainly follow the Harry Potter storyline, but some events may not take place or be in the correct order.
8 177