《Our Little Moon》Chapter 55 - Merry Christmas to everyone!


During the Christmas party, everyone was overjoyed seeing Luna clung to her mother like a baby koala that no one can separate, not even her father or her siblings.

She flatly told them, that she was afraid that she might leave again and never come back.

"Oh baby I will never leave you again I promise." Diana calmly whispered to make her feel good before kissing her cheeks. Diana was so mesmerized looking at her daughter, that she couldn't take her hands off her and wish that they stay like that forever.

"Let me feed the both of you, okay say ah." Zeus said before placing the food on Diana's mouth because he knew that she's hungry as she didn't eat well before. She was so nervous due to fear that Luna won't accept her that deeply affects her appetite.

"Thank you." She said, as Zeus turned his gase to his daughter and put some food to her mouth.

"Thank you Daddy." And Zeus couldn't contain his happiness seeing his daughter and his true love together again.

"Are you crying?" Hades asked Regina all of the sudden, after the latter wiped her tears away after staring at them.

Part of her wishing that she could be like that, be with her mother and brother, but the question is how and when?

Regina didn't answer him but rather pout her lips and walk away towards the table to get some food. Hades immediately felt uncomfortable and thought that he offended her for asking such things.

"Hey, I didn't mean to upset you. I just don't like seeing you crying." He said while almost whisper the last sentence.

"What?" She asked softly before biting her piece of chocolate cake. She's not aware that her lips got chocolate stain that caught Hades' attention in an instant.

He almost loses his mind and can't take his eyes off of her lips, specially the way her lips moves.

"Hades what is it that you said?" Regina asked again thinking that it might be important.

"Hah? Uhm ah, nothing." He stuttered and shook his head, before the sound of camera shot audibly heard and when he looked around his eyes narrowed at his twin brother and Eros for taking a photo of him and Regina.

In an instant a chase happened around the living room and to everyone's amusement but Hades.

He didn't like it at all, so he keep cursing at them and shout of how he will kill them, slowly and painfully.

"Baby please help me, don't let Hady kill your Poly, please baby." Apollo pleaded while Eros went behind Diana and Luna as if from doing so, will save him from raging Hades.

"Sorellina, please we begged you." Eros said while looking at her with his puppy eyes. Fear started to eat him when he saw how deadly Hades was approaching him. Luna saw it, and because she love her brothers she asked her Mom to put her down so that she could stop her Hady.

"Hady! Please don't kill them." She said as her hands folded and looked at him with her killer puppy-dog-eyes.

Hades stopped abruptly on his track and looked intently at his baby sister for a while before he let out a deep sigh and scooped his sister up and pecked her cheeks.

"If that is your order my Royal Majesty, who am I to disobey it? You know how much I love you, right?" He cooed but send deadly daggers to his twin and Eros who were trying not to laugh.


Ares, Diony and Zeus couldn't stop themselves but shake their head and mumbled incoherent words that God knows what.

Diana was so surprised of how her little Luna, wrapped her brothers around her little fingers.

"Don't be surprised my Amore. You have no idea how they were so whipped towards our little Luna." Zeus told her enthusiastically, while Diana couldn't stop herself from smiling while listening and staring at her daughter who awarding her brother Hades a sweet kiss and peck on his lips for being such a 'good boy''.

"I love you too Hady." She replied earning an 'awww' from everyone.

That moment, Apollo and Eros have realized of how stupid they were. They were so jealous gazing at the two, who were giving each other sweet affection, for that Eros got an idea and quickly walk towards his siblings.

"Ok Sorellina, I think it's time for bed." He announced and looked at Diana for support.

"It's time for her to sleep." He stated before carefully taking his sister from Hades, who was narrowing his eyes on him.

Diana was getting bit tired and wants to call it a day, so she placed her hand on top of Zeus's hand and pressed it, enough for him to understand what she wants to imply.

"Alright, I think Rosy was correct, time for bed mia figlia." As Zeus caressed her cheek and look at Hades asking to understand.

"But, it's Christmas Dad!" Hades grumbled but his father explained that they need to wake up early tomorrow to have breakfast together. He added that she needs to open the other gifts that she received as she didn't finish everything tonight, as tonight isn't enough.

Hades had no choice but let out a long sigh and say goodnight to Luna.

"Goodnight my Love, don't let bedbugs bite." He reminds her before kissing his forehead.

Tonight, she's going to sleep at her father's room with her mother ofcourse.

Eros told his father that he will give her a bath at her own bathroom, while Diana smile at him for being so kind to his sister.

Meanwhile, everyone seems fine and totally enjoying the party, that Apollo starting to play some music that add more excitement to all.

Lucas who was a dancer on his teenage years grabbed Diony's hand and guide him towards the dancefloor. Everyone's eyes glint with astonishment as they started to dance because they moved so cute and adorable to each other.

Soon, when a soft music played, Ares asked Delilah's hand for a dance that she can't refuse because Ares was giving her a puppy eyes.

Hades was smirking towards his brothers for being such lovey dovey, thinking that he will never dance like that.

But what he never expected is, when Regina approached him and asked if they can dance.

"Come on Hades, it's not so bad." Regina remarks, while pulling Hades with all her power, but to no avail as he's so strong that he didn't even move, even an inch from where he stood.

"Please Hades? I- I mean I never went to my prom or any other party, and tonight will be my first time to dance with someone." She confessed while looking straight to his eyes.

Hades was stunned but didn't show it. Though he has some internal bottle about granting her wishes, in the end he let her win.

"May I ask why this was your first dance? I mean why you didn't attend your Prom because all girls would kill just to go on such special events." Hades stated while looking at her, hands on her waist as they moved their body.


"I didn't go to prom after I found out that my Dad arranged my marriage. I was so devastated that time that everything has no meaning, has no taste, has no value. My mind that time only focus on one thing and that is to run away, to be far away from him, to be free." She explained as their eyes were not breaking staring at each other. Hades tightened his grip to her waist because of anger towards his father, but then, he realized that if he didn't do that, he won't be able to meet her.

So in the end, he's mentally thanking her father for what he did.

"I'm sorry for asking about it, though I'm thankful, because if you didn't run away, I won't get a chance to meet you." He stated.

Regina's eyes grew bigger because of how vocal he is to her right now.

"Oh!" The only words that she managed to say.

He tried not to chuckle because she looks so cute until they realized that nobody was on the dancefloor, except the two them. That there's no more music playing in the air, and all eyes were fixed on them.

"The fvck!" He remarked angrily before guiding Regina out of the dance floor.

And because both of them were horrified, Hades asked her if she likes to come to his room.

Regina was hesitated at first, but because she knew him and trust him, she agreed.

"You have a nice and clean room." Regina states before her eyes scan around as if she's looking for something that would fill her interest.

"Have a seat. And if you're tired, you can lay on my bed." Hades told her as he open his huge flat screen TV and search for a nice movie.

Regina's eyes turned on the screen, that she didn't notice how his eyes were focus on her and not on the screen anymore.

"I think that film is nice." Regina commented as she turned her head to his direction.

"What?" He stupidly asked and to her confusion because he looked so tense.

"Hades are you alright?"

'Yes' he replied mentally but instead nod his head and give her the remote for her to take control over what to watch.

"Thanks, but are you going to just stand up there?" She asked with a frown, because she felt like he doesn't want to be near beside her knowing he's the one who asked her to come to his room.

Hades just shrugged and threw his body on the other side of the king's bed. And at that moment, he hoped that he stayed as a good boy as no girl ever lay or sleep on his bed except his baby sister.

"This movie is nice." Regina referring to the movie "the Notebook" which earned a groan from him.

He expects that she will choose some kind of action movie or suspense thriller, a horror movie would be fine but his dismayed, it's a romance that is really not his genre.

But he can't show his dismayed so instead he nods his head and enjoy the film.

Meanwhile, after Eros was done giving her a good bath, Luna asked if she can go to her Mommy and sleep.

"Yes, Daddy and Mommy are waiting for you. Let's go?" Eros replied.

Luna happily nod her head as he scooped her up and headed to his father's room.

Eros coaxed his sister to knock on the door and in just few seconds the door swung open, revealing the couple with wide smile on their faces. Eros then say goodnight to his baby sister before handed her to her mother.

"See you tomorrow Sorellina." Eros muttered before kissing her cheeks as well to his father and future step-mom.

"Night Dad, night Mom." Eros said until he realized what he just said.

"Uhm, is it okay to call you Mom?" Eros asked while hoping that it is okay with her. Eversince he was a kid, he never experienced to call someone a 'Mom' as he never got the chance to have one, specially if your birthmother is someone like Violeta.

And Diana, knew that.

"Ofcourse Eros, you can call me Mom and I am happy about it." She replied emotionally as she never expected that Eros would see her as a mother figure.

She asked him to come near so that she can give him a warm embrace and to his unfathomable happiness.

"Thank you Mom." He muttered again, as a single tear rolled down from his cheek. Luna was so happy seeing her Rosy called her Mommy as his Mom too. She wiped away his tears and kiss it to make him feel good.

"Sweet dreams Sorellina." He finally said before he closed their door and decided to come downstairs and enjoy the night.

His smile never falter that Apollo who was busy texting someone noticed him and asked why he's smiling like an idiot.

"Because" he simply said before asking him where his twin brother is.

"I am not sure but I think he's getting laid right now." Apollo replied casually, but their head jerked up as Hades appeared where they were and give his twin a head smack.

"Ouch, f*ck Hades I think I'm gonna lose my brain for smacking my head all the time. I am your twin so you should love me and not hurting me." He whined dramatically and Hades just rolled his eyes as reply.

"First, I'm not having s*x. She's sleeping and I'm not yet tired so I decided to come down here." He explained to make him stop assuming something that's not true, before pouring some red wine to his 'mega pint glass wine'

"And drink." He finished, before taking a sip on his glass.

But what he didn't notice is, his brothers were so shocked to his revelation.

"You mean you didn't make a move on her? Are you really Hades De Luca? Because it's quite unbelievable." Eros stated while supported by his twin.

"Believe whatever you want, but I'm not asnwering your stupid question. And by the way, it's none of your business, get a life and spare me." Hades snarky replied before taking his leave and walk to his brothers—- Ares and Diony, who were both busy, discussing about their Mafia.

Apollo was grinning while looking at his twin brother and happy that he's changing his self for good.

"What about you, got a new girl?" Eros asked while sipping his beer after Ares warned him to drink moderately as he's still minor, as he still not yet 18.

"Don't know, because after what happened to Luna, I think getting into relationship is not my priority right now." Apollo answered and took a long chug to his beer as Eros nod his head and thankful that his brother learned their lesson about woman.

The sun was shining brightly when the whole household decided to rise up off their beds, well except Luna who woke up early as usual. After she felt that her Mom needs more sleep, she decided to go back to her own room and do her business with her Orion in tow. She choose to wear a cute Red/green long sleeve dress with snow design and socks with face of santa Claus and reindeers, before she grabbed a red box inside her drawer that she's going to give to Diony. She was so excited to come down because she wants to know if Santa Claus visits and gave her gift last night.

"Come on Orion." She exclaimed and run as fast as she could knowing no one will gonna catch her as her brothers were still asleep.

As they reached the living room, her eyes filled with curiousity when no traces of party from last night appeared on her sight. It's very clean and just the huge Xmas tree with lots of gifts at the bottom. Excitement filled her heart when she saw that her Christmas stockings were full of candies and chocolates to her delights.

Orion started to whine and rolled over the floor, inidicating that he wants to go outside which she granted as she loves to go outside too.

But she can't go up to get her coat so she just grabbed the one on the couch knowing it belongs to one of her brothers, and by smell of it, she knows that it's Ari's coat.

She put it on quickly as she chuckled because it's really big to her but she has no other choice so she just zipped it up and headed outside with Orion on her side.

Meanwhile, Diana have noticed that her Luna was not on the bed anymore when her hand touched the empty space between her and Zeus. Worries were out of the picture thinking that Luna went to one of her brother's room, so she just get up very carefully to not wake up Zeus but to her disappointment as his hands immediately wrapped around her waist and told her to stay with him. She loves the way how he hugged her as she misses those days where he came to her house and spent time with her and to Luna.

"But I need to prepare breakfast for everyone." She said as she knows that all their helpers and even Mr. Hugo spent his time with his family. But Zeus brushed it off and ask for few minutes of cuddles, that turned into hours until sleep succumbs her again.

"Good morning." Zeus and Diana greeted.

"Good Morning." Everyone greets back in, but Eros stood up from his seat and gave his father and Diana a peck on their cheeks before asking where Luna is.

"But I thought she's with one of you." She replied before looking at Zeus who was stunned at the moment before his face turned cold and look at his sons.

"The fvck! I thought she slept in your room Dad!" Hades remarks with hint of worries and annoyance, knowing that his sister might been kidnapped. Regina who was sitting beside him, suddenly got tense because his immediate changed of emotions. She spent her night sleeping on his huge bed while Hades slept on a couch that led her to look at him positively.

"Language!" Ares told him coldly causing him to go silent but Regina pressed her hand softly on top of his hand to calm him down.

"What time did you notice that she's not on your bed?" Ares straightly asked Diana as he believes that Luna won't go anywhere.

"More than an hour ago." Diana replied as her eyes started to burst into tears and turned to Zeus, asking him to find their daughter.

But their ears perked up all of the sudden, when they heard a pitter-patter of tiny feet towards them and all theirs eyes were filled with relief when they saw their Luna and Orion both smiling at them and got some snow on their hair and fur.

"Merry Christmas to everyone! What's for breakfast?" She asked happily before taking off the huge coat and then handed it to Ares.

"Thank you Ari, it helps me a lot today!" She exclaimed before kissing his cheeks many times for which Ares couldn't comprehend what's happening until she went to her Mommy and Daddy to give them a kisses and hugs and then to her other brothers who were totally bewildered at the moment.

"And where have you been little lady?" Zeus asked in calm manner even he's a worried freak a while ago.

"Oh, I got up early because I want to check if Santa Claus came last night. I am sorry for coming downstairs by myself but you see nothing bad happen to me, no boo boo. —- Then Orion wants to explore so we went outside and play in the snow. And it's really really felt so good that I almost forgot the time." Luna stated in relaxing manner before something came to her mind and took it out from her pocket.

"This is for you Diony, Happy birthday and hope you like it. You were not here on your birthday but it doesn't mean that I forget you." She said before kissing him again. Diony's eyes were filled with tears because of her thoughtfulness and wrapped his arms around her while murmuring sweet nothings to her ears.

"I love you so much little one." Diony said before kissing her forehead.

"I love you too, open it!" She coaxed him and wait to see his reaction on her gift, huge excitement.

Diony tears off the red wrapper so fast that everyone stares at him in awe.

"Oh my! Wow! Thank you so much sweety, it's so beautiful and perfect." He exclaimed before looking at his fiancè and then to his brothers.

And because he's a future doctor, Luna decided to give him a penlight with his name engraved on it. Luna got a help from Ares when she told him that she likes to give him a present for his birthday.

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