《The Last Elturien》↢ Chapter Five ↣
↢ The Beguiling City ↣
The sun greets me with an unpleasant sting.
Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I push my heavy body out of the covers. A shiver runs across my exposed skin as I slide to the edge of the bed. The warmth of the past week had been a luxury, but luxuries never do stay, do they?
A snicker leaves me as I turn to find Karter, however, the place where he’d usually sit lay empty. My brow creases as I scratch at the scar on my neck. Where’d he run off to so early in the morning?
“C-cold!!” a shriek cuts my thoughts short as my feet touch the floorboards.
I retreat back to the edge. My eyes wander over the room for a moment before falling to the small parchment from yesterday. Warm tea and cake would make this morning better.
A smile gradually begins to form on my face as a new string of ideas begins to form. I should treat myself and Rosemary to a tea party, I’m sure she’d love that… I just hope her parents wouldn’t mind me using their kitchen.
Then with a single nod, I turn to my boots still lying across the room. I sigh at the inconvenience, and so I flick my wrist towards where they sat. Forcing a glow to spark my etchings. Creating a small wave of ice to hoist up and slide them towards my side.
And without another hindrance to stop me, I don my gear before leaving a single note on the desk. If he is to come back before I do, I don’t want to worry him.
Only a few people decide to glace at me as I make my way out from the inn. The road feels far more crowded than it had yesterday, or the day before that. Yet, I still push through the throng. Taking extra precautions to make certain that the cake wouldn’t get crushed in between the masses.
Do you think Rosemary would like honey-lavender tea? I question as turn down the alleyway leading to Arnold and Freya’s home. Would honey-lavender tea even go well with strawberry?
All I could hope for was that Rosemary would like the treat for learning so much in such a fast amount of time. Although there was still much I would want her to know, and so much yet to teach. Accomplishments should be rewarded.
I smile before grabbing the door’s knocker. It echoes throughout the alleyway for a moment, then silence.
My gaze slowly falls to the parchment in my hands as time lingers on. I didn’t sleep in too late… did I?
Without thinking, I walk out from the alley and see the sun just barely coating the roofs in its warm light. Though this only made my confusion worse.
And so I return to knock again, and just as before I wait in silence. Should I check the garden? Maybe Rosemary took them there to train early?
Yet before I can turn to leave, I can hear footsteps from just beyond the door. Then without a moment's hesitation, I take a step closer to the door and force myself to speak.
“I-It’s– El!”
I rub the scar on my neck as a grimace takes hold of me. A cough lies just under the old wound, yet even I know it wouldn’t move.
Then without warning the slit in the door slams open! I jolt in place before meeting the paled red eyes sitting just before it. They widen before the slit is closed and I can hear the lock click.
Although as soon as it opens, Freya grabs and pulls me within!
Though she immediately releases me, her stare still makes me rooted. Her face was solid, almost rock-like, but her eyes were wavering.
The breath in my lungs burns as I stare back at her. A part of me wants to bolt, to try and find an escape. And yet, I’m almost completely stuck under her gaze.
The muscles under her jerkin stiffen as she closes her eyes and takes a breath. Then without warning, she speaks.
“I need y’r help…”
Though it was more of a mumble than anything, it still manages to put a halt to my thoughts. And it took more than a moment for me to register what she had even stated.
“Do y’ know any casts that can locate?” she asks before pulling forth a small folded garment.
I nod before placing a hand over the cloth. Silence passes between us as she watches in wait for something to happen. Though after a moment, she looks up to me with a furrowed brow.
“Well?” As soon as the word slips, my arms vibrate their blue hue. “Oh…”
As the cast finishes, a white rune begins to flow across the cloth before I close my eyes to concentrate further. And as the rune grows and spreads, I begin to feel the pull.
The new connection flowing over my skin wafts into the air before snagging on something in the distance. And although it couldn’t be seen, I could feel the strengthening within the tether.
This is one of Rosemary’s dresses… isn’t it…
With a worried grin, I meet Freya’s eyes. “I-I… c-can l-ead.”
She nods within an instant, though before I can turn, she grabs my hand. “Wait! Take this with y’!”
She places a forearm length dagger within my emptied hand. Its leather grip felt oddly fitting to my own palm.
“It’s a gift f’r Rose… but as weapons ain’t allowed here, y’r in more of a need for it.”
I bow my head before setting down the parchment to attach the blade to the back of my belt. My cloak should be able to hide it enough… though I hope we won’t need it.
Then with one last nod of agreement, we set out. Following the pull that leads out from the alley and into the everso crowded streets. Our hurried footsteps are immediately drowned out by the rush of others. And yet worry forces me to not look back.
We just need to find her then return, simple as that… But what if I’m mistaken? What if this all isn’t as bad as I think? Am I… My mind halts as I come into a clearing.
Although the moment of peace is short-lived as I turn to Freya… However, this only makes my face fall.
No one was behind me.
Immediately I begin to fling my head back and forth, trying to find her in the congestion. And with what little height I could give myself, I still couldn’t peer over the wave.
I’d lost her in the crowd.
What am I to do now? Should I wait? Should I just continue? My hands stiffen at the thought. Do I just leave her behind?
“Hey… hey. Hey! Yellow eyes!” a shout pulls me from my mind.
A young man stood before me with a raised brow. And although his blue eyes and blond hair matched the rest of the people of this city, he appeared to stand above them.
He wore a silky off-white royal grab which was accented with purple detailing. And an elegant sword hung at his waist. Liberties of nobility, huh?
“Are y’ lookin’ f’r someone?” his voice was clean, seemingly, professionally toned to be clearly heard above the city’s noise.
My skin immediately springs to life as a sudden pull comes from him. My eyes widen at the realisation.
“Y-ou…” my voice speaks before I can catch it.
He tilts his head before his gaze lowers to the dagger my hand had fallen upon. A calm smile plasters over his face as he narrows his dim eyes.
“I wouldn’t ‘ere. Not in front of all ‘ese people.”
“W-where… is sh-e?” a growl erupts from my throat.
“Ah… so, y’re lookin’ f’r ‘er too?” His face lights up, almost a tad overdramatically.
I let a breath slip from me before reforming my posture. Then give him a small nod before he continues.
“Good, ‘at gives me another lead to work with. Now if y’ will, follow me,” he gestures as he finishes.
My nerves still hold tight as he guides me up a flight of smoothed stone steps leading up to a castle-like keep. And although the stairway wasn’t all too long, the building still manages to rest just high enough to overlook the city.
“My liege!” two guards salute before eyeing me down.
“She’s with me,” he responds with a forced grin.
“Of course, my lord,” they immediately turn away from us and pull open the doors to the keep.
“Come along now, we ‘ave quite a bit to discuss.” A glint in his eye shines as he ushers me to enter.
My eyes widen as I’m met with a luxurious marble and gold hall. The gilded white stone traces the edges and tall windows break what empty space lay upon the walls. Even the fabric rug underneath my feet looked refined as we make our way up a twinned curved staircase.
I’d only been in a few royal housings, but this was on another league. How could someone afford all this?
“Not too far now, we can ‘ave tea on the balcony while we talk,” he states, however, his voice still wasn’t enough to break the awe-inspiring silence.
And I could only nod in response as I stare at several stone sculptures. Paintings also hung along an otherwise blank wall, letting the light of the opposing windows emphasise them.
A creak of a door catches me off guard as a butler rushes to the lord’s side. They eye me for a moment before whispering into his ear. Yet, the lord only nods in response making both me and the butler peer at him with raised brows.
“Are y’ sure, sire?” the butler questions.
“And bring some prym tea to the balcony,” he speaks with calming grin flowing along each word.
“Right away, sire.” The butler bows once before departing.
The lord turns to meet my gaze while gesturing to a set of glass doors. “Now, shall we?”
I nod again before he opens them. A cool breeze brushes past as we walk onto the hanging balcony. The city glitters below me as I look over the railing.
It felt so full of life, yet looked so small.
“Come, take a seat.” Before I can even answer, he’d already pulled my seat. “My servants make an exquisite tea, ‘ey shouldn’t be too long now.”
I unclip and fold my cloak, placing it over my lap as I sit. The slick wooden back felt slightly cold as it presses against my thin clothes. I was hoping the winter had settled… seems the cold thought otherwise.
“So, I do ‘ave to ask… Why the mask?” his question makes a fragile grin form along my lips.
“I… I’d r-ather n-not s-ay…” I crinkly the creases in my cloak.
He nods a few times before deciding to speak, “adventurers ‘ave far more secrets ‘an can be, or should be shared. I understand.”
I give a weak nod before reforming my smile. The statement I’d given Karter earlier resurfaces in my head, am I being cautious or just shy?
“Y’r tea, sire,” the butler from earlier sets teacups in front of us before pouring.
“Th-thank y-ou,” I bow my head to the servant.
He only stares at me before giving a wary smile. My brows twitch slightly as he turns to leave before I look down at the tea. What is this feeling?
“Y’ know, I don’t ‘ink we’ve formally introduced ourselves to one ano’er?” his question puts a halt to my train of thought.
I shake my head before opening my mouth.
“My name’s, Henry, Henry Valdemar,” before the words could leave my mouth, he’d already decided on his response.
“El… M-my n-ame is El,” I quietly answer, already expecting what he’d ask next.
“Ah, ano’er secret I assume? No ma’er, ‘ere’s more important things to discuss.”
I stare at my cup while he speaks, unsure of what I should be saying.
“Do y’ not like tea? I can ‘ave some’in’ else made,” he questions before taking a sip of his own.
With a shake of my head, I pick up the small cup. How long has it been since I’ve had prym tea?
Its sweet aroma feels so familiar, yet something about it was new. Maybe how they cooked it? I’ve never had royal tea, so how am I to know?
I lift my mask just enough to take a sip, but not enough to show my face underneath. It’s sweet, sweeter than I remember.
“It’s good isn’t it?” a hint of laughter hung in his voice.
A dullness welted at the back of my head making me furrow my brows at the tea in my hands. And yet, I still chose to give an answer. A simple nod of agreement, as I didn’t know what was throwing off the taste, but didn’t want to offend a noble.
Though after a moment of silence, I look up from the tea. His stare was stern, almost like trying to dig into my skin. As if he couldn’t understand something from me.
Then his smile wavered, and a frown began to gradually take over.
“Ah, so y’r a witch, are y’?”
His words came suddenly, making my brain almost stumble over itself.
“Mmm, ‘at’ll make ‘is difficult…”
I raise an eyebrow before looking down at the tea. The thought of what he’d been trying to do was there, I just couldn’t make sense of it.
That’s when I realise my arms were alight. The blue was faint but enough to brighten the pale fabric. Then without hesitation, I drop the teacup and rise to my feet.
I yank the dagger from its sheath before lunging over the table! Slamming both him and me onto the balcony floor! The edge of the blade reaches the man’s throat before he can even react.
“Where… is… she?” a growl escapes me as I stare death into his eyes.
He only remains silent as if trying to find the right words to be able to escape the situation. Then a smirk runs creeps across his face. I furrow my brows while tightening my grip on him. However, before I can do anything else…
A pull flows over my skin before lurching me away from the so-called lord. And within an instant, I’m flung into the wall of the keep!
The air leaves me as I crumble. A wheeze grasps at me as I try to push myself from the floor. What the hell… was that?
The thought passes me before I look up to see another, more warrior-like, noble picking up the dagger. “Hmm, Henry, I thought y’ banned weapons, did y’ not?”
He rubs his throat before shooting a scowl at the warrior. “Shouldn’t y’ be finishin’ some’in’?”
My arms give before the man can retort, “nah, the let my tonic do its work. As f’r y’, shouldn…”
Everything after that word became muddled, blurred to the slow gnawing at the back of my head. And then before I knew it…
I was already gone.
↢ To be continued ↣
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