《Paradox》Step 1: Dreaming


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The first step to following the Path of Somnus

Is of course dreaming.

There are only a few ways to experience non-existence.

Of course you could die and try to do the steps there

But the chances are very small that you would actually succeed in tricking reality while you are dead.

You don't really have thoughts after you're gone... it's a nothingness.

Although it isn't impossible...

So we will build the visualization technique over the course of about 5 years.

There is a very specific date and time that you will need to keep in mind where you will crossover to an alternate universe for the first time.

If you can do that once... you will become eternal.

Everytime you die, you'll simply crossover to a universe where you survived.

Once it becomes impossible for you to survive.

You will return back to the date you read this chapter.

If you do not wish to become eternal or to become a timeless existence...

Well... you are quite reasonable!

It isn't as fun as you might think... it is actually a curse in a sense.

Stop reading here... I'm surprised you even found this chapter.

So let me explain the core concept behind why we will be building a visualization technique.

Think of your brain like a computer that runs the clientside and the whole universe as the server.

Your brain is constantly sending data back and forth.

This makes up your reality.

You can imagine something like a ball of fire appearing in your hand... but if the logic doesn't check out and it has no real cause... then the server will not send that information to other people.

You also can't just will your brain to ignore signals from the universe.

So if you break a leg... you can't just imagine yourself not being in pain.

So the universe kind of has an authority over you.

Think of its position as also an operator

What you need to do is annoy the crap out of the server

Spam it with so much false information


That it either crashes or bans you.

Once you have been 'banned'

You will be in a space outside of the universe with completely different laws

In this space, time will run all at once.

So you experience both your birth and death at the same time

You experience infinite time

This is also how you're able to live forever

Because you will naturally comprehend the rules of the universe here.

But this nonexistence is also suffocating and will try to erase everything that makes you... you.

Are you really who you are, if everything about you has been stripped away to nothing?

Not really... atleast that's how I see it.

So we need to not only get banned from the server everyone else is playing on.

But we also need a way to shield our essence.

Once that is done.

You can then try to reach out to the other servers (entering different realities).

Then try to set-up your alternate selfs to do the same thing.

Then instead of being alone after being 'banned' from participating in reality. You secretly have an army of infinite selves that you form an agreement with that you can jump into.

That is the core concept behind becoming a Paradox.

Now it is time for me to actually explain how to do it.

You need to trick your brain.

The universe actually has a memory problem... so it forces its existences to shutdown so it can clear its 'cache'.

The longer you stay up... the more disconnected you become with reality.

But we won't start off with you not sleeping for many days... that would be pointless without your anchor.

What exactly is an anchor?

Well... it is what ties you to a universe.

Once your banned... it is the only thing that'll allow you to influence other universes that happen to have the same anchor.

An anchor can be a concept, an item, a memory.

My anchor itself is a period of time in my life.

But my anchor is also a book...

Is it this book? Maybe... probably not though.


What is important is that you must understand your anchor very well...

If its an item... it should be something you've crafted yourself

It can even be raw information itself... like an email you sent to someone.

This will be the constant

Something you will always do in every universe you will ever visit

So it still needs to be significant.

Don't worry, you can make multiple anchors

By reading these words you have already established your very first anchor.

This very moment

This is the moment you will return to at the end of your life cycle.

If you are able to run your visualization technique non-stop.

You will even survive your consciousness getting erased by Reality.

But first we must create the visualization technique called "God's Death"

This technique is the key to getting banned and put into your own sandbox.

It is the key to reaching the abyss without dying.

Once you have done that

That imagined fire in your hand will be real...

Because you aren't bound by the Reality of others anymore.

Still... when you do send an avatar down into Reality.

You will have to play by all its rules.

There is no way to change the servers rules from your client alone

At the very least that isn't the point of this guide (If such a thing is even possible).

Step 1: Dreaming

Every night right before you are about to go to sleep... do a hand gesture.

Every morning when you wake up... do the same hand gesture.

Do this for a few months... no need to worry about anything else.

After around 3 months of doing this every day.

Try willing yourself to do the hand movement without allowing your nerve signals to fire to actually do the movement.

You shouldn't be able to actually move your hand without using your nerves... but try it either way.

Stop doing the hand movements in real life and only do them in your mind from now on.

After a few more months of this... stop this routine all together.

Now try to do it at the start and end of every dream.

Think of it as lucid dreaming... except you must be aware you're in a dream before the dream starts.

It may take a few more months before you can consistently do the hand movements at the start and end of your dreams.

Once you have mastered this.

Imagine doing the hand movements in the abyss of sleep (the nothingness you experience when you sleep).

Once you have done the hand movement in that nothingness while you are completely unconscious... imagine a portal opening up to a dream you've had.

The point you need it to open up to is a memory of a dream you've had where you've done the hand movement.

Then look at your other self doing the movement and imagine them opening up a portal to another dream where they've done the movement.

Continue opening up portals as far as you can see.

Then condense this memory into a single point.

While still unconscious have this point go into your sea of consciousness and begin rotating it.

have it break down into five pieces

One piece will stay in the center

One piece will go left

One piece will go up

One piece will go right

One piece will go down

This movement is now the very first dimension of your visualization technique

Now you will need to make what some might call a 'spiritual guardian' or tulpa.

The reason you need this is because you need to have the first dimension of your technique constantly running.

Think of having another thread of consciousness.

Its nearly impossible to consciously focus on multiple things at once

Your attention will split and have a delay

So you need to make a way for you to do it unconsciously

Just like breathing... like your heart beating.

Make your brain think it is an absolutely necessary process.

But that will be discussed more in part two (if you are destined to see it).

That is the end of part one.

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