《Our Little Moon》Chapter 56 - epilogue


(2 months later)

Time flew so fast and now, we're going outside the country with Daddy, Mommy, Rosy and me. After their wedding yesterday, we're now heading to a place that Daddy don't want to reveal, as he kept saying that it's a secret.

Yesterday celebration went well and I was one of the happiest person on this earth because finally my Daddy and Mommy tied the knots and promised to each other to be together, forever and ever and I couldn't help but cry.

"I'm going to miss you Bambina. Be careful and enjoy." Ari said before kissing my cheeks. Jade who stood beside him, gave me a hug and kiss on my forehead too and like Ari, she wished for us a safe trip and nice vacation.

"I really want to come with you guys but it's honeymoon and it's better you ask Dad and your Mom what that means, okay?" Hady said before giving me a soft peck on both cheeks.

I frown towards his words but before I could open my mouth, Poly caged me into a tight hug and showered me with kisses.

"I'd be sad because I'm gonna miss you a lot little one, but it's honeymoon and you need to spend more time with your Mommy. So enjoy and be careful, okay? Please take more picture of you and send to me as I want to see your beautiful face, specially your smile." He said before kissing my cheeks again.

"I will Poly." I said before kissing him back.

"Alright, that's enough Apollo, it's my turn now, so let me have my lovely sister." It's Diony who didn't waste his precious time and gives me a tight hug and kiss my cheeks. After that, it's hard for me to miss the sadness through his eyes.

"I'm gonna miss you a lot so forgive me if I looked like this, anyway, can you promise that you will call me everyday?" He asked with sullen eyes that made me cupped his face and kiss his nose.

"Ah why the long face, Bubba? Don't be sad, okay? I promise I will call you, so please, smile." I said in toothy grin which cause everyone around us to chuckle and with that, Diony finally smile, showing his pearly white teeth.

"As always you never fail to amaze me beautiful. Alright, I think it's time for you to go. Please be careful." He said as Rosy took my hand and guide me towards our vehicle.

And while he's helping me to buckle up, something doesn't add up, until I remember what Hady told me before.

"Daddy, Mommy, what does honeymoon mean?" I asked nonchalantly. My parents who are talking quietly, seemed caught off guard while Rosy got stiffened with what he's doing and looked at me like I have grown two heads.

"Who told you that words baby?" Daddy asked with frown on his forehead, while Mommy rubs the back of her neck.

"Hady." I said and wait for him to answer me, because I won't stop until I know what it means. Daddy knows me very well because I saw how he let out a deep sigh before looking at me intently.

"Well, baby, it's actually a vacation taken by newly wedded couple." He answered and I nod my head to show him that I got it.

"Hmm if that so, why Hady and Poly keep saying that it's your honeymoon as if there's another reason that they shouldn't come with us." I said which made Rosy to roll his eyes, for whatever reason, I certainly have no idea.


"Baby, I think they just don't like because like I said, it meant specially for newly-wed couple. That being said, it's the time when Daddy and Mommy spend their time together but because you're so special and Rosy, we brought the two of you." Daddy said while smiling at me.

"Okay, so when I get married, me and my husband will do same like this, right?" I asked again and just like that, Rosy and Daddy let out a low growl that made me look at them with a frown, while Mommy burst into laughter before pulling me into tight hug.

"Oh my baby! You know, I don't know if you're 6 or 20 years old. But please be careful to say something like that again to your Daddy and to all your brothers or they might get a heart attack." She mumbled and after hearing those words I made a mental note not to ask something like that again as I don't want them to be sick.

"Oki doki Mommy." I told her before I snuggled myself closer to her body and inhaled her comforting scent that I love so much.

I have no idea what's happening because the last thing I remember was me dozing off at Mommy's arms.

As I flutter open my eyes, the first thing I saw is my Mommy's beautiful face that stares at me with smile.

"I hope you had a nice sleep baby."

"Yes I do have Mommy, but where are we?" I asked as I start to look around.

"We're in a private plane." Mommy answered as she softly tucked my hair behind my ears.

"Really?" I blurted out in excitement.

"Mommy can we go near the window so that I could see the clouds?" I asked and hope that I could touch it too.

"Baby I'm sorry to disappoint you but right now, we can't see anything outside because it still night. But don't worry my love, in just few hours, we will land and you'll definitely see one." She reassured me with sweet smile.

"Alright Mommy. By the way, where's Daddy and Rosy?"

"They are both asleep. By the way, are you hungry?" Suddenly my tummy growls and both of us starts laughing because it's really loud. She carried me gently and walked towards the small table inside the room. There's a lot of food on top of it but I told Mommy that I like muffins and grapes.

After I ate, my eyes started to feel heavy and yawning is kind of hard to resist.

"Let's sleep again?"

"I'd love too." I told her before I kiss her cheek.


I saw the clouds foating at the sky.

"Beautiful!" I gasp while couldn't take my eyes off of them. They looked like the sweet cotton candy that Hady always bring for me.

"Beautiful indeed." I heard them say until I've noticed that they were not looking at the clouds but me.

Instantly I feel so shy as heat crawled up straight to my cheeks and I can't help but pat my cheeks.

"You're so cute, baby." Daddy cooed before we all hear the pilot's announcement that we're ready to land. And suddenly I feel a bit sad because any minute now, these lovely sight in front of me will be gone.

"Don't be sad because what is waiting for us is much more beautiful, trust me." Daddy said before he fastened my seatbelt, and soon, I feel the plane descends which made me nervous but Mommy and Daddy held my hands to reassure me that everything will be fine.


And not long after, another announcement has been made and Rosy quickly unbuckle his seatbelt and sprint towards me to help take my seatbelt off.

As we exited the plane, a black car already waiting for us and Daddy said that it will bring us to our destination.

And after just few minutes, Daddy announces that we're reached our destination and excitement run quickly through my body.

This is it.

"Are you excited? Because I am." Rosy said in toothy grin that made me chuckle because he looks so cute.

"Yes Rosy." I said and can't wait to be outside and see what Daddy's so proud to brag out before.

"Ready?" Daddy asked the two of us.

"Sir, yes sir."


Both me and Rosy answered in unison.

"Alright then let's go."

And after we get out from the vehicle, I swear my eyes almost popped out of its socket because of the magnificent beauty that lies in front of me.

White sand, that looks so fine to my eyes and water that's clear and blue as the sky.

"Wow! It's so beautiful, Daddy!" I squealed from the top of my lungs and I don't know what came to my head as my legs start moving towards the shore but someone grabs my arm and saw that it was Rosy with confuse expressions.

"Easy Tiger, we cannot just dive through the water you know. We have to change into swim suits and put some sunscreen on or you get sunburn." He said in amusement.

Oh! Silly of me.

"Oh! Yeah, you're right... I'm sorry kind of carried away. But please let's hurry up as I can't wait to feel the water, Rosy!" I squealed again and this time Daddy and Mommy laugh at me for my silliness.

"I've never see you to be so excited like this. Thank you my love for bringing us here." Mommy said , before Daddy kiss her directly on lips, and all of the sudden my vision turned black because Rosy quickly covered my eyes.

"Oh come on old man! There's a kid here, if you can remember!" Rosy grumbled.

"Fine, fine I'm sorry, son." Daddy replied with hint of amusement as if he's enjoying Rosy's distress.

"Is that the reason why Hady and Poly refused to come with us?" I questioned my brother in hush tone.

"Damn straight!" He answered before removing his hand from my eyes.

Soon, Daddy guide us towards the house that's beautifully made of glass and I think it was designed like that so that anyone would appreciate the beauty of nature outside of it.

Once we entered the house, again another gasp escaped out of my lips.

"Like what you see?" Daddy asked us with smile.

"Yes." Me and Rosy replied in unison.

My eyes look around and indeed it's so relaxing but I don't know why suddenly I feel sad.

I miss them, my brothers and how I wished they were here.

"I bought this house just last month as present to your mother and to you ofcourse. Actually I planned it long time ago after my proposal to your mother, but you know things happened, nonetheless I'm grateful because you and your mother are here, with me and I couldn't ask for more." He told me with smile, and maybe he noticed my silence so he quickly cupped my face and stared at me intently.

"Why my baby is sad?" He asked softly.

"I miss them." His eyes softened after I told him the reason.

"I know, but see there's always a next time, right? and I'll make sure that when we visit this place again, everyone will be present. So don't be sad because Mommy will be sad too." He cooed and smile immediately appear to my lips because Daddy tickles me too.

"Come on old man, time for me and my sister to change because we're going to swim, right piccola?" Rosy butt in, excitement showed through his eyes, but instead to feel annoyed, I saw how Daddy's eyes beamed in happiness under the light.

"Sure son, I think that's a good idea." He said with a thumbs up. Rosy looked like he knew the reason why Daddy seems so elated. So after scooping me up and he quickly turned away from Dad and headed to our room.

Once we entered, Rosy quickly take my swimsuit out of my suitcase, hand it to me and ask to change inside the bathroom. I do what he said as I sprint towards the bathroom and shut it with a bang. My eyes go wide because I didn't mean to shut it like that.

"Hey! Easy on the door piccola!" Rosy shout before knocking the door.

"Sorry sorry!" I replied, hands at my mouth as I tried to suppress my giggles because of my silliness.


And just like that, I didn't waste anymore minute or Rosy will shout again. I strip my clothes off and change into my dark blue one-piece swimsuit with unicorn design at the center.

"I'm ready." I told him after getting out from the bathroom with smile that reached 'til my ears. And I noticed that he's ready too as he wore a swimming shorts with spongebob design.

"Sponge bob! Awww so cute." I cooed that made him frown.

"I swear I'm gonna kill Hades once I see him." He said in serious tone.


"Because he did this! He replaced my trunks with this ugly one. I knew it! I should check again my suitcase before I left." He grumbled, before he pouts and to my astonishment because he looks sad yet so cute..

"Yeah laugh at me. Be happy at my expense." He huffed which cause me to come closer and give him a hug.

"It's not that bad Bubba. Lot of girls like spongebob, so don't worry." I cooed and I think that help because his lips immediately curved into smile, showing me his pearly white teeth.

"Promise?" He asked while I want to smack my head mentally because I was not certain abouy it.

"Absolutely." I replied with wide smile.

"Alright, let's go."

"Rosy throw me again in the air, pretty please." I asked him after I came up from the water surface.

"Last one, alright?" He stated as he threw me up in the air and then fell on the water through my butt and it feel so good.

"Kids get out from water now, food is ready!" Mommy called out and all of the sudden my tummy growls like lion.

"I think someone is hungry. Yes Mom, we're coming!" Rosy shout back before he placed me on his shoulder as we get out from the water.

"You're happy piccola?"

"Yup!" I replied, popping the 'p'

"Me too." As we both laugh at each other because we're indeed enjoyed our swim.

"After we eat, let's take a nap because I think at night, we're going to grill barbecue, hotdog and marshmallows, does it sounds good to you?"

"Yes yes, I'm excited."

"Sure you did." And just like that, my smile appear at my lips again when I saw my Mommy and Daddy with wide and genuine smile on their lips, their fingers were intertwined like they don't want to be away from each other.

As I stare at them, I can't help but shed a tears because they look so happy. Beyond compare.

"Why you're crying baby?" Mommy asked but I quickly shook my head to avoid making her worry.

"I'm just happy." A simple answer that made her eyes gleamed under the light. And like I said before, I couldn't ask for more because I have everything in front of me.

And that's my family.....

🌹Author's note🌹

🍂Once again, thank you.🍂

🥀I know some of you want more but I think it's time to end Luna's story though I will make bonus chapter for☘️

🌸Ares and Delilah

💐Hades and Regina

🌺Dionysus and Lucas

🌼Apollo and Eros

🍀I hope you love this chapter and please don't hesitate to share your comments.☘️

🌷🌹God bless everyone.🌹🌷

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