《Dark Slate》Chapter 20: Return
It's been about Four weeks of constant travel we're now pretty close to the city of Bryxton. Dominic said that it will take about another week of travel to get there. Again, we could have gotten to our destination faster but constantly running into monsters is the problem. The further south we went the weaker the beasts became, a lot of them were even avoiding us by now.
Flare has become closer to me. I think she officially sees me as her master. At first, she'd wander off by herself. But the more time we spent together, she started getting familiar with me in her own way. She's now very obedient and answers at my call.
Some time ago we passed the cliff from which I fell. As I looked up at it, the memories of that day resurfaced. From the long battle we had fought, to when I fell down. I believe that the Orcs didn't show up randomly, if they had, Diana or anyone else would've noticed them.
"There's someone up ahead." Dominic said.
"Someone?" I asked.
"Yes, two humans." He said. "And They have noticed us."
Maybe their adventures?
But it's good that there are people here.
It means we're close to the city.
Since they were making their way to us, we stopped moving and waited. Soon enough I could make out two figures coming close. From what I could see, they were two adult males wearing some kind of uniform. No armor, they only carried swords along with a few more items attached to their attire. As they approached Dominic, Asonius, Deleina, and I got on guard. The air got heavier the closer they got.
Their aura is on a different level.
They're strong.
"Centaurs, Huh? I've seen your kind before." One of them said and started walking around us.
We all flinched at his words. He couldn't get a good look at me since I was on Deleina's back. The other man stayed quiet just looking at his partner.
"Hm." He came to a stop as soon as he noticed me. He pulled out some kind of parchment and took a long look at it, then back at me. He repeated this a few times more, then said. "Arata Arumani."
"Huh?" I jumped back at the mention of my name.
"Are you Arata Arumani?" He asked.
"Y-Yes." I replied nervously.
"You're coming with us." He said then reached for me.
"Hey!" Deleina said stepping away from him with me on her back. "What's this all about?"
"Ohh, I get it." The other man said. "He is being held hostage by the Centaurs." He started unsheathing his sword slowly.
"No, you idiot." The man in front of me said then turned back to us. "I apologize, I didn't mean to frighten you." He paused. "There's a massive search going around looking for you. We were given a picture of you along with your name." he said turning the parchment around, revealing the picture that the adventurers guild took of me.
"Who ordered the search?" I asked hoping to hear Leon's name.
"Don't know." He said. "The only thing we were told was that a noble's son got lost up here in Canavar."
"You are no ordinary people." Dominic said. "Your aura alone speaks lots of your strength."
"Well, you sure are perceptive, Centaur." The man said. "We're a team that came from the capital. We are both ranked in the High Sword Master class."
"So you were called from the capital?" I asked.
"No, we just happen to be in the area." He said.
"What is your name?" Dominic asked.
"Ohh, where are my manners? I forgot to introduce myself." The man straightened himself. "My name is Gabriel Gaillac and my partner over there is Louie Croillon. Nice to meet you. Sir Centaur, may I ask for your names?"
"My name is Dominic." He said then pointed to his left. "That's Asonius." Then pointed to his right "And she's Deleina." He paused. "Let me ask you something. . . What are you looking to get if you take Arata with you?"
"The Arumani house promised lots of gold if we found the missing boy." Gabriel said.
"So that's it then? There's no guarantee that you'll keep him safe." Dominic said.
"We're more than strong enough to keep him safe. Especially since this is one of the weakest parts in Canavar." Gabriel responded.
"Dominic. It's all right." I said. "I think it's better that I return with them."
"Arata." Deleina said. "What are you saying?"
"You three have all taken care of me for these past months. I wouldn't want to trouble you any longer. You have your own duties to attend to back in your village. Plus I don't think the guards will let you pass to the city." I said.
"Well, if this is what you want then I won't object." Dominic replied.
Both Asonius and Deleina nodded in agreement.
"So you are coming with us?" Gabriel cut in.
"Yes, just give me a moment." I responded.
"I guess this is goodbye." I said sadly turning back to the three.
I'm kind of sad to say goodbye.
Deleina picked me up and hugged me. "You better come back to visit." she said.
"There's no need to get all emotional." Dominic said with a smile. "When you're older you'll be more than strong enough to visit on your own. Until then, goodbye."
"Well, until next time, Arata." Asonius said. "I'd also like to see you again. If you do decide to visit, the gates to our village will always be open for you."
"Thank you. For saving me and taking care of me." I said. "I'll definitely come back."
"We'll be waiting." Asonius said.
After saying my goodbyes to the three Centaurs I walked behind Gabriel and Louie.
"So, is money really your only reason to be searching for me?" I asked.
"Yup." He responded. "Get on my back."
"Why?" I asked.
"The faster we get to the city the faster we get our money." He said.
As soon as I hopped on his back with Flare both he and Louie sprinted away.
After five days of traveling, we had made it to the city. Neither Gabriel nor Louie checked my bag which had the Exousia Orb. Even though it contains a large amount of mana it cannot be sensed. Like the mana from the atmosphere that's very pure and abundant yet no one can sense it, it's the same with the orb.
Right after passing through the gate, I was taken to the adventurers guild, where I met with Charles. Charles told Gabriel and Louie to leave us alone and that at a later date they'll get the reward money.
"Long time no see." He said. "How was your little trip in Canavar."
"I'm not in the mood for jokes." I said. "What happened to my Father?"
"I have sent someone to inform him that you have returned, he'll be here soon, and I've also sent an order to call back all the search parties." He said.
I felt relieved at his words. Leon is in the city, and he'll be here soon. I really want to see him. I felt nervous, what do I say to him when he gets here?
"What happened after he came back to the city?" I asked.
"He returned along with the cat woman and used his position as a noble to form search squads by giving a reward to whoever found you 200 gold pieces." He said. "A few weeks after that, the rest of the party got back. They all looked miserable, especially that Felix kid."
Leon and Diana must've gone ahead to get here first.
And 200 gold pieces is not a small amount of money.
300 silvers make 1 gold.
While 300 coppers make 1 Silver.
I can't believe Leon went so far for me. I know that he doesn't like to use the Arumani name, but did it anyway. For me.
"That's basically the whole story, so just wait here, I have some important matters to attend to." He said.
I hugged Flare in my arms nervously.
Leon will be here soon.
Right after Arata fell from the cliff, the Orcs mostly stopped fighting. We fought our way through the ones that were in our way and made an escape, or so Diana said. I suffered an injury and lost consciousness. I was forced to rest due to my injury. I wanted to get up. To search for my son. I yelled. I pleaded. I cried. And finally, I was able to.
I searched for two days at the top and bottom of the cliff along with the surrounding areas, only to find nothing. The party helped me search for some time and finally convinced me to stop. I decided to return to the city and use my political position to send out various search parties. Deleina insisted to come along, she didn't need to.
The last thing I expected to find when I returned was my family waiting for me at a fancy hotel for nobles. They seemed happy to see me, but they kept saying that there was something wrong with me. When they asked about Arata I broke down and told them what happened. Emma the woman whom I loved was shattered at the news, she barely got up from bed and cried herself to sleep even in the middle of the day. Luckily Sophia was there to take care of both my daughters. They were also sad that Arata was missing, they didn't know what exactly happened, but they knew that something had happened to him.
A few weeks later I had gotten back to the city after spending a week searching with the party. They didn't need to help me search, but insisted anyway, even little Felix was searching hard along with Julian. Luna was heartbroken to see Emma in the state she is in right now and is working hard to find Arata, not just for Emma but because she also cares about him. I'm truly thankful to have them, I don't express that enough.
As I got to the room my family was in I found them all sleeping already. I myself was tired that I just laid in bed and immediately fell asleep. When I woke up the next morning I looked at my wife. She was pale and weak looking out the window with the same expression she wore every day since she got here. As I looked at her it reminded me of my failure. I failed to protect our son. This whole situation is my fault. I looked around to see that my daughters were still asleep. They're also suffering, for the state of their mother, and for their missing brother.
I laid back on the bed for what felt like hours just staring at the ceiling. I need to get up. I need to get back out there and find Arata. But I'm afraid that if I leave, by the time I come back I won't have a family waiting for me anymore. What do I do?
A knock came on the door.
I lazily got up and opened the door.
"Yes?" I asked my voice devoid of emotion.
"It's your son. He's returned." the man at the door said.
For a moment it felt like time had frozen. I couldn't believe the words I had just heard. For I second I thought it might've been someone playing a joke on me. I didn't respond. I couldn't respond.
At the man's words, I snapped back to reality.
"Where?" I said. "Where is he?" I said louder. "Take me to him."
When I saw the man had taken a step back from me in fear, I realized that I was yelling.
"I'm sorry." I apologized. "It's been a hard time. Please tell me where he is." I bowed.
"He's waiting for you at the adventurers guild building."
After hearing those words I immediately took off running. I left Emma and my daughters behind. I knew I had to go back for them, but I couldn't stop. I ran past people in the streets, luckily the Adventurers building wasn't that far away from the place we were staying at. I slammed open the doors and found Charles waiting there. He signaled me to follow. Then stopped before a closed door.
"He's in there." he said. "I'll be going now."
Without thinking I opened the door. Behind it, there was a boy hugging a small baby wolf-looking animal. He looked in my direction, then set the wolf down. As I looked at him I noticed blood stains, old tattered clothes, and his face looked exhausted with dark circles under his eyes. Through all that he smiled.
"Father." He called.
With that single word, I felt like I was about to break down again for who knows how many times now.
It's really him.
My son.
After some time of waiting, Leon walked into the room. His face was one of desperation. He looked tired. Like he had given up on everything. Like I'd done when I was brought into this world. But through it all, he was still the same, my father. I found myself smiling.
He wasn't saying anything
"Father." I called.
"Arata." He said, all his pain evident in his voice. "You're. . . Here."
I can't hold it.
My eyes are tearing up.
I'm about to cry.
I shook my head.
"That's right. Sorry it took me so long, but I'm here now. So please. . ." I paused. "Let's. . . Go home." I said in a teary tone.
"I'm. . . Sorry." he said slumping on his knees. "It's all my fault." He began to cry and held on to my clothes. "I'm sorry." He sobbed.
I feared this would happen.
He blames himself but. . .
"It's not your fault." I said. "I don't blame you. No one blames you."
He raised his head to look at me.
"But I am glad. . ." I couldn't hold it any longer the tears began pouring out of me. "That you made it out alive." I wrapped my arms around him. Since he was on his knees we were about the same size and my arms were around his neck. "I was worried. I was scared. I just wanted to be with you again." I broke down sobbing.
He hugged me back and we stayed like that for some time. Until I saw that someone had come through the door. A woman. She looked pale and weak, only able to stand by grabbing onto the wall.
I recognize that face.
Why is she here?
Just as I was beginning to calm down I could already feel my eyes tearing up again. I let go of Leon and walked up to Emma. She threw herself off the wall and fell into my arms. Tears were streaming down her face.
"Arata." she cried. "Are you really here?"
As I looked down at the state she was in. I wondered just how much pain she was going through. How much she had to endure. How much pain have I caused this family? I hugged her tightly in my arms.
"I'm here." I said. "Because of me, you suffered a lot. I'm sorry, but I'm here now. So let's get back to how things used to be."
She began to cry.
"Arata?" A child-like voice called my name.
"Hanna, Mia?" I said looking up at my sisters.
Both of them ran up to me wrapping me up in a tight hug.
"Where were you, stupid brother." Hanna said crying. "Mother cried for you a lot."
"I'm sorry." I said.
Mia was silently crying while embracing me from the side, and Hanna was on the other side doing the same.
Then I felt Emma's hold on me weaken.
"Mother?!?." I looked down at her, only to see that she was unconscious.
"Mother!" both Hanna and Mia said as they got off me to check on Emma.
I frantically began to shake her.
"Calm down." Leon said. "She's been through a lot. She just needs some rest." Leon picked her up. "Let's go."
"Okay." I said then looked behind me. "Flare, let's go."
"Woof." she said hopping to me.
"Awwww." Hanna said. "What a cute dog." she started petting Flare.
"Cute!" Mia said petting her too.
"She's not a dog." I said.
"So what is it? I noticed it earlier but I ignored it." Leon said.
"She's more like a wolf. Her name is Flare." I said.
"Well, let's ask more questions later." Leon said. "We have to get your mother to a bed."
We walked across the city to a fancy hotel. Once we were in Leon set down Emma comfortably in the bed. The room was big with two beds, a couch, a small table, and even a working shower.
"Bleh." Hanna said covering her nose. "You stink Arata."
I very much need to take this shower.
"I'm taking a shower then." I said.
"Hey, can I join you?" Mia said. "I haven't showered in days."
"Of course you can." I replied.
"Hehe." She happily followed behind me.
"Hold on!" Hanna called. "If she's going to join you. Then I am too."
She hasn't changed a bit.
"If you want to join you're free to do so." I said.
"Woof." Flare followed too.
"You too, huh?" I said.
Just like that the four of us were showering together. We've done it many times before but never all of us at the same time. The whole time we were just messing around splashing water on each other's faces, or randomly turning the water from super hot to super cold. Overall I had fun. Not to mention this was my first shower in months so I needed this. Emma had brought all my things from our house, so I had clothes to wear.
But why?
I wondered this as I got dressed.
"Father." I called out to Leon. "Why did mother bring all our stuff here?"
"Some time ago a letter from my father was delivered to our house. He's called us back to the capital." He said. " Since I was not there, your mother read it over and packed all of our things, and brought them here."
"So, we are going to the capital?" I asked.
He nodded.
"As soon as possible." He replied. "This was months ago so we're probably the only ones who are not there. I wrote to my father and explained the recent events."
"Hey, Arata." Leon called out to me with a serious expression. "What exactly happened after you fell?"
As I was about to respond Emma woke up.
"Arata. . ." she said, her voice sounding hoarse and weak.
We all turned our attention to her. Even Hanna and Mia who were playing with Flare.
"I'm here." I said walking up to her.
She smiled and caressed my face. She tried to sit up but didn't have the strength to do so.
"Don't get up. You need to rest." I said.
"I'm sorry." she said. "I should've been out there with your father looking for you, but I'm so weak that instead, I cried and blamed him."
She looked towards Leon.
"I'm sorry Leon."
"It's not your fault. You had every right to blame me." He responded. "I apologize too I told you that I would keep him safe. But I failed."
"Please don't blame yourselves." I said. "Since I'm here now, how about we forget about this whole mess? Alright?"
They both agreed.
A week after I reunited with my family, we were doing much better. Emma was looking better by the day, she got proper sleep, ate her meals, and was able to walk around freely now.
Turns out that Gabriel and Louie, the adventurers that brought me back, are childhood friends with Leon. They went to the same school and trained together with the sword. Leon paid them the 200 gold and they split it fifty-fifty with each other.
We're getting ready to meet up with Leon's party at a tavern, they're all pretty eager to see me. When I got here none of them came to me because they wanted to give our family some space. But now we're ready to see them.
I wore a long sleeve brown colored shirt with a black coat and dark trousers. My hair got very long that Emma tied them back in a messy bun, my front hairs weren't as long so they fell covering my forehead.
"Ready to go." Leon said as we were waiting in the lobby of the hotel.
"I'm all done." I responded. "So what's taking so long?"
"The girls are still getting ready." He replied.
Ohh, it's the same in both worlds then.
"Are you okay?" He said. "Ever since you got back you've been acting weird."
It must be his imagination, I don't think my behavior is any different from what it usually is.
"Yes, I'm alright." I replied while petting Flare.
His expression turned serious and was about to speak but I stopped him.
"I know you're curious as to what happened after I fell." I said. "I'll tell you everything, but it's not a good time right now."
"Fine, I'll be waiting." He said.
"Arata." I heard Hanna's voice. "How do I look?" she said walking to me along with Emma and Mia.
All three of them were wearing simple dresses with neatly combed hair.
"As plain as always." I said with only one glance at her outfit.
"Shut up!" she tried to smack me but I instinctively dodged.
Whoops, I didn't mean to do that.
"Huh? Don't dodge me." she grabbed me and held me in place, then smacked me. I had put my hands up in defense causing her to get a good look at my hands. "What's that?" she pointed at it.
"My hand." I replied.
"No." She gave me another smack "What's on your hand." she said then grabbed my right hand, faced it up, and took a look at it. "What's this weird mark."
I activated it making it glow gold.
"Wow!" she said looking at it.
"Cool, right."
"What is that?." I heard Leon say looking over here.
"Come I'll show you." I said. "Hanna conjure a ball of water."
"Okay!" She did as I said and a ball of water floated on her hand.
"And now I'll activate it." I said focusing my mana on the palm of my hand. As soon as I did the water ball burst apart.
"Eh? What was that? It felt weird." Hanna said confused.
"So you felt it right?" I said. "Now tell me what exactly happened.
"Well, I was keeping the water ball together then the thing in your hand started glowing and the water ball exploded." She said. "Can you blow up spells with that?"
"Not exactly." I said.
"Then what exactly does it do?" Leon asked.
"To put it simply, it can distort the mana particles that make up a spell, essentially destroying them." I said.
"How did you obtain it?" He asked.
"It was in a scroll. When I opened it, it engraved itself onto my hand." I replied.
"Ohh? So it's an engraving?" Emma said surprised then took a closer look at my hand. "A real engraving."
"What?" I said confused.
"If you are lucky you might find scrolls in dungeons containing an engraving, just like you said, when opened it engraves itself in a person." Leon said. "I've heard the engraving process is really painful."
"It sure was." I said remembering how I fell to the ground in pain as the Sigil was getting engraved in my hand. "Is having one that rare?"
"It's not that rare. People use them all the time. But the ones that people use aren't as potent as the real ones." Leon said. "You see how yours is just a mark. If someone wanted to recreate it they'd need to write down or engrave on themselves the complete sigil for it to work."
"Ohh I get it." I said. "So, since I remember the sigil I can recreate it as much as I want."
"Wait. You remember the entire sigil?" He asked taken aback.
I nodded.
"How?" Leon said. "Runecraft is incredibly difficult to learn."
"I never said I learned Runecraft." I said. "Before this Sigil was engraved on me, I had to complete it myself. When I did, I was able to acquire it. Normally I would've forgotten the complicated symbols that were used to create it, but the memory of it was engraved into my mind along with the sigil in my palm. So no matter how hard I try I can't forget it."
"That makes sense. But. . . Having the Sigil forced into your memory didn'taffect you in any other way?" Leon asked worriedly.
"Don't worry I'm fine." I said. "I'm more interested in selling replicas of the sigil. How much do they sell for?"
"It depends on how strong the sigil is. If it can render mages useless by destroying their spells, then it might sell for a good price." He said. "Good thing I'm not a mage then."
"The sigil can also mess up the internal mana control of a person or beast making them useless." I said. "So if you rely on mana for speed and strength, I can take it away."
"Ohh, now that's just not fair." He said a bit jealous.
"Don't worry. My control over the sigil isn't perfect." I said. "You're mana control is better than my control over the sigil. So you're more than capable to negate its effects."
"Ohh, is that how it works?" he said. "I think there's more to it than just distorting the mana flow."
"What are you getting at?" I asked.
"Real sigils can do more than what they appear to do. If it's a high-ranking Rune then it might do more than just distort." He said. "You'll have to do research and testing for you to find what it's really capable of."
"Runes are ranked?" I asked.
"Yes from lowest to highest is Rune, High Rune, Rare Rune, and Grand Rune." He said.
I wonder what mine ranks.
"Well, isn't it about time we leave?" Leon said.
That's right.
We have to meet the party.
"Yeah, let's go." I said.
We began to walk out of the hotel and toward the tavern.
"Hey, Arata." Hanna called out to me as we were walking.
"What were you and father saying? I heard what you said but couldn't understand most of it." she said.
"You would've if you were smarter." I replied.
"Urgh." she smacked me again. "Forget it."
We were standing outside the tavern. I was nervous to go in but I had to. They needed to know that I was fine and that our family was okay too. I also wanted to see them. But I don't want it to become awkward, they're all going to focus on me. I'll just play it cool.
We walked in.
"Arata?!?" immediately I heard a familiar voice call my name.
"Hey Luna, long time no see." I said. "How are you doing?"
"What do you mean 'how am I doing?' You're the one who fell off the cliff, remember?" She looked relieved to see me. "So how are you doing?"
"I'm doing just fine. Thank you for asking." I said then walked past her. Then I felt a hand grabbing my shoulder stopping me from moving further.
"Why do you always have to ruin the moment." Luna said angrily. "We could've had a passionate reunion you know? Something like you running up to me, hugging me, and saying how much you missed me."
"Keep dreaming." I said turning back around but then stopped. "Though I am glad to see you again."
"Hehe." I thought I heard her giggling but my attention turned to the rest of the party.
"Arata." Diana, Julian, and Monty said at the same time while Felix had the same angry expression he always had.
"Hey." I said waving my hand. "I'm just fine, see. Nothing to worry about."
"We can see that." Julian said. "So how was the journey? Did you get back by yourself?"
"No." I replied. "I had company."
"Company?" He asked. "I can't imagine the beasts in Canavar being good company."
"They weren't beasts." I said.
"So, what were they?"
"They were Centaurs." I said.
"Centaurs?!? Is that true?" He looked towards Leon for confirmation.
"Yup, on the report that Gabriel and Louie gave me. He was found traveling with Centaurs." Leon replied.
Everyone seemed to be shocked at this.
"How deep into Canavar did you go to have encountered one?" Julian asked. "I'm sorry." he apologized. "It's not right for me to ask such questions when you just returned."
"It's alright." I said.
"Hey, Felix aren't you going to welcome him back?" Julian asked Felix. "After you worked so hard looking for him."
In return, Felix turned a bit red in embarrassment.
"Oh? So you missed me that much?" I mocked.
"Shut up. I wasn't doing it for you." he turned around completely embarrassed and walked away.
"If it makes you feel better I missed you too." I joked.
"I TOLD YOU TO SHUT UP!!!" he yelled across the room as he sat down at a table.
"That kid is scary." I heard Hanna say.
"Haha." Julian laughed. "Don't get the wrong idea, he was one of the ones that worked equally as hard as your father to look for you."
"I heard. But I'm glad he's still the same as he was before." I replied.
"Hey!! Arata, right." That Sophia girl called me.
"Oh, hey you're here too?"
"Yeah, we don't know each other that well but the other guys think highly of you." She said. "So I hope we can get along as well." she raised her hand.
"I think so too." I said taking her hand.
"Now let's get to the main event of this meeting." Luna said excitedly then grabbed my hand taking me to the table where Felix was sitting. "Wait here."
She took off leaving me alone with Felix before the rest of the party sat down with us. After a moment of talking among ourselves, several servers came with plates of food and drinks. Then placed a cake in front of me.
"Happy birthday." Everyone cheered.
I stayed quiet, stunned by what just happened.
"What's wrong?" Leon asked.
"I'm fairly certain that it is not my birthday." I replied.
"Well, your birthday passed while you were lost in Canavar." Leon said. "This is a party to celebrate your return along with your birthday."
"Well. . . Thanks." I said unsure how to respond.
I wasn't expecting they'd throw a birthday party for me. So I don't know what to say.
Should I be happy?
I certainly am happy to see everyone, but. . .
"You don't look too happy about it." Luna said pouting. "We worked hard to set this up for you, you know."
"I'm sorry it's just that. . . I wasn't expecting this, I'm not sure how to react." I said but they didn't look convinced. "I really am thankful."
"Well, I guess that will do for now." Luna said. "You were never a person that expresses their feelings anyway."
I have her a small smile.
"Well, let's get this party started." Leon happily declared.
After that, we spend the next few hours 'partying'. I had fun spending time with everyone. Emma told embarrassing stories about us while Julian shared some too. Mia and Hanna avoided Felix at first because he was scary according to them, but when I introduced them, to my surprise, he was very polite to them. Diana and Monty asked me some questions which I answered the best I could. Mia fell asleep as it got late and Hanna was groggy, that's when we decided to call it a day.
"So when are you guys leaving?" Julian asked Leon.
"I already bought the tickets to leave, we are just waiting for the train to arrive. Which should be in around three days." Leon responded.
"Three days, huh?" Julian said. "I'm moving to the capital as well once Felix is old enough to attend school."
"Really? Then it looks like he and Arata will be going to the same school then." Leon said. "You hear that Arata?"
"I heard." I responded. "I'm right next to you."
"You hear that Felix?" Julian asked Felix.
"I'm also right next to you." Felix responded.
They both chuckled "well, until next time." Julian said.
"Yes, see you later." Leon responded.
I basically dragged Hanna by the hand while Leon carried Mia back to the hotel. Leon laid Mia down gently on the bed, I laid beside her, and Hanna next to me. Leon and Emma laid down together on the other bed. Hanna fell asleep as soon as she laid down and shortly after, I did as well.
I spend the next three days in peace, spending time with the party, and my family. Going shopping, eating street food, and exploring the city during my time here I've had a good time. However, all things must come to an end, no matter if it's good or bad, it was time to leave. After saying our goodbyes to the party we are now on our way to the train station.
"Here you go." Leon gave our tickets to the conductor.
"Thank you." the conductor replied. "Go right ahead."
"Follow me, everyone." Leon said.
Inside the train, we walked through a small hallway which to the left was comprised of roomettes.
"Here it is, B-2." Leon said.
Our roomette number was B-2. It was a room with two seats opposing each other, cabinets to put your luggage, and a large window on the wall.
"Wow." Hanna said in excitement. "It's so small, and yet everything is so neat."
"If we're going to be here for two days how are we going to sleep?" I asked.
"The seats can turn into beds." Leon responded.
"It's going to be cramped." I said.
"Is that a problem?" Emma said. "I'm kind of looking forward to it." she smiled.
"Me too. This trip is going to be so much fun." Mia said.
"Yes, I agree." Hanna joined.
"What about food?" I asked ignoring their excitement.
"There is a food hall with seats where we can go and eat meals." He said.
"I'm looking forward to this ride as well." I commented as I sat down staring out the window while petting Flare.
After a few minutes, the train took off. We spend the entire day having fun, playing games, eating snacks, and solving puzzle games. Then when night came we extended the seats into beds and laid down together. Some hours later it was already past midnight and everyone was asleep, except for two people.
I slowly opened the door and signaled Leon to come with me. We made our way down to the food hall and sat down at one of the many empty tables. It was dark, our only source of light was the bright moon staring down at us, as we both stared back.
"Do you know why the moon is so bright at night?" I asked as we both looked up at it.
"Can't say I do." He replied.
"Because the light from the sun reflects off its surface." I said. In return, he looked at me weirdly. "Or so the Centaurs believe." it's a lie but also an excuse.
"Interesting." he said. "I assume you didn't bring me here at this hour to talk about Centaurs."
"Well, Centaurs have a large role to play in what I'm going to tell you." I said. "You've been waiting patiently and I appreciate that. So now I'm going to tell you what happened after I fell."
"I'm listening." he said.
And so, I told him everything. From the moment I fell, waking up to the Centaurs, finding the sigil, the confrontation between the Centaurs, the fight with the earthen mage, finding flare, and finally our return. I even told him about Amarok and the other Lycaons along with the Exosia Orb that's in my possession.
"The wolf God? The real wolf God?" he said in shock.
I nodded. "And if you still doubt me. Flare is proof since she's also Lycaon."
He was at a loss for words.
"And the Exosia!?" he asked "An item like that is way beyond rare."
I pulled out a bag and set it on the table.
"That bag? It's the one that you persistently told us to never open." he said as I opened it.
"Yup." I said pulling out the orb. "Here it is." I handed it to him.
"This is unbelievable." he said looking at it stunned, not being able to believe what was right in front of him. He looked back at me. "What happened to the earthen mage you fought?"
"I. . . I. . ." I trailed off and shook nervously. "I killed him." his eyes widened. "I didn't mean to. I didn't want to." I said shaking my head. "It all happened so fast." quite literally. "It's an awful feeling to kill someone. I don't want to be a murderer." My whole body was shaking as I remembered that day.
Then I felt a hand pass over my shoulder, it was Leon pulling me close.
"You didn't have a choice. You don't have to be a murderer. If you hadn't killed him, I'm sure he would've killed you. You will continue to have encounters like this in the future. I know it's not easy but I'll be here, your mother, and sisters too. None of us will view you differently. If you need a place to belong, to feel comfortable, to feel accepted, we are always going to be here for you." He said trying to comfort me.
Sure it helps.
But he doesn't need to.
Just being here is enough.
"You're so brave you know, after going through all of that. You still put on a brave face." he added. "Here." he handed me the orb. "You risked your life for this, and you'll need it in the future. Not just to protect yourself but your family as well."
"Yeah, you're right." I responded taking the orb.
"Anyway, I'm curious as to what else this Amarok guy told you?" He asked.
"Nothing much." I responded. "Only that now he owed me."
"So the wolf God is indebted to you?" he said shocked.
"That's what he said." I replied. "That's all that happened. We should go back now."
"Yeah, it's pretty late." he said.
We made our way back to our room and laid down in the cramped room next to the rest of our family. The next morning, I woke up being sandwiched by the whole family.
The capital was coming into view. Such a large city that Bryxton paled in comparison. In this place, I could really get lost. Strange beasts along with soldiers were lined up for defense along the large walls. The train passed through an opened gate to the inside of the capital. Inside, were large buildings, some taller than others, along with people walking through the busy street. At a distance, I was able to see a huge castle.
The train stopped at a station close to the wall. Once we got our things we got off. Outside, were some men that walked up to Leon. They talked for a bit, then he motioned for us to follow. He lead us to a fancy carriage outside of the station. Some butlers took our luggage and put it in a different carriage. After we got on, it started moving immediately.
The whole ride there, Leon was nervously fiddling around. As we got closer to the center the streets were more packed with people, carriages, and stands. After some time of talking among ourselves and calming Leon down, we arrived at a giant mansion on top of a large hill. The carriage went up a long ramp to a flat area up above, it was wide with railings at each side. The giant gate was now in front of us.
"We're here." Leon said as we got off.
"Wow. I didn't expect this place to be this big." I said.
Both the capital and the mansion.
"Being a noble is so cool." Hanna said.
"Well, let's get going." Leon said leading the way.
"Remember." Leon said nervously. "Be respectful."
The Guards opened the gate. Revealing several people standing inside. An old couple, and three young men who resembled Leon along with a woman and kids at their side.
We walked in.
- In Serial41 Chapters
Can i please get a female demon lord on the 10th world(Hiatus)
Frith Runeore, savior of 9th worlds, has a problem. Every time he saves a world, he gets summoned to another. Will he ever live peacefully? Will he ever find a way to stay on a world? Will he find someone special? or will he continue to get dragged to different world? This is my first work so it will probably be bad so read this at you own risks, you have been warned.
8 137 - In Serial21 Chapters
Three powers were discovered and harnessed so that they could be controlled. These powers are required to keep the planet alive, and need human bearers to focus and amplify their individual powers, but at what cost to their bearers? Power over the elements, controlling the flow of time, and dictating life and death are the powers that three young adults wield in Moonlight, but their lives will be changed forever. Moonlight follows the stories of Claire, Jayden, and Seraphine, as they learn to control these powers that desire to consume them. Author Notes: Hello! This isn't my first attempt at writing a story, and it isn't even my first attempt at writing this particular story, but I'm not in any way what I would call "experienced". I decided to upload my writing here because I just wanted to get my ideas out there, and I wanted to get some constructive criticism for my writing from the RRL community. All comments are welcome, but please try to keep them positive and constructive! If you leave a rating, I would appreciate it if you left a short explanation of what you liked and what I can improve on. I'll be uploading each chapter as I finish them, but this is still the first draft so anything and everything is subject to change. The cover art is drawn by me, but I'm in no way married to it. I just wanted something that showed the three magical sources, as I picture them in my head. If you do any art based on this story, send it to me! I would love to see it. I'll stop talking now, I hope you enjoy the story!
8 57 - In Serial30 Chapters
Seven steps to non-space-vampiric success: 1) Escape the creepy splicer scientist. "As stated above. This guy is a serious creep." 2) Travel to the fringe territory between two star systems. "I have no opinion on this." 3) Investigate why the territory has gone dark. "Okay. I admit. I'm simply doing it for money." 4) Explore an abandoned city in search of a secret bunker. "My ex-wife is totally not involved." 5) Fight off hordes of undead chitonous semi-alien knight's. "This just took a U-turn." 6) Wow, you're a vampire. I had no idea. "Yeah... neither did I as it turns out." 7) Fight the vampiric menace known as a Draugur. "Imagine Dracula's son, Alucard. Yeah... you get it now. But in space." *queue star war's soundtrack* Warning: this story contains violence, sexual situations and a slow-burn harem to sink your fangs into.
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Humanity had gotten this far. How far, might you be wondering? Quite far indeed. The world had effectively become an ecumenopolis, almost; not in real life at least, in Economicalopoly of course! More on that later, in our story the main character is Charlie. Charlie was an exceptionally talented young man, the key word being 'was'. He was an incredibly unmotivated individual who generally steered clear from other 'Homo sapiens' as he put it. This was all because of an accident he had early on in life, when he was but 15 years old.
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The Shinto Gods Series: The Imperial Seal(On Hiatus)
Kasumi doesn't have a childhood. At least that's what she thinks. One minute she was learning in Elementary and the next she became a renowned model. Her life always went with a blur and she hated that. She wanted to live the moment but with a mysterious fox, she might be able to. If she lives that is.A modern twist in Shinto lore, follow Kasumi Fujiwara, a Japanese demigod, to a camp hidden all these years. And she's the only one to unravel it's secret.TW (TRIGGER WARNING): Blood, violence, character death(s), slight gore
8 198 - In Serial5 Chapters
Kovu x reader
this story is not original its just you and Kovu. and I'm not a original person. this story will fallow the movie the cover isn't mine its from Disney and the story isn't mine also i just changed Kiara to (Y/N
8 142